Higher Level Wife

Chapter 265: in distress


"Auntie, I will also study hard. No, I will practice martial arts hard. When the time comes, I will be both civil and martial with my brother. In that case, no one will dare to bully us." Jin Zhenyi also puffed up his little chest and shouted loudly road.

Although the death of the two kittens was really heartbreaking, Fu Qiuning was also very relieved to see the children's eyes suddenly becoming more determined than usual. Thinking of Jin Xiuzhen and Jin Zhenxuan, she sighed: "Second Miss and Brother Xuan didn't do this. You saw how sad they were just now. Don't blame them for this in the future." , you still have to be kind and gentle, do you understand?"

Jin Zhenyi was a little reluctant, but after thinking about it, what Fu Qiuning said made sense, so he had no choice but to agree with Jin Zangfeng and others, but he still felt depressed.

There was a little bit of news about this matter, because after dinner, it was a long day in summer, and the other official family members had nothing to do, so they all came over to Fu Qiuning. Firstly, they wanted to ask her if she had the latest battle report today, and secondly, I also want to find out some gossip.

After chatting for a while, the sky gradually became dark. Sisters Jin Zangjiao, Jin Xiunan and the maids had already set up the incense table and offerings in the backyard. Now seeing their mother entertaining guests and talking outside, they went to the backyard alone.

Seeing that the sky was already as dark as thick ink, and the lamp was turned on in the hall, Mrs. Bai Zhang smiled and said: "I accidentally delayed my wife so late. There is really no one at home now, and the night is long, so it is better to find something to say. "It's just that it's really time to say goodbye now. I'm afraid the sisters in our courtyard are also going to worship the moon."

When Fu Qiuning saw them getting up, he also got up and said with a smile: "No, girls care about this the most. In this case, I won't stay here in vain. If I don't have anything to do someday, I can come and sit down and talk together to pass the time. ." After saying that, the female family members all smiled and said yes, and walked out.

Fu Qiuning was seeing off each other from behind, and was asking Ms. Bai Zhang, who was lagging behind, how her son's illness was going. She was very relieved to hear Mrs. Bai Zhang say that she was healed. Just at this moment, I heard hurried footsteps outside, and the person seemed to be running very urgently. The ladies walking in front were blocked before they could stop. The person was running so fast that he almost ran away. Knocked someone down.

"Shi Hai? Why are you here? This is the backyard, what are you doing here at night?"

These were all officials' relatives, and they had seen the fast-moving yamen servants in the yamen on weekdays. Therefore, Wang, who was walking in the front, only took one look and recognized the person, and couldn't help but be very surprised.

Fu Qiuning was very surprised when he heard that it was a servant from the yamen who came. Logically speaking, if something happened, he should inform the boy at the front door. Why did he come here by himself? Suddenly, an ominous premonition flashed through her heart. Regardless of her identity, she quickly stepped out of the crowd and asked hurriedly: "But what happened to the Marquis?"

Shi Hai was very uneasy when he saw so many official family members. At this time, he knelt down and kowtowed, and said anxiously: "No, it is... Madams, go home quickly. There may be some Japanese pirates in the city. At this moment, The city guards are conducting a search under martial law in the city. Madam, girls and young men, please stay at home and not go out."

"Japanese pirates have entered the city? How many people are there? Do the officers and soldiers guarding the city have to work hard?" The term "Japanese pirates" immediately frightened the courage of several female family members. Everyone asked angrily, which only made Shi Hai sweating with anxiety. , explained: "One of those people actually dug a hole beside the city wall. Fortunately, the soldiers patrolling the city discovered it, but the hole was very small. I guess it was not a large group of Japanese pirates who entered the city, but only a few people. In short, as long as the ladies stay home and take precautions, nothing will happen to them. Our Quanzhou city is surrounded by martial law, and we will be able to find them sooner or later."

When it comes to this matter, no one can care about complaining to each other, not to mention that complaining is useless. Just as they were about to rush home, they suddenly heard several screams coming from the backyard. In an instant, Fu Qiuning's face turned pale.

"Who, who are you? Help..."

Several more shouts were heard one after another, the voices of Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zhenyi and others, and Fu Qiuning's heart sank suddenly. If she had held out hope just now, hoping that the children were just frightened by the mice that suddenly jumped out of nowhere, now, she knew very well that something must have happened.

"Shi Hai, go to the front yard immediately and ask all the guards and male servants to go to the back yard. Also, transfer all the existing yamen servants from the county government." Fu Qiuning gave a hurried order and came to the back yard. Mrs. Bai Zhang hesitated for a moment, then followed her and whispered: "I will go with my wife to take a look."

"No, go back and take care of your children." Fu Qiuning said without looking back, but Bai Zhang refused to leave and still followed her. After some hesitation, the other officials and their families were finally worried about their children and quickly left through the front door.

"Sister Zhang, I didn't mean to be polite just now. Go back quickly." Fu Qiuning was about to reach the backyard when she realized that Mrs. Bai and Zhang had been following her, but she heard her say firmly: "My brother is in our house, he fights and kicks With a little effort, he will take care of the children, and everything will be fine. Although my skills are not as good as my brother's, I can still do some tricks, and if... if the girl and my buddies are really in danger, I might be able to help. "

While talking, several people had already arrived at the back door, so Bai Zhang lowered her voice. But he heard several cat meows coming from the backyard, and Fu Qiuning immediately recognized that they were the meows of an old cat.

I couldn't help but quicken my pace at that moment. As soon as I walked out of the back door, I took advantage of the brilliance of the moon and saw the whole backyard scene clearly. Not far away from the children, two Japanese pirates dressed as ronin stood there holding scimitars. Fortunately, Jin Zhenyi, Jin Zangfeng, and Jin Zangjiao Jin Xiunan were all fine. The big civet cat was standing in front of them, hunched over, with its black and brown hair standing on end. From time to time he would "meow", and even if he didn't meow, his throat would still make a strange "gurgling" sound.

"Mother, mother." When they heard the footsteps, the children who were too frightened to move suddenly had a backbone. Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiunan were about to turn around and run towards Fu Qiuning when they heard Jin Zhenyi shout: "Don't move, be careful not to let these two guys take the opportunity to attack."

At such a tense moment, Fu Qiuning couldn't laugh at all. Otherwise, Jin Zhenyi's argument would be very ridiculous. It's not a confrontation between masters. Once one party moves, it gives the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it. These children, no matter how well prepared they were, could not deter the two Japanese pirates. The reason why they did not dare to act rashly in the face of these children was entirely because of this ferocious big civet cat.

Fu Qiuning held the children in her arms until she caught up, and her heart that was in her throat finally fell into her stomach. In an instant, tears welled up in her eyes, but she was choked and didn't know what to say.

The two Japanese pirates on the opposite side said a few words. Fu Qiuning didn't understand Japanese and didn't understand what they meant. He thought he was either going to retreat or attack. So he pushed the children behind him and said hurriedly: "Run quickly, go to the house. Wait for the guards and servants to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the two Japanese pirates holding scimitars and rushing over with a cry of "yaa". Soon after, the old cat suddenly jumped up high, drew a beautiful arc under the moonlight, and rushed towards one of the Japanese pirates. However, Bai Zhang was blocking Fu Qiuning's body at this time. , although she was unarmed, the moment the scimitar fell, she actually held the thin blade with both hands, and then kicked out like lightning, knocking the Japanese pirate to the ground immediately.

"Meow meow meow… "

Fu Qiuning was completely stunned by Bai Zhang's handsome and unrestrained movements. He didn't turn his eyes until he heard the cat meowing on the other side. I saw the Japanese pirate waving the scimitar in his hand desperately, but the big civet cat's figure was really flexible. It actually used the scimitar as a lever in mid-air, and it moved around with ease. It was clearly visible under the moonlight. There were already several deep blood marks on the Japanese pirate's face. Needless to say, this was the work of the big civet cat.

"ah… "

Suddenly, the Japanese pirate screamed and stretched out a hand to cover his eyes. Blood trickled down his fingers. Fu Qiuning took a breath of air. She just saw the big civet cat extending its claws towards the Japanese pirate's face again. The Japanese pirate might have been anxious, holding the knife in one hand and trying to grab the big bird in the air with the other hand. Who knew that the civet cat would gouge out one of his eyes before he could catch him, which shows how powerful that claw is.

This is not a cat, this is definitely not a cat.

Fu Qiuning was completely attracted by the battle between Lao Mao and the Japanese pirate. In her understanding, cats can certainly be fierce at times, but after all, they are not dogs, let alone some ferocious dogs such as black-backed Tibetan mastiffs. How can they fight on par with a human? Moreover, Japanese pirates are known to be ferocious. Although they are really short in stature, they are able to defend themselves. That old cat was able to fight to a draw on his own, how could he not shock Fu Qiuning.

"Grandma said a joke again, what is this if it's not a cat? Could it be a tiger?" As the battle between Bai Zhang and another Japanese pirate did not lose at all, the old cat gained the upper hand again, and everyone's initial nervousness had eased slightly, so listening When Fu Qiuning said something to himself, Qiu Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Can your cat fight as well as a Japanese pirate? If cats can do that, why would they keep officers and soldiers at an anti-Japanese guard station? We might as well keep thousands of cats in that guard station." Fu Qiuning looked at it. He glanced at Qiu Yu, and several of the maids nodded in agreement. Jin Zangjiao clapped her hands and jumped up and shouted: "Okay, scratch him, scratch him, the old cat is really powerful, come back and feed you fish."