Higher Level Wife

Chapter 266: The old cat shows off his power


This time, although Jin Fengju took most of the guards out to chase the Japanese pirates, he still left three or five in the house. His wife and children can't make any mistakes. Only when he is on the front line can he kill the enemy with all his heart, right? What's more, Jiang Wanying is in the house, which is also a destabilizing factor. It's really impossible not to leave two people to watch.

The guards that Jin Fengju brought over all traveled with him, not to mention their skill and loyalty. When I heard that something happened in the backyard, I immediately rushed to the backyard with my servants. When they saw that Fu Qiuning and the children were safe, the guards felt relieved. Otherwise, if something happened to the Marquis's wife and the young master and the girls, they would just wipe their necks and forget about it. Who would have the face to report such news to the young Marquis

With the two or three guards, Mrs. Bai and Zhang naturally retreated, but the old cat refused to let go. In the end, it bit half of the Japanese pirate's face and actually tore off a piece of flesh alive. The Japanese pirate was useless at that time. The guard went to clean it up and fainted from the pain.

"Tie up this Japanese pirate and lock him in the firewood shed first. Guard Liang, you will personally guard him. Don't let him escape. Wait for your master to come back and deal with it. As for this..." Fu Qiuning looked at the Japanese pirate with blood dripping on his face. Frowning, another guard named Fang Xin hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to report: "Back to Madam, that man's eyes were gouged out, half of his face was bitten off, and his throat was scratched several times deeply. It’s a big hole, and it looks like he won’t survive.”

In fact, if all efforts are made to treat the patient, he may not survive. Fu Qiuning naturally knows this truth. He is just a ferocious Japanese pirate, not a spy, and I hope to get information from him. He still needs Fermi food, so why keep him alive? In this regard, Fu Qiuning has no womanly kindness. The hands of these Japanese pirates are stained with the blood of many kind-hearted people. So she waved her hand and said calmly: "In that case, let's kill him and leave his body exposed on the street for three days, so that the people can see the fate of the Japanese pirate and give everyone some reassurance. This Japanese pirate is just a human being. He is not a god. Even a cat can defeat him, let alone a human being. Talking about this matter among the people will eliminate everyone's fear of Japanese pirates. I'm afraid if another fish that slips through the net comes to the city in the future, He is not so easy to get along with. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. For this person, in addition to kung fu, the way to win is often confidence and will."

After she said this, the servants were fine, but they were shocked that the usually kind and kind Grandma Ning actually had such a spicy side. But those guards are all well-informed. Naturally, I knew that Fu Qiuning's words were true. That Fang Xin was originally afraid of Mrs. Qiuning's kindness, so he specifically said that he could not survive. Now that I heard these words, I realized that I had underestimated the knowledge of Second Grandma Ning. Therefore, I am filled with admiration.

Bai Zhang was originally the daughter of an escort. Although she didn't focus on martial arts since she was a child, she only focused on knitting. However, he also learned some self-defense skills from his father and brother. Later, she got engaged to the Bai family, but unexpectedly, her ordinary fiancé turned out to be a high school scholar. Just when the family thought that the marriage would be ruined and waited for the man to come to break off the engagement, the Bai family actually married her into the house as promised. Although the husband has little net worth after marriage and life is tight, the couple is really very loving. She was so proud of her husband that she refused to practice kung fu for fear of being laughed at. Now, in the blink of an eye, I haven't moved my fists or kicks for several years. After a battle, although I didn't lose, I was still dripping with sweat. After listening to Fu Qiuning's words, he smiled and said: "Mrs. Zhenzhen, this is the right thing to do. How many people did these Japanese pirates kill? They are really full of evil. Even if they are allowed to die without a burial place, it is deserving."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Xin, who was going to tie up the Japanese pirates, suddenly heard a scream. Fu Qiuning and Bai Zhang were about to go back with a few children, but when they heard the scream, they couldn't help but stop and look back. Looking over, I saw Fang Xin walking over a few steps, but this time he did not kneel down, but bowed and said: "Madam, it turns out there is a Japanese pirate a few steps away, but he is already dead. I took a humble look just now and it seems that his throat is..." Was bitten off…”

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Zhenyi said loudly: "That's right, that's right. At first, we accompanied our sisters to worship the moon here, but unexpectedly, three people suddenly barged in. They probably didn't expect that there was someone in the backyard, and they were stunned. After a while, one of the people came over with a knife. As a result, the big civet cat jumped out from nowhere. We only saw it jump on the person. The person threw the knife and reached out to catch it, but there was no trace of it. After a few times, he fell to the ground motionless.”

Fang Xin felt chilled after hearing this, even though he had just seen the old cat's ability to scratch and bite through the unlucky Japanese pirate. But he never expected that this old cat could be so ferocious that a Japanese pirate bit it's throat without warning. Is this still a cat? It’s just a little leopard, right

Bai Zhang also suddenly realized: "Madam, when we came over just now, we saw two Japanese pirates standing not far away and did not dare to come over. It was probably because the previous Japanese pirate was bitten to death, which made them fearful. Otherwise, we would not say anything. These guards, even when we came here, the young master and the girls would have suffered as well."

Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "You are right." As she spoke, she looked at the old cat and saw it limping behind her. She quickly stopped and squatted down, the old cat and She was familiar with it and knew that it meant hugging her. He jumped forward and jumped into Fu Qiuning's arms.

"When the Japanese pirates swung their swords, they still hurt the old cat. There is a wound on the leg. Fortunately, it is not deep. Just go back and give some medicine to heal it for a while." Fu Qiuning gave the wound on the cat's leg to Bai Zhang. After looking at it, Mrs. Bai Zhang also nodded and said in wonder: "This is really a strange news. It is said that dogs are the most loyal and cats are cunning. Now look at it, this cat also repays his kindness. I heard that after Madam came here, Is this a litter of cats that I just raised? It’s less than a month old and it’s already so loyal. It’s rare that it can be so powerful.”

Fu Qiuning touched the silky fur of the big civet cat lovingly, while shaking his head and saying: "Domestic cats and wild cats are not so ferocious. I guessed that it might be a civet cat in the mountain forest, but I was surprised why it came to this city. Moreover, I heard that the civet cats in the mountains and forests can catch pheasants and other things, but I haven’t heard that they are so ferocious?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a male servant who followed everyone whispered: "Grandma will show this cat to Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao's father used to be a hunter and often saw civet cats. What grandma just said is right, even if It’s a mountain civet cat, and it doesn’t seem to be so ferocious.”

Fu Qiuning handed the big civet cat over, but when he heard a "meow", the hair on the civet cat's neck stood up. Fu Qiuning was afraid that it would hurt the servant, so he hurriedly took it over and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether it comes from another or not." It doesn’t matter, anyway, it saved a few children today, so it is a great hero.”

The servant smiled and said, "It's undoubtedly a mountain fox. Grandma only knows one thing but not the other. Although the mountain fox is used to preying on pheasants, hares, etc., if it becomes ferocious, even antelopes, deer, etc. will run away from it." Especially if the mountain fox is stimulated, for example..." After he said this, he couldn't go on. What he originally wanted to say was that the mountain fox was very ferocious during its estrus, but he had to dare to say this in front of the mistress. To say it would be to seek death, so Busan Na Na stopped talking and did not dare to speak anymore.

Fu Qiuning could probably guess something, so she didn't ask further questions. Seeing the curious expressions on the faces of Jin Zhenyi, Bai Zhang and others, she quickly said: "No, this old cat's two kittens died today. Can you not be irritated? No wonder you are so desperate tonight, it turns out that you are venting all your anger on those Japanese pirates."

Mrs. Bai Zhang hurriedly smiled and said: "So that's the case. It can be seen that there is God's will in the dark. If it weren't for the two dead kittens, this old cat might not have such a record. What a coincidence."

What is Fu Qiuning thinking? What a coincidence? It was obviously Jiang Wanying who harmed those two little guys. Thinking about this, I couldn't help but secretly move in my heart, wondering if Jiang Wanying had caused all this? Otherwise what a coincidence? She poisoned two kittens today. Naturally, Brother Xuan and the second girl were so sad that they naturally had no intention of worshiping the moon, so they stayed in the house, so they did not have to face this danger.

But after thinking about it carefully, I thought it was unlikely, so I shook my head and said to myself, don't rely on her for everything just because she is a traitor. She is now in this government office, and there is no reliable person around her. Where is there any channel for exchanging information? If he were in the capital, there might be room for communication with the prince, but that might not be the case here.

While thinking about it, he returned to the front hall. Because he really thanked Bai Zhang again, he ordered Jian Feng to send him off properly. Then he turned around and dismissed the servants. Those government officials did not expect that the battle would be over by the time they arrived. After waiting outside for a long time, they saw a few guards coming out. Each of them paid a sum of money, and he laughed and said: "It's just three Japanese pirates. Let's go." One cat killed two. Thank you for your hard work, brothers. This is what Mrs. Marquis gave to the brothers to drink. Naturally, I have to keep it to buy wine later. I don’t know how many Japanese pirates have entered the city. Be careful these days. These are always correct, right? There are people on patrol, right?"

The monthly salary of the government officials was only a piece of gold. Naturally, they were all happy when they saw the reward. They also heard that one cat killed two Japanese pirates, so they no longer had any fear of Japanese pirates. Among them, One of them patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir. The city guards have arranged for hundreds of people to patrol day and night. They will continue to search the city tomorrow. As long as there are Japanese pirates, we will ensure that no one escapes."