Higher Level Wife

Chapter 268: Motherhood


Here Fu Qiuning took out the silk and wiped Jin Xiuzhen's tears, and said warmly: "Do you see how tired your father is? If you continue to be so sad, he will feel bad when he sees you looking more haggard when he looks back. He still has many important things to do outside. Let’s do it. Don’t cry anymore. Although your flower ball is dead, sisters, don’t you still have Dian Dian and Mo Bao here?” Because several children were very interested in kittens, everyone named their own cats. In terms of name, only the old cat raised by Fu Qiuning did not receive this treatment. Everyone just barked "Old cat, big civet cat".

Jin Xiuzhen nodded and followed Fu Qiuning, Jin Zangfeng and others into the house. Fu Qiuning asked again: "Where is Brother Xuan? If he feels unhappy, the second girl will come and walk around with him. But boys always have to be more open-minded, so they won't feel uncomfortable just because of a cat, right?"

"My brother is also feeling uncomfortable. He has been more gloomy and silent these past two days than me. Even my mother is a little panicked. I know she was the one who caused the two kittens, so she has been very good to me and my brother these past two days. , It’s just that no matter how good she is to us, Hua Tuan and Jin Cuo will never come back. Anyway, I will remember this all my life..." After Jin Xiuzhen gritted her teeth, she remembered that she was talking about her mother. These words made Fu Qiuning When you hear it, don’t you like it? He bit his lip because he was busy and secretly glanced at Fu Qiuning. He was relieved when he saw that she didn't have any expression of gloating about his misfortune.

"Don't say such silly things, it's always your mother. She probably didn't know you would be so sad, otherwise, she wouldn't have attacked the flowers and brocades." Fu Qiuning sighed, but she I am not speaking for Jiang Wanying out of kindness, but I just think that the woman will soon be separated from the children, and maybe it will be forever, so I feel a little uncomfortable. Thinking about this last period of time, I let the two sisters Jin Xiuzhen and Mother should have a good time. Although Jiang Wanying was responsible for all of this, her fate was not unworthy of her own sympathy.

After hearing this, Jin Xiuzhen couldn't help but look at Fu Qiuning again, and then looked at Jin Zhenyi and Jin Xiunan, secretly thinking that no wonder even brother Zhenyi and sister Xiunan were subdued by her. Sure enough, she acted and spoke in a way that made people comfortable and tolerant. I can't help but want to get close. Seriously speaking, among the women of Daddy, she was the best. No wonder Daddy only liked her in the end. If I could choose, I would rather be her daughter than my mother who only forces me to practice piano and embroidery every day, forcing me to be better than my sisters. In fact, could that thing be forced out? I have never seen her force her eldest sister, but her current piano skills and female celebrities are not the best among us

While thinking about it, several children came into the room to see the kittens. It happened that the little ones were curled up together to sleep, just like a few hair balls crowded together, which was indescribably cute. Jin Xiuzhen touched the kitten's silky fur and couldn't help but murmured: "If the flowers and brocades were alive, they would probably be crowded here right now..." Before she could finish her words, tears rolled down her cheeks again. And fall.

Fu Qiuning felt sad when she heard this outside the door. She also heard Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiunan comforting her, so she quietly withdrew. Sitting in the hall, lost in thought, seeing the sky slowly getting darker, I suddenly heard a lazy laughter behind me: "Oh my God, I feel like I have come to life now. I can't even think about those days before." I don’t even dare to think about it, how could I be in the human world? I was clearly soaking in hell.”

Fu Qiuning stood up and turned around, and saw Jin Fengju wearing a white soft satin robe, with his hair disheveled, dripping with water, turning out from behind the screen and stretching.

"Have you eaten at noon? I saw that you came back in a hurry, and then you were in a hurry to interrogate the Japanese pirate. I'm afraid you didn't eat?" Fu Qiuning stepped forward to help him gather his hair, and then tied a hair in the middle. The hair tie was tied loosely, and he secretly laughed in his heart: He is still the handsome young man, but his face has been tanned like a dragon, and he doesn't even need to put on makeup to play the role of the young Bao Qingtian.

"I really haven't eaten before, but it's getting late, so we'll eat together in the evening. Yujie, go get two plates of snacks. That's right, I rented a house near the government office, and you and Guard Ling will live there first. , It doesn’t make sense for the young couple to come to the same place but have to sleep separately.”

Jin Feng raised a sentence that made Yu Jie's face turn red with embarrassment. She stamped her feet and said, "I went out for a trip. Why are you so talkative when you come back? I don't need you and grandma to worry about my affairs." After that, he ran away. After going out, Jin Fengju stared at her as she ran away, and said to Fu Qiuning: "Hey, I was kind-hearted, but she said that I didn't keep my mouth shut. Is this... is this justified?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh and said: "Don't listen to her. Look at her saying this, I don't know how happy I am." After saying this, she happened to see the window grilles walking past the door. She hurriedly stopped her and ordered: "You Go to each room and tell him that I am back, and we will all have dinner together tonight."

Window Flowers agreed and left. Here Fu Qiuning asked: "How? Have the Japanese pirates been found out? Are there any other Japanese pirates in the city?"

Jin Fengju's face became solemn, and he nodded and said: "We have been found out. In addition to these three, there are four more Japanese pirates lurking in the city. They are a small group that fled. They took the risk because they had nowhere to hide. , relying on the fact that there was someone inside who could dig holes, they wanted to go into the city to find a way to survive. Unexpectedly, these three people committed a crime at night for the first time, and they failed. Fortunately, they were too scared to act together, lest they Once they meet a government official, they will be caught in one fell swoop. If seven people really came together that day, the children would be in danger."

Fu Qiuning frowned and said: "There are still four Japanese pirates, which are four factors of instability. After all, there are still many unarmed people in the city. If they encounter one, wouldn't it be very dangerous? Isn't it said that the city is being searched? Why are we still here now? No one was found? I don’t believe it. Can those Japanese pirates still have wings and fly?"

"Quanzhou City is big or small, and there are always more than 100,000 people. This search is not easy. It is not under the emperor's feet. As long as the Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards are dispatched, criminals will not be able to escape?" said At this point, Jin Fengju also showed a deeply worried expression. Fu Qiuning thought that he had finally come back after many battles, so it was not appropriate to cause any more troubles, so he ignored the matter and only asked him about his actions in chasing Japanese pirates outside in the previous half month.

Sure enough, when he mentioned this, Jin Fengju immediately lit up and started talking to Fu Qiuning. He was very eloquent, and when he talked about dangerous situations, they were so dangerous that Fu Qiuning's heart rose to his throat. At this time Cui, Yuelan and even Jiang Wanying also came over, and they all listened with rapt attention.

"Grandma, dinner is ready. Can it be placed in the dining room?"

Just as he was talking happily, he saw Jian Feng walking in. Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Put it on. I am as hungry as a wolf descending from the mountain. I ate the two plates of snacks in one go with just tea. I have never seen him eat in such a graceless manner."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "You didn't see that when I was trapped in the early years, then the reinforcements arrived, and the meal I had was really called Feng Juan Can Yun."

Fu Qiuning thought about the time when he ate snake meat in the past. Jin Fengju seemed to have mentioned that when he was trapped, he even ate mice. It can be seen that this extremely wealthy young prince has not experienced hardships. When she saw Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiunan pulling Jin Xiuzhen out, she smiled and said, "The second girl was sad all afternoon because her kitten died. She finally managed to coax her back to sleep and she also had something to eat with us." Let's do it." As she said that, she looked at Jiang Wanying. It wasn't that she meant to hurt her in front of her, but that she really couldn't agree with her as a mother. She actually poisoned a kitten raised by a pair of children because she didn't like cats. Damn this approach. I say it now because I hope that Jiang Wanying can reflect on it and truly love and respect these two children during this last period of time. Of course, she also knew that such painstaking efforts would most likely be regarded as stupid, but Fu Qiuning didn't take it to heart. With her current status, there was no need to worry about other people's opinions. When she was in a low status before, , she has never been troubled.

Jin Fengju saw that the circles under his second daughter's eyes were still red, so he smiled and touched her head, and said warmly: "Don't be sad. When the Japanese pirates are over, daddy will take you to Dongfan Island. There are many people there." There are fruits and seabirds, and there are also rabbits on the island. If you like, just catch two and keep them. The fur of rabbits is no worse than that of cats."

Jin Xiuzhen didn't feel anything after hearing this, but Jin Zhenyi jumped up and said happily: "Dad, are you telling the truth? That's great. I will also catch two rabbits and raise them." Before he could say anything else, After that, Jin Feng hit him on the head and snorted coldly: "You raise rabbits? When you raise them to the end, if they look fat and strong, I'm sure they will be roasted and eaten."

Everyone laughed at the words. Seeing that the maids had already put the dishes and rice on the table, Fu Qiuning arranged to sit down at the table. Jiang Wanying then smiled and said: "Is it considered that I have returned in triumph today? How come you are so silent?" I was originally waiting for the soldiers to enter the city in glory, so I went to the city gate to see my master in all his glory."

When it comes to scheming and acting skills, Jin Fengju is not inferior to this cousin at all. I knew in my heart that she was a traitor, but when I heard her speak, I felt bored for no reason, but didn't show it at all on my face, and said with a smile: "What's so majestic and beautiful? Do you think it's so easy to kill Japanese pirates? Anti-Japanese soldiers Hundreds of people lost their lives. What's more, although this group of Japanese pirates has been eliminated, there are more than a few thousand Japanese pirates at sea. This time they suffered a big loss. With the ferocity of the Japanese pirates, they must avenge this. Wait, and It’s time to make a grand landing.”