Higher Level Wife

Chapter 271: infer


The so-called scholar dies for a confidant. Most of the officials in Quanzhou Prefecture are good people. Although they are not good at doing business, they are capable officials in the local area. It's just that for many years, they have been working quietly here, and no one has ever praised them in front of them. Even if they have, it is just perfunctory. All political achievements are on the head of the prefect, and the names of their subordinate officials have not even appeared. He has no qualifications for memorials.

Therefore, when hearing Jin Fengju praise them so heartily, how could these officials and junior officials not be excited? He immediately regarded Jin Fengju as his confidant, and felt that this young marquis was really outstanding, no wonder he was favored by the emperor. Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about his sincerity in treating others, and with his respect as a prince, how many people can do it? None of the previous prefects, governors, and commanders had a title, and their official position was not necessarily higher than that of Jin Fengju's imperial envoy. However, all of them were full of official accents. How could there be such an approachable person as the young marquis? He actually said such humble words as "You can't regard yourself as the Marquis, and you can't regard me as the Marquis."

Because everyone was sighing, they heard Jin Fengju sigh again: "I am proud, but I feel sad for you all. It is not easy to be an official in Quanzhou City. I heard from my wife that since I moved out of the government office, these people among you A few of you who are still considered to be Shangguan officials have not been able to find a good house to stay in. My wife also inquired about it, only to find out that all your salaries are used to help the people. This is because you are honest and kind, but it is a pity. Quanzhou City is right on the seaside, and every time the Japanese pirates landed, it was mainly here, so that the people in this city turned into a bottomless pit. But now the Holy Sage and the Crown Prince are determined to quell the Japanese pirates. This time we have won a victory Victory, the Japanese pirates will invade again one day, and it is time to wipe out the Japanese pirates in one go, avenge our people's military humiliation, and enhance our country's prestige. By then, Quanzhou City will be at peace, and I think the people will no longer need a few adults to help their pockets. Only in this way, everyone Only then can we and the common people live a good life, don’t you think?”

"Your Majesty is right. We do not lack the determination and passion to wipe out the Japanese pirates. What we are afraid of is that the court has not made up this determination and made this preparation. Now, with the help of your Majesty's power, the Japanese pirates have suffered an unprecedented setback. This is to restore peace to our coast. It's a good time, and I'm willing to be your servant, building bridges and paving the way for you."

"That's right, even though we are civil servants, we are not afraid of Japanese pirates..."

"Sir, next time you fight against Japanese pirates, please take me with you. There is no mountain, forest or island along the coast that I am not familiar with..."

Jin Fengju's words ignited the blood and emotions of all officials. He was also moved in his heart, nodded, and said slowly: "Don't worry, everyone, the Japanese pirates will definitely come back within a month, and I will need to rely on you all. Today's Holy Master has a grand plan. He has already decided on the strategy of opening up the sea. As long as the Japanese pirates Once the disaster is over, Quanzhou can be used as a port and a shipping department can be established. By then, trade with overseas countries will be unprecedentedly prosperous. The reason why I tell you this is to make you cherish yourselves, and you must be fearless against the enemy on the battlefield. , but you can’t go crazy in your blood. If you lose your life in vain, you won’t be able to see the prosperity of the future.”

Everyone's eyes lit up when he said this. There had been rumors among officials about the establishment of a sea ban, but there had never been any accurate belief. When Jin Fengju said it clearly, how could he not make everyone's hearts flutter? After hearing his last words, everyone couldn't help laughing again.

After returning from the front hall, Fu Qiuning asked about the situation of the Japanese pirates who had been killed. When Jin Fengju said it, she was stunned and said with a smile: "Although I had this idea that day, I ordered people to expose the corpses of those Japanese pirates. But I didn't expect that the effect would be so significant. It's good that this city is no longer a place where the two or three Japanese pirates can hide."

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Yes, everyone is a soldier. Isn't this the most terrifying thing? I'm afraid those two Japanese pirates will rack their brains to think of how to get out of the city now. But now there are sentries every five steps under the city wall. They I’m afraid it won’t be so easy if I try to do it again.”

Thinking of this, he sat on the couch and waved the maids out. Then he looked at Fu Qiuning and said, "Qiu Ning, do you think this incident has anything to do with Wanying? These Japanese pirates really came early this year. Some. And..." He pondered for a moment, then whispered: "The number of Japanese pirates this time is not large, but most of them are people from Daning Dynasty. I have often heard in the past that there are people from Daning pretending to be The Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted, but I always felt that there were so many such heartless people, but I didn't expect that this time I really learned a lot."

Fu Qiuning was also taken aback and lost his voice: "Is there such a thing?" After thinking about it, he nodded: "Yes, the nine sons of a dragon are different, let alone humans? In the face of huge interests, there will indeed be desperadoes. Taking risks. But after thinking about it, I think it has nothing to do with Second Grandma Wan. Please think about it, she fell ill after coming to this government office, but where did she get the news? What's more, what news is there? Can it be passed on?"

Jin Fengju's eyes became colder and colder, and he shook his head and said: "Qiu Ning, you have been living in peace with the world for six years, but you are still a little weak in this fighting style. Have you forgotten that those few official family members were forced to move out of the government office? thing?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help being surprised, then frowned and thought for a while, and murmured: "Yes, the person behind the incident must have had bad intentions. He wanted to lose his support and make it difficult for him to move forward alone. This is true, but it is It’s not necessarily Grandma Wan’s idea, and it has nothing to do with the Japanese pirates, right?”

Jin Fengju sneered and said: "Have you forgotten? When we were going to open other courtyards that day, how did she object? With such a fierce attitude, if I hadn't said that there was a house outside and let them live in it, I'm afraid there would be nothing we could do To convince them. If we talk about channels, then isn’t the person behind the scenes who secretly signaled the generals to force the officials to move out of the Yamen very close at hand? What’s more, the population of the Yamen is so mixed. If there are several informants to contact them, is it still difficult? ?”

"What I said makes sense. But, what does it have to do with the Japanese pirates?" Fu Qiuning really couldn't figure it out, secretly thinking that the prince would not collude with the Japanese pirates no matter what, right

Just when he thought of this, he heard Jin Fengju snort coldly: "I understand, you must be thinking that the prince will not collude with the Japanese pirates no matter what. However, in the face of interests, how can there be any enemies and friends? What's more, there are not many Japanese pirates this time , but many people from the Ning Dynasty pretended to be Japanese pirates. Since the prince sent me to such a place, he made up his mind not to let me go back alive. In this case, how could he not buy power here? If he wants me to die, naturally It would be better to die in the hands of Japanese pirates."

When he said this, he sat next to Fu Qiuning and said seriously: "Of course, there is no evidence for these, and I am just inferring. Qiu Ning, we can assume that the purpose of sending me here is to make me die." At the hands of the Japanese pirates, but he also understands my abilities, how can he restrict me in everything? Naturally, he is at odds with his subordinate officials. That’s why the officials’ family members were forced to move away from the government office. Wanying is probably aware of this, But they didn't expect that you would know the truth the next day and bring back the officials' family members. Wanying tried her best to stop it, so she had to reveal the news. In this way, you can't alienate me and the government. Official, the only thing I can do is to make a dangerous move and get a large group of Japanese pirates to come over before I can gain a firm foothold. Didn’t the prince verbally give me a name to resist the Japanese pirates? He hopes that I will take over my duties and cause trouble. Regarding the resentment of the officers and soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Guard Station, it might be best if they could die in front of the battle. But he probably didn't expect that the emperor actually issued an explicit decree to appoint me as the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Guard, and these Japanese pirates also returned in vain. As the saying goes, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation, and that’s probably true.”

Fu Qiuning thought seriously for a while, nodded and said: "My inference is not unreasonable. However, the capital is far away from here, and these few things happened one after another. They must not be the orders of the prince. I am afraid there is a person sitting here. These orders are He adapts to circumstances.”

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "Of course, you can't think of all the prince's men as idiots. But now that person shouldn't do anything anymore, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Fu Qiuning was a little curious, secretly wondering how could Jin Fengju be so confident? Unexpectedly, my nose was scratched by my husband. I heard him chuckle and say: "You, you, you are so smart. I was so confused for a moment. When the autumn wind blows, aren't the real Japanese pirates coming? A ready-made blade like this is perfect for killing me. They Why bother with it anymore?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "If this is really the case, they have a good idea. I'm just afraid that the knife may not be as sharp as they imagined." She has traveled from modern times, so she naturally understands the characteristics of the Japanese. That is: when we are weak, we are strong; when we are strong, we are weak. They can bully and squeeze weak people, but when faced with strong people, they become dogs with their tail between their legs. And Jin Fengju was obviously not the weak general they had faced in previous years. Now that the emperor has made up his mind to impose a sea ban, how can he allow these worries to exist along the coast? Otherwise, the old man would not agree to send his favorite generals when the emperor is on his own expedition, right? Perhaps from the beginning, the old man figured out his son's routine, and every link was part of his plan.

Thinking of this, Fu Qiuning couldn't help but shudder, and secretly thought that if this was really the case, then this emperor would be too powerful, and he would be the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang.

"Qiuning, you are right. If you want to borrow a knife to kill someone, you have to see what kind of knife it is and what kind of person it is." Jin Fengju smiled proudly. Fu Qiuning loved his confident look. He looked at Shenfei with countless prides. . Yin Xing stared hard for a moment before smiling and saying, "But don't be too proud, lest you underestimate the enemy next time you face off against those vicious Japanese pirates."