Higher Level Wife

Chapter 272: Plan in mind


Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, there's just one thing. You said earlier that you wanted to find a husband for the children. It's been almost a month and there's no sign of the husband. What do you want to do?"

Jin Fengju touched his chin and said: "I always feel that we may not stay here long. My eldest brother is now in Yangzhou, which is already a prosperous place with the most wealth in the world. Could it be that the old man can still do this leisurely job of pacifying the Japanese pirates and establishing a sea ban?" Give it to me? What's more, the previous edict made me the commander-in-chief of the anti-Japanese war. This is obviously to favor me. Based on all the previous events, the position of the prince is not very secure. Once the situation in Beijing changes, can the emperor not transfer me? go back?"

After he said this, he walked a few steps on the ground, then raised his head and said to Fu Qiuning: "Let's do this for the time being. There is no need to ask a teacher or anything. Qiu Ning, you are also known as a talented woman. You can teach them a few children." Come on, if we really want to live here for a long time in the future, it won’t be too late to hire a husband for them.”

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "That's what I mean." After saying that, Jin Fengju looked over again, his expression even more solemn. She couldn't help but become confused, and said quickly: "What else do you want to entrust to me? Let's talk about it first. Yes, I will never throw that old cat away. Really, you came to Quanzhou, where did you have a day of leisure? Now I am lucky to have this old cat to relieve my boredom, so don't try to deal with it. "

Jin Fengju was filled with guilt and didn't know how to express what was in his heart. Unexpectedly, Fu Qiuning came up with such a trick. He couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said: "You think too badly of me, it's just a cat. I can't tolerate it, not to mention it saved the child." "You guys, you are accompanying your good wife to relieve your boredom. You can say that you are taking the greatest credit. Am I stupid? I will use it to make you and the little ones angry?"

"What's that? I see you are hesitant to say it." Fu Qiuning glanced at Jin Fengju, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She knew that some people are afraid of things for no reason, just like Jin Fengju is afraid of cats. , lest the other party would kick the old cat out on the grounds of a man's face. Now that he knew it was not for this, he naturally felt relieved and thought that no matter what his lover said, he would agree to him. It is really rare to overcome the fear of so many years for myself.

However, Jin Feng raised his head to the window and looked at the door. Seeing that there was indeed no one around, he walked to Fu Qiuning and said in a low voice: "What I mean is that while Xiuzhen and Zhenxuan are talking to their mother, Dissatisfied, please help me win them over. Their mother is like that, and she will never be able to gain a foothold in this house in the future, but Zhenxuan and Xiuzhen are my biological children. I... I don't want them to treat their biological children. Mother has too deep feelings and will resent us in the future."

Fu Qiuning never expected that Jin Fengju would say such words. She looked up at him and saw that his face was cold and there was no emotion in his eyes. He obviously hated Jiang Wanying extremely. But then I thought about it, this coldness in Jin Fengju was actually extremely normal. Then he sighed and said: "You know I will never win over people's hearts with false feelings. In short, when the second girl and Brother Xuan are here with me, I will treat them just like I treat the third girl Feng'er Jiaoer and Zhanyi. As for the The relationship between them and their mother, please forgive me, mother and son are connected. This matter is always heartbreaking, but although Brother Xuan and Miss Er are more scheming, they can understand this when they grow up. You should be able to understand the stakes involved."

Jin Fengju sighed dejectedly, nodded and said, "It seems that's the only way it can be." After saying that, Fu Qiuning sighed: "Take your time, time will always dilute everything. This matter was originally Mistress Wan's fault. Yes, it doesn’t mean that you have to divorce her just because you have a new love. Brother Xuan and the second girl will definitely understand your feelings gradually. "

Jin Fengju nodded silently, held Fu Qiuning's hand and said: "Qiuning, I... really don't know what to say. From the day you and I were together, there were always countless things and troubles, and I entrusted them all to you. To put it nicely, this is called trust. But I know it is really difficult for you to bring several children who are not your biological children. What is even more rare is that you educate them so well. I am grateful to you, but more What I feel is guilt. What I can give you is so limited, but what you have paid for me is so much..."

"Don't say such things between husband and wife." Fu Qiuning gently covered Jin Fengju's mouth, smiled and said: "Although I haven't been a mother yet, but with Feng'er Jiao'er, that means she and I Just like my biological children, it is a huge difficulty for others to watch me send brother Yi and Miss San here, but I know in my heart that although it is difficult, I really like my children. What's more, I didn't pay anything, Third Miss and Brother Yi are still bleeding from me, and they are sensible and reasonable, so they are so clever and clever today. Don’t think too much about it and drive away the Japanese pirates so that we can live peacefully.”

"Okay, Qiu Ning, just wait for me. When one day, everything is settled, I will follow Fan Li's example and retire, take you and the children to travel in the mountains and rivers, give you a lifetime of freedom, and never let you be like you are now. It's so tiring." Jin Fengju held his beloved wife's hand tightly and said seriously.

"Okay, I'll wait for this day." Fu Qiuning said with a smile. In her heart, she didn't take Jin Fengju's words seriously. Would she like to imitate Fan Li and retire? How can it be that easy? That would be enough if the prince succeeds to the throne. This can be regarded as a retreat. But if Prince Rong succeeds to the throne and his lover wants to be free in the mountains and forests, it may not be that easy. He is the emperor's brother-in-law, no better than those highly accomplished advisers and generals, not to mention that Prince Rong has many places to rely on him. Once it is said that he will accompany his wife to travel around the mountains and rivers, then Prince Rong will not hate himself to death

But what Fu Qiuning didn't expect was that she didn't take her words seriously, but Jin Fengju took them seriously. So many ridiculous things happened in the end.


As Jin Fengju said, when the autumn wind blows, the Japanese pirates attack in large numbers from the coast. Because of the "heavy losses" last time, these wolf-like Japanese pirates feel that their majesty has been challenged, and when their majesty is challenged, it means that their survival is at stake. was challenged. Four of the Japanese pirates who sneaked into Quanzhou City were beaten to death, and the remaining three did not escape. On a dark and windy night, when they tried to escape by jumping over the city wall, they were stopped by soldiers and police officers patrolling the streets. After catching them, Jin Fengju did not beat them to death with sticks and expose their corpses in the street. Instead, they were tortured and their heads were hung on the city gate for half a month.

Under this situation, the Japanese pirates felt chilly in their hearts. Isn't the reason why they are able to slaughter villages and burn villages and gain huge harvests every time they go ashore is because the people on the shore are as fearful as tigers? Often when the Japanese pirates arrived, the common people's legs would weaken first, and they would be killed as if they were chopping melons and vegetables, but even when death was imminent, they would not know how to resist desperately.

But Jinfeng raised his hand and told everyone that Japanese pirates are not ghosts and gods, but also humans. As long as we work together, we can kill them. As a result, the common people rose up to resist. Even if their combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the Japanese pirates, after all, this was the territory of the Ning Dynasty, and the number of common people was still large. Even if the Japanese pirates can win in the end, they will probably have to pay a heavy price. The common people may not understand this, but the Japanese pirates are aware of it.

Therefore, the Japanese pirates were desperately preparing to establish their power from the beginning. However, they did not expect that the anti-Japanese actions in previous years, which could not be called false stories but were not very active, were vigorous this time. Not only were the officers and soldiers of the anti-Japanese guard station as brave as heavenly soldiers and generals, but also the local people, when the Japanese pirates landed, At that time, several villages often gathered together and hid all their valuables. Once they were encountered, they would resist fiercely and use fireworks to warn people everywhere. Jin Fengju even ordered the fireworks craftsmen to make black fireworks for this purpose. In order to set off the fireworks in broad daylight, as soon as the fireworks appear, the nearest officers and soldiers will quickly reinforce them.

As a result, the Japanese pirates were full of ambitions and screamed ashore, but within a few days they were beaten to the point where they were beaten up by the officers, soldiers and civilians, and howled miserably. When the people really unite and cooperate with the officers and soldiers to fight the Japanese pirates, in Jin Fengju's words, it is the authentic beating of dogs behind closed doors. Can they be as good as the Japanese pirates

But it didn't come without a price. Jin Fengju hasn't been home for more than a month. Including some officials in the prefect's yamen, they all followed him on the battlefields of fighting against the Japanese in various places. Fortunately, good news spread frequently from everywhere, so those officials and family members who had family members on the battlefield could feel relieved.

It was a crisp autumn day and the sun was scorching. It was a rare sunny day in the south this season. So Fu Qiuning gave the children a day off in the morning so that they could play in the yard, but they were not allowed to go out.

She was watching the children running around and playing with the cats on the porch, and she couldn't help but feel happy. Suddenly he heard Yu Jie calling out from behind him: "Second Grandma Wan". Fu Qiuning turned around quickly and saw Jiang Wanying looking at the children with a complicated expression. Seeing her look over, the other party smiled lightly and said softly: "Brother Xuan Er and Xiuzhen really like those beasts, they have never smiled like this in front of me in more than a month."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Yes, how can children not like such furry animals?"

Jiang Wanying sneered and said: "No? I never liked these things when I was a child. What's the fun in being dirty? It also makes the house dirty. Even I didn't like these things the most back then. It’s just a matter of things, but my sister’s charm is so great that she actually changed all his habits.”

Fu Qiuning knew that Jiang Wanying's current thoughts were extreme, so she said calmly: "I haven't changed my mind yet, I'm just enduring it."