Higher Level Wife

Chapter 275: Grilled seafood


"Brother Xuan is the youngest, so I need to keep an eye on him." Fu Qiuning leaned close to Jin Fengju and whispered, but her husband snorted and said quietly: "Only now do you know how to be afraid? I wonder who allowed the children to be so lawless. , now you are in their hearts, and it only makes me feel uncomfortable in my throat."

"Don't I also hope that my children will be as versatile as me in both civil and military affairs in the future? You don't know a good heart." Fu Qiuning replied with a slight smile, but his eyes were fixed on Jin Zhenxuan. I saw that although he climbed slower, he was steady. After half an hour, I climbed onto the big coconut tree. After reaching out and picking two coconuts, Xu finally felt timid, and his body started to sway. Then he lost his grip on one and fell down with a cry.

The coconut trees are very tall, and although there is a soft beach below, it would not be a joke if a child fell down. Fortunately, Jin Fengju was well prepared. Although he didn't have any extraordinary lightness skills, it was more than enough to fly into the air and pick up a child. Seeing Jin Zhenxuan fall on his head, she flew up, picked up her son in mid-air, and then landed gracefully.

Jin Zhenxuan's heart was beating nervously as he hugged his father's neck and put his head on Jin Fengju's shoulder. He has spent a lot of time with his mother since he was a child. His father is busy all year round and cannot get close to him easily. Even if he does meet, he is more strict than kind and not kind. Therefore, in his heart, his father's status is still inferior to that of his mother.

However, at this moment, he was curled up in his father's arms, thinking that when he was most frightened, it was his father who held him in his arms and landed him steadily. The chest was so warm, reliable and reassuring, so the image of Jin Fengju's father was in his heart. In an instant, it became extremely bright and tall.

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Jin Fengju patted his son on the back, then put him on the ground, touched his head and smiled: "Honestly, were you scared when he fell? "

Jin Zhenxuan nodded, and then glanced at Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhenyi, seeing only concern and no ridicule on their faces. He then said, "Just now... I didn't feel scared when I first climbed up. But then I looked down and saw that this tree was bare. It didn't have branches like the apricot and poplar trees. I looked at it so high. Just... I was a little dizzy, so I accidentally fell down."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Brother Xuan, this is very good. How old are you? When your eldest brother was your age, he couldn't climb trees as well as you. Okay, okay, there are some coconut trees over there, sir. , you tell the guards, if they want to eat, they can crawl over and pick a few. The boys also walked back, oh, everyone is carrying such a big bag in their hands, it seems that the harvest is really not good. There are not many, but I don’t know what kind of seafood they have.”

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "No matter what, it is always something edible, right? And the seafood tastes the most delicious. I guess if it is grilled and eaten, there is no need to add any seasoning. Yes, Yang Ming, how many do you want to find? Personally, let’s set up a few barbecue stoves here. Let’s grill seafood later.”

The guards had never heard that this seafood could be grilled and eaten, and they all found it novel at the moment. They all started working together, and in just half an hour, the stove was set up, and some even used the iron wire and silver charcoal they brought with them. Take it out and everything is ready. And here Fu Qiuning opened the bags in the hands of the boys one by one, and gained a lot.

"Grandma, these women are all picking up razor clams, clams, etc. They say there are several boats a mile away with fresh sea fish on board. Xiao Wu'er and Qian'er went there to buy fish and will be back later. The slaves have already told them to buy more. Even if they come back with a hundred catties, they won’t be afraid of not being able to eat.” The boy Fu Qiuning sent out earlier came to Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning and explained respectfully. Fu Qiuning nodded and said with a smile: "You're right, you can eat two hundred pounds. Okay, you also have a stall. Go prepare it yourself. When the two little monkeys come back, we will start baking."

After a while, the boy who went to buy sea fish also ran back. At this time, more than a dozen pots and stoves had been set up under the coconut trees on the beach. The guards were all experienced at doing this. The weather was hot and the fire was lit quickly. , Jinfengju Fu Qiuning, Yuelan Cui and several children were sitting around in the shade of the tree. The fire was burned and the barbed wire was placed on the stove. Jin Ming and a few boys came over and wanted to do something, but Fu Qiuning said: "No need, let us do it by ourselves. Eating is fun. You can also find a stove to bake it yourself."

Since Fu Qiuning was going to grill seafood, Jin Fengju had no reason not to accompany him. In this case, Cui Yuelan and the children also stood up. When they went to the stove, they saw that the fresh fish and razor clams had been placed on the ground. Son, no one has ever seen this kind of grilled seafood, so they all watched eagerly to see what Fu Qiuning did.

"It's very simple. You all know how to grill fish, right? These razor clams and clams are even simpler." Fu Qiuning didn't care about his compassion at the moment. He placed the razor clams and clams on the wire fence. After a while, , the clam opened its mouth as it was roasted, and the white tender meat inside was also browned.

So he picked up the clam meat with iron pliers, blew it in his mouth, and handed it to the youngest Jin Xiufen. She was still a little timid, so Cui took it, blew on it, peeled off the meat and put it into her daughter's mouth. Seeing that she only chewed it twice, she smiled and arched her eyebrows, and shouted happily: "It's delicious, it's delicious. Auntie’s roast is so delicious.”

At this time, other razor clams and clams also opened their mouths. They all used iron pliers to pick up the clams and peel them off, and ate them themselves. Compared to the cooked seafood, they really had a different flavor. In an instant, all the clams Fu Qiuning scattered on the barbed wire fence were eaten clean.

Fu Qiuning himself picked up a razor clam and peeled it off to eat. The razor clam meat was very tender and the mouthful was full of burnt aroma. She nodded while eating, secretly thinking that the sea was very clean in ancient times, and even the seafood tasted particularly good. The most important thing is how come the razor clams and clams here are so clean? There was no trace of sediment at all. When I bought these things in modern times, I kept them in a basin for a day until they had vomited all the mud and sand before they could eat them.

"Come on, Qiuning, try this."

Suddenly Jin Fengju handed over another big thing, but it was not a razor clam. Fu Qiuning had never seen this kind of thing in modern times. It was also a kind of shellfish. It looked a bit like a river mussel, but its shell was much crisper and thinner than that of a river mussel. There is a pile of fresh meat inside. When you pull it out, the head is very chewy shellfish, and the bottom is a big belly, just like an oyster, but much more delicious than an oyster. (This is a unique shellfish that existed in the sea circle when Lihua was in her hometown in the early years. I still don’t know the scientific name, and I haven’t eaten it for more than 20 years, but it is very delicious and I miss it to this day.)

"What is this?" Fu Qiuning didn't know its name, so he had to ask Jin Fengju. Jin Fengju didn't even raise his head, just stared at the grilled fish in his hand, and said, "I don't know what it is. The boy said that people here also Most people call it a razor clam, but to me it looks a bit like a sea clam, except that the shell is thinner and crispier. In short, this is not for learning, just eat it, no matter what it is?"

What he said made everyone laugh. Fu Qiuning ate two more clams, looked up and around, and saw people gathered in front of the stove under a long row of coconut trees. Everyone was eating enthusiastically, and there were constant cheers. She sighed and thought to herself, how nice would it be if she could live such a carefree life forever? Well, it will be soon. Although the gloom in the sky has not dissipated yet, there will always be a time when the clouds will clear and the moon will shine.

Jin Fengju had grilled a fish here, and tore a piece of fish meat himself. After making sure that it was cooked, seeing that his children were all eating happily, he handed the fish to Jin Zangjiao next to him and said, "Eat it with your brother, just Don't eat too much, or it will spoil your stomach." After saying that, he turned to Fu Qiuning and said, "Why are you dazing there? Such a big stove is not enough for you to bake? Come on, help grill the fish too. .”

Mrs. Cui smiled beside her and said, "Didn't you bring some seasonings? Why did you get some oil? You should have brought all those seasonings. It will definitely be more delicious." After saying that, Fu Qiuning laughed and said, "Those seasonings are for barbecue." It is not used for grilled seafood, but the flavor of the seafood itself is obscured by the seasoning. Therefore, this razor clam is best eaten like this. Just use a little oil for the fish. If you like spicy food, add more Some chili sauce will be enough."

Jin Fengju couldn't help but laugh and said: "Did you hear that? This means that we all know her, otherwise we would really think that the chef from Big Brother's hotel came to teach her on the spot." After saying this, everyone laughed again, but Fu Qiuning was not restrained, Luo Luo said generously: "It's natural. I'm a foodie, and I specialize in these delicacies. Don't talk about it now, just talk about when I was at Wanfengxuan. Ask Feng'er Jiao'er, those dishes made with wild vegetables How does the zygote taste? Don’t you also like the shepherd’s purse zygote yourself?”

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Don't tell me, it's true. What you said reminds me of that taste. I haven't had this for a long time. No, you have to make another meal when you go back." After saying this, Fu Qiuning heard He smiled and said: "Then we have to wait until next spring and use the shepherd's purse that has just emerged. That is the tenderest and most delicious time. Where can we eat the shepherd's purse now?" As he said this, he looked at the heat of the grilled fish, but Seeing Jin Zangjiao peeling off the meat of a big razor clam and bringing it to his mouth, Fu Qiuning didn't want to eat it at first, but when he saw the expectant look in his daughter's eyes, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, so he took it and ate it. The taste was naturally even more delicious.