Higher Level Wife

Chapter 278: People's hearts


"I suffered a disaster for no reason. I came here to Quanzhou. Within half a year, I became so loved by the people." Suddenly he heard Jiang Wanying's voice ringing beside him. Fu Qiuning turned his head and heard the woman murmur: "Sister Do you know? These people should be here to see me off. Tsk, tsk, if a man takes this seriously, then he will not be in vain."

Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "I am certainly enjoying great glory at the moment, but as my wife and children, aren't we honored? From this point of view, God gave you and me as women, and we are able to marry a seven-foot man like me who is upright and upright. It’s not a waste of time for us to be human beings, isn’t it right, sister?”

Jiang Wanying choked and clenched her hands tightly into fists in her sleeves. Fu Qiuning's words were like a sledgehammer, hitting her heart hard. Thinking that she had completely abandoned that man long ago, and that whatever glory he had, actually no longer belonged to her, she felt sad in her heart, even with a hint of regret.

But this trace of regret could not make her sober. She turned her eyes to Fu Qiuning. Jiang Wanying's eyes hidden under the hat and gauze were full of resentment and resentment: It was all this woman. If it weren't for her... If it weren't for her, she would break into her cousin's house. In life, even if I care about my father, I will never do things to this point. The reason why I am in this dilemma today is all because of her. It was she who made her cousin change his heart, and it was she who took away his father. This woman is to blame for everything her cousin gives her.

Jiang Wanying, who was caught in a rage, did not think about it at all: Fu Qiuning entered the gate of the Hou Mansion as the official wife that day, but was ignored by her husband and the large family, and then stayed away from Wanfengxuan for five years. And humiliation? She had never thought about how she would live if she was in that situation. Is it possible to be like Qiu Ning and deal with it indifferently, which finally attracted all Jin Fengju's attention and attention.

Just as the two of them were silently concentrating on their own thoughts, they suddenly saw Jin Fengju taking a few steps and actually boarded the plywood of the building ship. Then his unique magnetic voice resounded throughout the world:

"Folks! I, Jin Fengju, am really unworthy of the kindness of my folks. I think I was just lucky. With the unanimous support of the soldiers, I was able to achieve what I have today, and the Japanese pirates have disappeared. This is not the result of one person, Jin Fengju." It is the result of the concerted efforts of the anti-Japanese guards along the coast, our officers and soldiers in Quanzhou City, and the people. Many people even paid the price of their lives for this day. Their heroes are not far away, so how can I dare to speak out and take credit for it? ? I took office as the prefect of Quanzhou that day. However, after being an official for half a year, my time in the government office was only a handful. I didn’t even have time to do anything for the villagers, and now I have to return to Beijing. Facing you Fengju really deserves this deep friendship. Please go back, everyone! One day, we are destined, maybe I, Jin Fengju, will have the opportunity to visit Quanzhou again. By then, I will have a good time with the folks over wine. You won’t come home until you’re drunk.”

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and Fu Qiuning saw many people silently wiping their tears. While she was emotionally affected, she also felt strange in her heart. She secretly thought that Jin Fengju did not return to Beijing to punish his crimes, but was promoted to a high-ranking official. He is also the young marquis. Is this what everyone is doing? The officials here are also very good, and they are no worse than that guy in terms of people's livelihood. So it wasn't because he had been exploited for a long time that he was heartbroken when a good official finally came and then left. Strange, why are these people so excited

Because she had not experienced it personally, she did not understand the fear and powerlessness of these coastal people towards Japanese pirates. For many years, every late summer and early autumn is the beginning of a year's nightmare. The people are as anxious as mice. Even if the local officials are good and honest officials, once the Japanese pirates invade, it will be a life-threatening danger. How can this not be done? Make them sad

However, Jin Fengju came, and under his leadership, the coastal officers and soldiers completely eradicated the Japanese pirates who had been causing trouble for more than ten years. How could this not make the people grateful? Everyone had admired the reputation of this young marquis for a long time, and now they thought that he had become the prefect of Quanzhou. The people admired him and were indescribably happy. Unexpectedly, once the news came, Mr. Jin Xiaohou was about to leave Quanzhou and return to Beijing to report on his work. At this time, the people were naturally in a state of panic. Under the surging public sentiment, more than a dozen of the largest gentry and wealthy households in Quanzhou City discussed and spent one night to make a Wanmin Umbrella. In just three days, it was made More than 30,000 people signed their names on the umbrella, which is why today's spectacular send-off was possible.

Although Jin Fengju's words were brief, in order for everyone to hear them, the young Marquis used all his mediocre inner strength. Now that he had finished shouting, he felt the blood surge in his chest, and he quickly adjusted his breathing. He saw two squires also boarding the boat, pleading with him to accept the Ten Thousand People Umbrella. Jin Fengju refused to resign at first, but in the end he could not withstand the overwhelming public opinion, so he had to accept it, and said goodbye to the people. When Fu Qiuning and others got on the boat, he stood on the bow and watched the dock gradually go away. , but thousands of people were still standing still. Even the young Marquis, who always boasted that his heart was as strong as iron, could not help but feel wet at this time.

"Sir, it's windy on the sea. Be careful of catching the wind. It's better to go back to the cabin. The people and the dock are no longer visible." Fu Qiuning came behind Jin Fengju and persuaded her softly. Then her hand was held tightly by her husband. .

"Qiu Ning, tell me, the people's requirements are so simple. As long as their lives are not threatened, they have enough to eat, and they don't have to suffer from the cold in winter, they are grateful. They are so small and even humble, but look at them gathered together. That kind of light, that kind of huge cohesion, can't be compared to me, a young prince who has received the emperor's favor? Tell me, what credit do I have? How can I be so sincerely grateful and loved by them? "

Jin Feng held his wife's hand, and the tears that fell were blown away by the wind. But I heard Fu Qiuning say gently: "The common people are the simplest. I just led the soldiers to eliminate the Japanese pirates and made them grateful. Although the people's hearts are like the sea, their fate is ultimately determined by the emperor and people like me." In the hands of high-ranking officials. It is said that people who are free from chaos are not as good as peace dogs. If I feel that I am worthy of my feelings for them, and will be with the emperor in the future, I will fight for their interests and speak out for the people. "

Jin Fengju turned to look at Fu Qiuning, suddenly smiled slightly, put his arm around her shoulders, and said softly: "Is it because Qiu Ning once had a humble status and was bullied, so she understands the hardships of these ordinary people? If it were Wanying, she would never say no. You said such a thing. Don't say anything about her. In addition to the old lady, I am afraid that even the wife, the second wife, and sister Yanfang look down on these low-status people. Alas! She should be let go They also come to see today's scene, and I'm afraid they will be a little shocked when the time comes, thinking about who provides them with their daily food, clothing, and entertainment."

Fu Qiuning looked at Jin Fengju with bright eyes, and said happily: "With the dignity of a Marquis, I can say such words, which shows that the Wanmin Umbrella given to you by the people of Quanzhou is not a loss." After saying this, she leaned against her gently. Jin Feng raised his shoulders, closed his eyes, and felt the strong sea breeze blowing through his and Jin Fengju's hair. He said silently in his heart: Fengju, do you know? It is the luckiest and happiest thing in my life that I can travel here and be your wife.

Because I was in a hurry, I didn't rest when I entered the canal from the sea. Fortunately, Jiang Wanying seemed to have been too seasick last time, but this time she had immunity and was not bedridden. The children were still full of energy. Fortunately, the old cat was watching over them and not allowing them to go to the deck. In addition, the children had several half-grown kittens as companions, so they felt much more at ease. Please note that in late autumn, it gets colder as you go north. If you fall into the water, it won’t be fun.

On this day, they abandoned the boat and landed. On the pier, there were already several housekeepers and women from the Jin Mansion looking at them. When Jin Fengju, Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and others got off the boat, everyone swarmed over to help pick up things. The disciples gathered around Fu Qiuning and Jiang Wanying, talking all over the place: "I received the letter a few days ago, and the whole house had no good sleep. The servants were busy cleaning everywhere. The old lady and the madam almost saw through their eyes. Yesterday, I heard someone reported that the ship would arrive today. No, the old lady and my wife got up early in the morning and waited at the door with my second wife, Miss Yanfang. I'm afraid they haven't entered the house yet. Woolen cloth."

After hearing this, Fu Qiuning and others couldn't help but feel anxious. They all said, "What's wrong with this? The old lady and the madam are old, and they are in such a solar term. What's the point of playing if they catch a cold?" Put the belongings in the carriage, and leave the rest to the servants to pack up. Jin Ming is here to take care of it. Then Jin Fengju, Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and several children got on the carriage and went straight to the Duke's Mansion.

All the way to the Duke's Mansion, they got off the carriage. They knew that the old lady might be waiting at the door, so they hurried to the backyard without taking a sedan chair. Sure enough, they saw Wu Yangyang standing at the door of Kangshou Yuan. There are dozens of people. Jin Fengju walked a few steps, and when he was still more than ten steps away from the old lady, Mrs. Jun Jiang, he rushed forward, knelt down, and said loudly: "Grandma, how dare your grandson be greeted here by grandma? Grandma, please come with your mother and the second wife." Moving into the house, Rong Fengju then paid his respects.

When Mrs. Jin saw her grandson, her face was filled with tears. Mrs. Jiang couldn't hold back her tears, but she still advised her gently: "Old lady, let's go into the house. Seeing that their whole family has returned safely, I feel so happy." You can let it go, just like Feng Ju said, there is no reason for an elder to greet a junior like him at the door, so I have no choice but to break him."

Mrs. Jin nodded and glanced at her most proud grandson a few more times. Then she looked at Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and several children who were kneeling behind him. The old lady was both pleased and had mixed feelings. She was waiting in Luocui. After serving, he went back to the house. Here Jin Fengju saw everyone entering the main room, stood up, and then helped Fu Qiuning and Jiang Wanying, sighing: "What a pity for the hearts of parents in the world! Seeing my ancestors and my wife caring about me like that, I... I really feel that I am unfilial, Such a big person, let them worry about me."