Higher Level Wife

Chapter 279: Return home


When they came to the main hall, the maids and wives had already brought futons to them. Jin Fengju, Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and the children all knelt down to pay their respects to Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang. The old lady asked her grandson to sit next to her, and after caressing her for a while, she said lovingly: "Your father is still waiting for you in the study, so go ahead. Please note that when you go to Quanzhou, your mother and I are not the only ones you are worried about. Even if dad doesn’t say it, he is still concerned in his heart.”

"Yes." Jin Fengju responded respectfully, and said goodbye to Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Fang and others one by one, and then walked out of the door to the study. Suddenly there were only a bunch of women left in the room, and Mrs. Jin asked Fu Qiuning and Jiang Wanying what they had experienced along the way. Fu Qiuning saw Jiang Wanying's witty words, and she felt relaxed and happy, just sitting aside and drinking tea.

Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang heard that the people of Quanzhou came to see Jin Fengju off when he was about to leave, and they couldn't help but be very happy. He could be loved by so many people, and his family's faces were also brightened, so they quickly ordered to bring the Wanmin Umbrella. , the family looked at it carefully, and then put it away properly. The old lady said: "In terms of gold and silver value, this thing is indeed not expensive, but in terms of its origin and significance, all the treasures in our family combined, It's not as good as a corner of it." He ordered people to keep it well and keep it for future family inheritance, so that future generations will know that there was such an ancestor who won the hearts of the people and had such glory.

After sitting like this for a while, Mrs. Jin finally spoke: "Okay, okay, you are tired from traveling all the way. Now go back and have a good rest. Besides, I went to Quanzhou that day and I didn't know how long I would stay. I have brought a lot of things here, and now that I am back, why don’t I find a time to put them in place? My old lady is relieved to know that you have returned safely, and you don’t have to wait here anymore, so please go back."

So Fu Qiuning, Jiang Wanying and others said goodbye and left. Returning to Wanfengxuan here, I saw that Jin Fengju had returned and was directing his servants to arrange the boxes and cabinets brought back from Quanzhou.

Seeing Fu Qiuning coming back, Jin Fengju smiled and said, "I thought you wanted to sit at the old lady's place for a while longer, why did you come back at this time?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "My ancestors felt sorry for me and said it was a hard journey, so he let us go. Why did I come back so early? Didn't I ask more questions?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "What are you asking? Dad knows that I can't tell him the dangerous things on the anti-Japanese battlefield. If I just pick out some nice things to say, how can he not know that they are all comforting words? Fortunately, now It's good that we returned safely. Dad knows that this result is enough. Yes, where are the Wanmin umbrellas? I just saw that they were not in these boxes and cages. I also said that I would show them to Dad and my second uncle. That’s what they value most.”

Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "Go and ask for it from the old lady. Earlier, Grandma Wan Er told me about the scene of seeing off thousands of people at the Quanzhou Pier. The old lady and my wife's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they hurriedly asked for the Wanmin Umbrella. Let’s go and see it, the old lady said that it should be kept as a family heirloom.”

Jin Fengju laughed and said, "Why are your eyes shining? Well, the old lady and my wife asked you to say that you turned into a wolf. Don't say this again, otherwise you will have to gossip." After saying this, he suddenly heard the little maid outside. A voice sounded: "Huh? Why are the fourth girls here? Don't you need to take care of Aunt Huo?" Then the door curtain was raised, and Jin Xiuru walked in.

The little girl first paid homage to Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning, then smiled happily and said: "My mother's illness has been cured. She just thought that her father and aunt were tired, so she sent me to say hello and said that she would not come to bother you today and would come back tomorrow. Come and sit. Madam, I heard that you brought some cats back. Is it true? Where are they? I want to go and take a look too."

Fu Qiuning thought to herself, I said Aunt Huo couldn't come by herself, so why did she send her daughter here? It turned out that she was attracted by this cat. So he said: "The cat is in your brother and sister's room. You can go over there. It happens that the second and fifth girls and Brother Xuan are also there. Now that you are here, we are all here."

When Jin Xiuru quickly ran away to the back hall, Fu Qiuning couldn't help laughing and said: "The children are so pitiful, because their father is afraid of cats, and he doesn't dare to raise them even if he likes them. Look, now that there are cats, one by one You look happy, Master, don’t you feel guilty?”

Jin Fengju rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth in a low voice: "Why should I feel guilty? Because I'm afraid of cats. For so many years, even the old lady didn't have a cat, but you just broke this rule. You didn't tell me if you did. He raised several cats as soon as he raised them, and that old cat was not a domestic cat or a wild cat, but a mountain civet. Oh my God..." When he said this, he suddenly slapped his forehead and stood up, and said in shock: "Qiu Ning , you... can you control that old cat? Don't let it come to the house, it will be a bird that flies into the forest like a fish in water, and then kills those cranes and pheasants. "

When he said this, Fu Qiuning also remembered, and quickly stood up and said: "Oh, I forgot, there are four golden pheasants in this courtyard. Where are the old cats? Jian Feng, Qiu Yu, look for the old cats quickly, don't let them It brought disaster to four golden pheasants."

As soon as Fu Qiuning spoke, the Fengya Building suddenly became chaotic. More than twenty maids and women, including Jin Ming who had just come to find Jin Fengju, were looking for the old cat in the front and back yards. I just searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Fortunately, the four golden pheasants and two cranes were all good. Therefore, it can be concluded that the old cat came to your place for the first time. He was probably anxious to familiarize himself with the situation and had not had time to move his claws to commit the crime.

Everyone was busy all afternoon, and finally the old cat walked out leisurely under the collapse of the bedroom. Looking at the graceful figure of the other party, and then looking at the messy appearance of himself and others with their clothes and hair disheveled, Fu Qiuning felt that there was a trace of blood on his forehead. After lining up the black lines, he looked at his husband, who was also staring at the old cat, as if he wanted to skin him immediately and put him in a pot to stew.

The old cat was very understanding of human nature, so Fu Qiuning picked it up and gave it some serious advice. The old cat seemed a little unhappy when he heard that he was not allowed to harm the golden pheasants and cranes in the yard, and twitched his ears. But when he heard that he could catch any bird in the garden, he hummed in comfort.

Jin Fengju was deeply surprised to see that the old cat was so smart and clever. He quickly stepped forward and solemnly warned: "Also, you are not allowed to catch the birds in the cages on the corridor..." Before he could finish, he heard the old cat "Meow" "Woo!" With a sound, Fu Qiuning stretched out her claws from Fu Qiuning's arms and clawed at his face. This frightened the little Marquis so much that he took several steps back and almost didn't sit on the ground. He couldn't help but said angrily: "This beast, he claims to be psychic, but he doesn't know who is in charge of this family. Wait...wait for me. One day, I will teach you that I am your master, and I am better than you." Master Qiuning is even more powerful. You have to listen to me so that you can have a bright future and have no worries about food and drink... "

Fu Qiuning laughed out loud at what she said. She put the old cat on the bed and touched the smooth fur a few times. Then she smiled and said, "I wonder if the old lady likes cats? If so, I will take her there tomorrow." , tell them interesting things about this old cat."

Jin Fengju snorted and said: "They all like it. I'm just afraid that after everyone knows that this cat killed the brave savior of the Japanese pirates, they will love it even more. Look, it has stopped letting me go." In your eyes, if you really win the favor of the old lady, you won’t be able to trample me under your feet?”

"Look at what you said, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. Is it possible that your status as a dignified young prince is tied to the hands of a cat? Okay, we've been tired all the way, let's go to bed early tonight , you have just returned to the capital, why don't you go to the homes of some distinguished nobles tomorrow to say hello? Besides, the burden given to you by the emperor is not light. You will take office immediately. By then, I don't know how many serious things have to be sorted out, and you will be tired. You’re exhausted.”

"No matter how tired I am, there is always a solution. I am still young and can afford to be tired. As long as I can change my life to a prosperous family and have a leisurely life in my old age, it will be worth it. Qiu Ning, you will also go to the palace tomorrow to see me When I met the Queen Mother, she really wanted to keep you here, and I’m afraid my heart is itching just thinking about that new drama these days.”

While the couple was talking, they heard the little maid outside saying that hot water was ready, so they each took a bath and changed into homely clothes. They didn't have any thoughts that night, they just chatted and went to sleep.

The next day Fu Qiuning went into the palace to see the Queen Mother. Sure enough, the Queen Mother said that she missed her so much that her heart ached, but in fact she just wanted to listen to the new Huangmei Opera. When Fu Qiuning left that day, she had just rehearsed the performance of The Lady Consort. Now the old queen had listened to dozens of performances of The Fairy Match and The Lady Consort, and her ears were calloused. She finally looked forward to Fu Qiuning's return.

Because in front of all the concubines, he smiled at Fu Qiuning and said: "Thank you for coming back now, otherwise the Ai family would have wanted to force the prince to issue an order to transfer you back alone. But I thought again. , you young couple have a deep love for each other. If you leave your husband in Quanzhou and ask you to come back and rehearse a new play for me, I'm afraid you will definitely scold me as an old woman who beats mandarin ducks. Alas! I have never been criticized like this in my life. , don’t let people bear grudges when they grow old, so I just endure it... "

As the old queen spoke, the concubines below snickered, and Fu Qiuning also felt a little embarrassed. He lowered his head and said with a smile: "The Queen Mother didn't say it earlier, the young Marquis is the most sensible and filial man. If he knew that the Queen Mother was so eager to see through it, I'm afraid he would have sent me back. He would have said: Wife, let's not argue with each other. I only ask you to go back to rehearse for those rewards, can the Queen Mother use people in vain?"