Higher Level Wife

Chapter 282: The truth comes to light


"You... what did you say? What happened to Shui'er?"

Fu Qiuning was just lazily cooperating with Aunt Huo to carry out the scene. Anyway, the ending was already determined. The reason for being perfunctory now is to avoid alerting the enemy. Jiang Wanying is not a stupid woman after all. But she never expected that she would hear such news: Shui'er was murdered and silenced. How could she not help being shocked and angry

When Aunt Huo saw that Fu Qiuning, who had always been calm and composed, finally showed such a frightened and angry expression, she thought that she had disrupted her position, so she couldn't help but feel even more proud. At this time, she already had an illusion: it seemed that she would be able to feel proud and proud soon. He completely trampled under his feet the woman Wan Er's wife, Aunt Xu and even his wife had tried their best to defeat.

"Grandma, why do you have to be so pretentious? Shui'er left Fengya Building and died at home the next day. Isn't this murder and silence? But grandma was afraid and didn't expect that she met me before returning home and was very angry with me. After a lot of complaining, this information was known to me, so even if you kill people and silence them, it will be of no use. Now grandma, don’t fight with me. As long as you can bring out a pair of coral stone earrings, these Just think of it as my words."

"Do you think you said it in vain? A human life is only exchanged for your flimsy word 'saying it in vain'. How can there be such a cheap thing in this world?"

Fu Qiuning stood up suddenly. The anger in her heart was completely aroused by Shui'er's death. Her eyes were burning with extremely angry flames. She approached Aunt Huo step by step and said in a deep voice: "Yes, one piece of the coral stone earring has been missing." Just, I think it was taken away by Shui'er. You must say that I am a slanderer, which is okay. Now I just ask you, how come it is such a coincidence? Even if Shui'er told you that one of the coral stone earrings is missing, How could you think that I had done something secret and lost it? How could you conclude that it was under the bookshelf? So yesterday, you pestered me to clean the bookshelf and swept out this incriminating evidence? Huo Xiangmian, It is said that no book can be written without coincidence? But this series of yours is too coincidental, right? And the clues were found within two or three days. Even if Bao Qingtian was still alive, there would not be the sweetheart of my sister who could solve the case so quickly. "

"This...this is because God cannot tolerate you harming me and us in the house, so that's why I discovered it."

Aunt Huo was so flustered by Fu Qiuning's words that she just lost the battle. Now that she had all the evidence and everything, and Shui'er had no evidence, she thought she would win this round.

"Are you thinking that Shui'er is dead and the evidence is in your hands, so you are not afraid of me overturning the case?" Fu Qiuning sneered, reached out and took the earring from Jin Fengju's hand, looked at it carefully for a few times, and then murmured He murmured: "Do you know why I locked this pair of earrings in the box? It's not because it's expensive, but because... I'm sensitive when I wear this thing. Yu Jie and Jian Feng are afraid that the little girl doesn't know. If I put it on, I will suffer the consequences.”

As Fu Qiuning spoke, he put the coral stone earrings on his ears, but Jin Feng grabbed his wrist and heard him say in a deep voice: "That's enough Qiu Ning, the matter is already clear, there is no need to wear it. You have to suffer again for nothing.”

But Fu Qiuning seemed not to hear his words, and finally put the ear needle through the eye of her ear, and the red coral stone was close to her earlobe, and the red coral stone was really beautiful.

Mrs. Jiang, Jiang Wanying and others looked at her nervously, but Jin Fengju looked at his lover sadly. He knew that Fu Qiuning was kind-hearted, and when he heard that Shui'er had been silenced, he felt so sad that he did such a move. In order to be convincing, it is better to say that it is a self-abuse behavior under her grief.

In Jin Fengju's heart, he didn't feel any pity for the little maid. He has already investigated and found out that the maid was greedy for money and was not forced to become a mole. Even if he is silenced, it is not an injustice. Therefore, he grabbed Fu Qiuning's hand and whispered: "Qiu Ning, Shui'er is not forced. Don't think that if you don't drive her out of the house, she won't die. With her temperament, she won't die." , The Duke's Mansion will never keep her, otherwise it will be a big disaster in the future, so her death has nothing to do with you. Quick, take this thing off, you can see her skin is red.

Fu Qiuning is very sensitive to coral stones. In just a short time, his entire ears turned red, and his skin was dotted with small pimples, and the redness and small pimples were spreading to his face.

No more words are needed, just this one ear is enough to explain everything. Aunt Huo's eyes slowly turned from shock to despair, and Jiang Wanying also closed her eyes silently. Mrs. Jiang frowned, and her sharp gaze shot at Aunt Huo like a knife.

Fu Qiuning took off the coral stone earrings and handed them back to Jin Fengju. Her fingers began to turn red. Looking at Aunt Huo, she said calmly: "Coral stone is really rare, so my father also gave me a coral stone bracelet that day, but I couldn't wear it at all. So after you gave me this pair of earrings, I just gave them Locked up. After that, moles frequently appeared in Fengya Building, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, but nothing was stolen. Jian Fengyujie and I were very puzzled, but we couldn’t figure out the reason. Until one day in the first month, I went to my grandpa In my study room, I saw that the bookcase was dirty, so I did the same thing as you, and swept out this coral stone earring under the bookshelf. Only then did I realize that all of this was done by you for the fatal mistake you made due to your negligence. A game to make amends. What a clever Linglong idea. When the time comes, you can take out yourself and frame me without showing any trace. It's just that Shui'er has never succeeded, so naturally you didn't dare to act rashly until she succeeded the day before yesterday. But Huo Xiangmian, you didn’t expect it, did you? Although there is no proof of the murder, God has left such a huge handle in my hands. You didn’t expect that I can’t wear coral stone jewelry at all, right? "

Aunt Huo's face was already pale, and there were only eight words in her heart at this time, and that was: God is trying to trick people, and God is going to kill me.

"It turns out that grandpa and grandma have known about it for a long time. If that's the case, why did you put the pendant back? Why did you ask me to sweep it out yesterday?" Aunt Huo suddenly lost control and shouted, staring at Jin Fengju bitterly, but she heard He said calmly: "In order not to make you suspicious, I originally thought that if I kept you as a mole, I might be able to use you as a chess piece some time. But now it seems that the Sacred Heart has already decided whether to keep you or not. Such a chess piece is of no use. Otherwise, why do you think I agreed to your cleaning yesterday?"

Aunt Huo's body suddenly softened. Her once gentle and considerate husband's eyes were as cold and ruthless as poisonous snakes: Yes, he was still kind to her. Even with Fu Qiuning, he no longer loved her, but That care has never diminished. In order to prevent his daughter from being bullied and looked down upon, he would spend the night every few days, hold his daughter in his arms so that everyone could see the affectionate appearance of their father and daughter, and give his daughter valuable things to tell others about him. I also value this yard very much. It was her, she couldn't help it. From the moment her father secretly asked the martial artist to teach him some kung fu, until she married her into the Duke of Jingguo's palace, her fate was already sealed. This man is destined not to belong to her. Even without Fu Qiuning, he is destined not to belong to her. She and him can only be enemies. Those tender pities and close loves that I once had were already given to me by God’s pity.

Aunt Huo took two steps back. Everything in front of her eyes became blurry. She knew that her eyes were covered with tears. Jin Fengju's cold voice sounded in her ears, and she was ordered to be dragged out and locked up in the woodshed. She couldn't help but look at Jiang Wanying, her desperate eyes showing the last trace of pity and advice for her ally: stop. Well, stop being obsessed with it. At least you can still see this man, and you can use your children to tie up a trace of his concern. This is really very happy.

But she couldn't say it loudly. She didn't know if Jiang Wanying could understand the meaning of her glance. She only knew that others might still have a chance to be happy, but she... didn't.


"No wonder Tian Yu and Qiuxia did what they did that day. It was me who was stupid. I was arrogant and didn't have anything nice to say about Meiyun and Xiangmian. But Qiuxia was on good terms with her. I asked her several times, But she said that as the mistress of the house, I shouldn't make too many enemies. At that time, I actually believed her nonsense. Alas! Now it seems that they have been the prince's people for a long time, and they are in the Cao camp and their hearts are in the Han Dynasty. "

Less than two days after Aunt Huo's incident, Jin Xiuzhen fell ill, so Jin Fengju quickly invited the imperial physician to come over. After the imperial physician left, Jiang Wanying talked to him in a good voice for a while, and then slowly changed the topic Lead to the topic.

"Okay, don't keep thinking about it. Although she is a mole, after all, I am not afraid of the shadow, and I am not harmed by her." Jin Fengju blew the tea, took a slow sip, then raised his head and said: "Just now You have heard what Dr. Liu said. I am afraid that Zhen girl will suffer a little this time. If you feel that you are not capable of doing what you want, let Yan Fang take care of the family affairs. Qiu Ning cannot do it. The Queen Mother is still waiting for her new drama. I have been extremely busy these past two days.”

Jiang Wanying said: "I am familiar with the affairs at home, and I am quite comfortable with it. It's just that I really can't let go of this matter. My father and sister have known about it for a long time, so they can still feel at ease now. I'm afraid they just knew this During the incident, you couldn't sleep well for several nights, right? Alas! I just felt sorry for Ruyatou. She was different from Brother Yi and the third girl. She was usually willing to get close to me. Now that something like this happened to her mother, I wonder how I plan to arrange her?"

"I asked Ru Yatou, and she said she was willing to live with her brothers and sisters, so she sent them to Fengya Building." Jin Fengju drank another cup of tea, thought for a while and sighed: "You don't have to think about Xiangmian all the time. , although she did such a thing, there was no reason to let her go. I just checked, but she had to do it under her father's order. Shui'er also told her after someone killed her, not her instigator. . What's more, she is always like a mother to the girl, so I won't be too ruthless. I plan to lock her up for a few days and send her back to her parents' home."