Higher Level Wife

Chapter 283: Entrust


"How is the second girl's condition? What did the imperial doctor say?" When we returned to Fengya Building, it was already Haishi. Fu Qiuning was removing makeup in front of the mirror. When he saw Jin Fengju coming back, he seemed a little surprised, but he didn't say anything more. He just asked Jin Xiuzhen's condition.

"Well, I just caught a cold, and now I'm having a fever. Doctor Liu prescribed the medicine, saying that it will take a few days to recover no matter what the infection is." Jin Fengju walked up behind Fu Qiuning, picked up the comb on the dressing table, and slowly combed her With that cloud-like hair.

"Why don't you spend the night in Qingwan Pavilion? You're going there tonight, not just to check on the second girl's illness, right? You also want to make Second Grandma Wan feel at ease." Fu Qiuning stood up and saw that Jin Fengju had not taken off his coat. He knew He felt uncomfortable after all, so he took off his clothes for him and asked casually.

"I have reassured her. If I stay at her place overnight, she will become suspicious. You must know that going too far is never enough, and now you have to be more careful when doing things, so as not to reveal your traces accidentally." Jin Fengju held his wife in his hands. His hand was stroking gently.

"After all, Aunt Huo didn't actually harm us. The two leaked news happened to help me a little. So, let her go, and don't hate me anymore. Hatred is something that is easy to acquire. , but it is difficult to let go, and it consumes the most energy and hurts the body. Therefore, even if you have hatred, you have to hate things that are worth it, and don’t hurt your body by these unworthy things."

Fu Qiuning knew that her husband was feeling uncomfortable, so she gently stroked his chest while giving gentle advice.

"Well, I understand, Qiu Ning doesn't need to worry about me, she just feels uncomfortable for a while." Jin Fengju nodded, thought for a moment and then said: "You specifically told me to tell Wanying that I would send Xiangmian back to her parents' home in a few days. , why exactly?”

"In order to give her a way to survive, I have to ask me to help me spread this message." Fu Qiuning smiled slightly. Seeing that Jin Fengju was still a little confused, she walked over, sat next to him, and whispered: "I'm here two days ago." God is probably going to get angry with me again."

Jin Fengju only thought for a moment, then opened his eyes wide and looked at Fu Qiuning: "You... you don't want to hide it from the truth, do you?"

Fu Qiuning nodded and said softly: "I said that she had to obey her father's order. She originally gave Shui'er money to let her go away, but it was her father who cruelly sent someone to kill him before telling her. Now look at it. Come on, in fact, apart from this status, she has not done anything that really harmed our family. She is like the girl's biological mother, so it is better to give her a way to survive. But although I have this intention, I still have to ask what you want. Outside I don't understand the big things. If you say you can't let the tiger go back to the mountain, I won't go my own way and show my good intentions."

Jin Fengju frowned and thought for a long time, then sighed and said softly: "That's all, even you can think this way. After all, I have a daughter with her. A thousand miles away from Beijing is our Jin family. The foundation of the temple is located. Many ancestors are enshrined in that temple, and there are still disciples left to clean it, so it is considered safe."

"Then I'll thank you for her." Fu Qiuning finally breathed a sigh of relief. Leaning on Jin Fengju's body, she closed her eyes and thought to herself: If this were in a novel, I don't know how many people would scold me for being a good mother. However, I only know why women are in trouble. It is difficult for women, but it is not harmful to me or the Jin family. Why don't you help when you can obviously help? Anyway, it is impossible for her to be with Jin Fengju again in this life. This is enough to fulfill my selfishness.


A little light shines through the small window. Is it dusk? The sky before the sun goes down must be beautiful, but it's a pity that she has never taken a good look at it.

The door opened with a creak, and the steady footsteps were not the old servant who hurriedly delivered meals every time he came and went. Aunt Huo, no, we should call her Huo Xiangmian now. She turned around suddenly and looked at the man who walked in from the door with doubtful eyes. In the end, her eyes gradually calmed down.

"Are you here to send me off?" He looked at Jin Fengju fearlessly. Huo Xiangmian had been mentally prepared for this outcome since the day he entered the Jin Mansion. It's just that I couldn't help but be lucky in the past, but today, all this luck has disappeared.

"I want to send you on your way, but not now."

Jin Fengju looked at the haggard woman in front of him who had become haggard in just three days. Once upon a time, she was as beautiful as a flower. He still remembered that he went to her room on the third day after getting married. The young girl looked charming and smiling. Later, with the appearance of Qiu Ning, he gave his whole heart to the other party, but he never expected that in just a few years, his concubine would become a spy and his enemy.

"Don't worry and go, I will take good care of Xiuru."

In fact, by this point, the two of them had nothing to say. The reason why Jin Fengju came to see Huo Xiangmian was not because the old relationship was difficult to break up, but because he just wanted to put an end to the little affection between the two over the years.

Seeing him saying such words and then turning around, Huo Xiangmian couldn't bear it anymore. She threw herself behind Jin Fengju and cried bitterly: "Master, I know I was wrong. I know it's too late to say anything now. I just beg you." Seeing that the fourth girl is my son, I must take good care of her. Don't send her to Qingwan Pavilion, but send her to Fengya Pavilion. In this way, I can die in peace."

Jin Fengju stopped, suddenly sneered, and murmured: "You yourself have done something wrong, and it has affected your children, but you have Qiu Ning to shoulder the responsibility for you. If you had known this, why did you insist on insisting on it? If you could confess, look In the face of the child, I will not embarrass you, but you insist on going your own way and get to where you are today. You said that if the fourth girl does not go to Fengya Building, you will not die in peace. This is all because Qiu Ning is kind and kind, but you harmed her in the first place. Did she ever hesitate to be merciful because of her kindness? Now that you have entrusted your flesh and blood to her, you...how do you have the nerve to say such a thing?"

After he finished speaking, he heard Huo Xiangmian crying sadly at his feet, but could not say a word. Jin Fengju sighed. He no longer wanted to stay here any longer. He just wanted to return to Fu Qiuning as soon as possible, so he left without hesitation. Huo Xiangmian looked up. Under the setting sun, his figure stretched very long, but he never looked back.

"Master is back?"

Fu Qiuning was telling Jian Feng that dinner was ready when they heard footsteps outside the door. Then Jin Fengju strode in. Jian Feng quickly exited. Here Fu Qiuning stood up. Before she could speak, she was suddenly pulled over by her husband and hugged her. middle.

"What's wrong? Master... have you visited Aunt Huo? What did she... say?" Fu Qiuning was a little surprised, but she let him hold her docilely and asked softly.

"Been there. She didn't say anything. She only said that she would put the fourth girl in Fengya Tower, so that even if she dies, she can rest in peace." Jin Fengju replied softly, and the soft body in his arms soothed him strangely. Anger and exhaustion.

"She actually trusts me like this?" Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh, then pulled away and looked around to see if there was no one around. Fang quickly kissed Jin Fengju on the face and whispered: "Don't worry, the fourth girl is here with me. I will treat everyone equally."

"Qiu Ning, you... why are you so kind? Don't you think this is unfair to you at all? Why should they? They have done something wrong and they want you to take the responsibility for them? Qiu Ning, you... Don't you have any resentment in your heart?" Jin Feng held Fu Qiuning's hand. Indeed, he could only feel at ease if his child was placed here with Fu Qiuning. But he deeply felt that this was really unfair to his wife, which made him angry at Huo Xiangmian and at the same time resentful to himself. However, even though he was a marquis, he was unable to do anything about this situation, so he had accumulated these feelings in his heart. The emotions couldn't help but burst out.

"People always say that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. But in my heart, I believe that good people will be rewarded." Fu Qiuning understood Jin Fengju's feelings at this time. In fact, she thought it was quite strange. Several non-biological children? Why is it that she has no complaints, but her husband is so angry? If he followed his thinking, how could there still be kind-hearted couples adopting orphans in modern society? Why are there so many unpaid volunteers

"Good people are rewarded. This is just advice. Look at how many people in the world..." Jin Fengju smiled bitterly. Before he could finish speaking, his wife laughed and said, "Why should I care about what the world does? Why don't you look at yourself?" ? In my eyes, even if I kill and kill decisively, you are still a good person, but you are not a very human minister now? And for me, although you have suffered some hardships earlier, look at it now, Not to mention the sisters in the house, even among the women in this world, how many can be happier than I am? Master, why are you so excited?"

"Why does that last sentence sound like a drama?" The only remaining grudge in Jin Fengju's heart was swept away. I couldn't help but hug Fu Qiuning tightly, and said softly: "My lady is right, how many men in the world can be as happy as me?"

Just when they were in love, they suddenly heard a cough outside the door, and then Jian Feng's voice rang out: "Master, grandma, the food has been served. My brothers and sisters are waiting in the dining room."

Fu Qiuning blushed slightly, and twisted Jin Fengju's arm before standing up and calmly commanding: "I know, we'll be there right away."

Jin Fengju glared at Jian Feng, the meaning was obvious: You did it on purpose, right? snort! Don't think that I don't know, relying on your grandma to protect you, just let me be so bold, waiting, I will have your little shoes to wear in the future.