Higher Level Wife

Chapter 284: Confuse


"The Dongpo Pork Pork is cooked very well. The skin is really crispy and the bones are tender. Fourth girl, don't just eat those vegetarian dishes. You must also eat some meat. With such a thin body, look at your brothers and sisters. , which one is as thin as yours?"

Jin Feng picked up a piece of crispy lean meat and put it into Jin Xiuru's bowl. Seeing her eating it in big gulps, he smiled slightly and was about to take the rice into his mouth when he saw his daughter raising her head and asking: "Daddy , why hasn’t my mother come back? The servants in this house all said that my mother will not come back, but I asked Sister Yulu and Sister Qiuyu, but they said it was definitely possible. Dad, the sisters wouldn’t let me ask. Dad and aunt, but I am really worried. My mother... What happened to my mother? Even though she was the mother of the second brother and the third sister, she was kicked out that day, but she always knew that she was in Zhuangzi. Why did I Don’t you know where my mother has gone?”

Jin Fengju was suffocated by his daughter's question. He couldn't answer the question. How could Jin Xiuru at such an age understand the consequences of her mother's identity? She would only think about losing her mother. From then on, Alone. This is undoubtedly the cruelest thing for children.

Just as he was hesitating and not knowing how to answer, he saw Fu Qiuning also put a few peanuts mixed with sugar into a golden embroidered bowl. He chuckled and said: "The fourth girl's mother is different from your Aunt Xu. Your grandfather obeyed the emperor's order." You have to go to a far away place to complete a big thing. You usually know that your mother also has some abilities, so your grandpa called your mother back to help him because it would take several years to go there, and your mother was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do it. I will take good care of you and keep you in my house. When you grow up, your mother may come back one day."

"Is what Auntie said true? You said that my mother was called out to work for the emperor because of her ability? Is she the old man with the white beard who came to our house during the Dragon Boat Festival last year? But I don't sleep on weekdays. What can you do with my mother?"

Jin Xiuru was excited at first, but her eyes soon became suspicious. She was not very young after all. Although she didn't understand some things, she knew a little bit about them.

Fu Qiuning said without changing her expression: "You are still young, how can you know everything about your mother's abilities? Your grandpa and your mother have set off now. She is afraid that you will be sad and afraid that you will pester her to go with her, so she does not dare to go with her. You said. Before your mother left, she told your aunt to take good care of you. After she helps your grandpa finish his errands, she will come back as soon as possible. Maybe in three years, maybe in five years. If you can tolerate this momentary miss, we can reunite. Alright, okay?"

Jin Xiuru lowered his head and thought for a while, feeling that Fu Qiuning's words made sense. So he nodded solemnly and said softly: "Okay, I will listen to my aunt and wait for my mother to come back. That's right, aunt, I want to live with my eldest sister. I like her little things, so I can sleep with my eldest sister at night. Just let Diandian sleep among us, okay?"

"Okay, okay, just follow what the fourth girl said." Fu Qiuning smiled slightly, so the topic was dropped. Jin Fengju looked at her gratefully, Qiuning smiled slightly, and the couple knew each other tacitly.

Jin Xiuru is still young and can only lie to maintain Aunt Huo's position in her heart. But as she grows up, one day she will understand the stakes. By then, even if she knows the true situation, He won't be unreasonable and resent Jin Fengju.

"Brother Yi, you've almost finished eating the Dongpo elbow. Why didn't you let go of the big fat meat?" Fu Qiuning had just comforted Jin Xiuru when he saw Jin Zhenyi's chopsticks sneaking towards the big fat meat of the Dongpo elbow. Stretching over, this guy is definitely the type who loves meat all day long. He especially likes fat but not greasy meat. This Dongpo elbow is his favorite. Just for the sake of his health, Fu Qiuning never allows him to eat it. Too much. At this moment, when he heard the aunt yelling, the boy realized that the plan failed and couldn't help but withdraw the chopsticks in frustration.

Jin Fengju looked on with a smile and did not go to plead for his son. He only thought about his wife's status in the eyes of his children, fearing that it would already be above him. The children were afraid of him first and close to him second. But for Fu Qiuning, the children were first close to him, and then they were afraid. Isn't it clear at a glance which one is higher and which one is lower

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside, and then the little maid's voice rang out: "Butler Jin, what is... what's going on..." Before he finished speaking, Jin Ming's figure appeared in front of the door, with a face. He was as pale as a ghost, but he managed to look calm, but after one foot stepped into the threshold, he forgot to lift the other foot, and he tripped over.

"Jin Ming, what's wrong?"

Jin Fengju hurriedly stood up and came to Jin Ming and stretched out his hand to help him up, but he heard Jin Ming say: "Master... Master, follow me quickly to take a look." After saying this, the slave took Jin Fengju's hand and ran out regardless of his dignity.

"Which song is this?" Fu Qiuning frowned. Seeing that everyone couldn't help but look out curiously, she calmly said: "You will know what happened in the future. Now, eat with your heart first, Brother Yi. The mushrooms and rapeseed taste good, eat some and don’t just focus on the meat.”

When the meal was finished, I heard the little maid window guarding outside scream in surprise, and then ran in and said in panic: "Grandma, there is water in the front yard somewhere, you can see it from here. Fire."

"Ah..." Jian Feng and others exclaimed in surprise. Fu Qiuning and a few children also walked out of the door. They saw that the sky in the distance was reflected red by the firelight. I don't know where the water accidentally got. It was so big. momentum.

Bai Lu, who was serving beside Jin Zhenyi, sighed: "No wonder Butler Jin is so panicked. I have never experienced anything like this after staying in this mansion for so many years. I just set off firecrackers during the New Year and festivals. People are taking strict precautions everywhere, what happened today?"

Fu Qiuning's heart moved. He looked at the fire and wondered secretly. He thought to himself that Jin Ming had followed Jin Fengju and traveled all over the country. How many great things had he experienced? Even if there was a fire somewhere, he could just order people to save it. As for being so panicked and looking for his master? It would be reasonable to say that the fire broke out in some important place, but the front yard is just the main hall for receiving guests, so where is there any important place? The most important thing in the house was Jin Fengju's study, which happened to be in the backyard, and the fire obviously started after Jin Ming and Jin Fengju left. The fire was so strong before, so it wouldn't make Jin Ming's face change drastically, right

Because she had doubts in her heart but could not get an answer, seeing that everyone thought that Jin Ming was panicking because of the fire, Fu Qiuning naturally did not expose it and ordered the maids to take the children down to rest. She sent people here again. Kangshouyuan and Shangfang asked about the situation of Mrs. Jin, Mrs. Jiang and the old Mr. Guo. When people came back and reported that everything was fine, she felt relieved and sat down at the dressing table to slowly remove the hairpin ring. , while waiting for Jin Feng to come back.

Let's talk about Jin Fengju, how can he care about the leakage of water at the moment? He had asked Jin Ming to set the fire quietly to cover up his rude behavior just now. The reason why he was so careful was because this matter was of great concern. In fact, he was walking in the garden now, thinking In fact, it is still cloudy and foggy.

"This place was closed after I came here. It's a pity that these flowers and trees stand alone here with no one to appreciate them. Wouldn't it be lonely? After I return to the palace this time, Fengju, you can open the garden." "The emperor's old voice sounded in the quiet corridor, which made Jin Fengju come back to his senses, but his mind was still a little absent-minded, so the words that should have been rejected became: "Oh, okay..." It was not until he said the words that he felt that something was wrong. , hurriedly changed his words and said: "Your Majesty, this matter..."

"Don't say such nonsense. It's just a garden, and it's only right to let people live in it. Your girls are getting older, and living in it will complement these delicate flowers and willows. Why is it absolutely impossible? "But the old emperor interrupted before he could finish speaking. Jin Fengju had no choice but to bow and thank him.

Entering a very secluded house, surrounded by rockery and rocks, only weeping willows and poplars were planted in the courtyard. Even if a candle was lit, no one would see it. After Jinfeng held up the candle and lit it, he looked at the old emperor under the light again. He couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. Thinking of the old emperor's trust and trust in him, his eye sockets felt hot. He couldn't help but kneel down and said in a voiceless voice: " Your Majesty... Your Majesty, why are you so thin?"

"Okay, I have a lot to say to you in the future, but I'm tired now. Well, this house is spotless, which shows that you take good care of it on weekdays. Although I don't treat people like this on weekdays, But looking at these details now, you kid really takes me in your heart and respects me, and my pain for you is not in vain."

Jin Fengju's voice was choked, and he agreed and stopped talking. However, he saw the emperor waving his hand for him to get up. At this time, Li Dezheng also stepped forward and whispered: "Little Marquis, the emperor is really tired. He was almost walking all the way." If you can't support it any longer, you should go back first and let the Emperor take a good rest. I will take care of the things here myself. There is no need to send close people to serve. A few of us are enough. As for other things, it should be the same. I don’t need to say more, the young Marquis should understand it, right?”

Jin Fengju nodded. The emperor came so secretly. He only sent an eunuch to find him as a relative of Jin Ming. Then he reported it to him through Jin Ming. Obviously, this matter could not be revealed even in a word. Yes, so he nodded, raised his head and glanced at the emperor worriedly. Seeing the emperor smiling at him, he bowed and said: "Yes, I will retire. Please take a good rest, and take care of your dragon body. I will come back tomorrow to take orders." .”