Higher Level Wife

Chapter 288: Adultery


Fu Qiulan smiled and said: "That's true. It's just that the emperor is a little old after all. I'm afraid that something will go wrong. Nowadays, it is quietly spread among the people that the emperor was hit by an arrow on the battlefield, and there was still something on the arrow. There are rumors that he can’t return to the imperial court just because he hasn’t recovered from the poison.”

Fu Qiuning's expression changed slightly, and he secretly wondered what was going on? There is such a rumor? Why did Jin Fengju never say anything? Even though he was thinking like this, he knew in his heart that this rumor was good for hiding the emperor's behavior. He pretended to be slightly flustered but forced himself to be calm. He put the teacup on the table and said, "Since you know it's a rumor, don't mess around." It's just a rumor, it's just other people, what is my sister's identity? Do you believe such groundless rumors?"

As she spoke, she did not ignore the sparkle in Fu Qiulan's eyes for a moment, although it was only fleeting. Sure enough, after talking for a while, Fu Qiulan stood up and left with a smile, and Fu Qiuning sent her out personally.

Back at Fengya Tower, the more I thought about this matter, the more unreasonable it became. It sounded like Fu Qiulan and the prince had received the news that the emperor had been hit by an arrow, but they were not sure, so they came over to confirm the accuracy of the news. It's just that the emperor is clearly in his own palace, so where did such rumors come from? Or is this a rumor deliberately spread by the prince? Or is it the doubts arising from catching wind and shadow? Or was it simply arranged by the emperor or her husband

Because I couldn't understand it, I simply didn't think about it. Anyway, I would know after Jin Fengju came back and asked. Because I took a nap after lunch, I expected that Fu Qiulan had just left today, Jiang Wanying would not cause trouble, and the house was calm recently, so I went to Jiaofangsi, otherwise she, the imperial opera master, would not show up for so many days. , it will inevitably cause confusion.

It gets dark early in late autumn, so when Fu Qiuning came back, the sun had already set behind the mountains. Fu Qiuning returned to Fengya Building and heard people say that the old cat was missing. Now she had a relationship with the cat. She was afraid that the careless guy would run around and fall into Jiang Wanying's hands, and end up with the same fate as its children. So I rushed out of the park to look for him. Because it was not completely dark at that time, she did not light a lantern, but searched around Qingwan Pavilion. When she couldn't find it, she and Qiu Yu walked back along the way they came, thinking that the old cat might have returned to Fengya Pavilion. Maybe.

As she was walking, she suddenly heard Qiu Yu whisper: "Grandma, there was a figure in front of me just now, and he suddenly entered the yard." As she spoke, she pointed forward. Fu Qiuning saw that it was not a place where someone else lived, it was In the courtyard of my concubine Yuelan, I couldn't help but wonder, secretly thinking, could this be a spy too? Oh my god, isn't it? Jin Fengju is still a good man, right? Why are the women around him all spies? He...how much energy does he have that makes people from all sides pay attention to him to this extent

While thinking about it, he and Qiu Yu quietly approached. Just then, Lao Lintou from the back kitchen of Fengya Building ran over, but it was Jian Feng who saw him and asked him to come out to find the second mistress. He only said that the old cat had been found. Fu Qiuning knew that the old Lin had a lot of fists and kicks, and he was convinced, so he ordered him to follow. So the three of them entered Yuelan's courtyard together, but they saw that the doors and windows were closed, and there was not a single maid in the courtyard or in front of the door. .

Fu Qiuning and Qiu Yu looked at each other, thinking that it was dinner time, why was it that there was no light and no sound here, where was that dark shadow? He is clearly a human being, could he also fly into the sky and escape from the earth? Because she was afraid of some thief at this time, she was worried about Yuelan's safety, so she went up the steps to the door. Before she could push the door open, she heard a faint faint sound of laughter.

Fu Qiuning's heart trembled, and he thought to himself that it looked like he was an insider, not a thief. He put his head close to the door and heard the voice inside laughing softly: "I didn't see you in such a hurry, so you came here early in the morning. At that time My children are all fast asleep. Isn't it convenient for us to do something? Now you insist on asking me to send the maids away. As time goes by, won't it make people suspicious? "

Then I heard a man's voice laughing: "It's so heartless. I didn't think about you. I thought you wouldn't have had enough sleep in the early morning. If I woke you up to do this, I'm afraid I'd hurt you. Why did you come here?" Blame me, what are you afraid of? So what if you are discovered? I will take you far away and that will be the end."

As she finished speaking, she heard Yue Lan exclaim in horror, "What are you talking nonsense about? Don't you know what kind of family this is? If someone finds out, neither you nor I will survive. We can still fly far away."

The man smiled again and said: "It may not be like what you said. How long has it been since the young prince has not been close to you? Has it been two years? For a young man like you to guard the boudoir for him, how can you? What? I don’t think he is an unreasonable person..."

Before she could finish speaking, she heard Yue Lan say: "What's wrong with being unreasonable at this level? The young Marquis is a man after all, but can any man tolerate his wife and concubines stealing from others? Which man has such magnanimity? Do you have one?" Bah! You don’t understand anything. You just look at the charity of the young Marquis. You don’t know that he is ruthless even when he should be cruel. Aunt Huo committed a crime. She said before that she would be sent back to her parents’ home, but she ended up being silent. Is it gone? I thought he would either sink it in the river, or kill him and throw it in some grave. You still have this delusion now, you are really deceived by lard."

Fu Qiuning listened for a while, but the man didn't ask any more questions about Aunt Huo, because he concluded that the two of them were just having an affair, so he glanced at Qiu Yu next to him and whispered: "Remember, what happened tonight Don’t let anyone know, not even to the young Marquis, do you understand?”

Qiu Yu was very strange, thinking why the second mistress didn't go in to catch the adulterer? Should we let such a bad couple go? But she was just a slave, so she was led out by Fu Qiuning. However, she saw Lao Lintou, who was guarding the courtyard gate, coming forward and whispered: "Who is inside? Grandma, do you want the old slave to break the door open?"

"No need." Fu Qiuning sighed and said in a deep voice: "There is no one around. Qiu Yu misjudged it earlier. Let's go back."

Old Lin was confused, but since his master had spoken, he naturally obeyed. So he followed back and said with a smile: "Grandma, I caught a few big flower snakes in the garden these past two days. They are about to spend the winter. They are very fat. I just want to make a pot of snake soup tonight. I, grandma, the girls and the young men will try to patch things up, and everything will probably be fine now. Grandma will go back soon, I’m afraid I will come back too.”

When they returned to Fengya Building, Jin Fengju had indeed returned and was studying the children's homework. When he saw her coming back, he smiled and said, "Where have you been? Are you back at this time?"

Fu Qiuning forced a smile and said: "Where else can we go? Of course we have to go to Jiaofangsi. It's not good to not show up all the time. It happened that Fu Ruren from the Prince's Mansion came this morning, and there was nothing in the mansion, so I took the opportunity to go there in the afternoon. Come on, I came back early today, what's the matter? Have you finished everything? "

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "How can we finish it? As long as a person is in his position, he must seek his own government. Well, let's not talk about this. The children are probably hungry too. I heard that there is snake soup stewed in the kitchen today. After all, , I haven’t eaten it for a long time, let’s have a feast tonight.”

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Yes, when we went to Quanzhou, Lao Lin originally wanted to follow him, but his wife was sick, so I asked him to stay again. Otherwise, he would really show off his talents when he went there, but I'm afraid Wan Er Grandma and the others can't stand it." As she spoke, she ordered Jian Feng to serve the food. She led several little brothers and sisters to the kitchen, where the children quietly asked Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao Snake Soup what it was. Jin Fengju Then he asked Fu Qiuning, "Xiuzhen and Zhenxuan haven't been to your place for a while, right? What's going on?"

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "I happened to ask Grandma Wan two days ago, and she said that the two children are working hard in the house, so they don't like to run around. I think it's good. The children have calmed down and are no better than us. Are these naughty guys in front of you strong? Brother Yi, you don’t have to stick out your tongue. Next time you dare to put stickers on the fourth girl’s braid, so I won’t slap you?”

Jin Zangjiao held Jin Xiuru's arm and hummed: "He is just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. Huh, otherwise why wouldn't he dare to play with me and the third sister? Since the last time we played, he was pressed all over by me and the third sister. He won't dare to tease you anymore if he doesn't make a facial note. Fourth sister, remember, if he dares to tease you again, we will draw two big turtles on the back of his hand to see how he meets people in the school."

Jin Zhenyi couldn't bear the words on Jin Zangjiao's face, so he muttered: "Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise. Isn't it enough knowing that you are a tigress? Huh! Don't think that this is your world. I still have my eldest brother here, so two men may not be as good as you three women, right?"

Jin Xiunan smiled and said: "Brother, don't say anything. Big brother is not as naughty as you. Humph, he is the only one who helps us, not you. At most, we don't help each other. Big brother, don't you think so?" ?" After saying this, several girls giggled. Jin Zhenyi was so angry that his stomach bulged like a frog. Jin Zangfeng smiled helplessly, glared at Jin Zangjiao and said, "How old are you? You still don't have any stability. "

Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning were very happy to see the children laughing and laughing. At this time, several people had come to the dining room to sit down. Jin Fengju said to Fu Qiuning: "If you have time, you should let Xiuzhen and Zhenxuan come to your place for some fresh air. The sisters and brothers play together and are harmonious. At such a young age, why should they be anxious about studying? When I was that old, I didn't say that I "didn't hear anything outside the window and only read the books of sages" all day long. "