Higher Level Wife

Chapter 289: There is a lover


Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning looked at each other, both a little surprised. Jin Fengju asked Jin Zangfeng, "Zangfeng, is such a thing true?" Seeing his eldest son nodding, he frowned and murmured, "What is Wanying doing? ? Could it be that the two children were locked up? No, how could such a thing be allowed to happen in this house?" After saying that, she was about to stand up, but Fu Qiuning pulled her to sit down and listened to her whisper: "Okay, okay, you put it down. Who is Second Grandma Wan? After all, they are all her biological children. There is absolutely no reason to harm her. Even if it is inappropriate, it should not be dealt with at this time. I will ask carefully tomorrow and make plans. good?"

When Jin Fengju heard his wife's words, he knew that he was being reckless. Yin nodded and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you, but you have to take this matter to heart and make sure to handle it properly." After saying that, Fu Qiuning said: "Don't worry, brother Feng, you can ask first tomorrow Ask Brother Xuan, what does he say? If you are willing to come over and play, just take the time to come over a few times. I am also their aunt, and I am a little panicked after not seeing you in the past few days. "

Jin Zangfeng agreed, and at this time the food was served at a flat price. Sure enough, there was a big bowl of snake soup in the middle. After Fu Qiuning personally served Jin Zangfeng Jin Zangjiao, she saw Jin Zhenyi stretching his neck and looking into the big bowl, she smiled. : "This is snake soup. The snake meat is delicious and nutritious. It is eaten at this time. Do you, brother Yi, three girls and four girls eat it? If so, I will serve you some. Although the food is good, It’s just that some people can’t get used to it.”

Jin Zhenyi looked at the snake soup and curled his lips: "What kind of snake soup is this? Where is the snake?"

Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning laughed at the words. Bai Lu also laughed and said: "Our brother is really a simple and honest man. Who said that there must be a snake in the snake soup? Then mince the pork and put it into dumplings. , also called pork stuffed dumplings, can’t you still see a pig in them?”

Everyone started laughing even more, and Jin Zhenyi felt embarrassed. He also saw Fu Qiuning serving a bowl to Jin Fengju, thinking that everyone else would eat it, so how could I be a coward? So I also asked for a bowl. Jin Xiufen and Jin Xiuru were a little scared, shaking their heads and refusing to eat. It's just that they are young and don't have the concept of northerners who find snake meat disgusting. Seeing that their brothers, sisters, father and aunt all eat delicious food, the two children couldn't help it. Each of them took a bowl and ate it. , it is indeed fragrant but not greasy, fresh and delicious. So after finishing one bowl, I finally ate less than half of the bowl before I stopped.

The next day, Fu Qiuning got up early and sent Jin Fengju to go to court. She knew that her husband was busy these days, and he was probably making some arrangements according to the emperor's wishes. She was not willing to interfere with these coups and palace battles, as long as she knew that everything was going My husband is relieved that he is in control.

After sending Jin Fengju away, he sent several children to school. He specifically asked Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao not to forget to inquire about Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen. After everything was arranged here, they went to Kangshouyuan to pay their respects. , and then dealt with some family matters. Since there was nothing major and Jiang Wanying didn't come over, she entrusted the rest of the chores to Jin Yanfang. She returned to Fengya Building and said to Qiu Yu: "When you go to Yue Lan, tell me There are two pieces of jewelry that don’t match my clothes. I remember she had a crimson quilted jacket, please let her come here wearing that clothes.”

Qiu Yu agreed and went, knowing in her heart that this was a matter that grandma wanted to deal with Yue Lan, she just didn't know how she would deal with it. So he called Yuelan over according to his words. As the saying goes, a thief has a guilty conscience. Na Yuelan met that man just by chance, and had sex with him for the past few nights. Now that she heard Fu Qiuning calling her, she couldn't help but feel shocked and doubtful. She wanted to shirk it, but she was afraid that this would happen. , even more arousing suspicion, so he came boldly and stayed outside Fu Qiuning's bedroom. When he saw the other party sipping tea with his heart full of thoughts, his legs felt a little weak.

When Fu Qiuning saw her coming in, he smiled and asked her to sit on the other side of him, and then said to Qiu Yu: "Close the door. You and Jian Feng will guard it personally. No one is allowed in. If the madam and the old lady send someone to come, , just let me know, do you understand?"

Qiu Yu and Jian Feng both agreed, pulled out and closed two or three doors, and then sat in the corridor, chatting while guarding the door.

Fu Qiuning put down her tea cup and looked at Yue Lan's face. Seeing that her eyes were always avoiding her and her face became paler, she sighed in her heart and thought to herself that this seemed to be a woman with a fairly pure heart. If Jiang Wanying and Huo Xiangmian , even if Xu Meiyun is here, she will not be as revealing as her.

Because he sighed in his heart, he smiled slightly and said: "I didn't ask anyone to serve tea. I think you are not in the mood to drink tea at this time. We are not in the clouds anymore, so I will get straight to the point. Yesterday Qiu Yu saw a figure coming in. In your courtyard, I followed you and listened outside, then came back. I haven’t told you about this yet, Yuelan, I want to ask you sincerely, what are you going to do?"

Yue Lan's complexion suddenly turned pale and pale, and even the last bit of blood was gone. She stared at Fu Qiuning, her lips were trembling, but she couldn't say a word. After a long time, she left the chair, plopped down on her knees in front of Fu Qiuning, and said with tears in her eyes: "Grandma... Grandma, please forgive me, I know I was wrong. I beg grandma to have mercy and spare her life..."

Fu Qiuning looked at that beautiful face and burst into tears. She was really crying like a pear blossom with rain in her eyes. She felt pity and sadness in her heart, thinking that in modern times, a girl like Yue Lan would be raped. What men hold in the palm of their hands, in other words, even if they are mistresses, they will never end up with such a tragic fate. If a man is disgusted with her, he will break up and find a new love at worst, and there will be a lot of money. Money jewelry can be earned. But here, the price of being lonely for a moment is to pay for it with life, and to be drowned in the pond. This is such an unfair and cruel thing for a girl in her youth.

Thinking of this, her eyes became a little moist, and she silently reached out her hand to pull Yuelan up. Seeing that she was like a death row prisoner waiting to be shot, with panic and despair on her face, she stood up, took out her handkerchief and helped her She wiped away the tears on her face and whispered softly: "I haven't been to your place for more than a year, right? Tell me honestly, when did you hook up with that man? Is he unreliable? You have done this I must have some plans in my mind. What do you think? I can tell you clearly that no one knows about this matter except Qiu Yu and me. I didn’t show any signs of it. I just thought I could I can’t save your life, but you have to tell me the truth, do you understand?”

When Yue Lan heard what she said, it was as if she had grasped a life-saving straw. He hurriedly grabbed her arm, knelt down again, and cried: "Reply to grandma, that's my cousin. When I was still a maid in Jiang Mansion, my mother and cousin's family had already made a verbal agreement. We got married. Later, I wanted to marry the young lady to the Duke’s Mansion, and because of the girl’s affairs, the palace wanted to let me have more concubines. Second Grandma Wan took a fancy to Sister Cui and I’s honest and weak character, and heard that We just made a verbal engagement, and told my parents that they made us both my concubines. Sister Cui was luckier than me. She had a daughter and became an aunt. Only I was still the concubine, but I don't dare to complain. I know that it is my luck to have a man like me in this life, even if I have to be my concubine."

When she said this, she was already crying. Fu Qiuning comforted her again and finally calmed her down. He heard her sobbing and said: "I took the topic far away, that's... It's because of this that my cousin I was so angry that I redeemed myself and started working outside. The last time I went back to my parents' home, one day my parents went to a relative's house for a wedding banquet. I was supposed to go, but I got up early that day and felt a little uncomfortable, so I stayed at home. Unexpectedly, my cousin came around noon. Since my parents were away, I also sent the two little girls home. As a result, we were alone, a boy and a girl. It turned out that my cousin still misses me. He also... didn't get married either. He just hung out with some Jianghu gangs. That day when he saw me alone at home, he couldn't help it. Also... I was also confused and couldn't resist, so... I just obeyed him. From then on After that, my cousin got obsessed with me from time to time, and I made an appointment with my concubine. These days... these days, I come here during dinner every day..." At this point, I was so ashamed that I couldn't say any more, but I couldn't help it. kowtow.

Fu Qiuning thought that this was the case. It was really cliché. In every story about cheating, this cousin seemed to be indispensable. That's right, since the two of them were engaged first, they might actually have feelings for each other. No matter how good Jin Fengju was, he couldn't stop someone from having someone else in his heart first. If you put it this way, it is indeed excusable. In such a situation, if it is not a feeling of sexual frigidity, how can you shirk it? What's more, Jin Fengju is now like leaving her a widow, so why don't I find a way to help them. But how should this matter be handled appropriately