Higher Level Wife

Chapter 296: Leave


When Jin Fengju walked out, Mrs. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself, thank God, her son finally had some humanity today, otherwise he would have divorced his wife, and there was nothing I could do about this lawsuit before the old lady and the master. Thinking that Jiang Wanying was still feeling anxious and regretful at this time, she hurriedly ordered the maids around her to call the person to her place.

The old lady's order to Luo Cui was to lock Jiang Wanying in Qingwan Pavilion. At this time, the guard heard that it was the madam's order and did not dare to neglect, so he informed her to go in. After a while, Jiang Wanying was dressed in beautiful clothes. , walked out, the scene was not as ferocious and crazy as it was in the morning, but it was like a girl to be married, dressed up to take a peek at her lover.

But when she went to Mrs. Jiang's place, Jiang Wanying couldn't help but wonder. She thought it was Jin Fengju who came to find her. The couple revealed everything and broke off their relationship. Jin Fengju would either kill her or write a divorce letter. The book sent her back to her parents' home, and she couldn't escape these two endings.

Unexpectedly, her cousin didn't show up, and it was her aunt who called her over: Could it be that things were different from what she thought? Maybe the cousin Xuan'er was talking about that night knew about it, but was he just a child who was overly concerned? Could it be that everything he did was just because of a guilty conscience, and no one in the family was aware of it? Thinking like this, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart.

So I just said that I saw Fu Qiuning gradually coming to power, and felt very unbalanced. I also heard two children talking about poisoning the kitten that day, and they were very close to Fu Qiuning in their conversation, so I was furious for a while and felt dizzy. He didn't know what he had done while he was in a daze. When he finally woke up, he realized that he had made such a big mistake. Now he is ashamed and just wants to die.

This is bullshit. If you really want to die, wearing a white silk ribbon or starving yourself while Qingwan Pavilion is closed is a good way to die, leaving a whole body. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a fruit knife in the room, right? If nothing else works, just find a pillar and hit it. Why wait until now to come to Mrs. Jiang and cry and feel ashamed, saying that you only want to die

Mrs. Jiang also knew in her heart that her niece cherished her life, so after a few words of comfort and a few words of scolding, she asked her to go back home. Finally, she said sincerely: "Wanying, you are where you are now because you want to be strong and competitive. Don't you think your cousin didn't love you enough back then? Later, it was true that because of the appearance of Mrs. Fu, your cousin did not love you enough because of the two children. And feel guilty, treat her a little more leniently. It's a pity that even I didn't understand at that time. If I had known today, I should have let you put aside your guard and show the magnanimity of the legitimate daughter of the Duke's palace. If you hadn't tolerated her, you would have Did your cousin completely force you to go through it? How did you end up here? Auntie knows that you are a proud and arrogant person, but we women still have to rely on men after all. Look at Fu Qiuning, she has been in Wanfengxuan for five years, and she has been Now that I have become Mrs. Marquis, have I ever been as arrogant as you? The most important thing for a woman is a gentle heart. You are so good. It’s already like this. Your cousin finally went to Qingwan Pavilion, and you still talked to her. Didn't his strange bickering push him completely to Fu's side? Listen to my aunt, we don't want this kind of force. With this incident, you can stay in the Qingwan Pavilion and not care about the world. Two years later, I don’t believe it anymore. Then Fu Qiuning can win the favor of your cousin in five years. What’s worse than her? An Zhiping can’t win your cousin’s favor again in two years? What’s more, you still have Xiu Zhenhe Xuan'er, let me help you speak, I will tell the old lady what happened this time, but you have to change it, do you understand?"

Jiang Wanying didn't take her aunt's heartfelt words into her heart at all. There was only one doubt in her mind. Could it be that her cousin really didn't know? Otherwise, how could my aunt say such a thing? Because in the end he couldn't help but made up his mind and said: "Auntie, my niece is extremely regretful now. She already knows that she was wrong. It's just... I made such a heinous mistake. How could my cousin let me go so easily? I'm afraid He will definitely divorce me, and my aunt may not be able to stop him."

As she spoke, she thought to herself, thinking that based on her cousin's reaction, if something like this happened, he would definitely divorce me. It would be even more suspicious if he didn't even mention the word "divorce me." If he was indeed completely unaware, he might have been persuaded by his aunt. If he knew about it, there is absolutely no reason why he should not kill me and divorce me. Well, did Zhen'er and Xuan'er tell me what happened when I killed Qiuxia and silenced me? No, if I say it out loud, my cousin should know that he can’t hide it, and he will definitely divorce me...

She was thinking in confusion when she heard Mrs. Jiang sigh: "Indeed, your cousin said angrily that he wanted to divorce you at first. It was my aunt who persuaded her and moved out of the relationship that you married him on that day. It’s easy to calm him down. Alas! Speaking of which, your cousin is also a bastard. He blamed Qiuxia’s death on you and only said that Tian Yu was dead. Later it was confirmed that Huo Xiangmian was a spy and Qiuxia also died that day. Oh, I know you didn’t instigate the murder and then silenced me? At that time, I scolded him severely and told him about the past that you committed yourself to marry him to save his face. He stopped talking after hearing this... "

When Mrs. Jiang said this, her niece's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but feel a little "thump" in her heart. She said in a deep voice: "Wanying, you weren't involved in this matter, were you? My aunt saved you in the end, but you... you But..." After talking about it later, Mrs. Jiang's expression changed when she thought of the consequences.

Jiang Wanying thought to herself that her aunt was so pampered and stupid. Even if I did such a thing, how could I say it because of her few words? She knelt down and cried with a look of panic on her face: "Aunt, my niece has made many mistakes, but she would never dare to commit such a heinous crime. Since my cousin suspects that I am related to Qiuxia's death, I'm afraid He doesn't want to believe me anymore. Now I can only make my decision clear if I die..." After saying that, he ran to the kang next to Mrs. Jiang, where there was a small bamboo basket with scissors, needlework and needles in it. When Mrs. Jiang saw that she was about to get the scissors, she was so frightened that she held her hands down and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. It doesn't have to be like this. Your cousin was just talking and had nothing to say after I scolded you. Originally, you are Who? The granddaughter of the duke's palace, a rich lady who has no more concessions than the princess and princess, no matter how powerful his prince is, can he still bribe you to harm us? Don't worry, aunt knows that you are innocent. Brother just thought about it out of anger and didn't mention it again after that.

Jiang Wanying breathed a sigh of relief. Based on Mrs. Jiang's words, she was really relieved. She couldn't help but smile secretly in her heart. She just said that it is not easy to be a spy. The words of the two children actually frightened him into confusion. If it weren't for Mrs. Jiang, he would have just let Jin Feng lift a few times to deceive the truth. Fortunately... fortunately...

She was so lucky that she left the upper room crying, returned to the Qingwan Pavilion, and spent the night staring at the candlelight. Although she feels that her crisis has been relieved for the time being, she is now not allowed to go out in this mansion. Even if she has two ears and eyes, the information she gets is not reliable, so that the future is full of confusion, and even the two children are now They all left here and went to Fu Qiuning's place. Once they were completely indifferent to their feelings and confessed Qiuxia's death, he would really be doomed. "

Jiang Wanying spent the remaining two days in such a confused state. It was not until the third day that the maid next to her brought back a piece of news when she went shopping, which cheered her up.

"Grandma, the prince has ordered you to cheer up and find ways to entangle the young marquis and monitor his recent movements. Now that the news from the north has been obtained, the emperor was indeed hit by an arrow, and it was a poisonous arrow. It is a pity that the Tatars from the north There was no good poison, so the emperor was killed in a short time. But even so, the emperor was old after all, and his health was probably not good anymore. Now the letter sent back by the spies said that since the emperor was shot by the arrow, in addition to being close to the ministers Outside, no one can visit the emperor, but since ten days ago, even the ministers who are close to him can no longer visit. Only Prince Rong serves inside every day. The spies can't get close to the big tent, but they finally found out what seemed to be ten days ago. Some messengers came from the border to the capital, and they also brought more than a dozen carriages of border specialties. The prince guessed that the emperor was probably ill and had secretly returned to the capital. Although the emperor was not well, his mind was still shrewd. Once he is allowed to return to the capital, it is estimated that the things the prince has done will no longer be concealed. Rather than being deposed by then, it is better to risk everything. This emperor, Luan Jia, cannot let him enter the capital under any circumstances. "

Jiang Wanying's heart trembled. After such a long time, everything was finally settled. If she took a risk this time, either the fish would die or the net would be broken. But no matter which ending it is, it is better than continuing to suffer in this house. Once the prince ascends the throne, his father and grandfather will be the main contributors to the merits of Conglong. At that time, even if they leave the Jin family, as they have contributed to the crown prince's Even if you can't give a big reward for your huge sacrifices and hard work, you can always ask for some gold and silver from your father, buy a mansion in a prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River, and live a happy life with your two children, right

Thinking of this, Jiang Wanying breathed a long sigh of relief and nodded: "I understand. It's just that my cousin is busy every day, and I can't let him come to Qingwan Pavilion. How can I spy on his movements?"