Higher Level Wife

Chapter 298: Earthquake


When he said this, he hugged Fu Qiuning and said with a smile: "In the final analysis, the emperor has been the emperor for decades. In the minds of several princes, his prestige is so deep that they dare not act rashly. After all, the prince is not Dare to risk the world and openly plot to rebel and usurp the throne. If that is the case, he still has a 10% chance of success. Now, he has lost the opportunity, and the emperor is just waiting for him to have a solid handle before allowing him to come. That’s it for now.”

Fu Qiuning sighed: "Oh! No wonder people say that Mo was born in an emperor's family. Such a father and son have become monarchs and ministers, plotting against each other. What's the point? Even if they hold supreme power, what's the fun?"

Jin Fengju smiled bitterly and said: "That said, someone has to be the emperor. I just hope that my brother-in-law will not follow the emperor's old path. Fortunately, my nephew is smart and smart, and the emperor often praises him. My brother-in-law also said that once he ascends the throne, he will be the emperor." Make him the crown prince, and by then, the crown prince's position will have been determined, and the other princes will probably not have any unreasonable thoughts."

Fu Qiuning thought that was not necessarily the case. Didn't Mr. Kang think the same way as you did back then? How is the result? There are too many sons, and although some are stupid, there are also some who are smart. In the end, wasn't there a Kowloon Seizing the Progeny? Hum, I hope your brother-in-law will be less romantic after he ascends the throne, and have fewer sons, and maybe he won't be so troubled.

Thinking like this in his heart, he smiled and said: "I am a woman. I don't care about the situation in the court. As long as everything is under your control and it does no harm to our Jin family. In the future, when Prince Rong ascends the throne, you will assist him for a few years." From now on, this peaceful and prosperous age will probably become more prosperous and prosperous, and it will be time for you to retreat bravely. Otherwise, there will inevitably be rumors in the future that your relative will take power... "

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Fengju had already come to his senses and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I promised you that I will only accompany you to travel around the mountains and rivers. Qiu Ning, although I have ambitions to reach the top, but after so many years, I have not been able to do it." As long as my brother-in-law's affairs are settled, this life's ambition can be considered completed. In the remaining time, I will accompany you and your children to travel thousands of miles and travel through the mountains and rivers of Daning, just like we are on Dongfan Island. Like that, lingering among the lakes and mountains, do you think that’s okay?”

Fu Qiuning kissed him on the face and said happily: "As long as you remember this promise, I thought you were about to gain power and had forgotten about your promise to me."

Jin Fengju also kissed her gently on the lips and said affectionately: "How is it possible? I have failed you once, and I will never fail you a second time. Well, the night is still long, why don't we work harder? You are such a weakling There is always no movement, it’s impossible if you don’t work hard...”

"Go away, don't even think about succeeding..."

The angry murmurs suddenly disappeared, and slowly, a burst of heavy breathing and bone-crushing moans came from the red tent.


A month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, the capital was heavily guarded inside and outside the capital. Although the competition between various forces was still undercurrent, as Prince Rong's army stopped and walked, it finally slowly approached the capital. Everyone knows that this competition for the crown prince is coming to an end.

On the surface, the prince has taken all the initiative, but in addition to those who are close to Prince Rong, many ministers in the court are still unwilling to attach themselves to him. The reason is the same: the emperor has too much power, and without him Before the exact divine decree, no one dared to say that the prince could really become the emperor. What's more, after observing the emperor's personal conquests and the prince's various performances since taking over the country, many ministers had a conclusion in their minds: the prince may be a powerful general, but he is definitely not a good candidate for the king.

This day happened to be Mrs. Jiang’s birthday. Speaking of which, Mrs. Jiang was also a filial person. Just because one year her birthday coincided with her mother being seriously ill. She believed in Buddhism, so she went to the Buddhist temple to pray for her mother in person, and met her again. I met a group of beggars and gave them a lot of money. After returning home, my mother's illness gradually improved. From then on, she would go to the Buddhist temple to worship Buddha every birthday. However, because her husband and son were important officials in the imperial court, she did not bother them to see her off. After Jiang Wanying came in, she usually went out to worship Buddha with her.

But this time, for some reason, her son insisted on accompanying her, including Fu Qiuning and the children. After Mrs. Jiang said no, everyone still insisted. Seeing that her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren all said in unison, Mrs. Jiang said no, but she was convinced in her heart, and finally agreed. What made her a little disappointed was that Jiang Wanying, who had always been with her, suddenly suffered from a head infection the next morning and could not accompany her.

Arriving in front of the Buddhist temple, looking at her son, Fu Qiuning Cui and Jin Fengju's children behind her, as well as the eldest son's two concubines and their children, Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but sigh secretly, wondering if Fengju and Wanying really Is it because fate has ended? Otherwise, it would be so difficult to get the two of them together. Over the years, Wanying has never accompanied me to perform incense, so why did she suffer from a headache today

But it was useless no matter how melancholy she was, she shook her head and stepped into the temple. Here, Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning winked, then quietly retreated and ran down the mountain. There were two young boys and Jin Ming waiting there. He was holding a divine horse without a trace of hair in his hands. He got on his horse, shouted, and rode away with Jin Ming. Shortly after he left, several people emerged from the forest and jumped on their horses to chase after him along the road. Go down.

Here, Mrs. Jiang sincerely prayed and made wishes in front of the Buddha and recited scriptures. Cui and Fu Qiuning knelt quietly behind her. Cui also worshiped the Buddha sincerely and recited more Buddhist scriptures than Mrs. Jiang. She was not like Aunt Xu and Aunt Huo were so favored by Jin Fengju that she would inevitably feel jealous when she was alone in an empty room. In order to calm her mind, she recited scriptures day and night until her heart was as calm as water in a well.

At this moment, Fu Qiuning saw her devout look. Even Jin Xiufen could recite half a volume of scriptures. He couldn't help but sympathize with her. He secretly thought that after everything was settled, he would only have such a sister. It would be difficult for Jin Fengju to give her anything else. As for the love between husband and wife, then I must treat their mother and son very well and not let them spend their whole lives in the Green Lantern Sutra.

Just as she was thinking, Mrs. Jiang finally stood up. Fu Qiuning stood up and supported her. She felt that her knees were aching slightly, but she heard Mrs. Jiang say: "Let's go to the back. Every year when I come to the temple, I have to do it." Go sweep that stupa. You young people can’t calm down. You don’t need to follow me. You just have some fun in the back mountain. We have a vegetarian meal here at noon. I also asked the masters to make hundreds of kilograms of steamed buns. , they are all given to the beggars at the foot of the mountain..."

As he said that, he came out of the back door of the main hall and saw that there were temples dedicated to other Bodhisattvas all around. Mrs. Jiang and Fu Qiuning worshiped one by one, but the stupa was behind the temple. After worshiping all the Bodhisattvas, they came to the pagoda. By that time, the sun was already high.

Only then did Mrs. Jiang realize that Jin Fengju had disappeared at some point, and hurriedly asked Fu Qiuning, but she heard her smile and said: "Just now I just saw Jin Ming coming over and muttering, and then he told me that he had something to do and asked me to Just accompany your mother to worship Buddha and sweep the pagoda, and he will go down the mountain by himself."

Mrs. Jiang shook her head and said: "Alas! This child has many things to do and is busy. I have already said that he does not need to come with me, but this year he has become filial and insisted on coming with me. What is the result? He was asked away again. Forget it, I'll go sweep the tower, and you can just play and wait below."

Fu Qiuning and others were willing to listen, but Cui was even more sincere in worshiping the Buddha, so the whole family entered the pagoda, swept layer by layer until they reached the top floor, and then worshiped the relics and the golden body of the Bodhisattva in the pagoda. Just go down.

Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao are just fine, but Jin Zhenyi is the first to be lively and active. Jin Xiuru, Jin Xiuzhen and Jin Zhenxuan are also full of curiosity about this mysterious pagoda. From time to time, they follow their second brother to visit here and touch there. Fu Qiuning was afraid that they would make a mistake, so he had to let Mrs. Cui walk in front with Mrs. Jiang, while she stayed behind to control these naughty guys. He just barely had to carry Jin Zhenyi's ears down the tower.

Seeing that Mrs. Jiang, Cui Jin Xiufen, Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zangjiao and others had calmly walked out of the tower, only Fu Qiuning, Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan were still on the second floor. At this moment, she suddenly noticed a vibration under her feet.

"It's an earthquake."

Fu Qiuning suddenly shouted out, then she picked up Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan and rushed outside. Seeing the pagoda door right in front of her, at this moment, she felt that the pagoda suddenly shook violently, and then stones and soil fell one after another. fall.

She was about to rush out of the pagoda. At this time, Fu Qiuning was really unwilling to be buried in the pagoda. But just when she wanted to rush forward desperately, she heard a "bang" and a beam came from the high hall. The top fell, and if Fu Qiuning hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and quickly stepped back with the two children between his arms, the beam, which was as thick as the mouth of an ocean bowl, would have been enough to smash them into meat pies.

Looking at this situation, there is no way we can get out. Fu Qiuning heard the anxious shouts of Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Cui and the cries of Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao. At this time, the earth shook more and more violently. At the critical moment, she remembered the earthquakes that she knew in modern times. He had no knowledge of survival, so he took the two children and hid under the altar table in the middle of the hall.


Jin Fengju, Jin Ming, and two young men galloped on horseback and soon joined his bodyguards. He brought out half of the soldiers from the Gyeonggi camp. They were not his cronies, but they were all the prince's people.