Higher Level Wife

Chapter 299: Capture the prince


"Okay, this is it, everyone, please stop."

Several generals were wondering when they saw Jin Feng reining up his horse and stopping. Under the sun, there was a lazy smile on his face. It was a leisurely smile as if he had a plan in mind. For a moment, the hearts of these generals sank. After a while, they realized they had been fooled.

"Little Marquis, I don't know what you want to do by bringing us here? Also, where are the other brothers in the Gyeonggi camp? Where have they gone?"

The leader among the several generals was called Shen Can. At this time, he was so flustered that he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked loudly. After asking, he couldn't help but look back and saw flags fluttering in the distance. It should be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was following Jin Fengju. He led the bodyguard team and rushed over.

"I am in a very good mood today, and I see God's favor. It is so refreshing, so I want my brothers to come out and relax. What do you think? Commander Shen, do you think so? I really love soldiers as much as my sons. ? Originally, you have been in the military camp for a long time. In addition to training every day, you are training. It is rare to come out and relax! Oh, look, it seems that there are many people who have the same thoughts as me. There are a lot of people behind. Isn’t there another team coming?”

Your grandma loves soldiers like her son.

Shen Shen cursed in his heart and was about to ask again when he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves, and then several horses galloped towards him. The first person reined in their horses and stopped a few steps in front of Jin Fengju, and took a closer look. , this man wears a purple gold crown and an apricot yellow dragon robe. Who else could it be if he weren’t the current prince

"Huh? It's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? Are you in such a mood today? Are you coming out to relax?"

All this seemed to have been expected by Jin Fengju. He crossed his elbows against his chest, his expression was leisurely and unrestrained, and he no longer showed respect to the prince on the surface in the court, and there was even undisguised disdain in his eyes.

"Jin Fengju, you... what are you doing? Where are your trusted men in the Gyeonggi Camp?" The prince almost vomited blood. The Gyeonggi Camp was originally all his people, but this bastard took the imperial edict from his father and suddenly transformed from The civil servant became a military general and took over most of the military forces in the capital. After that, he made a series of frequent transfers. He actually transferred half of the troops from the Gyeonggi Battalion that he dominated with one hand, and stuffed the other half into his own people. .

Of course, it was impossible for the prince to remain indifferent to these matters. However, the emperor's whereabouts and injuries had always been confusing. The prince was truly afraid of his father, so he wanted to find out his father's true intentions from Jin Fengju's actions. Because of this, he swallowed his nerve and allowed the other party to torment him, thinking that as long as the military forces in the capital were not under the control of the emperor, Jin Fengju's prestige would eventually be inferior to his own. As long as he waited patiently, and waited until the day when the other party's plans were revealed, he would use Thunder to If you can't cover up the situation and capture him, you can also take care of your own father. By then, he will be the supreme lord of the world, the real emperor, and no longer just a supervisor with little power in his hands. The crown prince.

Thank God, after waiting patiently for so long, I finally waited for this guy to take action. The emperor's whereabouts were finally known. The prince was overjoyed and quickly ordered his confidants to stay in the capital. As soon as he waited for his signal, he and his close associates from the Jingji camp occupied the nine gates and controlled the civil and military ministers. Then he wanted to frame Jin Fengju as the Prince Rong and his family rebelled against the party, and he himself became a hero who led troops to suppress the rebellion. With his father seriously injured, are you still afraid that he will not obediently write down the edict of passing the throne? When he is under house arrest in the palace, the world will be in his own hands. The lives of Prince Rong, Jin Fengju, and even the demoted Prince Hong, who was once against him, will all depend on his own thoughts.

His Highness the Crown Prince was so excited by this feeling of strategizing that he felt as if he was in a state of ecstasy. But he never expected that what he thought was a foolproof thing would be hit by Jin Fengju, who was so stunned that he was stunned: Where is the emperor? What does Jin Fengju’s appearance here mean? Didn't he come to meet the emperor? Where are people

"The trusted personnel of the Gyeonggi Camp?"

But Jin Fengju leisurely raised his riding whip, pointed in the direction of the capital, and said with a smile: "Of course I escorted the emperor into the palace. The emperor's chariot has not returned from the expedition in person, and rumors are spreading among the people. In order to appease the people, I ordered the Gyeonggi Camp Half of the troops escorted the emperor back to the court, well, they have probably entered the palace gate by now."

"You...you want the tiger to leave the mountain?"

The prince was shocked and angry, and kept telling himself that Jin Fengju was just bluffing. The emperor was not even seen, so how could he suddenly return to the court? It's just that the opponent's posture really made him frightened. If he wasn't confident, how could the opponent look like he was more strategist and capable of winning thousands of miles away than he was

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain? What does the prince mean by this? Aren't you here to relax?" Jin Fengju smiled slightly. Seeing the prince's eyes rolling around, it was obvious that he didn't believe his words at all. He wanted to capture the prince here, but he had to be famous. Fortunately, this prince was as fierce as fire, and he only needed to be a little provoked, and he was not afraid that he would not fall into his trap.

"Hmph! You're just a little skilled, but you actually want to hide it from the truth?"

The prince could not tell the truth about Jin Fengju, so he could only pretend to be calm and sneer before turning the horse's head. Suddenly Jin Fengju grinned, looking very cheerful, and said loudly: "Your Highness, even a small trick can be hidden from the world. Don't you believe it? I advise Your Highness to just relax here for a while and then go back. Otherwise, how can you behave like this with the Emperor?" What's the explanation? Oh, I understand, you still don't believe me, do you think I'm deceiving you? Then let me tell you the truth, the emperor has been living secretly in my house for nearly two months. As for the spies you planted, because She has long been disheartened. Let alone investigating the Emperor's whereabouts, she knows nothing except the information I specifically let her know. She is not afraid to tell His Highness, I have long known that she is yours. So I didn't do anything with it, I just kept it for a big use today. Let's see, am I right? When His Highness heard that I was going to accompany my mother to perform incense, he immediately guessed that I was building a plank road to cross Chencang secretly. In fact, it was In order to prepare for the Emperor's return to the court, you came here in person with the Royal Guards, didn't you?"

When he said this, his tongue burst into laughter and he shouted loudly: "Young men of the three armies, the emperor has entered the palace, are you still going to follow His Highness to do that treasonous thing and wait to implicate the nine tribes?"

"Jin Fengju, you..."

When Jin Fengju shouted like this, the prince also understood that he had completely lost this time. He was like a gambler who lost his mind, looking at Jin Fengju with a look that wanted to eat him alive. Then he urged his horse forward and shouted: "This is a treacherous minister and traitor. Sons and sons, let me take his life and fight him back to the capital. Most of the power in the capital is still in my hands. What are you afraid of..."

As soon as he said these words, Jin Fengju let out a big sigh of relief: Okay, all the sergeants in the mountains and plains heard this sentence. The prince's crime of treason cannot be escaped.

Raising the flag in his hand and waving it, he heard a sudden killing sound on the mountain on the right, and then countless officers and soldiers emerged from the vegetation, like tigers descending from the mountain one after another. The half of the prince's Gyeonggi camp had not had time to prepare. , was caught off guard by this sudden "Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals".

These soldiers are the forces belonging to Jin Fengju in the Gyeonggi Camp. Now that the prince has left the capital, no one can stop the emperor from entering the palace. You must know that the imperial army is the emperor's army, and the prince's confidants are only a few. The palace gates are all loyal to the emperor at this time. Jin Fengju only needs to leave a few martial arts masters. bodyguards, coupled with the emperor's personal bodyguards with unfathomable martial arts skills, it was definitely enough to send him into the palace. Of course, this is also the emperor's own arrangement. Otherwise, the old man would have to accompany thousands of soldiers from the Gyeonggi Camp. Jin Fengju would be embarrassed to argue with him.

Seeing that the prince's thousands of soldiers and horses were defeated in one attack, the prince, who was extremely brave, had his legs cut off and fell off his horse, and was immediately tied up. Jin Fengju finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the bright sun in the sky: Finally, everything has settled.

"Sir, what does His Highness the Crown Prince want... to do?"

Jin Ming came to Jin Fengju on horseback and said with some embarrassment: After all, this is the emperor's biological flesh and blood. Now he is disheveled and embarrassed, and he is tied up tightly. If this makes the emperor feel distressed when he sees it, isn't he trying to express his anger on me

"Now do you understand why I asked you to order someone to carry a big sedan in advance?" Jin Fengju glanced sideways at Jin Ming, and immediately saw his confidant slap his head and laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, slave. I’m confused, that’s His Highness the Crown Prince’s sedan chair, so naturally it’s time to put him in the sedan chair and return to the palace to see the driver.”

Jin Fengju smiled slightly. This time he followed the emperor's will to capture the prince. It seemed to be a smooth attack, but it actually involved a lot of his hard work. Needless to say, he put in a lot of hard work just to adjust the forces in the capital camp. This Gyeonggi camp was originally full of the prince's confidants, but under his nose, relying on the emperor's decree, they were competing tit-for-tat with him. This alone made him think hard. After all, you can't make a big show of peace in the open. The prince is going against him, right

There is also a secret that the emperor is hiding in Duke Jingguo's palace. This is something that even the old man and Mr. Jin are unaware of. It can be said that only Jin Fengju and Fu Qiuning know about it. As long as there is a small mistake, someone will notice it and report it to the police. The prince knew that once he made a desperate move, it would bring disaster to the Jin family. Even Prince Rong and the emperor might not be spared.

Moreover, allowing the prince to chase him out of the city so recklessly was not just for Jiang Wanying to tip off the news. How could the prince believe this so easily? Before that, he had done a lot of foreshadowing and preparation work to successfully lure the wolf out.

Therefore, this battle may seem simple, but Jin Feng must use all his wisdom to succeed in one fell swoop.