Higher Level Wife

Chapter 300: rescue


"Let's go back to the palace and report to the emperor."

Jin Fengju stared at the winter sun, took a few deep breaths, and after calming down, he gave the order in a deep voice. The mighty team immediately turned their horses and led the dejected defeated soldiers towards the capital.

"The emperor has decreed that the prince be bound and imprisoned in the clan's mansion, awaiting disposal. Marquis Xuan Jin Xiang, Jin Fengju, will see you immediately."

The eunuch shouted loudly in front of the Meridian Gate. Jin Fengju breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to step up the steps, he felt the ground shaking under his feet. He had also felt this when he was capturing the prince, but at that time he only felt that it was caused by the sound of horse hooves. , but now it's shaking again, what on earth is going on? Is it really an earthquake

When I entered the palace to see the emperor, I saw the old emperor sitting on the throne with a kind smile on his face, but his tired look could not be concealed. He tried his best to praise Jin Fengju for a few words, and then heard a report from someone outside: "Your Majesty, the officials of Qin Tian Jian asked to see him, saying that there was a big earthquake in the suburbs of Beijing."

Jin Fengju's heart suddenly trembled when he heard the word "Beijing Suburbs". When he saw the Qintian Supervisor official coming in, he ignored the etiquette in front of the emperor and grabbed the official's sleeve and asked loudly: "Master Guan, what's going on in the suburbs of Beijing? Has... has it affected Baiyun Temple? ?”

The Qin Tianjian official smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lord Marquis. Because it happened in the suburbs of Beijing, there is not much damage. Eh? Baiyun Temple? Lord Marquis also knows that Baiyun Temple is the worst hit? The person who reported it said that there is a high tower there." Two temples collapsed, and pilgrims were buried underneath..." Before he could finish his sentence, Jin Fengju rushed out of the temple without even saying "resign."

"Your Majesty, Lord Marquis... Lord Marquis, he..."

The official of the Qintian Prison was shocked. He never expected that Jin Fengju would be so rude. After all, this was in front of the emperor. Even if you are a most respected minister and the most beloved one, you can't do this. This is disrespectful. Sin, even the emperor's son, the princes, and even the prince would not dare to do such a thing.

The emperor had no intention of blaming him at all. He just sighed softly and murmured: "Fengju has tried his best for me. This time the matter can be resolved satisfactorily and the prince's ambition can be achieved." He restrained himself and did not do such a big thing, so that I still had a reason to keep him alive. Feng Ju deserves the most credit. Alas! I hope God will protect him and prevent him from losing his most important family member because of me. "

These strategies were all discussed with the old man after Jin Fengju formulated them, so the emperor naturally knew that Mrs. Jiang, Fu Qiuning, and the children of Jin Fengju and Jin Pengzhan were all at Baiyun Temple. It is no wonder that he heard about the earthquake in the suburbs of Beijing, especially after Baiyun Temple was the focus. , would be so frightened.

At this time, a large group of people were busy in front of the ruins of the pagoda in Baiyun Temple.

The rescue from the officers and soldiers had not arrived before, and there were few pilgrims. Looking at the huge ruins, everyone was helpless and talking about it. They didn't know what to do at all. They could only wait for the officers and soldiers to come to the rescue. It was just such a big earthquake. , the few pilgrims buried under the ruins may not be spared either.

Mrs. Jiang was sitting on the ground. Although Mrs. Cui was supporting her, she was also sitting on the ground. Their legs were weak and they couldn't even stand up, let alone move the rubble. It was Jin Zangfeng and others who were the first to react. The two brothers and sisters shouted and immediately rushed forward to move the rocks and wood as high as the hill. Ren Jiang's wife, Mrs. Cui, and the maids cried and pulled, and the two were red-eyed. The child refused to come down from the ruins at all.

Inspired by them, Jin Xiuzhen, Jin Xiunan and others also rushed forward. Several pilgrims were moved by watching and spontaneously stepped forward to help. At that time, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Cui also wanted to get up, but their backs were sore and their legs were weak. After a few efforts, they could only sit there.

At this time, I heard a cry, and then a figure rushed to the ruins, crying and asking: "Second and third girls, I was offering incense in the temple, and everyone said that my grandma and two brothers were crushed here. This... is this true or false?"

Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Cui took a closer look and realized that the crying woman was actually Yue Lan. In fact, her question was simply superfluous. If Fu Qiuning hadn't been suppressed below, all the children would have been rich. Why would you cry while trying to move rocks and wood? So while she asked, she cried and started to help. After hearing the answer, she couldn't help but cry again: "How could God be so unfair? A charitable person like grandma should have given her many children and a long life. Why? Suppressed her? Why is that..."

While crying, she suddenly straightened up on the ruins, turned her head around, looked in one direction and shouted: "Are you a dead person? Why don't you come and help quickly? If it weren't for grandma, I would have died that day, and now Even if I die, I will take out the second mistress."

The man she scolded was naturally Yue Lan's cousin. The two were now engaged and were about to get married. Yue Lan was so happy that she came to the Buddha to offer incense and fulfill her vow. In order to highlight that he was now a figure, his cousin Wang Qing summoned dozens of his brothers to escort his lover. Unexpectedly, when he came to Baiyun Temple, he encountered an earthquake. , the wife-to-be was just listening to people talking about it, but when she heard that the second grandmother Ning from the Duke of Jingguo Mansion was crushed under the rubble, she suddenly ran over like crazy. Now when she scolded her, Wang Qing also woke up, Thinking that if it weren't for the second mistress, her sweetheart would indeed be drowned, and I was afraid that I would not be able to escape death, so with a loud roar, dozens of young and strong thugs went into battle together, working hard to move the rubble.

After the earthquake, there were several small aftershocks, but the power was much smaller. In fact, the earthquake was not that big. The reason why the pagoda collapsed is because it has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain. Although it was often repaired, it was too long after all. Therefore, after this earthquake, the pagoda completely collapsed. It collapsed into a pile of ruins, but it trapped Fu Qiuning and Jin Zhenyi Jin Zhenxuan.

Jin Fengju then flew over, along with thousands of officers and soldiers. In fact, as long as they looked at the huge ruins, no one thought that Fu Qiuning and the two children had the possibility of survival. But when everyone saw the young Marquis digging desperately in the ruins like crazy, who dared to neglect him? Even if only two bodies are found, we must do our best.

Thousands of people worked together to carry out the work so quickly. By evening, most of the ruins had been cleared. This is Jin Fengju no longer like a human being. A leader of the Royal Forest Army couldn't see it, so he walked up to him and whispered: "Master Marquis, in such ruins, I am afraid that grandma and the young master have... I also need to take care of myself. You have been working non-stop for four or five hours. This body is It will drag you down, why not wait until tomorrow..."

Before the commander of the Royal Forest Army could finish speaking, he saw Jin Fengju raise his head. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was messy, and his face was covered with black and white dust. He looked like a ghost, which only frightened the commander. . Then Jin Fengju's furious roar sounded in my ears: "Qiu Ning will not die, she will not die, she said she would grow old with me, she promised me, you know? She is waiting for me below, she must still be alive. , she must be waiting for me to save her, no rest, I don’t allow you to rest, keep digging for me, keep digging, you hear me? Otherwise, I will change a group of people to dig, in short, don’t stop for me.”

Jin Fengju was a close minister and favorite of the emperor, and he was awarded the title of Marquis at a young age. For such a big man, even if he did something bullying and tyrannical, no one would say anything. Instead, he would think it was natural. But from the moment he entered the court as an official in high school, he never took advantage of his authority to seek anything for himself. Of course, it was because the Duke of Jingguo was rich and powerful and there was no need for him to seek anything, but it was also because he didn't bother to do so. He had his own pride and principles.

This time, it was the first time that Jin Feng used power for personal gain. Regardless of the fatigue of the soldiers, he shouted loudly to the commander of the Royal Forest Army that Fu Qiuning would not die. But he was actually crazy, a madness on the verge of collapse. He was shrouded in boundless fear, afraid that when he finished moving the rubble, he would only see the bodies of Fu Qiuning and the two children. He kept telling himself that Qiu Ning and the children were not dead, but all that his reason and emotions could give him was despair.

The commander of the Royal Guards sighed: The Marquis is crazy, but the soldiers have really reached their limit and cannot go crazy with him. Fortunately, the emperor also issued an order, and soon another team of Royal Guards arrived.

Countless lanterns were lit next to the ruins, as well as the huge tallow candles. Although the ruins could not be illuminated like daylight, the brightness was enough to support the cleaning of the ruins.

Jin Fengju continued to be busy on the ruins. During this period, he felt two small earthquakes. Several guards rushed forward, thinking that it was dangerous here, and wanted to force him to leave, but they were all thrown away by him. He was always busy, seemingly tireless. In the eyes of the soldiers, he had turned into a mad bull, a mad bull that never tired.

Jin Fengju had no idea how much time had passed or the alternation of day and night. He only knew how to dig down and dig down. He did not dare to have hope in his heart, fearing that he would be even more desperate by then. But this glimmer of hope always lingered in his heart, and he did not dare to give up this hope, because as long as he gave up, he would completely collapse and go crazy.

He dug like this with all his life. In the end, because it was all big rocks and wood, and the tools were not available to him, he only used his hands. As a result, his hands were all dripping with blood, but he didn't care. Compared with a heart, he seemed The pain of being fried alive in a frying pan, what does this pain mean

It was midnight in the blink of an eye, and Jin Fengju's mechanical movements suddenly stopped. He didn't know if he was really crazy. Why did he seem to hear Qiu Ning's voice just now? He stood blankly, and suddenly seemed to wake up. While struggling to move the beam under his feet, he shouted: "Qiu Ning, Qiu Ning, is it you? Is it you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a joyful voice shouting: "Master, Fengju, are you... are you? Did you come to save us? What a pity..."