Higher Level Wife

Chapter 304: of Xing Xun Sui Yang Hong Xun


When Jin Fengju heard his wife say this, he immediately poured out the bitter water, clasped his fingers and said, "Isn't that what he said? I know he doesn't treat me as an outsider. As long as I do things, he won't think about official positions or anything else for me, but you also You can't treat me as an outsider, right? When he first came to the throne at the beginning of the year, because of the evaluation of the Ministry of Personnel, I was still a third-grade Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel. As a result, less than two months later, after the evaluation, he was afraid that the Yellow River would burst its banks, so he immediately dismissed me. I sent an official from the Ministry of Works to supervise the river work in the local area. I don't care about a fifth-grade official. After all, with the title, others dare not be disobedient, but he can't do it either. I just made everything secure. Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, he transferred me back to preside over the greetings of all nations, right? I wonder if at this time of year, even the officials of the Ministry of Rites want to take sick leave to avoid slacking off? It would be better for him not to let me have a rest. In two days, they simply killed off my relatives and sent me there. What happened during those two months? Even my sister-in-law and Yanfang felt sorry for you, saying that I was too neglectful of you. But they didn’t know that I was suffering even more than you. Good. The affairs of the Ministry of Rites are over, and I think it’s time to take a rest. Something happened with the Southeast Reform again. I said at the beginning that the reform should not be rushed, but should be done slowly, but he sent those impatient officials. Now that I couldn't hold on anymore, I gave the matter to me again. Well, within half a year, I visited the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Household Affairs, and only the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of War were left. I guess, I Then my good brother-in-law wouldn’t want me to go through all six movies, would he? Is that still my brother-in-law? The emperor hasn’t bullied me like this yet... "

Prince Rong indeed regarded his brother-in-law as a piece of peerless steel and used it all on the blade. This is actually a supreme favor. If others want the emperor to use it like this, is it their turn? But Jin Fengju was too tired these days. He was originally a marquis, so even if he had to leave his job and work as a free-time marquis at home, he still had to do it. Just because Prince Rong had just ascended the throne, he had to help him first, thinking that when he stabilized, he could realize what he said to Fu Qiuning. Taking her on a leisurely trip to the mountains and rivers was the main reason why he was as motivated as a head.

But the work was endless. Jin Feng raised his eyes and saw that if he continued to rush forward like this and relieve the worries of his emperor brother-in-law, he would treat him like a tireless donkey. Naturally, he was unhappy. Donkeys also know how tired they are. good? Besides, he is also a human being, not an almighty God. If he could do any kind of job, the envious, jealous and hateful looks from the civil and military officials would be on his back like a ray of light.

Fu Qiuning seems to be very tired these days. Often when Jin Fengju wants to say a few personal words to her, she will yawn continuously. The young marquis feels pity for his wife, so he has to swallow his words. Now he can finally put away his complaints. After I said it, the resentment in my heart calmed down a lot.

But I saw Fu Qiuning yawning again, shaking his head and smiling: "Although I am full of complaints, I feel a sense of pride in it. In the eyes of the emperor, you are the person he relies on most, and you are a capable minister. At such a young age, the emperor relies on you as a pillar of the country. How many people in the past and present can do this? The reason why you are not allowed to serve as a high-ranking official is that the emperor has taken great pains. You have aroused the envy and jealousy of many people, and You are a Marquis, and you are a highly respected minister. I am afraid that those villains will drown you with their saliva. This is also the emperor's way of balancing."

Jin Fengju snorted coldly and said: "What is the way of balance? I can see it. If he continues to use it like this, even if I work until my hair is gray, he won't be able to finish it. It won't work, it won't happen until this thing happens in the southeast." After that, I will resign and accompany you to travel around the world. Now, let him work hard first, so that when I ask for resignation, it will be difficult for him to keep me. Yes, just do it, say this, this time I can't complain about the matter, no, no, no, I don't have any complaints, I have to show some meaning from time to time, so that the emperor has an idea, so that he can resign more easily when the time comes..."

The young Marquis was here happily thinking of a way to get away by being lazy, but he didn't hear his wife agreeing for a long time. He turned around and saw, well, Fu Qiuning had fallen asleep again. He blinked, with an embarrassed look on his face, and murmured: "Going to bed so soon? Qiu Ning's recent sleep must have been too good.


In the imperial garden, the former Princess Rong, now the Empress Duankang, and Qiu Ju, who once caused a storm in the city and is now a British concubine, were watching the goldfish by the goldfish pond. Suddenly, they saw a group of Luan driving over from a distance. , from a distance, he could clearly see the emperor wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, so he waited where he was. When the emperor came forward, he bowed deeply and said with a smile: "Have you finished handling the emperor's political affairs? Come and see the scenery."

Zhao Lun chuckled and said: "I've already taken care of it, otherwise why would I come here? In today's peaceful and prosperous age, there aren't many things to do."

Jin Yanqiu smiled slightly, glanced at him and said: "Is that so? I saw that the emperor has been so leisurely every day since he ascended the throne. I thought it was because of the prosperity and peace in the world. Who knew that I met my younger brother yesterday? , listening to him vomiting his bitterness, I realized that your good brother-in-law almost treated him like a donkey. He transferred four books in less than half a year. I heard that the courtiers are all waiting now, just waiting for him to finish transferring six books. So I can give him the nickname "Six Books". This concubine doesn't understand. Since the age is prosperous and peaceful, where can such complicated things come from? Poor Fengju, he has always made plans and made suggestions for you before, but now Now that you have ascended the throne, it’s time to let him rest, right?”

Zhao Lun's old face suddenly turned a little red. He also knew that he was too "favourable" to his brother-in-law. Feeling guilty, he covered his mouth and coughed, pretending to be angry: "Nonsense, you are the queen." , how can you see a foreigner without permission?"

Jin Yanqiu glared at him. At that time, the eunuchs and maids all knew about the "love" between their masters, so they all stayed far behind. Only Qiu Ju followed them slowly forward. Sure enough, I heard Jin Yanqiu coldly snort: "My own brother, what kind of outsider is he? I haven't seen him since you came to the throne. This is more than half a year. I am confused. I summoned him yesterday." When I came in, I realized that he asked you to go around the envoys. Your Majesty, it goes without saying the benefits you promised him that day. The Duke of Jingguo has an honorable title, and he himself also has a title. I am not greedy to ask for anything, just you. You can't do this just because he is capable, right? Are you his brother-in-law or his enemy?"

Zhao Lun saw that the queen was not frightened, so he smiled and said: "That's right, how can I kill my relatives for justice? Isn't it because Feng Ju is still young, and he should be given more experience? Queen, don't feel sorry for your brother, he still has He is less than thirty years old, when he is in the prime of life, and he is the person I trust most. If I don’t rely on him, who else should I rely on? What happened to the six complete works? When he really completes the six complete works, I will transfer him to the cabinet. , give him a second-grade bachelor, by then, he will have so many achievements, even if he is younger, others will not be able to say anything."

When Jin Yanqiu heard this, she couldn't help but her eyes widened immediately, and she said in a loss of voice: "What? You still want him to join the cabinet? Have you and Feng Ju discussed this idea?" Seeing her husband shaking his head, she said angrily: "You do have a wishful thinking, but I'm afraid it won't work. Yesterday Fengju told me that when things in Southeast are on track, he will ask you to resign?"


Zhao Lundeng jumped up as if his butt was on fire. He didn't even care about his appearance and demeanor. He glared and shouted: "That kid wants to give up now? Is it possible? How old is he? He has worked hard for half a year and quit. He is the only one who is tired. No? My father suddenly passed the throne to me, and he went away to live happily. I took over such a big stall without any preparation. Aren't I tired?"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the eyes of his concubine and concubine looking him up and down, clearly showing disbelief. Looking at the sun that was half high in the sky, it was still early in the afternoon, and he appeared in the imperial garden. Thinking that this was indeed a very unfounded statement, he glared and said unreasonably: "Yes, you look at me like It's very leisurely, but I don't know that I'm tired. That brat Fengju worked hard in front of my father, and now I've only been in charge of him for half a year, and now he's full of complaints, hum! He wants to give up and daydream. , I won’t let him go, let’s see if he still dares to rebel?”

Jin Yanqiu said angrily: "Your Majesty, please stop talking. The Supreme Emperor didn't exploit people like you back then. Didn't he squeeze people like this? Sister Yingbi, please tell me to be fair, it's me who is my sister's beloved brother. Isn’t it? Didn’t the emperor go too far?”

Qiu Ju covered her mouth with a smile and said calmly: "Yes, to be fair, the queen sister is right. Your Majesty, you shouldn't work like this just because Lord Jin Xiang is young."

Zhao Lun saw that the two women he loved most were targeting him. Thinking about it again these days, Jin Fengju was really exhausted by him. He felt guilty for a moment. He coughed and whispered: "I know. Okay, when things in the southeast are over, I will give him a few days off to rest. Queen, as a relative of the emperor, Feng Ju should share my worries. You should encourage and teach him, let him put state affairs first and resign. Nian, let him not think about it now. It’s not impossible to resign and live happily at the age of fifty. No, let’s wait until after his sixtieth birthday.”

"Sixtieth birthday? Thank you for your ability to speak out." Jin Yanqiu gritted his teeth and said: "I bet you want to imitate the Supreme Emperor. After giving the Zen throne to your son, you will allow him to resign, and then we can travel around the world in a gang, right?"