Higher Level Wife

Chapter 306: of Diaoxi Chai Hui Baoji


Zhao Lun chuckled and said: "How can I not be happy? Hehe, the queen just said that Feng Ju wanted to give up his wife, and now his wife is pregnant. How can he leave the house? Hahaha, ten months Within, I don’t have to rack my brains to think of ways to keep him, you know, he is my brother-in-law after all, if he really wants to be arrogant, it will be difficult for me."

Jin Yanqiu made what he said so angry and funny, and couldn't help but shake his head and said: "It turns out that the emperor is happy with this, bah, you are so beautiful. Now that Qiu Ning is pregnant, and Fengju is nervous about her temper, it must be time." He is always on guard, and you still want to use this opportunity to catch his coolie, hum! But you made the wrong calculation."

"Ah?" Zhao Lun's smile suddenly stiffened, and he murmured: "So, this matter is not only not good for me, but also harmful? Then I..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was glared at by Jin Yanqiu, and she said quickly: "Bah, bah, bah! Children's words are unbridled, there are no advantages but only disadvantages? Why is it not a benefit to have a new child in my brother's family?" "

Zhao Lun had a look of "embarrassment" on his face and thought to himself, Queen, I am already in my thirties. If you say that I am a childish person, will God believe it

Not to mention that Zhao Lun was worried here, fearing that Jin Fengju would put his career aside for the sake of his wife. Let’s just talk about Jin Fengju. Although this prospective father was an idiot during the day, he soon returned to normal. He tried his best to appear calm and unfazed in front of others. In the evening, several children left their family studies and knew that Fu Qiuning After having the baby, he chatted and laughed around her, and was even chased to the study by him with a stern face. In short, judging from his facial expression, one should definitely admire his determination.

Unexpectedly, when it was late at night and there were only the couple in the room, the father-to-be's calm mask immediately collapsed. He couldn't wait to jump on the bed, put it on Fu Qiuning's belly, and said excitedly: "Qiu Ning, our baby is here now. Here, my God, I seem to hear his breathing, and he is waving his little arms and legs impatiently... "

"My Lord, please spare me."

Fu Qiuning almost burst out laughing and shook his head: "The doctor said it only lasts for more than a month. I'm afraid it's just a ball of flesh no bigger than a fist, with small arms and legs, and a sound of breathing. Bah! I don't know if the nose has grown yet." It’s grown out.”

Jin Fengju thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed the case, and couldn't help but laugh. He nodded and said: "I'm too impatient, hahaha, but it doesn't matter. Now that I have it, the little guy will grow up. In four or five months, I can feel him kicking me, hehe... Hahaha... "

Fu Qiuning simply lay down and ignored the crazy-looking father-to-be. Otherwise, it was expected that she would not have to sleep tonight.

This little life in Fu Qiuning can be said to have gathered the expectations of the whole family. Thanks to this fetus, she also enjoyed the treatment of a national treasure giant panda.

Jin Zangfeng, Jin Zangjiao, Jin Zhenyi and others were also very happy. The ages of their brothers and sisters are not much different, and suddenly they will have a new born brother or sister, and the children are also looking forward to it.

However, Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen are not as optimistic as them. Although they watched Fu Qiuning's belly getting bigger day by day, and were full of curiosity and expectation for the little life that had not yet been born, after all, they grew up in Jiang Wanying's hands, and their minds were astute and they naturally wanted to think about whatever they wanted. More than Jin Zhenyi’s penis.

Fu Qiuning knew what they were thinking, but she didn't say anything. It's useless no matter what you say about this kind of thing now. Only by waiting for the child to be born and treating them as before can the two siblings' doubts be put aside.

But she never expected that not only she and Jin Fengju would see it, but also several other children.

Fu Qiuning is a person who has traveled through time, so she naturally knows the benefits of appropriate activities for childbirth. This knowledge is understood by everyone in modern times, even if she has never been married and had children.

So that day, I held my belly full and let Jian Feng help me to the backyard and sat under the tree by the pond. Although it was late autumn, fortunately the sunshine was good. She wore a dark cloak and sat on the bed. I didn’t feel cold even on the thickly cushioned chair.

Suddenly I heard several voices coming from far away. Jin Zhenyi's voice was as loud as ever, and he said loudly: "You two just like to think too much. Even if the aunt has a child, will she abandon us? I don't believe it."

Jin Zhenxuan sneered: "Who is as naive as you? You don't care about anything. When you are full, you sleep and wake up before eating. You are really happy and comfortable."

Jin Zhenyi heard that this was wrong, and after thinking about it, he jumped up and said, "Okay, you... you called me a pig? Jin Zhenxuan, don't go too far."

Jin Zangfeng said quickly: "Okay, okay, let daddy and mother hear our quarrel and they will be upset again. You two should say less. Listen to me." He coughed and sat on the stone by the pond. Next, he said in a deep voice: "I know what the third brother and the second sister are worried about. I'm afraid that the third and fourth sisters may not have this worry, but they just don't want to say it out. In that case, I will make it clear to you here. Let me tell you clearly, my mother is not that kind of person."

"Brother, do you dare to be so sure? You must know that if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth..."

Jin Zhenxuan sighed, and quickly explained before he could finish: "I... I'm not saying that my mother treats us badly. I know very well that my mother treats us very well, no... no worse than our own mother, but that's because She doesn’t have a child of her own. If she had a child of her own..."

"What if you have your own children?"

Before Jin Zangfeng could continue, Jin Zangjiao took over and said loudly: "Mom is a kind and kind person. Even if she has her own children, she will treat us as she always has been. Although my brothers and sisters are not very old, Don’t you have enough experience? A vicious-hearted person will not treat us well even if she does not have her own biological child. A person like Mom will not treat us badly even if she has a baby of her own. I I wish I had a younger brother or younger sister to love, but I'm not like you, you have to think wildly and scare yourself."

Jin Zangfeng also quickly took over what his sister said: "My sister is right. That day, my sister and I followed Yu Niang to go to my mother's house for the first time. She looked at the scars on our bodies and her tears were like broken beads. From then on, we knew that she was our mother. My younger brothers and sisters also had to follow our mother for various reasons. I can see that she loves each of us, and this love is endless. My mother is not that kind of person who will fade away just because she has a younger brother or sister. I am only worried about you. You all know the story about the suspect stealing the axe. But once you are preconceived, even if mother treats us as well as before, You will inevitably find faults, and then wouldn’t you have let down my mother’s heart?”

Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen stopped talking. Jin Zhenyi said loudly from the side: "Yes, anyway, if anyone dares to make aunt uncomfortable because of this, I will be the first to refuse."

Jin Zhenxuan and Jin Xiuzhen rolled their eyes, and Jin Xiuzhen said bitterly: "We...we are just worried. Since no one is worried, it seems that we are villains. Don't worry, I won't hit you. What a chance, huh!"

Jin Zhenyi was startled, jumped to the side, and said loudly: "What? I still dare to hit you? Thank God if you don't scratch me, how dare I hit you again. But second sister, you really need to change your temper. Change it, otherwise if you get older, if the name of this tigress spreads throughout the capital, how can you get married?"

Jin Xiuzhen was furious and said bitterly: "When did I become a tigress? Don't you always say that the eldest sister is the tigress..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Zhenyi was so frightened that he hid behind Jin Zangfeng. He looked at Jin Zang who was about to go berserk across from him with fear and screamed: "Yes, yes, yes, the eldest sister is a tigress, and the second sister is a vixen, my God." , I am the unlucky Qingqing who lives in the big forest, right? Big brother, third brother, let’s find a way to escape, we can’t survive this day.”

The crowd asked him to open his mouth and he became angry and laughed at the same time. A group of children chased him and then drove away. Here Fu Qiuning and Jian Fengfang appeared, and Jian Feng couldn't help but smile: "The second young master looks rough and reckless. If this mouth is powerful, it will really hurt people."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Well, don't you see who his mother is? Aunt Xu used to be famous for her mouth in the Duke's Mansion. That is to say, Jiang Wanying was superior to her in terms of identity, otherwise she wouldn't be able to convince her. she."

Jian Feng nodded, his expression became solemn again, and he said softly: "I just didn't expect that the third young master and the second girl would have such thoughts. I'm afraid that the third and fourth girls didn't say anything with their mouths, but they were muttering in their hearts. The fifth girl is too old. If you are younger and follow Aunt Cui, you may not have such thoughts... "

Before he finished speaking, Fu Qiuning said calmly: "It doesn't matter, those two children have lived with Jiang Wanying for several years, and they have been exposed to fighting and calculation. It is not surprising to have such thoughts, but their nature is not bad. You can tell by looking at their attitude towards the kitten when we were in Quanzhou. How can people be unselfish? Saints are no exception, let alone the two children. As long as I treat them the same way in the future, it will be fine."

Jian Feng knew that his master was such an individual, so he said no more and helped Fu Qiuning back.