Higher Level Wife

Chapter 307: of the extravaganza (end of the extravaganza) of the city's imperial concubines dancing in clusters


When Fu Qiuning was just pregnant, Jin Fengju did ask Zhao Lun to resign from the yamen affairs, but the brother-in-law couldn't help but put down his imperial pretensions and coaxed and persuaded him. To be fair, Zhao Lun is the emperor now. Even if he has not changed, as a minister, he should have the sense of a minister. In desperation, the young Marquis had no choice but to agree to Zhao Lun and continue to work for him.

This continued until April. Seeing that his wife was going to give birth at any time, Jin Fengju gave up. Zhao Lun also knew that he actually owed this brother-in-law a lot, and he also had to plan for the future, so he gave him a month-long vacation for the first time to show that he, the emperor's brother-in-law, was also very understanding. The purpose was of course to keep his brother-in-law and let him He continued to work hard for himself.

Fu Qiuning's belly is so big now that she can't sleep well at night due to the pressure. She can only put a quilt and pillow on her back and sleep for a while every night while sitting half-sitting. Jin Fengju knew that she was in pain, so he worked hard. Whenever Fu Qiuning couldn't sleep, he would chat with her and tell her interesting things he encountered when he visited various places in the past.

Let alone ancient times, how many men can do this kind of thoughtfulness in modern times? Fu Qiuning felt sweet in her heart, but looking at her husband's increasingly thin face and dark circles under his eyes, she felt really distressed. So when it was time to give birth that night, she interrupted Jin Fengju and said, "It's too late. It's time for me to go to bed. It's the middle of the month. The doctor said that it's not impossible to give birth at the end of the month. You're like this How can you survive it?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Why not? You can do it with such a big body. How can I, a man, not be as good as you? Don't worry, I can endure it, otherwise I won't be able to sleep either." He touched Qiu Ning. He smiled with great satisfaction and happiness, and said softly: "As long as I think about this little guy, I can naturally bear it. I see that your belly is much bigger than Wanying Meizhuang and the others. It can be seen that the little guy is definitely not the same." He will be younger, hehehe..."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Yeah, it's definitely not small. I can't lie down at all now. Look at how swollen my legs are. When I sat in front of the mirror that day, I just didn't dare to recognize myself. Fortunately, I am sincere and do this to me every day. This fat woman is so happy that she doesn't even leave the house."

When Jin Fengju heard his wife praising his sincerity, he couldn't help but laugh again and said proudly: "That's natural. I told you that I don't know how to say sweet words and pledge each other to each other, but I will let you see my actions..." As he said that, he added He put his head on Qiu Ning's belly, and then asked doubtfully: "Has the little guy figured it out? He usually punches and kicks all the time, why is he so quiet tonight? Maybe he is just gathering energy to crawl out."

This sentence made Fu Qiuning laugh out loud, shook his head and said: "Come on, you don't sleep yourself, do you think the baby is as tireless as you? Go to sleep quickly, I am tired now."

Jin Fengju had no choice but to lie down. He was afraid that his wife would give birth these days, so he would often wake up less than half an hour after sleeping. After waking up, it would take a long time before he could go back to sleep. It was really the impending birth of this little life that made him anxious. So excited. After all this hard work, I only get one or two hours of sleep every night, so I have dark circles under my eyes.

He fell asleep in a daze. Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw Duke Zhou rushing towards him in auspicious clouds, he heard Fu Qiuning's voice: "Master, I... I have a stomachache. I think... I'm going to give birth..."

Jin Fengju was so surprised that he jumped up from the bed like a carp. He was so frightened that the old cat that had just caught the mouse and lay down at the end of the bed also meowed "meow" and the fur all over its body exploded.

"Be honest and don't touch Qiu Ning."

At such a critical moment, Jin Fengju also forgot about his phobia, picked up the old cat and rushed out, shouting: "Jian Feng, Qiu Yu, hurry up, Qiu Ning is about to give birth, midwife... hurry up..." Call the midwife..."

The quiet Qingningxuan suddenly exploded. In the blink of an eye, countless candles lit up, illuminating it like daylight. The midwife was kicked up in her sleep, and she entered Qiu Ning's room while fastening her clothes. Jin Fengju also wanted to go in, but was kicked out. Not to mention, he was not even allowed to stay in the room, and only said to let him go. He went to the study to hear the news.

The young Marquis was not willing, so he put on some clothes and walked around the yard. Hearing Fu Qiuning's cry from inside, Jin Fengju, who was still intact even at the critical moment of life and death, was in a state of confusion. He kept clasping his hands and praying to God. He worshiped all the gods and Buddhas he knew.

At that time, Mrs. Jiang and others were also alarmed, and hurried over with the support of the maids. Seeing her son running around anxiously in the courtyard, she stepped forward to comfort him for a few words, and then went into the house.

It was getting brighter, but the movement in the room never stopped. Jin Fengju was extremely anxious. Suddenly he saw Qiu Yu coming out in a hurry and asking the maids to prepare hot water and send it in. He hurriedly stopped her and asked anxiously: "Why is Qiu Ning still screaming at this time? Don't... don't. No..." But I didn't dare to say the word "dystocia".

Qiu Yu hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is grandma's first time giving birth. How can it be so fast? It's only been two hours. I'd better go to the study and wait."

At dawn, the old lady also got the news. She sent Luo Cui to come in person and sent several little girls to report the news.

Jin Fengju stood in the courtyard, with several boys beside him. Their hearts were in their throats. The sweat on their foreheads gathered in small streams and flowed down. Looking up at the sun high in the sky, Jin Fengju secretly said, "Quick!" Is it noon? Why hasn't it been born yet? Fortunately, no one said it was a dystocia. Oh my god, oh my god, this... I must find a way to prevent Qiuning from getting pregnant again. This is really heart-wrenching and torturous...

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Fu Qiuning's hoarse roar coming from the room. Jin Fengju felt his heart tremble. He walked up the steps and was about to rush into the room. Suddenly he heard a loud cry, Then there was a burst of laughter inside.

Jin Fengju was stopped by the maids at the door, who asked him to wait outside to announce the good news. Suddenly he heard another burst of crying, and then there was a commotion in the room, as if something had happened, which made him anxious. He just barged in regardless, but saw the door curtain raised, Qiu Yu came out, saw Jin Fengju, smiled hurriedly, and said with great joy: "Congratulations, Mr. Hou, congratulations to Mr. Hou, grandma has given birth to two children." A son, a twin."

"What? Two sons? Twins?"

Jin Fengju was stunned for a moment, then jumped up, and the three little guys behind him also jumped in. They saw the midwife waiting there to announce the good news to Mrs. Jiang, and the whole family could not close their mouths with joy. Then Mrs. Jiang hurriedly said to Luo Cui: "I just want to laugh here, why don't you tell the old lady the good news in person?"

Jin Fengju stepped forward and saw Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Fang each holding a baby in their hands. Their wrinkled little faces were not pretty, but he was so moved that he almost shed tears for a moment. Just as she was about to reach out and touch the faces of the two babies, she heard Mrs. Jiang say: "Your hands are covered with thin calluses for practicing kung fu. How can such a baby's skin be so tender? It's better to go and see your wife." Bar."

Jin Fengju was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand and entered the room again. He saw Fu Qiuning lying quietly on the bed, his face pale and his eyes closed. He was startled and rushed over to grab his wife's hand, wanting to feel for her pulse, but he heard Fu Qiuning say: "It's okay, I'm just too tired. Who would have thought that I had two babies and almost died?" I'm exhausted."

Jin Feng held his wife's hand and was speechless for a long time. Fu Qiuning opened his eyes and saw him looking at her with a gentle smile, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes. She suddenly understood what her husband was thinking, squeezed his hand hard, and said softly: "You must be tired too. You haven't slept all day and all night. Come and get some sleep."

"I'm not tired, and I don't want to sleep either." Jin Fengju came to the bedside, half-lying down next to his wife, and said softly: "I'm here to watch over you, you go to sleep quickly, I'm afraid that after giving birth to those two little ones, All your strength has been used up."

Fu Qiuning knew that if he didn't sleep, Jin Fengju would definitely not fall asleep. If he did, he might be able to fall asleep half-lying here. So he stopped talking and closed his eyes. He was really too tired and soon fell into sleep.

Just like what Fu Qiuning said, Jin Fengju was guarding his wife here, and the outer room gradually became quiet. The two children must have been taken away by the wet nurse to feed them. Looking at his wife's peaceful sleeping face, he felt extremely happy in his heart, and slowly Also fell asleep.


"Jin Zhenyi, Jin Zhenxuan, you two are so brave, right? That is the sachet made for eldest brother, hand it over to me..."

It was another summer, and Fu Qiuning was making bellybands for several children in the house. The two twin sons were jumping on the ground and playing with the window grill Bingling. Jin Zangjiao's voice was heard, and then the door curtain was raised, and Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan rushed in in a panic.

"You two naughty ones, why did you offend your sister?"

Fu Qiuning walked out of bed helplessly, and saw Jin Zangjiao and Jin Xiuzhen rushing in aggressively. When he saw her, he stopped in his tracks, put on a smile and said sweetly: "Why are you in the house, mother? I saw you going there earlier. You went to Aunt Yanfang, when did you come back?"

Fu Qiuning glared at them and pretended to be angry: "Look at you two, Jiao'er, you are already thirteen. In two years, it will be time to find a husband for you. Why don't you show off your temper at all? Is it possible?" Do you really want to be a tigress? Look at your second sister, a girl who used to be a well-educated girl has now learned so much from you. If you continue like this, I can't control you, and I will ask your father to ask for help. ah."

When Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan heard what Fu Qiuning said, they immediately came over and complained: "Auntie, you are so right. Even the third sister, the fourth sister and the fifth sister have followed suit. We don't dare to provoke them easily now." Alas! The two younger brothers haven't grown up yet. Otherwise, we five men wouldn't be afraid of their five peppers... "

"Plop" sound

The maids in the room couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing. Fu Qiuning was angry and funny. He nodded at Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan, gritted his teeth and said: "You are not good guys either. No wonder these girls chase you and beat you. Who gave these nicknames?”

Before he finished speaking, Jin Zhensheng and Jin Zhenye ran over together, giggling around the two brothers: "Chili, spicy, not delicious... spicy mouth... Brother, take us to catch toads..."

Fu Qiuning was helpless. Ever since Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan took them to play the game of catching toads, they would entangle them whenever they saw them, so that even the frogs in the backyard pond were in bad luck. Every summer, they would catch toads every day. They have to go through several thrilling capture games. Fortunately, these children all know Fu Qiuning's temperament and are not cruel people, so the toads have no danger.

But even so, being caught several times a day is something that greatly damages the self-esteem and courage of the toads. Fu Qiuning thought funnyly that it was fortunate that these toads could not move. Otherwise, there might be a strange scene on the streets of the capital: thousands of toads moved out of the Jingguo Palace in groups.

After coaxing a few children away, it was a rare day for the clan school to have a holiday. Naturally, brothers Jin Zhensheng and Jin Zhenye followed Jin Zhenyi and Jin Zhenxuan. Jin Zangfeng is now a scholar. He spends most of his time in a private school and only comes back once every half a month.

Listening to the children's laughter going away, Fu Qiuning smiled and shook his head, said a few words to the maids, then picked up the needle and thread again, and suddenly heard the voices of two little maids outside the door: "Master is back." She raised her head At first, he looked at Jin Fengju who walked in in surprise, and said with a smile: "Why are you back at this time? Is there nothing going on in the Yamen?"

Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Now that the world has been at peace for a long time, why are there so many things? I have already resigned from the emperor. Zhensheng and Zhenye are also three years old. It is time for me to fulfill the promise I made to you that day."

Fu Qiuning was stunned for a while. He came back to his senses for a while and said in silence: "What? You resigned? Is the emperor willing? The last time he entered the palace, the empress said that the emperor was determined to let you join the cabinet. He will wait for him in the future. After we reach the Zen position at the age of fifty, we will travel together again."

Jin Fengju sneered and said: "Don't be stupid, he is the emperor, how easy is it to travel from the Zen position? Besides, even if he imitates the Supreme Emperor, who will wait for him for twenty years? I am not the emperor, why don't I accompany you and your family while I'm still young? Children have traveled all over famous mountains and rivers, but they have to wait until they are fifty before leaving? Am I stupid?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said: "You are smart, but how can the emperor let you go so easily?"

Jin Fengju snorted and said: "He asked me to move around in the six departments. He thought that I had enough experience and wanted to let me join the cabinet as a bachelor. Hum! Do you think I don't know? Once I really enter the cabinet, Then we really have to wait until he reaches Zen status before we go on the road together, and I don’t want to. Of course, the emperor is not a good bird. In the end, the two of us fought in the ring for several days, each took a step back, and he gave me Let me take you and your children out to play during the one-year vacation, and then join the cabinet in one year. Of course I won’t do it, and finally I’m going to take the three-year vacation.”

Fu Qiuning was dumbfounded. He blinked and stammered: "You... you bargained with the emperor? My God, emperors and ministers like you are unprecedented, right?"

Jin Fengju smiled proudly and said: "Of course, how many men like me are there in the world who don't work for a future career and only focus on making their wife and children happy? As for the emperor and his ministers, hehehe, we are not just the emperor and his ministers. relationship, am I still his brother-in-law? How can he, a brother-in-law, still argue with me? In short, time is precious, alas! It’s all because your husband is so capable. Now that he can take a three-year vacation, it is already an unexpected blessing. Besides, in three years, your man will sell his life to the imperial court, so Qiu Ning, hurry up and clean up, we can’t waste a minute."

Fu Qiuning was so amused by Jin Fengju that he couldn't help but laugh. He thought for a while and then said: "Okay, I will order people to clean up now, but... Do you want to take all the children with you? Feng'er has already been selected as a scholar and is known as a child prodigy. Do you want him to continue his studies so that he can be named on the gold medal list at a young age like me in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Fengju waved his hand and said: "Take everything with you. It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. What is wrong with what our ancestors said? No matter the country or our Jin family, we don't need nerds." . Feng'er is a pillar of talent, take him out to practice and practice, his future achievements will definitely be above mine, and he can't do without you to promote his reputation and career, so take him with him. Although they are small, they are not unattended, and they are in Mingshan. After growing up traveling in Dachuan and absorbing those spiritual and beautiful spirits, they will definitely become talents in the future. By then, the prosperity of my Jin family will be entirely in the hands of their brothers."

Fu Qiuning then didn't ask any more questions. After being locked up in the mansion for so many years, she naturally hoped to travel. Although three years was a bit long, it wasn't three years that she spent all her time outside. What's more, when she thought about the next few decades, I have to spend time in this house again, so while I am still young, I should go out for more walks.

So Jin Fengju reported to the old lady and Mrs. Jiang, although her parents were not far away. However, they didn't leave for three years. They just went out to play, came back to stay for a few days, played some more, and came back to stay for a while. In this case, it was not a big deal.

Poor Zhao Lun, although he had promised his brother-in-law a three-year vacation, he still had a cunning idea in his heart, because he had figured out that he still had his grandmother Gaotang at home, so it was impossible for him to go away for three years and just let him play outside. But when he After returning home, he could work as a laborer for a few more months. Even if he was not given any specific errands, he could just stay by his side to help him handle some political affairs. He even came up with the idea of letting Jin Fengju work as a temporary worker in the cabinet for this purpose. What a great idea to turn it into a regular employee later in the year. If Fu Qiuning knew about it, he might be suspected of being a time traveler.

Unexpectedly, Jin Fengju had seen through his intentions long ago and killed the "three-year period" that he personally promised, but refused to use any remaining energy for him. This made Zhao Lun so angry that he thought that you don't have to distinguish between public and private affairs now, huh! There are three or four people in the cabinet who are very old. When you join the cabinet in three years, you will have to get rid of three or four old ministers at once. By then, I am afraid that the political affairs will not kill you. hey-hey! Otherwise, do you think I would be so kind? Do you really want to give you three years of vacation

This pair of brother-in-law and brother-in-law have their own plans in mind. However, as disputes continued among the surrounding small countries, they all came to ask the Celestial Empire to decide. In addition, several countries on the border had forgotten the lessons of the past, and after they were about to make a move, they were simply destroyed by a few bad-tempered generals. This expansion of territory was a big step. His achievements were good, but the various arrangements that followed were a big trouble. Suddenly, memorials from all over the country flew to the capital like snowflakes. Zhao Lun was busy every day. Now he really missed his capable brother-in-law. .


"Sir, didn't you say three years? How come it's only been two years and you agreed to return to the cabinet?"

Standing on the bow of the ship, you could already see the Capital Pier. Fu Qiuning and Jin Fengju stood side by side on the ship's side and couldn't help but ask him with a smile.

Jin Feng gave her a blank look and whispered: "You know what you are asking, but haven't you seen how many urgent letters you have received in the past eight hundred miles? There are constant disputes among the border countries, the territory has expanded so much, and the ministers in the cabinet are generally old. Gao, the Emperor must be exhausted after holding on until now. If I am still ignorant and only care about my own leisure, when I enter the cabinet in the future, he will not abuse the Emperor's power to punish me to death?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but lower his head and smile. She had never encountered a pair of monarchs and ministers like Jin Fengju and Zhao Lun in the history of her time, so she felt particularly novel and warm, so she nodded and said: "Yes, I can see it too, let's Traveling around various places, the emperor has to deliver letters, so it is not easy to find us. I also thought that if I still insist on going my own way and refuse to come back, I am afraid that the emperor will draw pictures and look for us all over the world. What's more, when the emperor meets us here When I am in trouble, even if I am out having fun, my heart will not be at ease after all."

Jin Fengju held his beloved wife's hand and said with a smile: "Yes, in the final analysis, you are the one who knows me best, Qiuning. Back then, I did all the planning for my brother-in-law without hesitation, but now I just deal with some political affairs. After all, without the constraints of the day, how could I ignore it? What's more, I have thought about it. As the saying goes, it is convenient for others to facilitate yourself. Now that I have come back early to help the emperor, can he not count it in his mind? In gratitude, during that year's holiday If I slowly ask him for repayment, he will have nothing to say, right?"

"Ah? Master, are you still thinking about that year's vacation?" Fu Qiuning's eyes widened, thinking to himself, I really thought you were loyal and patriotic, taking the world as your own responsibility, but who knew you had such a calculation.

Seeing his wife's surprised look, Jin Fengju probably felt a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "Of course, I share the worries of the monarch and plan for the world. How can I, Jin Fengju, care about personal gain, loss, honor and disgrace? As the saying goes, the people are the most important thing. , the country is the second best, the king is the least important, not to mention a minister like me, right? It’s just... ahem, the world will not always be peaceful, until then, hehe... hehehe..." When he said this, he came closer. Fu Qiuning whispered in his ear: "Hey, my husband, am I someone who knows how to do business at a loss?"

Fu Qiuning was completely speechless. Suddenly he felt some sympathy for the emperor Zhao Lun: Poor brother-in-law, what kind of national pillar is your brother-in-law? He is simply a profiteer.

"Master Marquis, Madam, the ship has docked..."

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