Higher Level Wife

Chapter 69: Returning from school


Mr. Xunjian came in, but he was an old man with gray hair and beard. He had a slim appearance and was wearing a simple gown. He looked rosy and healthy. He strode to the chair and sat down. He had an air of calmness and authority. momentum. Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zhuan, led by the older children in the clan, bowed respectfully to Confucius and the teacher, and then returned to their seats and sat down.

The children in the clan are of different ages. This group is from five to ten years old, and there is another group above that is from ten to thirteen years old, and then from thirteen to sixteen years old. After the age of sixteen, there is no longer any family education. Those with good grades can go to famous academies, while those with poor grades can go to ordinary academies. If there is a person whose family is really poor but whose academic performance is very good, the family will pay for him to go to school.

At that moment, the great scholar introduced his name and began to teach, starting from the Three-Character Classic. For a moment, the students in the school looked at each other in astonishment. They, the big boys, could recite the Three-Character Classic as early as three or four years old. It's out, why bother talking about it now? But he didn't dare to question his husband, so his face showed a look of impatience.

Jin Zangfeng found it boring at first. He had already memorized the Three Character Sutra by heart, and Fu Qiuning also explained it in detail. However, after listening for a moment, I realized that although this gentleman was talking about the Three-Character Classic, the knowledge covered in it was really vast. He quoted the classics and analyzed them one by one, which was both easy to understand and impressive. He loved to learn and immediately listened to it.

A class lasted for half an hour. After the class, the teacher drifted away, and the fire immediately started in the school. Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt that this great scholar did not live up to his reputation. However, Jin Zangfeng carefully recalled what his husband said and silently wrote down some of the key points, his face full of excitement as he wrote. Another person not far away was frowning and lost in thought. He was Jiang Wanying's five-year-old son Jin Zhenxuan.

Seeing Jin Zangfeng writing furiously, there was naturally a lot of ridicule. How could a nine-year-old child have the determination? What's more, he was ridiculed by his brother who was three years younger than him. Jin Zangfeng was angry in his heart and wanted to retort several times. However, every time he thought of his mother's words, he swallowed them back and continued reading with a normal expression.

It was finally the first day of school, and no one dared to make too many mistakes. In the afternoon, Mr. Xu left school early. When Jin Zangfeng walked out of the door, he saw his sister waiting for him under the big locust tree not far away. When he saw him coming out, he waved vigorously.

The brother and sister went home hand in hand and walked through Yongcui Garden while talking about interesting things in the school. In two quarters of an hour they returned to Wanfengxuan, where they saw Fu Qiuning and Yujie Yuniang heading towards the courtyard to spread the green carpet. Edamame, the two laughed happily, and ran in and said, "Mom, are the edamame and peanuts out? Did you eat boiled peanuts and edamame today?"

Fu Qiuning was very happy to see them back. He stood up and said: "But finally they are back. I have been worried for a day. Hurry... go back and change your clothes. The peanuts and edamame are cooked. You can eat them after washing your hands." .Mom, I’ll finish showing off the last bit and come back to talk to you.

The brother and sister agreed and ran back to the room, where Yu Jie couldn't help but laugh and said: "Grandma and Yuniang can rest assured now, right? Today, my ears have become calloused by your thoughts. Thanks to grandma, I still said I'm finally back. Look at the sky. I'm afraid it's just the end of the day. Didn't I say that? If you go to family school, you won't get out of school until the end of the day at the earliest. It must be because it's the first day of school. That’s why the young master and young lady came back so early.”

Fu Qiuning and Yu Niang both nodded in agreement, and then smiled and said: "We talk about ourselves, and you have to be there to listen. Who is to blame for the calluses?" After saying this, Yu Jie also smiled, gritted his teeth and said, "You guys I’m used to saying this, can I control whether my ears listen or not?”

The three of them chatted and laughed, spreading the last few kilograms of edamame beans in the courtyard and on the large balcony, and then went home. After changing their clothes and washing their hands, they saw that Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, brothers and sisters, had already eaten. There was a pile of edamame and peanut skins beside him. When he saw them coming in, Fang stood up from his chair and said with a smile: "I just saw that there were not many edamame beans left in the basket, and I was really greedy, so I wanted to eat some first and then go out to help my mother." My dear, I didn’t expect that my mother would come back just as I was eating.” After saying that, Jin Zangjiao and Jin Zangjiao filled a plate with edamame and peanuts, respectfully placed them in front of Fu Qiuning, and said in unison: “Mother, thank you for your hard work. Some."

Fu Qiuning said to Yu Jie and Yu Niang: "It's not time to cook dinner yet, you should sit down and eat some."

Yu Jie and Yu Niang each filled a plate and sat on the maza in the ground. While eating, they listened to the brother and sister describing the scene in the school.

"We are in the enlightenment class, all boys between the ages of five and ten. Mr. Lin is indeed a great scholar. He taught us a few lines of the Three Character Sutra, two poems in the Book of Songs, and wrote two large characters in the morning. In the afternoon, he came to teach us again. We read half of the Analects of Confucius, and there was Mr. Qi who taught us poetry and chess... "

Jin Zangfeng told the story excitedly. After he finished speaking, Yu Niang couldn't help but wonder: "I heard from the young master, isn't this what grandma taught me? Why are you learning these in the school?"

"What my husband taught is very different from what my mother taught me. Besides, there are some younger brothers and sisters in the school. They haven't learned as many books as I have, so naturally they have to start from the most basic ones." As Jin Zangfeng spoke, he picked up some books from his schoolbag. He took out the paper he had written on and gave it to Fu Qiuning and said, "Mother, look, this is what your husband said. I have written down all the important things."

Fu Qiuning took it, looked at it briefly, and said with a smile: "He is indeed a great scholar. No wonder your father is full of praise for him. He asked him to tell so many things in a three-character classic. It seems that this is still superficial and does not go into depth. Let's talk about it here, otherwise you will definitely have a hard time considering your age." After saying that, she put away the paper and said with a smile: "Feng'er will record it carefully. When the record is full of a hundred pieces of paper, mother will tie it up with thread for you. , you can use it as a book to review."

Jin Zangfeng nodded, and Fu Qiuning turned to Jin Zangjiao and said, "What did Jiao'er learn today?"

Jin Zangjiao chuckled and said: "I also learned some Three-Character Sutra at first, and then taught me embroidery stitches. The female gentleman is very good, she looks soft, quiet and doesn't talk much. She is not as majestic as the old master my brother said. But my craftsmanship is really excellent. When will I be able to wear flowers like hers, I will be able to be on par with my mother. Yes, the female gentleman also said that my sister Xiu Zhen and I play the piano very well. Let’s study hard.”

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "For children, your two piano skills are quite good. Your father also praised you back then, but you must not be proud. If you look at it in the eyes of adults, it is really nothing." Then Jin Zang smiled sweetly and said: "This daughter naturally knows that when she can play music like my mother, she will be considered successful, right? I want to be like my mother, playing the piano and singing at the same time, then I will be successful, right?" It sounds good."

The family was chatting lively when they suddenly heard an exclamation outside the courtyard door: "What... what's going on? What are all these things?" It was Jin Fengju's voice.

Fu Qiuning stood up quickly, clapped his hands and said, "Oh no, I didn't come in carelessly and stepped on the edamame, right?" After saying that, he rushed out to look, and saw Jin Fengju and Jin Ming standing in the gap in the middle of the corridor. He walked forward cautiously, surrounded by green edamame beans. When he saw Fu Qiuning coming out, he pointed at the edamame beans and asked, "Qiu Ning, what did you do? Why are the roads covered with them?"

"These are soybeans. Taking advantage of the fine weather these days, we need to dry them in the sun, and then peel the beans out. They can weigh dozens of kilograms. When the time comes, the bean sprouts or beans will be delicious." Fu Qiuning explained hurriedly. , but Jin Fengju walked up the steps and said with a smile: "Good guy, even the steps are full of them. They are a bit like the plum blossom stakes when I practice. Fortunately, I didn't fall behind in my skills, otherwise I would have crushed your beans. No. There are only so many, how can you peel them off? I'll call some old ladies to come over and help you. You don't need to thank me, just give some of your raw bean sprouts and boiled beans to my ancestors, my wife, and me."

"Then you don't have to ask me to come over. We can peel it off after more than ten days. If this is in a rural area, with the ground and the stone roller, it only takes one day. Okay, I'll use you. If you want to take most of my beans, what's the big deal?" Fu Qiuning curled his lips and refused outright.

"You are just a stingy person. You don't care about these few kilograms of beans with me." Jin Fengju chuckled. When he saw Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao, he touched their heads and said with a smile: "How is it? It's your first day joining the clan. How are you studying? Did you pay attention to the lectures? Did you bully you blindly? Tell daddy, come and tell me everything you learned today."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "The children just finished talking to me, and you came over. If I had known this, I would have asked them to talk later and listen with you, which would have saved them having to talk twice." After that, he said to Yujie: "Go and pour me some tea. You're so addicted to me that you don't even look at me for a long time."

Yu Jie said with a smile: "The young master and the young lady are talking very lively. Grandma knows that this servant has never been to school, so it is inevitable that she will be interested in listening." After that, he went out. Jin Fengju took a look at the edamame and peanuts on the table and couldn't help but smile: "God is helping me. You thought you were eating something good secretly in the house, but you didn't expect that I caught up with you?" After saying that, he picked up the peanuts. Just eat it, nodding and praising: "It's delicious."

Fu Qiuning and Yu Niang couldn't help laughing, thinking that unless they saw it with their own eyes, who would believe that this was the young prince of the Hou family? It seemed like I had been hungry for a few days. So Jin Zangfeng told his father about his experience again. Jin Fengju nodded and said with a smile: "It shows that you are not proud and listened to the lesson. Speaking of which, Xuan'er performed well this time. I just went to the backyard and asked where Regarding the studies of several children, Yi'er is still so unsatisfactory and only knows how to show off her talents in poetry, lyrics and music, but Xuan'er has made great progress, which is similar to what Feng'er said. I guess this must be because Wanying sees that I like it Feng'er, Jiao'er, is finally willing to educate her children well, which makes Xuan'er really care about learning, otherwise she would have been ignorant of almost everything before."