Higher Level Wife

Chapter 74: Theater fans


Singing for a quarter of an hour, it ended leisurely. After singing, Fu Fu stood up in panic. He opened the window and saw that there was no one in front of or behind the house. Then he felt a little relieved. He looked back at Jin Fengju and saw a look of obsession on his face. He suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Sure enough, it's melodious and melodious." , has a long aftertaste, and it lives up to the praise that has been lingering for three days. It is really beautiful, but to my ears, this is just one part. Please sing the whole play to me."

Fu Qiuning almost stumbled and fell. He looked at Jin Fengju quietly, shook his head and said: "I am so confused at the moment that I have no choice but to sing a piece for you to let you know the pros and cons. In fact, the singing is not very good. How can I still sing it now? Do you have the strength to sing a song for you? Master, please, for the sake of keeping me safe, never let this secret get out. My life and fortune are all tied to your thoughts." After saying that, he made a gesture to kneel down in front of Jin Fengju.

Jin Fengju hurriedly helped her up, but said with a nonchalant expression: "Your play is indeed novel and refreshing. If no one in the country can sing it, it is possible. I have traveled to many places in these years, I really have never heard of it. But what should make people confused is the identity of the old lady who taught you. Since she is dead, it can be seen that God did not want such an excellent thing to be buried and annihilated, so he found you to inherit it. . Don’t be afraid. Although abnormality is a monster, demons and ghosts are for the purpose of harming people, which makes people frightened. They must be eliminated quickly. These plays of yours are extremely pleasing to the eye and ears. If you insist on saying that they are abnormal, it is also It is the fairy from heaven who comes to earth and brings the sound of nature. How can you be linked to that ugly demon? What's more, because you are a woman and never go out of the house, you don't know yet. Now the Ning Dynasty is prosperous, and all nations are prosperous. Congratulations. Over the years, a rule has been formed. Every three years, a meeting of civilizations of all nations is held in this capital city for a month. Talents from all over the world can come on stage to perform. Even the emperor sometimes participates in disguise. It's so lively. . Every year, many people with miraculous talents and abilities emerge. Although our country, Ning Dynasty, has taken the lead these times, as other countries have gradually become stronger and more prominent, it has been difficult for us to win in these years. If you really have This whole opera, when it is rehearsed, will surely shine and magnify the prestige of our country. Even the emperor will praise you. Who else dares to treat you like a monster? Come on, listen to me and read the whole opera. Sing it to me and I will keep you safe."

Fu Qiuning was stunned when he heard what he said, secretly thinking Nani? Is there such a good thing? No, this doesn't fit the formula of a time-travel novel. This... just steals a few poems from previous generations. But... But something like the opera I know can definitely be called unconventional. Even if the heroine knows it, shouldn't she try her best to hide it to protect herself? Or is it that this opera has become my golden finger, and I will rely on it to make a big appearance in the future? No, no, no, this is not scientific.

Seeing the shock on her face, Jin Fengju thought she was still immersed in fear, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, I said I'm keeping you safe, I'm keeping you safe. It's true that you thought about the consequences too seriously before, so with It’s like unfounded worries. Come on, sing two more verses and listen.”

Fu Qiuning looked at the excitement and desire on his face, and was not surprised at all. I couldn't help but feel worried and thought to myself, forget it, it's a blessing or not a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided. Anyway, I let this guy know it, why not just sing it all to him. Anyway, my life is in his hands now, so what are you afraid of? ? Even if I die, I might be able to travel back to my time, which would be a happy ending for everyone.

Thinking of this, he coughed and said softly: "Sir, this is what you said. What I sang just now was Yue Opera, and the next one is called Huangmei Opera." After finishing speaking, Jin Fengju didn't wait for him to speak, he opened his mouth and sang in a low voice: " You and his childhood sweetheart are in love..."

Although Jin Fengju has lived a wealthy life, he has never heard such a melodious tune. You must know that ancient times did not have such diverse musical elements as modern ones. In a few decades of life, even a few Peking operas can only be afforded by wealthy families. So how can you not be fascinated and excited when you suddenly hear another type of music with a more melodious melody

After listening to the Kun Opera, Jin Fengju couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Good words, good sentences, really lingering in my teeth and cheeks. I really don't know where the old woman you mentioned came from? Is it really a fairy? That's the case, and Why did he fall into such a pitiful situation? What a pity, what a pity..." After saying this, he shook his head and sighed.

Fu Qiuning was secretly amused, thinking how could any fairy come to earth? I just used that weird old lady to tell a lie to cover up my bizarre life experience.

It turns out that when she and her mother lived in Zhuangzi in the countryside, there was indeed such an old woman with a weird personality. At that time, my mother was exiled to Zhuangzi to fend for herself. She thought she would never return to the capital, so she cried every day. She didn't dare and couldn't bear to see her mother cry, so she always went out by herself. The old woman never married. She probably felt that she was pitiful and she was a little girl, so she stayed very close to her. When Fu Qiuning left Zhuangzi nine years later to marry into the Jin Xianghou Mansion, the old woman also died. These were all memories left by this body, which gave her a perfect excuse.

So he said to Jin Fengju: "After singing for half a day, I probably understand it. Just ask, can you keep this secret for me and save my life?"

Jin Fengju glanced at her sideways, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said casually: "You want me to keep the secret, but how can you thank me?"

Fu Qiuning breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Jin Fengju had promised himself. But he snorted and said: "You have also seen that if there is anything in Wanfengxuan that you like, go ahead and take it, but I'm afraid you won't even look at it. To say that I have nothing else, this is the only thing I have. I can give you a life, if you want it anytime, just take it."

Jin Fengju felt that it was boring. He was such a smart person. He naturally knew the difference between "fate" and "people". Unexpectedly, at this time, Fu Qiuning was still flawless and refused to give himself any opportunity to take advantage of. He sat up and said seriously: "I can keep this secret for you, but there is a condition. That is, if one day I need you to sing these plays, I can let you sing them openly, and you are not allowed to hide your secrets. Do you understand?"

Fu Qiuning frowned and said: "What kind of All Nations Civilization Association are you referring to? Let's forget it. We don't have some strange talents in our vast dynasty, so why bother asking me to show up in secret? What's more, those countries who came to congratulate me are just These are just small border countries or barbaric lands, how can they compare with our heavenly civilization?"

"Don't you know that there is a mountain as high as a mountain?" Jin Fengju shook his head sternly: "In short, it's settled. Don't worry, this is a good thing and not a crime. I guarantee you it's enough. As long as But you're afraid, and it's really not appropriate to let too many people know about it now, so it's better not to spread it out for the time being." He had made up his mind to use this opera to dominate the Universal Civilization Conference. Because next fall will be another session of the All Nations Civilization Conference, and recently I have often seen officials from the Ministry of Rites and the emperor mention this matter with a hint of worry in their words, so he suddenly thought of this.

He persisted like this, and Fu Qiuning was helpless. Just secretly, since he said he would protect me, I can only rely on him. Anyway, I'll see what I can do when the time comes. Just as he was thinking about it, Jin Fengju suddenly came over again and said with a smile: "It's just that, since I already know about this, you can't blame me for showing favoritism. If I come over in the future, you can also sing a few verses for me." Listen to it."

Fu Qiuning thought, I heard that this guy loves to listen to dramas. If I agree to him, well, won’t I be able to get out of the house in the future? So what's the difference between me and moving to the backyard to let those wives and concubines hate and plot? So he quickly said seriously: "I have something serious to do, how can I delay for these melodious sounds? If you really like to listen to it, it's okay. I sing three times a month, so I only come to Wanfengxuan three times, okay?"

"How can it be done?" Jin Fengju shouted, but Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "Why can't it be done? I'll do the math for you. You have three aunts, one concubine, and two girls who live with you. This is only what I know. Six women, A person should always have two days a month with me, right? That’s twelve days. The rest includes your cousin Pingzhu. Is fifteen days enough to appease grandma? It’s up to me. Three times here is really the limit. If I were more virtuous, I should let you come here only once."

Jin Fengju couldn't help gritting his teeth when he saw Qiu Ning's smiling eyebrows, but he also knew that what she said was right. I couldn't help feeling depressed, thinking to myself, who doesn't look forward to being favored by her husband? But she did the opposite. This is all because she has not tasted the love between a man and a woman. People often say that a woman who does not know what it is like, if she is not born a slut, may not even be curious about love in her whole life. It seems that Qiu Ning is this kind of person. well! If I had known this, I shouldn't have made that promise that day. If we could become husband and wife with her, would she still be able to push me into someone else's arms like she is now? well! It was really a bit of a miscalculation.