Higher Level Wife

Chapter 77: care


Yujie said with a smile: "When you mention this, I think it seems that the young Marquis has been here so many times, but he really hasn't caught up with Yu Niang to make this special dish. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will have to stay here and never leave. ..." Before he could finish speaking, Fu Qiuning said coldly: "Are you looking forward to him not leaving? Huh, let me tell you the truth, whenever he comes, you can treat him how you want him to be treated, even a special dish is not allowed. Do."

"Grandma, don't be too nervous. What kind of family is the Hou Mansion? Aren't the cooks a hundred times better than us? Why are you worried?" Yu Niang laughed. Seeing that the fallen leaves were swept away, she put away the broom and the three of them returned together. After washing his hands in the room, Fu Qiuning stood outside the door and said, "Why haven't Feng'er and Jiao'er come back yet? Could it be that they were punished by the husband?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao running over from a distance. Fu Qiuning quickly went down the steps to meet her at the street gate. When the two children saw her, they ran even more cheerfully. When they got closer, they said: "Mom, the wind is good. "Big, I'm glad I listened to you this morning and brought this big cloak. Many students said it was cold when they left the school. They were so cold that they seemed to be chased by dogs and ran away jumping high."

Jin Zangjiao thought of those male classmates running home having fun, and couldn't help laughing and shouting: "The most pitiful thing is those female classmates, who have to maintain the manners of a lady. Fortunately, I wear more clothes, but When we walked into the garden, I couldn't help but run away with my brother, hahaha... "

"You act like a wild girl, but you still know how to behave like a lady?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help laughing and said, and took the two people's hands into the house, and said to Yu Jie and Yu Niang: "Let's light more fires on the stove today, and make sure to keep the house warm, otherwise we will go to bed tomorrow. I'm afraid my hands will tremble when I study." After saying that, he hurriedly said to the two brothers and sisters: "Hurry up and get on the kang. The fire that was just lit should be hot by now. Okay, Yu Niang, I'm here. , you go to the kitchen to cook quickly, it gets dark early at this time of year, Yu Chi, go and close the courtyard door."

Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao hurriedly took off their shoes and got on the kang. There was already a satin quilt on the kang. They opened it and sat in. Sure enough, they were warm. Their cold legs, feet and buttocks suddenly felt much more comfortable. Seeing that Fu Qiuning was still pouring hot tea on the ground, the two of them shouted: "Mom, we don't drink tea. Come up and sit down. It's cold underground."

"No matter how cold it is, it's not winter." Fu Qiuning said with a smile, and finally brought two cups of scalding tea over: "Don't have snacks now, Yu Niang is cooking beans and ribs in the kitchen, and have a good meal in the evening." Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao cheered. She stood quietly on the ground, thinking that it was enough to live like this, with enough food and clothing, and two children to look after her. Watching them grow up slowly, becoming more and more promising and handsome, this was the most beautiful thing. Ordinary but happiest days. She doesn't need to ask for the rest, let alone wants to ask for it.

"The courtyard door is closed. I don't think the young Marquis will come here at this time." Yu Jie entered the house from the courtyard, shivering: "It's colder now than when we were sweeping the courtyard. After a lot of sleep, grandma went out to take a look. The weather is now comparable to winter. I'm going to the kitchen now. I really need to make more fire. It's time to prepare some coal and firewood. "

Fu Qiuning nodded and went to Yujie. For a while, he could only hear the north wind whistling outside the courtyard, like a ghost crying. She sat on the edge of the kang and looked at the homework the brother and sister took out of their schoolbags. It was nothing more than some large characters and dictation in small regular script. For a nine-year-old child, this was pretty good. He praised them a few times and asked them if anything happened in school.

Jin Zangjiao spoke quickly and rushed to say: "Mom, the teacher said that he would bring a piano to class tomorrow. I should have brought it a long time ago, but in these few classes I have focused on painting, so I will bring it tomorrow. I don't know, brother Do we have to learn it there? What will we do if we only have one piano at home?"

"That's a thing. If it doesn't work, I can only buy another one." Fu Qiuning muttered, but Jin Zangfeng shook his head and said: "No need, we boys should only study the books of sages in class, and those who don't need the piano, just Let’s take that piano to my sister, it’s just a bit old and I’m afraid my sister will be laughed at by those ladies.”

Jin Zangjiao puffed up her chest and said: "I'm not afraid. They laughed at me today, but I ignored them. My mother said that I am a sister, and I will give in when I should give in. When I can't, I can just make insinuations in return. That's right, they are all girls anyway, so they won't do anything. Today, those young ladies around me were holding money, pointing fingers, and saying those things, but I pushed them back. They were all so angry that their eyes bulged. When I came out, I happened to be seen by the female gentlemen, and they even said a few words to them, praising me for having the demeanor and demeanor of a lady, hahaha... "

Fu Qiuning and Jin Zangfeng also laughed. But I heard Jin Zangfeng say: "It's a little strange today. I don't know who instigated Brother Zhenyi. He seems to be trying to get in trouble with me. I ignored him several times when he made strange noises and said strange things. During the class break, he actually started to do something secretly. Here I am, remembering my mother’s words, I found a seat near the front of my husband, and he calmed down a bit. Although they used to laugh at me, they were not as bold as today.”

After he finished speaking, Jin Zangjiao also said: "Isn't it? It's the same with Xiu Ruxiuzhen and the others today. I haven't heard such excessive talk in normal times." After saying that, she pulled Fu Qiuning's sleeve and said: "Mother, Do you think they have any conspiracy?"

Fu Qiuning said calmly: "Whether it's a conspiracy, you two just need to remember to stay the same in the face of all changes. Jiao'er is a girl, and there are girls around her, so it's easy to handle, and she won't make any moves. Hand. It's just Feng'er. Zhenyi? He should be Aunt Xu's son, right? It's strange. I don't have any grudges with her on weekdays. She is just an aunt. If Jiang Wanying hates me, that's right. After all, I left her. She is a serious wife. But this Xu family, why does she stand up for the Jiang family? Are they temporarily uniting to deal with me? "

"Mom, there is no need to worry. Just as you said, when the soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it. We just stay the same to cope with the changes. You know the character of my son. He is not someone who cannot stand the words of others." Jin Zangfeng said calmly, After saying that, Fu Qiuning nodded and said: "You are right, it's just that boys have impulsive and reckless personalities. If Zhenyi is like her mother, I'm afraid he is also a hot-tempered guy. If he attacks you, don't fight with him. Look. See if you can escape, and don't suffer a loss. It's not worth fighting against such idiots who are being used at gunpoint. The most important thing is to protect yourself, do you understand?"

Jin Zangfeng nodded and said: "Yes, my son understands. It has not been easy for me and my mother to survive until now. Now that I can enter the clan school, my son is already overjoyed. He will definitely study hard and study hard to live up to his parents." Hope. Mother, do you think my handwriting has improved? Today, my husband even praised me for not being impetuous and for writing well."

"Really? Mom, you should take a look." Fu Qiuning said happily, then picked up the piece of paper and looked at it under the lamp, nodded in approval and said: "Sure enough, you have made progress. No wonder even Mr. Lin praised you, but Lin Daru After saying that, when Jin Zangfeng nodded, she felt even more happy and proud.

The ladies were talking on the kang, and suddenly they heard a series of knocks on the door in the howling north wind. It seemed that someone was shouting something, but the wind blew it intermittently, so it was hard to hear clearly.

"It seems to be the voice of General Manager Jin." Jin Zangfeng looked at Fu Qiuning and saw his mother nodding. He got off the kang and wondered: "It's strange, it's so late. Why is General Manager Jin here? You guys sit here while mother goes out to see Look." After saying that, he grabbed the half-used cloak hanging on the hanger next to him, put it on and walked out the door.

When I arrived at the courtyard, I heard the noise of people outside. It seemed that Jin Ming was not the only one. Fu Qiuning became even more confused and quickly opened the courtyard door, only to see Jin Fengju standing there with a livid face, with many people behind him carrying things.

"Should we close the courtyard gate just after dark? It's earlier than the night in our house." Jin Fengju stepped through the door, and Jin Mingze said to the people behind him: "Bring them all in, carry them in."

"What happened?" Fu Qiuning was so startled that he didn't care about Jin Ming. He followed Jin Fengju closely and asked him, looking at his livid face with uneasiness.

"What happened? Nothing happened." Jin Fengju tilted his head: "What's wrong with you? You look so ugly."

Fu Qiuning almost rolled his eyes to the sky and muttered: "Master Ming's face is a hundred times uglier than mine, and yet you ask me what's wrong? I'm here to scare you. Since you're a good person, why are you looking so livid? I thought Something big happened."

"Oh, you're talking about this." Jin Feng smiled and pointed at himself: "Didn't you see that I'm not even wearing a cloak? This look on my face is from the cold. I didn't expect it to be so cold, it's not the beginning of winter yet. It’s more like the cold weather of Sanjiu.”

Fu Qiuning breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't laugh or cry again. He thought, is it too cold? You deserve to wear so little. But she said with a hint of concern: "Why don't you even wear a cloak? Grandma has always been careful. You must be relying on your own skills to refuse to wear it, right?"

"It's not as cold as this during the day, so we all neglected it." Jin Fengju said as he reached the eaves of the corridor. He turned around and saw that there seemed to be no place to put the things carried by the boys, so he said to Jin Ming: "The most important thing here is What is not lacking is an empty room, so carry all these things to the empty room near the kitchen for their convenience.”

"What is it? Do you need so many people to carry it?" Fu Qiuning looked at it, but it was dark and he couldn't see clearly with the light of a few lanterns.