Higher Level Wife

Chapter 80: A confidant and beauty


Jin Fengju smiled and said: "Who said I shouldn't do the same thing? It should be noted that although two wolves who both want to eat meat will eventually turn against each other, if they temporarily unite, they may kill the ox in front of them first, and then attack again. Let's fight to share the spoils. At that time, no matter who wins or loses, the scalpers will all be dead. What meaning does the victory or defeat have to the scalpers?"

Fu Qiuning straightened up, clapped his hands gently, and looked at Jin Fengju with a smile: "Indeed, if it is a scalper, it will really only be bitten to death. But what if it is not a scalper, but a tiger covered in cowhide? ? Even if the two wolves unite, it will be useless, right? These things should have been expected by me, but when they really come, it is just a matter of attacking each other. With you and Prince Rong's holy family, As long as you restrain yourself a little and cover the cowhide tightly so that the tail is not exposed, what are you afraid of?"

Jin Fengju couldn't help but laugh out loud, shook his head and said: "You really have a thoughtful mind, but it's not as easy as you said. That's all, it's late, go to bed." After saying that, he kept looking at Fu Qiuning. After walking away, he looked back, sighed melancholy, and said to himself: "Tiger? If I were a tiger, you would be in trouble, right? If I meet you, even if I am a tiger, I will take a bite. I have no idea what to say, alas! Is this retribution from God? Just because I ignored them before? That’s it, that’s it. Since it’s retribution, I have to suffer for a few more days before I can have it. Let’s turn around.”

The next day, Fu Qiuning got up, and after washing up, she saw Jin Fengju already waiting in the front hall. She was stunned for a moment, and then remembered what the other party had said before, and couldn't help but sigh, thinking to herself, it seemed that she was here to pay respects to her ancestors. There is no way to escape the matter. Did you see that you are waiting here for me

So I had to change my clothes, put a red hairpin in my hair, put yellow flowers on my temples, dressed up the two children, and said, "Today, I will go with your father to pay my respects to the old lady." , be more prudent and don’t lose your sense of proportion.”

Both children responded in unison. Jin Zangjiao smiled and said: "You still have to give orders from my mother? This has always been done. Our ancestors also like me and my brother very much. They have always been affectionate and affectionate towards us." As he spoke, he came to In the front hall, Jin Fengju was seen looking at the pot of gold-rimmed hydrangeas that had been brought to the windowsill that day. Seeing them coming out, he smiled and said, "It's rare that this chrysanthemum has bloomed to this day." After that, he walked forward, cut off a half-open chrysanthemum with scissors, put it in Qiu Ning's hair, and said with a smile: "You have always dressed too plainly, but now that you are wearing this flower, you look a bit more gorgeous. Don't worry, your dignity has not been lost."

He had said so, and Fu Qiuning had no choice but to nod in agreement, and then followed Jin Fengju and walked to Kangshouyuan together.

A hundred steps away from Wanfengxuan, there is Yongcui Garden. The garden that used to be full of flowers is now covered with decaying grass and fallen leaves. Fu Qiuning looked at the desolate scenery and remembered that he had once traveled through time and struggled to survive in this ancient palace. Now he had to face an even more difficult road ahead. Even the man next to him, who seemed to be honest but deep, didn't know what he meant. What was he planning, he couldn't help but become more emotional, and let out a long sigh.

"Why, you feel sad when you see the bleak late autumn?" Jin Fengju, who was walking in front, turned around and said, "That's what you women are like. In fact, what's so sad about it? Even if the grass and trees are withered, the spring breeze will naturally bloom again next year. Ye Sheng. Beauty grows old easily, but these trees keep their flowers falling and blooming year after year. Aren’t they much better than us people?"

"What kind of argument is this?" She has always been saddened when people talk about how beautiful women tend to fade with age. This is the first time she has heard such words from Jin Fengju. This shows that this person has a strong will and optimistic personality.

"This is what I, Jin Fengju, said." Sure enough, Jin Fengju raised his head and said, "It's just that although beauty ages quickly, it is not as prosperous as grass and trees. However, how can grass and trees be ever-changing with someone's thoughts? Someone's desire of words. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, to put it into detail, although life is long, it is also boring and tight.”

Fu Qiuning said: "I don't know what you mean. One moment I sigh that people are inferior to trees, and the next moment I lament that trees are inferior to people? It can be seen that both of them are unsatisfactory." After saying this, Jin Fengju shook his head and said with high spirits: "Life is unsatisfactory. Nine times out of ten. This is true of everything in the world, and nothing is perfect. If this is the case, why should we only focus on those imperfect and regretful places? It is better to only look at things that are joyful and fulfilling, and not be arrogant in good times and not discouraged in adversity. , In this way, we will live up to our decades of life, what do you think?"

Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's just a question of seeing a glass of water half full, which made me tell the truth of life. I am really ashamed of myself." After saying this, Jin Feng said in surprise: " What's the problem with seeing a half-full glass of water? Tell me."

Fu Qiuning was suffocated, knowing that he had spilled the beans, but it was too late to take it back now, so he could only smile and said: "That old woman once told me that she met an eminent monk in her early years and asked for advice on her difficult life experience. The eminent monk, the eminent monk was drinking water at that time. After drinking half of it, he pointed to the cup and said: "A very thirsty man walking in the desert saw this half cup of water. Some people will think: What a pity, there is only half a cup left. Some people will say: It’s great, there’s still half a cup left. It can be seen that the pain and joy of life are all in the same mind. The mind is at ease, and one can enjoy happiness even in suffering. My heart is miserable, even though I have the delicacies of the golden house, the silks and satin, the darling wife and the beautiful concubines, they are still not enough every day. It's a pity that now that I think about that grandma, I haven't fully understood the joys and sorrows of this life until my death. Now when I hear him talking about it, I think of this past incident and feel that I am the second person. No matter in good times or bad, I always live with a happy mind, which is extremely rare. "

Jin Fengju, who was listening to these words, was filled with excitement, but his face remained calm and he smiled and said: "What you said is absolutely true. If you think about it carefully, why aren't you also such a person? Otherwise, tonight Even six months may not be enough to survive in the palace, let alone six years? I remember when we first got married, you would ask people to invite me from time to time, and sometimes you would cry. But at that time, the relationship between the two houses was at war with each other, and in my heart I hate you very much, so I never say anything false. Later I heard that you committed suicide by hanging from a beam, and I went to see you, and you became much calmer. But since then, you have thought of this past incident? So don’t feel sorry for yourself and do that unnecessary thing. Is it okay?"

Fu Qiuning thought to herself: This is a good reason you gave me. If you don't use it, I'll be sorry for myself. Yin nodded and heard Jin Fengju sigh: "These days, I often feel that you are my confidant, but I always have doubts and feel that we may not be able to think of everything together. Now that you say this, I am truly convinced that you are indeed my confidante. As the saying goes, it is easy to get a thousand taels of gold, but it is hard to find a confidant. But I did not expect that I am so lucky. My wife is my only confidante. Confidant. But I don’t know, is this a blessing or a misfortune?”

Seeing that the two of them were talking harmoniously at that time, Jin Ming, Yu Niang and others were all understanding, so they led the children and ran out first. Qiu Ning didn't notice it at first. At this time, I realized that the topic was heading in a direction that I didn't want to mention. When I tried to find someone to talk about it, I realized that there was no one available around me. I couldn't help but secretly curse these wallflowers for being so abominable. I had been helping them for six years, but now they all listened to a manager who specifically helped Jin Fengju push himself into a dead end.

"Fortunate or unlucky, it all depends on one's heart. Why did the young marquis forget what we just said?" Fu Qiuning sighed deeply and secretly asked, young marquis, do you think that no woman can escape your charm? How many times have you tested me with words? In fact, although I did not hit you cruelly due to your identity and kindness, the meaning of those words should be clear, right? With your intelligence, you should not pursue and fight like this, but why are you pressing forward every step of the way? In this case, let me give you an idea. After all, you have already obtained several hundred kilograms of charcoal. You can't just take it back just because I refuse, right

Sure enough, Jin Fengju still refused to give up and said: "It does matter if you are single-minded, but it is human nature to be dissatisfied. If you don't try to pick up some things, how can you know that you can't get them? If you work hard, you can get them. But I just gave up, wouldn’t it be a lifelong regret?”

Fu Qiuning slowly stopped and looked at Jin Fengju with a half-smile. Jin Fengju also looked at her intensely. Their eyes met, and it was difficult to understand the meaning of the entanglement.

After a long time, Fu Qiuning took another step and said leisurely: "My heart is like an ancient well, and the strong wind does not make waves. It is easy to boil cold tea, but it is difficult to take it back when it is covered with water. Little Marquis, if you work hard, you can get it, so of course you should work hard. But if you devote your whole life to it, it will be in vain, such as turning the dog's tail grass into as straight and green as a green pine. Why bother with such an impossible thing? "

This is the result, and it is still the result. Jin Fengju withdrew his gaze from Fu Qiuning's face and said softly: "If you don't try your best, how can you say it's impossible? I believe in the principle that sincerity can make a stone open." After saying this, without waiting for Fu Qiuning's reply, he said first: "Come out. We've arrived at Yongcui Garden, look, Feng'er and Jiao'er are waiting for us."

Fu Qiuning sighed. Finally, the matter had come to this point. She was finally sure of Jin Fengju's intentions. The other party just barely held her hand and said, "Qiuning, I like you, and I want to get you." Thinking about it, if it weren't for the previous promise, this man would never have been so aggrieved. As his wife, if he made such a request, there would be no room for resistance. But it's okay, it's okay after all. There is a promise between them, and the young Marquis is a proud man who sticks to his word, so that he doesn't have to be influenced by him.