His Canary

Chapter 10: I'm afraid of you (8)


The call was from the supervisor of Ci Ma's company. As soon as he received the call, Dong Ci had a bad feeling.

"Sick again?!"

The person on the other end of the phone paused and then spoke loudly. "Why is a sick girl so weak? Can't she tell her in advance if she is sick? If she doesn't come, who will take her place?"

"Who are you calling sick?"

Dong Ci's hand tightened on the phone. The anger in her heart was getting stronger and stronger, but she was still trying to control it. "Please speak with respect."

"I bother!"

The man was cursing and seemed to be in a very bad mood. "Why do I have to support her after I gave her a job? The daughter raised by a stinky widow is not a good thing either. They are all so damn noble!"

The words became more and more excessive, Dong Ci was shaking with anger, and when she couldn't bear it anymore, she said coldly. "What kind of good thing do you think you are? People with no quality like you are no different from beasts!"

"Am I a beast?"

The man didn't seem to expect that Dong Ci would dare to scold him back. He laughed in anger and said. "Okay, I'm a beast."

"Tell that widow mother of yours, she's fired!"



The strong wind outside the window picked up the dead leaves on the ground, fluttering and flying to nowhere. Dong Ci smelled the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, blinked his dry eyes, and suddenly opened the window.

The biting cold wind hit her, like a knife cutting her. Although it hurt, it also made her sober. She tried hard to adjust her breathing, and the fingertips holding the phone turned white.

Can't cry.

Dong Ci was frozen stiff in the cold wind. She stubbornly told herself that she must not cry.

When Ci Ma woke up, Dong Ci was staring at the sky outside the window in a daze.

"Xiao Ci, what time is it now?"

After the intravenous drip, the loving mother became much more energetic. As soon as she opened her eyes, she started looking for her phone. She frowned and muttered. "Is Xiaoci's mother's cell phone ringing? I'm absent from work today without asking for leave, and my supervisor is scolding me again."

"Mom, why don't we go to work?"

Ever since that call was made, Dong Ci had been holding the phone in his hand and never let go. "Haven't you always wanted to open a restaurant? Let's rent a shop and do it ourselves."

"That's easy to say. Where can our family get the spare money to rent a shop?"

The loving mother thought she was joking, covered her mouth and coughed a few more times, pointed to her hand and said. "Hurry up and give me your phone. I have to ask for leave quickly."

"mom… "

Dong Ci really didn't know how to tell her mother that she had been fired. She hid her phone behind her back and continued talking without giving up. "Don't you have money left for me to go to college? You can use this money to open a store first. I believe that with my mother's skills, opening a store will definitely make money."

"Xiao Ci, do you know what nonsense you are talking about!"

The expression on the loving mother's face became much more serious, and she scolded with a straight face. "Have you forgotten what you promised me before your father passed away? Your main focus now is to study and then work hard to get into that school. Mom doesn't need you to worry about other messy things!"

"But… "

"But you have been fired."

Dong Ci did not tell Ci Ma what the supervisor said. She was afraid that Ci Ma would be sad if she heard it, so she took all the responsibility on herself. Ci Ma was sulky for two days and ignored her.

She has been busy looking for a store these days. She travels around every day and looks at many stores, but there is no suitable one.

Just like what the loving mother said, she still doesn't know the warmth and warmth of human beings, and she doesn't understand that the world is much more complicated than she imagined.

She stood on the street and looked at this prosperous commercial street, the endless flow of people and the vendors on the street who were shivering with cold but still insisting on setting up stalls, and suddenly realized how difficult life was.

The wind was blowing, and even though she was wearing thick clothes, the cold wind still blew her cheeks cold, and her thin body was trembling a little.

She was immersed in her own thoughts and didn't feel anyone approaching. When she found out, she was already completely wrapped in his arms.

"Are you waiting for me here?"

Jing Rong hugged her waist from behind, feeling that her whole body was cold, he frowned, unbuttoned his coat and wrapped her whole body in his arms. He leaned over and rubbed her cold face, his smiling face became much more indifferent, and he said coldly. "Do you want to freeze yourself to death?"

She was really too cold, and Jingrong's thick coat was too warm. Dong Ci flinched and did not push away his approach for the first time.

Seeing that she was holding a notebook in her hand, Jing Rong raised her eyebrows slightly and took it out of her hand without thinking.

"give me back!"

The book is densely packed with information about the transfer of various stores. Many stores have been crossed out with a red pen because the prices are too high. The remaining stores had a lot of things marked with red pen, but before Jing Rong could see them clearly, Dong Ci took them back.

A flash of understanding flashed in Jing Rong's eyes, and she asked curiously. "You want to rent a shop?"

"Do you tube!"

"Not enough money?"

"I told you not to worry about it!"

Jingrong smiled indifferently at Dong Ci's choking, and seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. He reached out and took her hand, and after feeling the coldness, he wrapped it completely with his big palm. "Okay, I won't care if you don't let me."

"Come on, I'll take you to dinner."

"I don't want to go, I still have some unfinished business." Jing Rong ignored her and half-draged and half-carried her into a high-end club.

This is a place Dong Ci has never been to. Although the decoration is simple, it still looks luxurious and grand. The wall lamp above the head shines brightly, and the bright ground is also glowing.

Jing Rong took her to the elevator, twisting and turning, and finally opened the innermost private room and pushed Dong Ci directly in.


Dong Ci stumbled, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard a burst of cheers. After he raised his head in panic, the sound suddenly stopped.


One of the boys raised his eyebrows in surprise, looked up and down at the girl dressed like a penguin at the door, and asked funnyly. "Miss, you went to the wrong room."

"I… "

Dong Ci didn't expect that there would be so many people in the room. Men and women stared at her with different expressions, which made her extremely uncomfortable. She turned around in a panic and wanted to leave, but was stopped by a boy behind her.

"Wait a minute, little sister, you look familiar."

An Chengfeng jumped out of the crowd, took her shoulder and looked at her face carefully, and asked tentatively. "Did you follow Ah Rong? Where are the others?"

"He was on the phone in the hallway."

Jing Rong has been on the phone since entering the second floor, but she didn't expect that he would push her in first, let alone that there would be so many people inside.

"Sorry, I have to leave."

There is no one she knows here, they should all be Jing Rong's friends. Dong Ci didn't want to get too involved with them. He opened the door and wanted to leave, but he fell into the arms of Jing Rong who was just about to enter.

"So enthusiastic?"

Jing Rong subconsciously hugged her and was about to push her inside, but Dong Ci grabbed her arm. "I don't want to be here."

Jing Rong paused slightly, then raised his head to glance at An Chengfeng who was standing at the door, and asked slowly. "Did you bully her?"

"What a joke."

An Chengfeng quickly waved his hand to show his innocence. "We are so enthusiastic."

Jing Rong sneered disdainfully, ignoring Dong Ci's weak struggle, and half forcefully pushed her into the chair next to him, and handed her the menu. "You can order whatever you want. Anyway, today is An Chengfeng's treat."

"I want to go home..."

The warm air in the private room was turned on so much that it made her fair and tender little face turn red. Jing Rong touched her little face that was no longer cold, ignored her small voice, and coaxed with a smile. "Be good, I'll take you home after dinner."

Anyone can see how reluctant this girl is to stay here. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jing Rong forced her to come here. The people sitting around had different expressions. They didn't know the relationship between the two and didn't dare to speak easily. They could only look at An Chengfeng as if asking for help.


An Chengfeng coughed awkwardly and cleared his throat. "Well, Ah Rong, you should introduce me to the young lady."

Jing Rong seemed to realize that the atmosphere in the private room was a little cold. He moved his eyes away from Dong Ci's face, propped up his chin and looked around, and said with a smile. "Look at me being so precious, can't you see what the relationship is?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere seemed to get colder. Dong Ci felt that there were several eyes around him falling on him, some were probing, some were contemptuous, and there seemed to be... anger

I don't know if he took the lead to say hello to Dong Ci first, but then there were greetings one after another, and the place became lively again.

"She's timid, don't scare her."

Dong Ci didn't know how to communicate with them. After the meal, he kept eating and listening to them in silence.

That’s why I found out that the reason why Jing Rong disappeared for a while was because he went to the United States. The reason why he went to the United States seemed to be that someone important to him was sick. Today, Jing Rong has just returned to China. From what they were talking about, Jing Rong came here directly as soon as he got off the plane. This group of people was specially celebrating his return from abroad.

Just come back. What's there to celebrate

Dong Ci fiddled with the fish meat in the porcelain bowl, wishing in her heart that he would not come back.

In the past few days, she had been upset about the store and her loving mother, and her appetite was not very good. Although the food here tasted really good, she was not in much mood to eat it because she had other things on her mind.

The person who had been sitting next to him suddenly stood up and seemed to be going out. Dong Ci raised his head in a hurry, grabbed his sleeve without thinking, and asked in a low voice. "Where are you going?"

Jing Rong didn't expect that she would hold him, lowered his eyes to meet hers, and saw her clear eyes looking at him pitifully, with a hint of panic and dependence, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Is she afraid that she will leave her behind

Jing Rong laughed, patted her head comfortingly, lowered his head and whispered to her. "The gents, do you want to come with me?"