His Canary

Chapter 15: I hate you (3)


"Does it look good?" Sensing Dong Ci's gaze, Jing Rong generously stretched out his wrist and waved it in front of her.

Dong Ci nodded, looking at it up close and feeling it looked even more beautiful.

It was really a very delicate string of Buddhist beads. The beads were shiny and shiny, and there seemed to be Sanskrit characters engraved on the inside. Jing Rong touched the scratches on it with his fingertips, and his eyes softened for a moment. "Qiaoqiao gave this to me. She said she hoped I could curb my anger and become a gentle person."

This was the second time Dong Ci heard this name from his mouth. She looked away from the beads and asked suddenly. "Who is Qiaoqiao?"

"Are you curious or jealous?"

I didn't expect her to ask. Jing Rong stared at her with a beautiful smile, her brows clear and delicate.

When Dong Ci didn't answer, he stretched out his fingertips and tapped the tip of her nose, and said with a smile. "If you say you are jealous, then I will tell you who she is."

Dong Ci was silent, knowing that what she said next would make him unhappy, but she still said it. "I just want to tell you that if Qiaoqiao is the person you like, you should treat her well."

"If you like her, you should leave all your love to her, instead of... pestering and provoking me when you like her."


After Dong Ci finished speaking, the two of them could only hear the sound of rain falling on the ground outside the window in silence. There was a moment of silence in the air. She raised her head to look at Jing Rong, only to find that he was not looking at her, but kept his eyes lowered. His face was quiet and indifferent, showing no emotion or anger.

Several more customers came into the store. After writing down the menu, the loving mother started to go to the kitchen to cook. Dong Ci instinctively went over to help her, but Jing Rong did not stop him.

When Dong Ci brought the dishes to the guests' table, Jing Rong was still there.

He was still sitting in that position, leaning his chin and looking out the window. The cool breeze blew slowly on his hair and the fluff on his clothes, which actually gave Dong Ci a very lonely feeling.

The food on the table was already cold, and I knew he wouldn't eat it again. Dong Ci hesitated for a moment and just walked over to clear the table when Jing Rong suddenly turned to look at her.


Jing Rong's indifferent eyes were as flat as the sea. He looked at the little girl standing in front of him, smiled softly, and spoke slowly. "Actually, I have been very confused during this month of staying in the United States."

"Even after I returned to China, I was still confused."

Jing Rong motioned Dong Ci to sit down, caressed the beads on his wrist and said casually. "Actually, I really want to ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

From the moment he entered the store, Dong Ci felt that there was something abnormal about him. Although she was not used to such a scene, she instinctively felt that it was easier to get close to him like this.

"For so many years, I have been doing things according to my temperament and preferences. But one day a person told me that what I was doing was wrong."

"I tried to live according to the way she said, but I became even more confused."

Having said this, Jing Rong raised her eyes and looked directly at Dong Ci, and asked calmly. "What would you do if it were you?"

Although she didn't understand what he wanted to express with these words, Dong Ci thought about it and said it according to his own thoughts. "If I am really wrong, I will change it. If I am not wrong and it is someone else who is wrong, then I will only go on in my own way."

"On your own terms?"

Dong Ci did not realize the impact her words would have on her in the future, let alone know that for a person who is too self-centered, he will never think that others are right.

Whether it is right or wrong, in his eyes, it is mainly what he thinks that is always right. Paranoid and indifferent, egotistical and fearless, such a person is extremely terrifying no matter where he is.

"You're right." The fog in his eyes was lifted layer by layer, and Jing Rong's smiling eyes became dazzling. He stared at Dong Ci quietly, and the gentleness and harmlessness just now were coated with a layer of The aperture is inexplicably sharper.

The scene seemed to have changed. Dong Ci looked at it carefully and felt that he was still the same person just now.

As he left, Dong Ci handed him an umbrella. At this time, Jingrong had already stepped half into the rain. He was stunned and held the umbrella above his head. The rain rays took advantage of his slender and cold figure. He just stood in the rain, looking sideways at Dong Ci with dark eyes. Obscure and unpredictable.

"What are you looking at?"

Dong Ci was so scared by him that he suddenly forgot what he wanted to say. After thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't remember what he wanted to do when he sent him outside the store.

"Actually, I never understood why Qiaoqiao gave me Buddhist beads. I don't believe in Buddhism, and I have never been a compassionate person. This makes me feel a bit ironic wearing it."

Jing Rong stood in the rain holding an umbrella. He lowered his eyes and looked at the beads on his wrist, frowning slightly. Then he raised his head and took a few steps in Dong Ci's direction.

"But since she gave it to me, I'll wear it. But I won't delve into what she means, and I will still go by my way. Do you agree?"

Jing Rong's approach brought with it the chill of rain, and he stood in front of Dong Ci in a few steps. His voice was covered by the sound of rain, making Dong Ci's ears vague.

"What did you say?" She looked up at him doubtfully, her eyes clear and bright, and she had no idea what Jing Rong had said. Jing Rong couldn't hold it back and leaned over to nibble on her lips before walking away.

He is really unpredictable.

Dong Ci wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand in dissatisfaction and subconsciously looked back into the store. She was relieved when she found that no one noticed her.

Walking back into the store, Dong Ci walked to where Jing Rong was sitting just now and prepared to put away the dishes.

"Bill, please!"

She quickly put down what she was doing and went to pay the customer, sending the customer away with a polite smile. However, her expression froze in the next second, and Dong Ci suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

She vaguely seemed to remember something, and her brows furrowed more and more tightly. As she thought about it, she suddenly remembered why she had chased Jing Rong out just now when he was about to leave.

You bastard, you haven’t paid me after the meal!

It is said that every spring rain brings warmth. After the spring rain, the weather begins to warm up. This is obviously something to be happy about, but Dong Ci's mood is getting worse and worse.

Because since that day, Jing Rong came to school again, but the relationship between the two was completely different from when the school first started.

"Can you please stop being so close to me?"

Today's math class teacher taught a very complicated question. Dong Ci listened carefully, but Jing Rong sitting next to her changed her past coldness. He kept whispering in her ear throughout the class, with countless ideas. After being disturbed several times, Dong Ci couldn't keep up with the teacher's steps at the end.

There was nowhere to vent her anger. As a result, when get out of class was over, she wanted to study by herself, but Jing Rong kept pressing against her, and she couldn't push him away no matter how hard she pushed.

"Have you lost your temper?" Jing Rong stretched out his long arm and trapped her in his arms. Taking advantage of his height, he took her whole body into his arms and stretched out his other hand to tease her from time to time.


It's time for get out of class to end now. As long as the students who are attentive look towards them, they can see how ambiguous their postures are at this time. Dong Ci couldn't push him away, and finally bit him on the shoulder in anger.

"Hiss—" Is this girl born in the year of a dog? Why does she love to bite so much

Jing Rong took a deep breath and pinched her chin hard to make her relax. Her eyes narrowed with a hint of danger.

"Why, I haven't pampered you yet, and you're making me lose your temper?" He looked at her with a half-smile, and the strength in his hand became heavier and heavier instead of loosening.

"Didn't I agree that you can't disturb me when I'm studying? What do you mean now?!" His chin hurt from his pinching, but Dong Ci was stubborn and refused to beg for mercy.

She seemed to blush easily when she was emotional. Jing Rong looked up at her little face for a moment, and inexplicably felt that her blushing look was very cute.

Resisting the urge to take a bite, he snorted and raised his chin and said arrogantly. "This is what you think unilaterally, and I don't agree with it."

"But when you first started school, you clearly..."


Jing Rong stretched out his fingertips and pressed her mouth, stopping her from continuing to speak. "Don't mention those days to me, it really makes me angry just thinking about it."

"I've always done whatever I wanted to do when I grew up, and no one dared to order me." As if she remembered the time when school just started, the look on Jing Rong's face turned cold, her head lowered lower and lower, and finally she directly It is equal to Dong Ci's forehead. "Speaking of which, I was really possessed by evil spirits in those days, so I was beguiled by you and listened to your words."

"From today on, you are the only one who obeys me. Do you understand?"

"Can't understand!"

"Don't you understand?" Jing Rong nodded slightly, not annoyed, and picked up Dong Ci with a big hand.

Dong Ci was so frightened that her face turned pale. Although she didn't know what he wanted to do, she instinctively felt that it was nothing good, so she held his arm tightly and refused to let go.

"Don't you understand? I will carry you to the podium and kiss you right now, so that the people around you can see who you are."

"no, do not want!"

Feeling the arm in his arms move, Dong Ci was so frightened that he almost cried. She held Jing Rong's arm tightly with both arms, fearing that he would throw her away, so she rubbed her face against it. "You can't do this to me..."

"Then will you listen to me in the future?"

"I, I listen." There was a hint of crying in Dong Ci's voice.

"That's good." Jing Rong nodded with satisfaction, ruffled her hair and said. "As long as you are obedient and I am happy, I will naturally let you do anything."
