His Canary

Chapter 36: I don't love you (4)


"Dong Ci, I have something to ask you. Could you please open the door and let me in?"

Throughout the university, Dong Ci's relationship with her classmates was extremely dull. Only Sun Mengmeng had a slightly better relationship with her. There were even several events held by the school, and she was the only one willing to be assigned to a group with her.

"Madam, it's too cold outside, let's go back."

Sally winked at Aunt Zhang and tried to pull Dong Ci away. But Dong Ci stood still and didn't move. He even asked the guard to open the door.

"Madam, Mr. Jing has specifically ordered that you are not allowed to meet strangers."

"I'm not a stranger, I'm her college classmate, we know each other!" Sun Mengmeng's eyes were filled with anxiety. She was afraid that Dong Ci would leave, so she eagerly stretched out her hand through the iron railing to grab her sleeve, but was stopped by Sha. Li blocked it.

"Let her in."

Dong Ci was a little surprised that Sally, who had always been calm and composed, showed such a panicked expression. She ignored the two people's obstruction and walked to the iron gate and asked the guard to let the person in.

She was actually a little curious. After all, she had not been involved with her former college classmates in the past few years, so she couldn't imagine why Sun Mengmeng would come to her with something urgent. However, before Dong Ci could ask, Sun Mengmeng, who had just entered, grabbed her hand and begged. "Dong Ci, let's be classmates for good. I beg you, please persuade Jing Rong to let our family go, okay?"


If it hadn't been for Xiao Lang that he met Sun Mengmeng at the gate today, Dong Ci might never have known for the rest of his life how many people who had come here to look for her had been blocked by him since she married Jing Rong.

"Dong Ci, I know Jing Rong loves you very much, so I really hope you can help me and help me persuade Jing Rong not to acquire my company, okay?"

Regardless of Sally's obstruction, Dong Ci brought Sun Mengmeng into the villa, but the funny thing was that she didn't understand the reason why Sun Mengmeng came to her. "I never care about his company's affairs, why did you come to me?"

Sun Mengmeng frowned and said hesitantly. "My father is a gambler. He once owed Jing Rong a lot of money and still hasn't paid it back. Now the money has multiplied several times and it has become a sky-high price."

"My father couldn't afford such a huge amount of money even if he was rich. So Jing Rong asked my father to give him the company, but it was the hard work of his father for generations. If he really gave it to Jing Rong, We really have nothing left!"

Dong Ci's brain was a little slow. She went over Sun Mengmeng's question over and over in her mind several times before asking her some tentative questions. "You mean, Jingrong is a loan shark?"

"do not you know?"

Sun Mengmeng looked at her with some confusion, "Didn't your mother borrow all the money from him before?"

"How do you know that my mother owes loan sharks? How do you know that my mother owes money to Jing Rong?"

It was like a dense net was covering Dong Ci. She seemed to have captured some important information, and she felt like the world was spinning.

Dong Ci remembered that Jing Rong once said that the loan sharks her mother owed at that time had nothing to do with him!

Is he lying to her

"The reason why my father can borrow money here is because he knows Xiao Wang, who works for Jing Rong. He is in charge of loan sharking. When I was in high school, I often went to your mother's store to eat, so I often I saw her interacting with that little king..."

Where Dong Ci couldn't see, Sun Mengmeng's palms were tightly clasped. She glanced at the pale Dong Ci, her eyes darkened, and she asked cautiously. "Dong Ci, is it possible that you don't know this?"


Dong Ci seemed to have lost her soul. She closed her eyes slightly and breathed heavily. "If I really knew all this, I wouldn't be sitting here today."

"As far as I know, your family's financial situation seems not to be very good."

"none of your business"

"It's really none of my business."

"But maybe, you will beg me in the future."

"I think if Auntie renovates the shop, business will be better."

"This store has just started. It's not certain whether it will lose money. Auntie doesn't dare to renovate it easily. She wants to wait until the business stabilizes."

"Auntie, I have a cousin who has a lot of experience in running restaurants. If Auntie trusts me, I can introduce him to you."

"Xiao Ci, do you think the store your father and I designed is creative and beautiful?"

"We just made it based on what we had in mind at the time. I didn't expect that after the Chinese New Year, we would still be able to use it when we took it out."

“In Xiao Wang’s words, it’s an internet celebrity store!”

"Mom, who is Xiao Wang?"

"Xiao Wang is my mother's friend. He is very good at managing the catering industry. Speaking of which, he has helped a lot to make my mother's business prosperous now."

"Did you frame my mother by lending usury to her? What on earth are you going to do!"

"Xiaoci, you wronged me so much, I will be sad."

"Unjustly accused? Then how did you know that my family owes a loan shark of 500,000 yuan?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"Xiao Ci, you have to know now that only I can help you."

"The reason why my father was able to borrow money here is because he knew Xiao Wang, who worked under Jing Rong, and he was in charge of loan sharking. I saw your mother's shop when I was in high school, and I knew her I have always been in contact with that little king..."

"Dong Ci, is it possible that you don't know this?"


Scenes from the past came rushing back, and all the doubts Dong Ci had accumulated for a long time were resolved.

No wonder Jing Rong said that to her at the beginning. It turned out that he had already settled everything. He had laid out a big picture for her from the beginning. The scary thing was that she didn't notice anything from the beginning to the end. Now All I know is what I heard from others!

Dong Ci once again recalled the words she came to Jing Rong to question after her mother was taken away, and suddenly realized that Jing Rong seemed to have never answered her questions directly.

She was really stupid, she was coaxed by Jing Rong in just a few words.

When Jing Rong came back, he was greeted by a tea cup. He quickly turned sideways and narrowly avoided it, but the bodyguard following him suffered a disaster.

"Jingrong, you have been lying to me!"

Ever since she was little, Dong Ci had never been so excited as she was today. She swept all the things on the table to the floor, grabbed something at random and threw it at him.

This was the brightest Jing Rong had ever seen her eyes, but the hatred inside was so strong.

Jing Rong was stunned for a moment and forgot to dodge. The teacup hit him with a muffled sound and shattered on the ground.

"you hate me?"

As if he couldn't feel the pain, he glanced sideways at her, his dark eyes dark and obscure, as if ink had been spilled into them.

"I hate you, I hate you so much. I hate that I was so stupid that I was deceived by you. I hate that I couldn't see through your methods and harmed my mother!"

Suddenly, Dong Ci looked slightly startled, as if she suddenly thought of something. Her eyes widened as she stared at Jing Rong, and unbridled tears rolled down from her eyes. She said tremblingly: "You are the loan shark." You also sent people to arrest the person who framed my mother. You later said that my mother was sick, and then you started to threaten me with this matter... "

She shook her head in disbelief, staggered back a few steps, then her legs softened, and she knelt down on the ground. "Does that mean that my mother's illness is also your plan?"

"You've been designing me, from beginning to end."

"Jingrong, you are so scary..."

"I did all this just to get you." Now that everything has been revealed, Jing Rong has nothing to hide.

He stepped on the debris on the ground and walked towards her step by step, and said coldly. "I gave you the chance to choose, but you forced me to do this."

"So you can do all this as a matter of course?"

Dong Ci waved away Jing Rong's hand and said coldly. "Jingrong, I want to divorce you!"


As if he heard something incredible, Jing Rong slowly squatted in front of her and stared at her slightly. "Xiao Ci, don't make trouble with me. I can pretend that I didn't hear this."

"I'm not arguing with you, I just want to divorce you!"

"Not only do I want to divorce you, I also want to stay far away from you. I want to take my mother away from here. If possible, I hope I will never meet you in this life!"

What she said was really too harsh. This time it was no longer a stab, but like a knife stabbing Jing Rong again, causing pain.

But what was very dramatic was that he had actually heard this from another woman.

A flash of confusion flashed in Jing Rong's eyes. He found that Dong Ci's expression at this moment was very similar to Qiao Qiao at that time. They were both equally desperate and full of hatred.

"Xiao Ci, do you know? In fact, I have heard Qiao Qiao say this before." There was a hint of hoarseness in Jing Rong's voice. He stretched out his big palm and gently touched Dong Ci's tear-stained face, slowly Wipe away her tears. "But what's the result?"

"She still hasn't escaped my father's hands."

"So, you are no exception. I won't let you go, so you can't leave."

"You can only stay by my side for the rest of your life."

When he said this again, Jing Rong's eyebrows softened. There was always a gentle smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, a beautiful and pure smile, but his eyes were dark and dull, like evil abyss. It was like countless twisted hands stretching out in the darkness, and they were scrambling to escape from the darkness.

Paranoid and evil, cold and devoted.

Dong Ci was ill. In the past few days when she was ill, she dreamed of Jing Rong's dark eyes countless times. They were so beautiful and frightening that she felt suffocated in her dreams countless times. However, after waking up, But she found that she was still trapped in the cage and could not escape.

When she woke up again, the room was dark. She wasn't afraid of the dark originally, but now she was a little afraid of the boundless darkness, which made her feel depressed.

"Dong Ci, are you torturing me or yourself?"

In the thickest part of the darkness, Jing Rong's tired chair was leaning against the sofa. His long eyelashes were slightly drooped, and a large shadow hit his face, making Dong Ci unable to see through his emotions. His voice was low, cold and could cut through the darkness.

"Let me go." Dong Ci's voice was once delicate and soft, but now it was hoarse and unpleasant due to torture. She coughed several times, and her throat was dry and painful. The stimulation that day was so great that her already weak body suffered another serious illness. Now she was sick and extremely thin.

"As long as you don't leave me, I can promise you anything."

"But I just want to leave you, and I don't ask for anything else!"

Dong Ci didn't dare to recall the past. Every frame seemed to contain Jing Rong's schemes and traps. They were like countless needles. Dong Ci would be pricked once if he thought of them.

The room suddenly became silent, with a hint of air conditioning. Dong Ci seemed not to feel it, but still murmured, "You are so bad, so bad that I can't even imagine it."

"I just want to be an ordinary person. I just want to fulfill the dream that my father never fulfilled. I just want to work hard to make money and buy a small house to live with my mother..." These words seemed to consume too much of Dong Ci's energy. Her eyes became darker and darker, and she smelled a faint hint of sandalwood in a daze.

Before falling into coma, Dong Ci finally said:

"Jingrong, please let me go, okay?"

This was the first time Jing Rong felt so powerless. He watched helplessly as Dong Ci carried his suitcase downstairs and sat stiffly on the window sill, motionless.

"Growing up, no one has ever told me what is right and what is wrong."

Jing Rong touched the prayer beads on her wrist that she had never taken off, and continued speaking in a low voice as if mumbling to herself. "My mother never fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother, so I never called her mom. I followed my father and called her Qiaoqiao."

"She once told me that if I meet someone I like in the future, I must treat her well. True love will not come at the expense of hurting the person you love, so she gave me Buddhist beads and hoped that I would be kind."

Dong Ci paused, the gears in the suitcase suddenly stopped sliding, and the room suddenly fell into silence.

"I didn't understand what she said, but after I met you, I seemed to understand, but then... I didn't seem to understand again."

Jing Rong's long eyelashes were trembling. He used his body to block the wind blowing in from the window. His white and loose shirt swayed violently in the cold wind, and the constant expansion made him look a little fragile.

"Xiao Ci, do you know? When Qiao Qiao told me these words, my father told me when I was very young: If you want to get something you love, you must fight for it at all costs."

"He also told me that my concession would only make me regret it, and I might even lose something in exchange."

"But I obviously did as he said, so why did I still lose in exchange?"

Jing Rong murmured, "I even gained not only loss, but also your hatred and my pain..."

He finally looked up.

Jing Rong turned her head slightly to look at Dong Ci, her eyes were misty, dark and empty.

he asked softly. "Xiao Ci, did I really do something wrong?"

"If I pursue you again the way Qiaoqiao said, will you still love me?"


Dong Ci didn't answer him, and all he was left with was the grunting sound of the gears in the suitcase rubbing against the ground. The sound seemed to hit Jing Rong's heart, and it actually made him have difficulty breathing.

"Ha." Jing Rong stared at Dong Ci's back without blinking. After her back completely left his sight, he slowly turned his gaze back.

Exhaling a breath, his straightened body seemed to have suddenly lost strength, and he leaned lazily on the window wall. Jing Rong raised his arms and put the back of his hands lazily on his eyes, hiding the emotions inside, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was cold and transparent.

He would never agree to divorce, and he would never let Dong Ci leave.

Sometimes letting go briefly is not really giving up. So everything he is doing now is just to have her better in the future.