His Canary

Chapter 38: I don't love you (6)


When Dong Ci went for another interview, she specially put a decorative ring on her finger.

The interview went particularly smoothly. The hiring manager was very satisfied after reading her resume. Just when he stood up and was about to shake hands with Dong Ci, Dong Ci suddenly took off the ring.

"The tattoo on Miss Dong's hand..."

The smile on the supervisor's face froze a little. He retracted his hand and glanced at her tattoo from time to time. "Well, Miss Dong, I am very satisfied with your resume, but you should go back and wait for notification first!"

"..." This time, Dong Ci finally believed what Shi Ze said.

Scenery, appearance.

Dong Ci recited this name silently in his heart, and the hatred in his heart surged. At this moment, she finally understood why Jing Rong let her go so easily.

At the same place, Dong Ci met Shi Ze again, and his company should be nearby. This is a prosperous area, and he should be living a good life now, wearing suits and luxury cars every day, and there are always people following him around.

Dong Ci's expression darkened, she lowered her head silently, turned around and prepared to take another route.

"Xiao Ci!"

Shi Ze still found her. He walked to Dong Ci in a few steps, looked at the resume in her hand, and asked. "Still looking for a job?"

Dong Ci never hides her emotions. Shi Ze easily knew that her interview did not go well, so he hesitated and said. "Xiao Ci, why don't you come to my company first."

"Although the company is not under my control now, I am still the manager anyway. Just stay with me and be my secretary."

Shize's father opened a company. Although it was not large in scale, its operations were very stable and it was already growing bigger and bigger.

If Dong Ci entered Shi Ze's company at this time, once Jing Rong knew about it, he would not let them go according to his temperament. Dong Ci knew that Shi Ze must have thought of this, so he hesitated when he said this.

But he finally said it, which moved Dong Ci a little.

"No need." She didn't want to cause trouble to Shi Ze, so she smiled and declined politely. "I can only make clothes, I don't know anything else."

The purpose of finding a job is to support oneself, and the purpose of finding a job related to clothing design is to fulfill his regret for his loving father. Although Jing Rong repeatedly blocked her, she would not give up.

How could Shi Ze not understand her thoughts? A flash of guilt flashed in his eyes, and when he saw Dong Ci wanting to leave, he reflexively held her wrist.

"Xiao Ci, I've been back for so long and I haven't had time to treat you to a meal, so why not just do it today."

"Just think of it as a reminiscence between old friends. It just so happens that... I also want to tell you something."


Dong Ci wanted to refuse.

She knew that even though Jing Rong let her leave, she would always see a black car following her when she went out in recent days, and she knew who it was without even thinking about it. So she always wanted to keep a distance from Shi Ze, partly because she didn't dare to rely on others and was scared, and partly because she was afraid that her affairs with Jing Rong would implicate him.

"Okay." After Dong Ci made sure there was no black car around, she agreed to Shi Ze. Those who have always wanted to ask but never had the chance to ask, it’s time to ask them clearly today.

Shi Ze took her to a high-end restaurant. He seemed to be very familiar with the place. He looked very serious when he pursed his lips and stopped smiling, but Dong Ci always felt that something was different about him.

When Shize was young, he invited her to dinner several times, but they were always at street stalls or small restaurants, surrounded by noisy people, and the tables and chairs looked dirty because they were old.

At that time, Shi Ze's eyebrows were thin. Although he was crowded in the same crowded alley as her, he had an otherworldly temperament. Dong Ci often teased him that he could see through the world and become an immortal at any time.

But now? Dong Ci felt that he and this place were surprisingly integrated.

Shize no longer had the temperament of his youth, and his face remained the same, but the feeling he once gave her was no longer there.


Shi Ze ordered a bottle of red wine. He pushed the glass to Dong Ci, smiled slightly, and said. "Let's have a drink. Maybe we can all use it in today's chat."

He first drank a few sips by himself. Seeing that Dong Ci didn't move, he didn't force it. He just sighed and got straight to the point. "Xiao Ci, actually I went to see him after I learned that you and Jing Rong were married."

Toki Ze seemed to be caught up in the memories of that time. He smiled bitterly and took another drink. "You know, my dad has opened a small company, and with Jing Rong's power, he can destroy it with just a move of his fingers."

"So he forced you to go abroad?" Dong Ci secretly clenched his fists.

She should have guessed it a long time ago, otherwise why would Tokize go abroad for no reason? In the end, it was actually she who hurt him.

"Really? It doesn't count." Shi Ze shook his head and stared at Dong Ci deeply. There was struggle and guilt in him, but he finally opened his mouth but said nothing.

"I'm sorry." In the end, he only said these three words.

Dong Ci didn't know what Jing Rong had said to Shi Ze back then, but she could feel that this memory was very profound for him, even... a little embarrassing.

"I sent you a text message. I always thought you would go to the airport to find me after seeing that text message. But it wasn't until I met you again when I returned home that I suddenly realized that you might not have seen that text message at all. "

"I did not receive it. Jing Rong told me that you were leaving."

"..." In the end, it turned out that everything was because of Jingrong.

From the beginning of disgust and hatred, Dong Ci now felt a little numb when he heard this name again. She sighed slightly, not wanting to eat, so she prepared to leave.


When Dong Ci stood up, Shi Ze suddenly stopped her.

Drinking several drinks in a row may have given him some courage. He seemed to want to tell him something, but when he saw Dong Ci looking at him, he suddenly turned his eyes away and did not dare to look at her.

"I don't want to lie to you. In fact, Jing Rong didn't force me to go abroad."

"At that time, I needed development, I wanted abilities, and I wanted to become strong, so I didn't want to give up the opportunity to go abroad. Jing Rong... didn't force me."

"Everything is of my own free will."

"Xiaoci, I'm sorry."

After saying these words, Shi Ze drank another glass of wine. He became more and more afraid to look at Dong Ci. He lowered his head and lost his previous pride.

"Nothing sorry."

Even Dong Ci herself didn't know why she was so calm at this time. She shook her head slightly and said with a wry smile. "You're not sorry for me, you're just doing what you should do."

She didn't blame him, and she knew Toki Ze was right.

Although the two grew up together, Toki Ze had no obligation to leave all the good things to her. After all, he also has his own family, and he always has to consider himself.

Dong Ci knew that Shize had not told her the whole truth, but she should have guessed the rest.

At this moment, she was looking at Shi Ze's guilty face, and finally realized what was different.

Dong Ci suddenly understood: when you were young, you didn't ask for anything or think about anything, so you can not care about power and money, and only pursue purity and love. But when you grow up, you realize that those things you once didn't care about will only make it difficult for you to move forward.

You can be ordinary and ordinary without money or power, but you may not be able to protect the people you want to protect.

Dong Ci smiled, she lifted the wine glass, raised it towards Shi Ze, and said lightly. "After drinking this glass of wine, I hope that we can all forget that past."

She would forget that Shi Ze never looked back, and she also hoped that Shi Ze would stop worrying about his choice at that time.

Give the past a glass of strong wine, the past will disappear, and no one should look back.


Dong Ci left, leaving only an empty wine glass. Shi Ze closed his eyes slightly. After saying those words, he finally felt much more relaxed.

Shi Ze admitted that when he was young, he had liked Dong Ci, but the feelings were not strong. Even sometimes he couldn't tell whether he had more love for Dong Ci or more family affection, so he was often confused.

After learning that Jing Rong was by her side, Shi Ze was sad, but his feeling was not loss, but anger that Dong Ci had not found the right person to love her properly.

"Aren't you just relying on your power? Do you think you can get her by doing this?"

"You are wrong. What I rely on is not being rich and powerful, but relying on unscrupulous means."

Shi Ze remembered that when he saw Jing Rong, the confident smile on Jing Rong's face was very annoying. He didn't understand why he could be superior to him even though they were about the same age.

"You are not as ruthless as me, and you are not as decisive as me. You can't even tell what you want. What qualifications do you have to compare with me?"

He admitted that every word Jing Rong said at that time pierced his heart. Regardless of his style and methods, just looking at Jingrong as a person, Shi Ze had to say that he really admired him.

"Give you a chance to go abroad. It's up to you whether you choose to remain ordinary or work hard for future glory."


Tokize grew up in an instant. He wanted to mature and be able to protect the people he loved. He spent many years abroad for this goal.

But later he discovered that there are some people that he may not be able to surpass even after a lifetime of hard work. Now that he has returned to China, he has discovered that the people he wants to protect no longer need him. And he still didn't have the ability to protect her.

This may be the most powerless thing in life.

Shi Ze picked up the wine glass and raised it in the direction Dong Ci left, and he said softly. "good."

If you can, let the past go and forget it all.

When Dong Ci walked back to her community, it was already dark.

A car flew past her and blocked her path at a tricky angle. Dong Ci calmly stopped, turned around and walked in the other direction.

"You don't want to see me that much?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and the car door was slammed shut. It was obvious that the person who came was not in a good mood.

Jing Rong caught up with her in a few steps, pulled her shoulders forcefully so that she had nowhere to retreat, and said softly. "Look up at me."


'Pa—' As soon as he finished speaking, Dong Ci raised his hand and slapped him hard on the face. She raised her head, but her eyes were red and watery. She glared at him fiercely and asked in a suppressed voice. "When are you going to let me go?!"

The force of that palm was quite strong. Jing Rong was hit and tilted his head slightly. The aura on his body was a little colder, but he was surprisingly calm.


Jing Rong gently grabbed her trembling little hand and carefully wrapped her in his palm. He sighed, then laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "This must be Xiaoci's first time hitting someone. Look at how frightened he is, his hands are still shaking."

"Are you afraid of me?"

He was like a hypocritical devil, with a hypocritical smile on his face, but the look in his eyes was cold and cold. "Don't be afraid. I love you so much. Even if you hit me, I won't fight back."

"let me go!"

How could Dong Ci believe him? She tried hard to pull her hand out of his palm, but Jing Rong's grip tightened and tightened, as if she wanted to crush her hand. Finally, Dong Ci couldn't bear it anymore and bit him directly on the wrist.

"Bite me again."

Jing Rong sneered, as if he couldn't feel the pain, stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed the back of her neck that was exposed to him, and then after finding a certain part, he pinched hard, and Dong Ci let out a groan. mouth.

"Xiao Ci seems to like to bite me every time she loses her temper. This habit is really bad."

Maybe he ran out of patience, or maybe he could no longer keep up his gentle appearance. Jing Rong pressed her shoulders and slammed her into the wall of the car behind her, saying in a cold voice. "How about I, as your husband, help you change it?"

As if the anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out, Jing Rong pressed close to her body and kissed her lips fiercely. It was more like a kiss than a brutal bite, and the smell of blood was very strong in the mouth.


When Jing Rong put his hand into her clothes, Dong Ci cried, and the salty tears flowed down her cheeks to the corners of her lips, and were finally rolled into Jing Rong's mouth. Then, his body froze, and then Didn't move either.

"Don't cry."

Her eyes were wet with tears, and she felt helpless and lonely inside. Jing Rong's heart twitched, and she raised her hand to wipe away her tears and said softly. "Xiaoci, stop crying."

At that moment, he even regretted his roughness just now.

"How on earth are you going to let me go?" Dong Ci turned away from his touch.

"You suppress me everywhere and leave me without a job or friends. Do you think I can come back to you like this?"

"Jing Rong, let me tell you, even if I, Dong Ci, die, I will never look back at you again!"


"Do you really hate me that much?"

This was really the most vicious sentence Jing Rong had ever heard. At this moment, his heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly. He could barely breathe due to the pain, but he still couldn't bear to hurt the person in front of him at all.

"I'm sorry." This was the first time Jing Rong apologized since he was a child.

His tall body enveloped her, and he leaned over to hug her, so gently that he didn't seem to use any effort. As if he had lost all his strength, he buried his head in her neck and whispered:

"You go, I won't force you anymore."

The moonlight was pale, and Dong Ci was merciless when she pushed him away. She never looked at Jing Rong again, so she didn't see the flash of sadness in Jing Rong's eyes.

Jing Rong watched her leave without blinking. When her back completely disappeared, he raised his head and looked up at the crescent moon above his head. His slightly narrowed eyes were filled with moonlight and shimmered, and he could not tell whether they were tears. No matter what, his eyes were still shining.

There were still traces of her bite on his wrist, and there was even pain. Jing Rong slowly stroked the ring of tooth marks with his fingertips, and then kissed it gently with his thin lips, his dark eyes shining brightly.


He knew that she was gone, but he still called her, his voice was very touching and full of lifelong obsession.

There seemed to be a thousand words to say, but in the end Jingrong just curled up his lips and smiled, coquettishly and evilly.
