His Canary

Chapter 41: I don't love you (9)


It is said that Huqishi is the three fools of the sleigh and the captain of the family demolition team. When Dong Ci was around, although the little wolf often bit things, he had never been as crazy as he is today.

The room was in a mess. Although most of the things were destroyed, she was still a little lucky. At least, Xiao Lang did not enter Jing Rong's study.


Dong Ci couldn't bear to think about what would happen next. Would he really not be so crazy as to abuse her dog

Dong Ci felt that he could definitely do this kind of thing.

After seeing Xiao Lang living in peace here, Dong Ci's anxious heart finally calmed down. She was still worried about leaving the little wolf here, but she couldn't take the dog home.

The loving mother was afraid of dogs, and she couldn't watch them at home every day because she was at work, so she thought about it and decided to foster the little wolf at Yan Ningshuang's house.

After returning from studying abroad, Yan Ningshuang has already started working in her own company. At first, the two of them could chat casually, but later, as Yan Ningshuang got promoted and she became busy, they rarely contacted each other.

After hesitating for a moment, Dong Ci still called Yan Ningshuang. No matter what, even if she drags her friend to foster care, it is better than putting her here with Jingrong.

'Beep—' No one answered the phone for a long time. Dong Ci thought she was still busy, so she was ready to hang up.


Someone finally picked up the phone, but the voice of the person on the phone was extremely tired, as if he had lost all his strength.

"Shuangshuang, are you still busy?"

Dong Ci glanced outside the door and whispered. "I want you to help me take care of the little wolf."

"But I'm abroad now." Yan Ningshuang sighed, her voice light and airy. "I'm abroad, I'm still abroad..."

"What's wrong with you?" Dong Ci realized something was wrong with her.

The sound of a glass bottle falling to the ground came from the other end of the phone. Yan Ningshuang's breathing became heavier. She seemed to be crying and sobbed and said to Dong Ci, "I want to go abroad to relax. I, I worked hard." I want to make myself feel better, but I still think about him, and I keep thinking about him, and it makes my heart hurt so much."

"Xiao Ci, do you know? This place I came to is so beautiful. Many people told me that my mood will get better after I come here to relax. Maybe I can forget him and meet another true love."

When talking about this, Yan Ningshuang smiled, indescribably desolate. "I am here now, but my heart is full of eyes, but there is still only that one person."

"I love him so much that my heart hurts to death. I want to dig my heart out and give it to him, but, but..." She burst into tears, so sad that she could no longer say a word.

Her sadness seemed to permeate Dong Ci's heart along with the phone call. Dong Ci understood her pain, but could not comfort her.

She knew that what Yan Ningshuang wanted at this time was not someone to comfort her, but someone who could silently listen to her cry. As proud as she was, she would not allow Dong Ci to ask about this matter again after crying.

The two of them have been like this for so many years. From the first time Dong Ci saw her cry until today, the only person who can make her cry is An Chengfeng.


After crying, Yan Ningshuang's mood improved significantly. Although she couldn't help Dong Ci take care of the little wolf, she still sent someone to pick him up.

"Don't worry, I know there is someone who can help you take good care of this silly dog."

Although she believed in Yan Ningshuang's ability to do things, the little wolf was really too naughty. Dong Ci was really afraid that the person who helped her take care of the little wolf would hit it if he had a bad temper, so she asked out of curiosity. "Is she good-tempered? I'm afraid that the little wolf will be too noisy and bite her things..."

"Relax your mind!"

Yan Ningshuang sniffed and said with some disgust. "She has no temper and is just as stupid as this stupid dog. Maybe she will be able to become a brother-in-law with it soon."

Dong Ci was a little curious. "Who is this person you are talking about?"

"You've seen that Su Tang from Prince Xiao's house."


Dong Ci felt that the name sounded familiar. She blinked in confusion. Fortunately, her memory was good and she remembered it quickly. "That little girl who had a snowball fight with us that year?"

"Yes, it's these two fools."


Although he didn't know this girl, they had met once. Dong Ci had a good impression of her, so he felt relieved.

She came to Jingzhai entirely for Xiaolang. Now that she had settled him down, she no longer had the need to stay here, so she was ready to leave.

"If you leave now, I won't let the driver take you off."

Dong Ci ignored Jing Rong's threat and walked straight out the door. She would rather walk home than stay here overnight.

It was already dark by now, and the night wind was a bit cool. Dong Ci was walking alone on the mountain road. There were weeds and woods on both sides of the street. The areas where the lights could not reach were dark and scary.

The mountain road was very long. Dong Ci was wearing high heels and her feet had just been sprained, so she walked very slowly. In the end, in order to save time, she simply took off her shoes and walked on the road barefoot, her pace obviously much faster.

There were dazzling car lights coming out from behind, and the kung fu car that Dong Ci turned around stopped beside her. Jing Rong opened the car door and said coldly. "Come up."


The mountain road is so long, and if she is allowed to walk back by herself, she might cause some trouble with her fragile physique.

In the end, he still couldn't bear it. Jing Rong admitted that she was increasingly unable to do anything with this delicate little flower, and he knew that he was being led by her right now, but he couldn't bear to leave her alone.

"Come up quickly, I don't want to have to say it a third time."

Seeing her standing still, Jing Rong urged her again patiently.

At this time, there were still more than two-thirds of the way down the mountain. If she really continued walking like this, her physical strength would not be able to sustain it.

Thinking of having to get up early to go to work tomorrow, Dong Ci bit her lip and finally got in the car.

"Put your shoes on."

The ground was cold, and Dong Ci had already planned to put on shoes. However, when she heard Jing Rong's commanding tone, her stubborn temper suddenly rose, so she held on to the shoes in her hand without moving.

Really want to—

Hold her in your arms and give her a good meal!

Jing Rong resisted the urge to punish the stubborn girl. He took the shoes from her hand and pinched her ankles to help her put them on. The veins on the small arm exposed outside the clothes were slightly bulging.

The skin under the fingertips was smooth and tender. Jing Rong had obviously let go of her, but the intoxicating touch seemed to still remain on his hand, adding even more fire to his already raging heart.

It had been a long time since he had touched her, so long that just thinking about her delicate body made him hungry/thirsty. Jing Rong resisted the urge to hold her in his arms and kiss her, pursed her lips and closed her eyes.

He can't touch her.

If he touches her now, it will only be harder for him to get close to her in the future.

He used to be wanton and indulgent, he only liked to plunder, and he never cared about other people's feelings. Until Dong Ci lived in his heart, she was like a shackle, binding him, and he was willing to do so.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of the community. Jing Rong slowly opened her eyes and sighed when she saw Dong Ci quickly opening the car door and leaving without mercy.


Jing Rong didn't expect her to stop and listen to him, so he could only give instructions while she was not far away. "Be safe these days."


Pay attention to safety.

Jing Rong stared at her back without blinking before she disappeared. He looked sideways at the dark night outside the window, and the smile at the corner of his mouth turned cold.

Dong Ci's family lives in the innermost part of the community, and the further in they go, the more desolate they become.

Two of the street lights downstairs were broken, and it was so dark that she couldn't see the road ahead, so she turned on the light on her mobile phone. Unexpectedly, it didn't matter if she turned it on, she actually saw a blurry black shadow under her house.

She thought she was dazzled, but after taking a few steps closer, she found that the black shadow actually moved.

"Dong Ci?"

She originally thought it was a thief, but unexpectedly that person actually knew her name. It was a woman's voice, and it sounded familiar.

Dong Ci's vigilance relaxed a little, and after taking a few steps closer, he suddenly discovered that this person turned out to be Zhao Qingqing!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Zhao Qingqing's voice was a little hoarse. After she took off the mask on her face, Dong Ci found that she had lost a lot of weight, and it was obvious that she was not doing well.

"What's up?"

Dong Ci has not forgotten how she treated her in the past, so the tone of speaking to her at this time is not considered friendly. "If nothing happens, I'll go home."

"I've always been curious about your relationship with Jing Rong."

Zhao Qingqing's sunken eyes were a little dark, and it was terrifying when she blocked Dong Ci's path and stared directly at her. "I just said that Jing Rong came to me for no reason. Until today I saw you getting into Jing Rong's car on the roadside, and the matter that I had been wondering about for a long time was finally solved."

She sneered and said angrily. "Dong Ci, you really hide your secrets."

"If you came to me today just to talk nonsense to me, then I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear it."

Dong Ci crossed her and wanted to go home, but at this moment Zhao Qingqing suddenly held down her shoulders, and then a sharp and cold object was pressed against her waist.

"do not move!"

Zhao Qingqing moved the knife forward a little further and said viciously. "If you want to die now, just shout as loud as you can, and I guarantee that everyone in your neighborhood will see your body."

"What do you want to do?" Dong Ci clenched his fists and stiffened, not daring to move.

"Dong Ci, if I had the choice, I wouldn't do this. After all, I also want to live well. So if you want to blame, just blame Jingrong, he forced me!"

Dong Ci frowned, "What did he do?"

As far as she knows now, she only knows that Jing Rong ruined Zhao Qingqing's reputation, and she doesn't know anything else.

But Zhao Qingqing didn't think so. She pressed the knife a little closer with excitement and said through gritted teeth. "Dong Ci, don't pretend to be here!"

"I want you to ask Jing Rong to stop blocking me and ask him to delete all the videos and photos related to me that are spread on the Internet!" She thought for a while and then said. "I want him to clarify those negative remarks about me and I want to get back to work."


Dong Ci refused almost without thinking.

She was really disgusted by Zhao Qingqing. How could there be such a shameless person like her in this world

"It is indeed wrong for him to spread your privacy, but the rest is your own fault!"

"You rely on your reputation to suppress newcomers from plagiarizing other people's ideas. Even if you don't say these things, sooner or later there will be people who don't like you and expose it. God is watching what you do, you have done so much You are not worthy of being a designer if you do something immoral, and you deserve to be banned. If I had Jing Rong's ability, I would also choose to ban you so that a scum like you would not be able to enter the design circle for the rest of his life!"

"As for the clarification you mentioned? Don't even think about it!"

"Believe it or not, I will kill you!" Dong Ci's words seemed to anger Zhao Qingqing. She stabbed the knife hard and pierced Dong Ci's clothes.

Fortunately, she hadn't lost her mind yet. After calming down a little, she said again. "Dong Ci, we can cooperate."

"You should also know my status in the design circle. As long as you fulfill the requirements I mentioned, I can elevate you to the same level as me, or even higher..."

unnecessary! She has the strength to not rely on her to use such despicable means to achieve success!

Dong Ci had already angered her once. If he said such words rashly at this time, he would definitely put himself in danger.

She wanted to respond silently, but Zhao Qingqing thrust the phone into her hand and ordered her to call Jing Rong.

"I want you to convey my request to Jing Rong now. If you dare to play any tricks, I will drag you to hell with me!"