His Canary

Chapter 47: I accept you (5)


Jing Rong has been resting at home these days. During this period, many people came to visit him. Even An Chengfeng, who had not been seen for a long time, showed up.

It's just that he came at the wrong time. When he entered the house carrying his things, Yan Ningshuang and Dong Ci were chatting on the sofa.

"Is your injury feeling better?"

In Dong Ci's impression, An Chengfeng has always been a cynical playboy, but in recent years he has become much calmer. It's just that he has lost a lot of weight, and there is less smile on his face.

When he saw Yan Ningshuang, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, his brows were furrowed tightly, and he was sitting farthest away from Yan Ningshuang, completely rejecting her.

The atmosphere was a bit strange, but Jingrong just smiled sideways, took the cup on the table to test the water temperature, and then directly put the cup into Dong Ci's hand. "Drink water."

"My company has other things to deal with. I'll see you next time."

Before his butt was hot from sitting, An Chengfeng didn't know what kind of stimulation he had received, but he actually picked up his clothes and was about to leave. Yan Ningshuang stood up from Dong Ci, stared at his face and said to Dong Ci. "I'm leaving too!"

"you… "

Dong Ci's words paused in his mouth, because An Chengfeng had already walked out of the door at this time, walking in a hurry as if he was running for his life. She grabbed Yan Ningshuang, who was about to chase him out, and said with some confusion. "Didn't you say you wanted to stay for dinner?"

"Let's talk about what to eat when we have time!"

Seeing that An Chengfeng had already left the door, Yan Ningshuang anxiously shook off her hand, picked up her bag and rushed out...

"Is she going to chase An Chengfeng?"

Dong Ci rubbed the red hands pinched by Yan Ningshuang and said a little aggrievedly. "She clearly told me before returning to China that she must sever ties with An Chengfeng in this life."

"But now An Chengfeng has broken up with Chen Wanwan."

Jing Rong smiled and rubbed her hair, indicating for her to drink all the water in the cup. "Such a good opportunity, I guess she won't give it up."

"How could they break up?" Dong Ci didn't believe it, but what she didn't know was that the two had actually broken up for a long time, but An Chengfeng had been hiding it from everyone, especially Yan Ningshuang.

Maybe Dong Ci didn't know how much An Chengfeng liked Chen Wanwan before, but later, when he severed ties with the An family for Chen Wanwan, she did admire him.

"Xiao Ci, don't you think it's funny? I fell in love with a playboy, but in the end I discovered that he was actually more devoted than anyone else."

"What we see is all illusion."

When Yan Ningshuang said this to her, she was particularly impressed.

Dong Ci is not too clear about the entanglement between An Chengfeng, Chen Wanwan and Yan Ningshuang. Most of the time, she got the news from Jing Rong and Yan Ningshuang. However, no matter who she got the news from, the key points in the news were just one sentence:

An Chengfeng doesn't like Yan Ningshuang, but An Chengfeng loves Chen Wanwan very much.

After Dong Ci, An Chengfeng will always be with Chen Wanwan.

"I knew they would break up a long time ago. It was just a matter of time." Jing Rong held her in his arms, rubbed his chin on her shoulder, and said with a smile. "An Chengfeng is actually very smart, but too emotionally slow."

"Especially when it comes to picking out women, it's the worst."

Chen Wanwan is like this, and even Yan Ningshuang, who is now hanging around him, is not a good person.

"Have you ever said that about your friends?" Dong Ci curled his lips and looked sideways at him. "Do you think you have a good eye for picking women?"


Jing Rong raised his eyebrows slightly, he hugged Dong Ci tighter and said arrogantly. "The fact that you are sitting in my arms now is the best proof."

This man is really not ashamed...

"What do you like me?"

In fact, Dong Ci was a little curious, because when she first met him, this man seemed to be possessed by a demon, clinging to her at all costs. Thinking of every bit of the past, Dong Ci glared at him and asked what he had been wondering for a long time. "Did you fall in love with me at first sight?"

love at first sight

Jing Rong was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He laughed softly, leaned forward and kissed Dong Ci's small mouth, and said thoughtfully. "It should be said that it was love at first sight."

"?" Dong Ci reacted quickly and asked tentatively. "Have we met before?"

"To be precise, I only met you one-sidedly."

As if recalling something, Jing Rong's eyebrows softened a lot. His deep eyes were boundless, but Dong Ci's figure was clearly revealed. "At that time, I accompanied An Chengfeng to the infirmary to get medicine, and you happened to be lying in there for an intravenous drip."

At that time, she looked even slender than now, with a small face only the size of a palm, without a trace of blood.

"You were lying on the hospital bed at that time. You were obviously asleep, but there were still tears on your face. You looked pitiful."

"I thought you and Qiao Qiao were similar at that time, so I paid more attention to you. I didn't expect that I would remember you for so long." After saying this, Jing Rong sighed. "Then I could dream about you for several days in a row, and I regretted it every time I woke up."

"What do you regret?"

Jing Rong smiled, her thin lips getting closer and closer to hers. "Of course... I regret not taking you away from the infirmary."

The stubbornness will not change.

If he had really done that, it might have been harder for Dong Ci to forgive him.

Dong Ci was silent, and suddenly he understood where the strong possessiveness in his eyes came from when the two met for the first time.

"Actually, I was just curious about you at the beginning and wanted to keep you by my side. Who knew that I would be captured by you, a little demon/spirit?"

"You are the little devil/elf."

Dong Ci didn't think it was a good word. She turned around and put her arms around Jing Rong's neck, looking at him and saying angrily. "No one can bewitch people's hearts more than you!"

Obviously, I just wiped his body last night, but who knew that it turned into a fierce 'war' later.

Dong Ci didn't know if it was because he stayed in the bathroom for a long time. After helping Jing Rong wipe his body, he started to feel dizzy, as if he had drunk strong alcohol. As for the subsequent events, they were even more out of her control.

Dong Ci's face became a little annoyed when he thought that he was the one who took the initiative to kiss him yesterday. She lowered her head and didn't want to look at Jingrong anymore, but her eyes accidentally glanced at his collar. Along the slightly open seam of his clothes, she could see the little red marks she had imprinted on his skin.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling that the girl in his arms was squirming restlessly, Jing Rong pinched her tender neck. Unexpectedly, the girl lowered her head even lower, and even pulled his arm to try to get away from him. Leave the body.

"Huh?" How could Jing Rong let her go? He was unaware of her emotional changes at this time, and even held her chin, lifted it up and looked at it carefully several times.

Seeing the bright water in Dong Ci's eyes, I felt pity for him despite the mist. Jing Rong's eyes narrowed slightly and she smiled instantly.

"Xiao Ci is shy?"

As if he was teasing Dong Ci on purpose, he even grabbed her hand and stuffed it into his lapel, saying in a low voice. "Or... Xiaoci wants it again?"

"you you… "

Dong Ci had never seen such a shameless person. She thought for a long time and didn't know how to describe him, so she could only change the topic. "When did you get the tattoo on your finger?"

She grabbed his fingertips and pinched them. She found that his fingertips were slender and white, and they looked more and more beautiful.

Dong Ci admitted that she had some manual control.

"It happened a long time ago, but you never paid attention to me."

When she said this, Jing Rong's eyes flashed slightly, and her long eyelashes covered the look in her eyes, making her look a little lonely. Dong Ci felt a stab in her heart. She bit her lip and pinched his fingertips, not knowing what to say.

At that time, she couldn't recognize her feelings, and she never believed Jing Rong's sincerity towards her, so she never paid attention to Jing Rong, and even always wanted to escape from him.

"Then I'll start paying attention to you from now on, okay?"

Dong Ci didn't want to mention those past events again. She blinked and stared at his clean and beautiful fingers, and said in a low voice. "As long as you don't force me in the future, I will work hard to become..."

Unintentionally meeting Jing Rong's deep gaze, Dong Ci's voice trembled, and she quickly lowered her head again and whispered. "Work hard to become a qualified wife."

"You don't need to be qualified, as long as you keep me in your heart."

Jing Rong took his fingers out of her hand, held her face up so that she faced him, and said with a smile. "Why don't you, Xiaoci, call me husband first?"


The murderer who hit Dong Ci and Ci's mother with his car was found, and the police told her that the man was Zhao Qingqing.

At that time, Dong Ci was still guarding his loving mother in the hospital. When he heard the news, he was surprised for a moment, and then calmed down again.

She had thought of this answer but never dared to believe it. If she could, she would rather hope that this was really just an accident.

Later, Dong Ci went to see Zhao Qingqing. At that time, she was handcuffed and looked haggard. However, after seeing Dong Ci, the first thing she said was: "Is your mother dead?"

Dong Ci pinched her fingertips into her palms, her eyes filled with hatred for the first time, but more importantly, she was still puzzled.

"You can't blame me. If you want to blame, you have to blame yourself. If you had done as I said, how could I have been forced into a desperate situation?"

Zhao Qingqing showed no regrets from beginning to end, and even stared at Dong Ci with resentment, as if she was the one who made the mistake.

"Dong Ci, do you know what I regret most?"

"I regret that I didn't stab you to death downstairs!" She actually laughed, but her eyes were empty and lifeless, as if she had lost her soul. "I want your mother to see you die by my knife, and then while she is panicking, I am killing her, how wonderful!"

"Tsk, tsk, there's blood all over the ground, it makes me excited just thinking about it..."

"How can you be so vicious!"

These words were unbearable and Dong Ci couldn't bear it. She wanted to stand up and slap Zhao Qingqing, but there was an iron railing between them and she couldn't touch her at all.

"Am I evil? I can't be more evil than you, right?"

Zhao Qingqing sneered and said through gritted teeth, "Do you know how much I regretted it after I let you go? I was afraid that you would complain to Jing Rong, that you would go to the police station and send the police to arrest me! I followed you secretly. A few days later, you finally went to the police station!"

"I used to have money and status, but because of your appearance, I became a street rat. I couldn't return home, and I even lost my money!"

"Oh, there are still people laughing at me and saying that I deserve to die! Dong Ci, do you know how much I hated you when I saw you and your mother passing by my car talking and laughing that day?!"

She was so anxious that she hid in the darkness all day long, but Dong Ci, the woman who had caused her so much harm, could still smile so happily.

Dong Ci has everything, but she has nothing!

At that time, Zhao Qingqing had been following her for many days. Her spirit became more and more depressed. After seeing that scene, she was overwhelmed by anger and hatred. She drove her car towards the two of them without even thinking. past.

When she saw the blood on the ground, Zhao Qingqing was panicked for a moment, but then she became extremely excited, and the blood all over her body flowed rapidly, as if she had been reborn.

The police told Dong Ci that Zhao Qingqing had killed others many times during the days when he was on the run. One of them was director Wang Shenghua.

Was Wang Shenghua also killed by her

Dong Ci felt cold all over. She looked at Zhao Qingqing as if she were looking at a monster, but Zhao Qingqing still smiled at her, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"Dong Ci, you'd better hope that I die, otherwise when I get out, I won't let you go first!"

"After killing you, who else should I kill?"

She tilted her head and smiled, but what she said was shocking. "There used to be several celebrities who had a very good relationship with me. Who would have thought that when I was ruined, they all ended their relationship with me. Well, they also had to die."

Zhao Qingqing is crazy...

Dong Ci didn't want to stay here any longer. She stood up from the chair, but her legs weakened and she almost fell down.

"By the way, there is another person I can't let go!"

Dong Ci heard Zhao Qingqing still talking to herself behind her back, and didn't know if she meant it, so she suddenly raised her voice a lot and said with a smile. "Dong Ci, do you think it's better for you to die first, or for Jing Rong to die first?"

It was cool and depressing in the prison, but after walking out, it was also cloudy outside, and cold wind blew by. Dong Ci felt cold to the bones from head to toe.

Fortunately, Dong Ci looked up and saw Jing Rong standing by the car not far away, waiting for her. She sniffed and quickly walked over and hugged him, trying to draw some warmth from him.

"Why are you so cold?"

Her depressed mood was clearly felt, but he didn't ask any more questions. He just carried her into the car, and his big palm easily wrapped her little hand.

The originally cold fingertips gradually regained their warmth. Dong Ci looked at the man who was lowering his eyes to warm her hands. She couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes, and finally lay on his shoulder and sobbed.