His Canary

Chapter 66: Yan'an extra (3)


An Chengfeng's words were entirely out of consideration for Yan Ningshuang's communication. As the two grew older, their horizons gradually expanded.

An Chengfeng has loved making friends since he was a child, and because of his good personality, he can make a lot of friends wherever he goes. At first, he could still play with Yan Ningshuang, but now that the two have grown up, boys are more intimate with boys, and girls are more intimate with girls. So it was impossible for her to keep pestering him like this.

"Don't you want to stay with me forever?"

Yan Ningshuang's thinking was not on the same level as his. She was paranoid and aloof. She had only known one friend, An Chengfeng, since she was sensible. She likes him so she just wants to be with him. Is it wrong for her to do this

She was right, but she felt that An Chengfeng had done something wrong.

"An Chengfeng, I don't understand. I obviously put all my thoughts on you, why can't you also put all your thoughts on me?" Yan Ningshuang's grandfather once told her, You must do things wholeheartedly and not half-heartedly. She believes that this sentence should be the same for the person she likes.

If you really like someone, you should only treat him wholeheartedly. So Yan Ningshuang felt that she had done it. She didn't need to care about everyone else's opinions, but she only cared about An Chengfeng.

But what about him

He used to always accompany her, but now he has more and more friends, and there are always many people around him every day. Where is there anything about her, Yan Ningshuang? !


An Chengfeng looked at the excited Yan Ningshuang with a headache. He wanted to try to comfort her, but when he saw her eyes staring hatefully at Chen Wanwan beside him, his heart sank and he couldn't help but block her. in front of her.

"Can you calm down, please? I think there is something wrong with your thinking. You..."

"Is there something wrong with my thinking?"

Yan Ningshuang interrupted him coldly, nodded and said. "Okay, since you think there is something wrong with my thinking, please stay away from me in the future!"


The two of them had quarreled countless times, no matter how fierce they were, but this was the first time that An Chengfeng didn't catch up with Yan Ningshuang to comfort her after she returned home.

She angrily threw her homework on the wall, locked herself in the room and cried loudly. Little did she know that An Chengfeng was also sad.

"Brother Chengfeng?"

An Chengfeng hadn't moved since Yan Ningshuang left. He just watched her leave quietly, the light in his eyes extinguishing, and finally even the smile disappeared.

"Don't call me Brother Chengfeng, just call me Chengfeng." Somehow, when he heard this title, he could think of that girl Yan Ningshuang.

An Chengfeng scratched his hair irritably. He sat slumped on the ground, grabbed a dog's tail in the grass, put it in his mouth, and lay down on the ground with his head on his arms.

He stared straight at the blue sky for a long time, completely forgetting about Chen Wanwan beside him.

He had just had an argument with Yan Ningshuang, so he was in a irritable mood at this time. He cares about her. After all, the two of them grew up together and have a particularly deep relationship.

An Chengfeng once thought that he understood Yan Ningshuang well enough. Even if he didn't understand, he could not care about anything and just follow her temper, play with her and make trouble with her, but he didn't know what was going on. From that day on, he felt that he couldn't keep up with her.

Not only could he not keep up, but sometimes, he didn't want to follow either.

Do you hate her and don't understand her

No, it's not.

An Chengfeng shook his head in his heart. It was precisely because he cared about her that he always wanted to be good to her. He wanted her to make more friends, and he wanted her to get together in twos and threes and laugh like other girls. Is he wrong

This was the first time that he felt extremely tired when faced with Yan Ningshuang's petty temperament. He didn't want to coax him anymore. Not only was he depressed, but he even felt wronged for himself.

Ever since he was a child, no matter who made the mistake first, he has always bowed his head first between the two. Can't he let her come to him first to apologize

Yes, just wait for her to come to you this time!

An Chengfeng thought this, blinked and looked at the blue sky and smiled. He tried hard to suppress the panic in his heart, imagining that Yan Ningshuang would come to make peace with him and act awkward and arrogant.

Half a day passed, night came, one day passed, two days passed...

An Chengfeng did not wait for Yan Ningshuang's initiative to sue for peace, and even caused a cold war between the two.

That day at school, he witnessed Yan Ningshuang push down a girl next to her. Her arrogant look made him feel strange for the first time.

"Do you have the guts to try scolding me?"

Yan Ningshuang was very angry about An Chengfeng these days. Unexpectedly, she heard three or two girls gathering together in school to scold her behind her back. The words were extremely harsh and made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Do you have the guts to scold me in front of me?" This person who scolded her the most excessively was the one who usually smiled the most flatteringly when he saw her. She couldn't understand that the person who smiled so friendly in front of her and handed her chocolates could slander her like this behind her back, which made her feel sick.

"What are you doing!" Chen Wanwan and several other classmates came over. She wanted to pull Yan Ningshuang away, but she unexpectedly pushed her away.

"Get away!"

Yan Ningshuang hated Chen Wanwan's appearance as a good girl and good old man, especially since she and An Chengfeng had just had a quarrel over her, so she was extremely unfriendly to her.

It was indeed wrong for her to push people away, and she was indeed a bit extreme, but she just couldn't bear to see the villains who scolded her behind her back. At least she dares to act without pretense. At least people she dislikes will never pay attention to her, but what about them

It was because of her disdain to explain that the people who came to start the fight were defined as bullies, and the misunderstanding was followed by An Chengfeng.

"Why push people?" An Chengfeng didn't hear these people scolding Yan Ningshuang, and he didn't believe Yan Ningshuang would push people for no reason, so he just wanted an explanation from her.

"If you don't like her, just push her if you want." Yan Ningshuang said deliberately and provocatively.

Even if she never explained what she did when she was a child, An Chengfeng would never blame her, so she wanted to try it to see if it still works now.

She was gambling, gambling on An Chengfeng's trust, gambling on her character in An Chengfeng's heart, but she didn't expect that she still made the wrong gamble...

"Yan Ningshuang, please apologize to this classmate."

When Chen Wanwan asked her to apologize to the female classmate who was pushed to the ground and cried, she felt very ridiculous. "who do you think You Are?"

"Do you think you have the right to control me?"

Because of An Chengfeng's silence, Yan Ningshuang began to speak rudely to Chen Wanwan and said some very unpleasant things in front of him. She was venting, angry at herself for being stupid and angry at him for not trusting her. At the same time, she really hated Chen Wanwan, a hatred without any reason.

She has a bad temper, arrogant temper and is always difficult to get along with. This is what An Chengfeng knew when he first met her. However, when he heard her slandering Chen Wanwan based on her family background today, he still felt a little cold.

The Shuangshuang he knew shouldn't be like this.

At that moment, An Chengfeng suddenly felt that he really knew her for the first time.

The relationship between the two fell to a freezing point. An Chengfeng originally wanted to go to Yan Ningshuang to seek peace, but Yan Ningshuang also refused to come to An Chengfeng to explain because of her proud character. The two of them just talked about each other. It keeps consuming, and no one bows his head first.

At this time, Chen Wanwan and An Chengfeng were just ordinary friends. Even because of Yan Ningshuang's relationship, An Chengfeng did not get too close to Chen Wanwan. What really broke the relationship between the two was the appearance of another girl, her name was Shao Lexue.

Shao Lexue is An Chengfeng's deskmate. He is good-looking and has a carefree personality and is very popular. She loves to laugh, and she usually has a good relationship with An Chengfeng. Over time, their relationship has changed somewhat.

When the pink bubble of love had just sprouted, An Chengfeng and Shao Lexue were together.

From the beginning, the two just stuck together and talked, then started holding hands, and finally progressed to hanging out together on weekends. As time went by, even if the two people did not announce the news of being together, people who cared about it still noticed it.

An Chengfeng was well-known in the school. After he fell in love, word spread in the school not long after, but because Yan Ningshuang rarely communicated with her classmates at school, she was the last to know.

At this time, the relationship between the two had been reconciled, but for some reason, Yan Ningshuang always felt that the relationship between the two had become much weaker. Although An Chengfeng still smiled at her, she always felt a little awkward.

When she knew that An Chengfeng had a girlfriend, An and Shao had been together for almost a year.

It was true that she had heard rumors at school some time ago, but she had never believed them. Moreover, she had also secretly observed the two of them. The two of them did not interact much in school until... She witnessed the two of them holding hands together. Sweet picture.

That day happened to be the weekend, and Yan Ningshuang put down her dignity for the first time and took the initiative to go to An Chengfeng to play. However, on the way to his house, she saw an extremely dazzling scene.

The grass was growing, the leaves were green, and the flowers were red. Yan Ningshuang could see from a distance: An Chengfeng and his rumored girlfriend were walking hand in hand on the gravel path in the garden that they had walked countless times when they were children. At this time, An Chengfeng was tall enough to reach the height of a low-hanging wicker.

He easily pulled off a willow branch, and after forming the long willow branch into a medium-sized circle, he picked many beautiful little flowers by the roadside and inserted them into them. Finally, he knitted the willow branches. The garland of flowers was put on the head of the girl next to her with a sweet smile.

At that moment, Yan Ningshuang's world was spinning.

"What are you doing?!"

Yan Ningshuang's mind went blank. She rushed in front of the two of them without thinking, grabbed the wreath on Shao Lexue's head and threw it to the ground. She pushed An Chengfeng angrily and almost yelled: "How could you do this to me?"

An Chengfeng was frightened by this turn of events. He stared blankly at the wreath still on the ground. He subconsciously held the frightened Shao Lexue next to him and asked. "W-what did I do to you?"

Yes, what did he do to her

Yan Ningshuang looked at An Chengfeng, who looked innocent, and felt so sad that she couldn't help herself.

When she was a child, An Chengfeng picked wicker sticks for her and gave her little flowers to make her happy, but he never made a garland of wicker sticks and gave it to her.

When she was a child, when all the children didn't trust her and didn't play with her, he was the only one who insisted on staying by her side and told her that he believed in her, but he never said that he would always trust her.

When he was a child, he promised that the two of them would always be good, and he also promised to stay with her, but he never said that he liked her and would stay with her for the rest of his life...

To put it bluntly, because he only regarded her as a friend and because he had never liked her, he had never been interested in her. It was such a simple reason.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Yan Ningshuang couldn't say these things in her heart, so she could only use the engagement contract they made when they were children to pressure him and said. "Did An Chengfeng forget? Your grandfather betrothed me to you before. You can't like others, you can only like me!"

She was so proud that she would not allow her to bow her head at this moment. Out of concern for An Chengfeng, she would not back down at this moment. It's just that she was lonely and brave, but she still lost to An Chengfeng, who didn't care about her.

"When did it happen?"

An Chengfeng seemed to have thought about it for a long time before he remembered that there was such a thing. He looked at Yan Ningshuang in disbelief and said with a frown. "Shuangshuang, don't be stupid. That was just something grandpa said casually before. I didn't even take it seriously. Do you really take it seriously?"

"If you hadn't mentioned it just now, I wouldn't have remembered this at all."

Not taking it seriously? Almost forgot

It turned out that what An Chengfeng, Yan Ningshuang, had been cherishing in her heart for so long, was just a light indifference to him.

Yes, it was true that she was too stupid to think that he had a place for herself in his heart.

For the first time, Yan Ningshuang felt that An Chengfeng's casual look was so annoying. She angrily stepped on the garland on the ground several times and pointed at his nose. "An Chengfeng, go back and ask your dear grandfather carefully to see if the engagement he mentioned before was just casual talk or if it really exists!"

"If it's true, I order you to break up immediately. I don't allow you to like others. You must like me."

"An Chengfeng, you can only like me, did you hear that?!"
