His Canary

Chapter 69: Qiao Yan Extra (2)


Qiao Qiao is pure and kind-hearted. Even though she has thousands of reluctances in her heart, she can only stay.

"Qiaoqiao, please be good here. Dad, daddy will pick you up in two days."

At that time, Qiao Qiao was still too young, so she couldn't see through Qiao Chengping's thoughts, but she felt inexplicably that her father seemed unhappy.

Before leaving, Qiao Chengping seemed to have a thousand words to say to Qiao Qiao, but in the end he just glanced at Jing Yan behind her, hugged her gently and told her over and over again: Don't worry, Qiao Qiao, It only takes two or three days, and dad will pick you up soon.

However, I don’t know if I was saying this to Qiao Qiao, or if I was warning myself over and over again.


Everything here is very unfamiliar to Qiao Qiao, and the only thing she can rely on is her gentle and elegant little brother. This place is too big, and there are too many strangers, so she likes to follow Jingyan wherever she goes. Even when she sleeps, she goes to Jingyan's bedroom.

"Brother Yan, can I sleep with you?" Qiao Qiao stood barefoot at the door of Jing Yan's bedroom wearing a large white pajamas.

"Are you afraid of sleeping by yourself?"

Jingyan had just changed into his pajamas. When he saw Qiao Qiao's bare feet, he stepped forward and hugged her. The little soft ball quickly leaned obediently in his arms, and her breath was filled with the faint milky fragrance of her body.

"Qiaoqiao likes to drink milk?"

Jingyan lowered his head and sniffed her again, then hugged her and lay on the bed together.

Qiaoqiao twisted uneasily, grabbed the skirt of his chest and said. "Well, drink, drink, Allah just told me to drink milk before going to bed."

"So good."

Jingyan chuckled softly, held her head and let her lie on his arm, and couldn't help but poke her tender face with his other hand.

Such a pure and delicate little girl should be pampered and raised.

This was the first time that Jingyan slept in the same bed with someone else, but surprisingly he slept comfortably. When he woke up in the morning, Qiaoqiao was still sleeping soundly in his arms, with a few strands of her dark and soft hair falling on her cheeks. , trembling with her breathing.

It seems... keeping her here is a good idea.

During the days that Qiao Qiao stayed here, the two of them slept in the same bed. Jingyan was very busy. In addition to attending classes with his tutor every day, he would also disappear mysteriously for long periods of time. But every time he came back, he would always look tired and would lie lazily on the lounge chair outside the window and read for a while.

Whenever this happens, Qiaoqiao will always stick to him, lie on top of him and watch with him, even if she actually can't understand a word.

As usual, this time Qiaoqiao had just climbed on top of him, but Jingyan groaned, and his originally fair face turned even paler. Qiaoqiao was startled and immediately at a loss as to what to do. "Brother Yan, what's wrong with you?"


Jingyan stood up slightly. He held Qiaoqiao's waist and hugged her to his side, pretending to be nonchalant. "Jojo is too heavy, it hurt me just now."

"Liar, my dad said I'm not fat at all."

"Well, Qiaoqiao is the cutest, not fat at all." After Qiaoqiao played with him, the hem of his shirt rolled up a little, just enough to expose a small piece of skin on his waist. , already bruised and bloodshot.

"Brother Yan, why do you always disappear for so long? Where have you been?"

When Qiao Qiao wasn't paying attention, Jing Yan stretched out his hand to cover the bruise, thought for a moment, and said. "Brother Yan is going to do something secret."

Qiao Qiao was confused. "What's the secret thing?"

"It's just something that can't be said."

"Things that can't be said?" Qiao Qiao nodded in understanding, "Okay."

Since it was something that couldn't be discussed, she didn't ask.

Jingyan was really attracted by her cute look. He rubbed her hair and asked suddenly without knowing what he was thinking. "Qiaoqiao, do you like it here?"

Qiaoqiao shook his head and said honestly. "I don't like it, but I like Brother Yan here."

This is really an unexpected answer. Jingyan was slightly stunned and couldn't help but ask. "Then do you want to stay here with me, Qiaoqiao?"

"No, I want to stay with dad."

As soon as she mentioned this, Qiao Qiao's expression suddenly became depressed. She leaned her head on Jing Yan's shoulder dejectedly and murmured. "Brother Yan, when will my father come to pick me up?"

Jingyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, feeling the girl's warm breath, she pulled her thin lips slightly and spoke softly. "soon."


Qiao Chengping was indeed going to pick her up soon, but the first thing he saw was not his daughter, but Jingyan.

"What should I do? I don't want to give Qiao Qiao back to you." Jing Yan sat on the soft single sofa. He rested his chin on one hand and stared lazily at the man standing in front of him, and said leisurely. "Give Qiao Qiao to me, and I will ensure that you, Mr. Qiao, will have no worries for the rest of your life."

"Jing, Master Jing, Qiaoqiao is my daughter, she is not a commodity..."

"Oh." Jingyan was not interested, then he took a book beside the table and opened it on his lap. His slightly drooped face was gentle and harmless, and he looked like a pretty boy.

The atmosphere fell into silence. Even though the air-conditioning in the room was fully turned on, Qiao Chengping was still sweating. He opened his mouth several times to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, so he could only stand aside. Suffering.

"Put Qiaoqiao here with me, and I will raise him better than you."

Finally, Jingyan spoke again. He slightly twitched the corner of his mouth at Qiao Chengping, seemingly gentle, but the words he spoke were sharp. "If you insist on taking Qiaoqiao away, I won't stop you."

"Similarly, you will also have nothing. When the time comes, what can you do to support your daughter?"

Qiao Chengping had a look of pain on his face, his lips trembled, and it took him a long time to find his voice again. "W-what do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple."

Jingyan closed the book in his hand, stared at him with a smile, and spoke word by word. "Tell her you don't want her anymore."


Until Qiao Chengping completely disappeared from Qiao Qiao's eyes, she had not yet reacted to what her father had just said.

"Qiaoqiao, I'm sorry, dad can't have you either."

"Dad hopes that you can... live a good life here, I'm sorry."

The words her father said before leaving echoed in her ears over and over again, and she finally understood that her father no longer wanted her, just like her mother, who left her without looking back...

"Qiaoqiao, your mother doesn't want you anymore, can you just follow your father from now on?"

"Then will daddy no longer want Qiaoqiao one day?"

"No, dad will always be with you."


"Liar." The words her father once said to her were heard again. Qiao Qiao blinked her eyes, and the tears she had endured for a long time rolled down drop by drop, causing broken water splashes to bloom on the ground.

She finally couldn't help but squatted on the ground and cried loudly, she sobbed. "You are all liars. You have clearly said that you will never leave me!"

The little girl fell into panic. Just when she felt that she was about to be enveloped in darkness, Jingyan picked her up, patted her back gently, and told her again and again. "Don't be afraid, Qiaoqiao, I will always be with you."

"My dad also said he would always stay with me, but he still doesn't want me anymore!"

"Qiaoqiao, your father and I are different."

Jingyan kissed her forehead, hugged her and spoke slowly. "Not only will I always be with you, but I will always protect you and love you. Trust me, okay?"

Will he really stay with her and love her

When Jingyan heard these words coming from his own mouth, even he couldn't help but be stunned. He turned his head slightly to look at Qiaoqiao who was crying with a sad face, his eyes flashed slightly. At this moment, even he himself couldn't tell what the purpose of doing this was.

He only knew that he was too lonely. In addition to learning some obscure knowledge every day, he also had to be exposed to darkness that his peers had no access to. This kind of feeling was not something that ordinary people could understand.

Because he was born into the Jing family, he had more than others, and similarly, he lost more than others.

Jingyan knew that like a thick mass of ink, no matter how gentle he appeared, no matter how hard he tried to be a good person, he still couldn't stop his heart from being corroded by darkness.

It was Qiaoqiao's appearance that saved it. In fact, he didn't understand either. Qiao Qiao obviously didn't do anything, but she was like a small flame. Even if she just smiled at him and talked to him, she could light up his dark heart.

He didn't know how long this little flame could illuminate his heart, but as long as she still exuded warmth, Jingyan... wasn't ready to let her go.

The day passed quickly, then another week, then a month, then a year. Jingyan actually let Qiao Qiaoru stay with him day after day, year after year. Not only did he not feel bored with her, but he became more and more doting on her.

However, no matter how much he favored her, he would not allow Qiao Chengping to meet her, and he would not even let Qiao Qiao have any news about Qiao Chengping, even if... he had already asked Qiao Chengping to leave the city.

"Brother Yan."

For so many years, the two of them have not slept in separate beds. Qiao Qiao has become accustomed to waking up in Jing Yan's arms every day, especially in winter, when it is so warm that she doesn't want to go out at all.

"Let me go, I won't let you hug me!" In the past few days, Qiaoqiao had been quarreling with him because of school matters. She had obviously wrapped herself up tightly before going to bed last night, but she didn't expect that she would still be there when she woke up this morning. It was in his arms. She pushed him away angrily, wrapped herself tightly in the quilt and hid on the other side of the bed, silently.

"You really want to go out?"

For so many years, Jingyan has been hiring a personal trainer to teach her, and she has been like a canary in his captivity, staying in the cage he built for her. He originally thought he could keep feeding her like this for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that this canary had already developed a desire to fly out of the cage.

Jingyan was confused at that moment. He wanted to keep her locked up for the rest of his life as he wanted in his heart, but his reason told him that if he really cared about her, he should do what she wanted.

Do we really want to let this little canary out

Jingyan raised his upper body and looked at Qiaoqiao, who was facing away from him and angry with her, with dark and deep eyes. He would not know that the decision he made today would bring a fatal blow to him in the future, and he would even... lose her completely.

The author has something to say: Jingyan is not particularly bad so far. He really wants to treat Qiao Qiao well, but it is a pity...

He will turn black later.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it yesterday. Another article written by the same character as Jing Yan is called "Brother Has Been Darkening". It is a fantasy. In the early stage, the male protagonist is a gentle and loving brother who loves his sister. In the later stage, emmmmmm, his darkening becomes more serious. , if you are interested, you can collect it first. After Tangtang finishes writing the book, she will selectively open pits.