His Canary

Chapter 8: I'm afraid of you (6)


The place where Jing Rong lives is really luxurious. It is just a resting bedroom, which contains a bathroom and a small living room.

It's just that this room is so strange. The decoration style of the living room and bathroom is pure white, simple and elegant, open, bright and clean. The bedroom inside was pure black. From the walls to the curtains to the quilt on the bed, it was all dark black, which looked extremely depressing.

Such a strong sense of contrast made Dong Ci extremely uncomfortable.

After taking a bath, Dong Ci put on the bathrobe that Sally had prepared for her. The clothes were wide, big and black, and some didn't fit her well.

There was a dull pain in her stomach. She held her stomach and walked into the living room. Just as she was about to pour a glass of hot water, she was startled by the black figure standing by the window.

"How did you get in?" After seeing who it was, Dong Ci frowned and his tone was extremely bad.

She obviously locked the door well, but she didn't expect that she still couldn't guard against this person.

Jing Rong closed the white curtains in the living room and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "I'm entering my own room. Do I still need to report to you how I got in?"

Dong Ci was stunned and immediately wanted to understand why it was clearly a guest room but the daily necessities were so complete. But despite all her thoughts, she never imagined that Jing Rong would be so crazy as to let her live in his room!

"I don't want to live here!"

This man was so sexually interested in her that Dong Ci couldn't imagine what would happen if she stayed in this room.

But before her hand even touched the doorknob, she was scooped into the arms by Jing Rong behind her. He had a strong scent of shower gel, which was the same as the shower gel she used when taking a bath just now.

"You are really delicious and soft."

His domineering and strong nature came from his bones. Before Dong Ci could struggle, Jing Rong directly picked her up and walked into the bedroom.

"Jingrong, what are you going to do?!"

The door was locked by him, and only a dim night light was turned on. The whole bedroom looked eerie.

"What do I want to do?"

“Of course I’m going to fuck/you.”

Although he already knew what he was going to do, Dong Ci still panicked after hearing it with his own ears.

She quickly got off the big bed, but the bedroom was so big, no matter how she tried to hide, she would be caught by Jing Rong. When he was in a panic, Dong Ci grabbed the glass of water next to him, held it in front of his chest and said viciously, "Don't come near me, or I'll crush you to death!"

At this time, the belt of the ill-fitting bathrobe she was wearing was already very loose due to her large movements. She was in danger of losing her clothes at any time, but she didn't dare to reach out and tie them. The whole person is like a cat with explosive fur, warily staring at the hunter in front of him.

"Okay, I won't come near you."

Jing Rong was really laughing to death at her stupid behavior. He took two steps back to the wall with a smile, leaned against the wall and said. "If you don't wear your belt, I will see you naked."

His voice was leisurely, not affected by Dong Ci's threats at all. Seeing that she was still holding the cup and staring at him stubbornly, Jing Rong smiled indifferently, and his eyes began to wander around her body wantonly, staring at her breasts and asking. "No underwear?"

"You are not allowed to look around!"

The belt around her waist became even looser. Seeing that the man was still staring at her unscrupulously, and even his eyes were gradually moving downwards, Dong Ci couldn't bear it anymore, her cheeks were hot, and she freed one hand to tie the belt.


Just as her hand touched the strap of the bathrobe, the scene a few steps away from her suddenly appeared in front of her.

Dong Ci was startled, and her whole body was strangled tightly in his arms, but she still held the cup tightly and refused to let go, as if it was her last talisman.

If she hadn't been rational, she would have smashed the cup on Jing Rong's head at this moment.

"Let go." Jing Rong held her waist tightly, patted the back of her hand with his fingertips and tried to take out her cup.

"I won't give it to you!" Dong Ci didn't have much strength to begin with, not to mention it was just one hand. Jing Rong only used a little strength to pull it out of her hand.

He put the cup on the bedside table, sat down on the bed with her in his arms, smiled and patted her little face. "Threatening me with a cup, huh?"

The voice was still calm, but there was an inexplicable sense of cold oppression.

"Jingrong, can you let me go?"

Dong Ci was extremely uncomfortable being forced to sit on his lap. She knew that she couldn't defeat Jing Rong head-on, so she bit her lip and spoke in a slower tone. "Just think of me as begging you, please let me go."

"I want to go home."

"No." Ignoring her pleas, Jing Rong squinted his eyes and raised her chin, closing her unpleasant little mouth without saying a word.

No one ever taught him to be a good person, and no one told him to have a compassionate heart. In his world, there were always only things he liked and things he didn't like, things he wanted and things he wasn't interested in.

He wanted Dong Ci, maybe he was interested in her when he saw her for the first time.

Fate is so wonderful, even though he didn't do anything, God sent the girl he remembered for the first time back to him.

So how could he let it go so easily

Jing Rong hugged the person in her arms tightly and sucked her lips and tongue fiercely, the desire in her eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"Well..." The tip of Dong Ci's tongue was numb from his kiss, and she felt a tingling sensation on her lips as she breathed rapidly. Jing Rong slowly raised his head, looked at the blood flowing from her lips, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Remember the last time you bit me?"

Jing Rong stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the blood on her lips, hugged her and murmured, "I have always wanted revenge. My blood cannot be shed in vain, and you cannot bite me in vain."

As he spoke, the hand that was holding her chin moved down slightly, approaching somewhere purposefully.

"No." Almost subconsciously, Dong Ci grabbed his hand and pressed it tightly on his chest.

She kept shaking her head, but Jing Rong ignored her. He just turned her over and pressed her on the bed. He reached out and completely pulled away her loose bath belt...

The nightgown was pulled off casually by him, Jing Rong buried his face in her neck and kissed her, smelling her sweet breath and murmuring softly:

"Xiao Ci, follow me and I can grant any request you have."


Jing Rong failed to make it to the last step because later on, Dong Ci vomited.

She had stomach problems and started to feel uncomfortable after eating the plate of beef. Later, coupled with Jing Rong's various stimulations, her stomach began to churn.


She was really uncomfortable. She could barely stand at first, but later she vomited to the point where only acid water was left in her stomach. She kept twitching and needed Jing Rong's support to stand up.

His bathrobe was messed up by Dong Ci's scratches, and there were two pink scratches on his neck. Listening to her vomiting, Jing Rong's expression turned extremely bad. He narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't know what he was thinking, but his arms around her waist tightened tighter and tighter.

"It hurts..."

Dong Ci's pain brought him back to his senses. Jing Rong stretched out his hand to let her lean into his arms. He took the cup on the side and tested the temperature, then handed it to her mouth and ordered softly. "drink."

Dong Ci meekly drank from his hand. Tormented by stomach pain, her head was so dizzy that she no longer had the strength to struggle.

She spat out the medicine she had just taken, and finally took it again. Jing Rong immediately covered her mouth with his hand and said coldly. "Don't throw up again."


Seeing her struggling and shaking her head, Jing Rong snorted and said forcefully. "If you dare to vomit on my hand, I will rape you tonight no matter how uncomfortable it is!"

These words really frightened Dong Ci. His stomach was still churning and uncomfortable, and the feeling of vomiting did not decrease at all. But Jing Rong's hand was blocking her lips at the moment, and she could only hold on to his arm and resist the nausea in her heart.

After struggling until midnight, Dong Ci couldn't remember how he fell asleep. I just remember vomiting a few more times in a daze, and finally cried uncomfortably.

From the beginning to the end, Jing Rong never left her side, and even held her in his arms to wipe her tears when she cried.


This sleep was not restful, but Dong Ci could always smell the faint scent of sandalwood on the tip of her nose, which made her barely wake up until dawn.

Although it was daybreak, when I opened my eyes, I saw a vast expanse of dark black. There was a little confusion in her eyes, and she didn't recover for a long time, until she heard voices coming from the window.

"I haven't stopped going to school, I just have other things to deal with recently."

Dong Ci came back to her senses, and the memories of last night gradually came into her mind. She touched the place next to her and found that there was still a trace of residual warmth.

Did she and Jing Rong sleep in the same bed yesterday

This thought made her feel a little scared. She quickly opened the quilt and checked her body. She was relieved when she found that there was nothing strange.

"Okay, I will listen to you, and I will go to class on time." Perhaps because he had just woken up and was still awake, Dong Ci felt that his voice was particularly gentle at this moment.

I really don’t know who the person on the other end of the phone is, and how he can be so obedient. Dong Ci was so absorbed in touching the soft quilt that she didn't realize that Jing Rong had noticed her.

"Okay Qiaoqiao, you have a good rest, I'll hang up beforehand."

Jing Rong said goodbye to the person on the other end of the phone softly, walked a few steps to the bed and threw the phone on the bed. He raised his head and moved his neck, revealing light blue veins on his fair skin.

"feel better now?"

Dong Ci was startled by his sudden words. It took him a while to realize what he was asking. He subconsciously reached out to touch his stomach and said awkwardly. "It's not that uncomfortable anymore."

Although her memory of last night was vague, she basically had an impression.

She originally thought that she would be disgusted and stay away from her when she looked like that, but she didn't expect that he would take care of her throughout the whole process. He handed her a towel, gave her medicine, let her drink warm water, and took care of her so thoughtfully, as if it was not the first time he took care of a patient. This gave Dong Ci a new understanding of him.

This is really a mysterious young man.

"You are really delicate." Seeing Dong Ci in a daze, Jing Rong sneered, not sure if he was praising her or hurting her.

He lazily sat down on the sofa next to him and lit a cigarette.

White smoke filled the dark room, and the rising fog was very obvious. Dong Ci frowned and coughed a few times.

"Can't you smell the cigarette anymore?" Jing Rong's fingertips holding the cigarette were very beautiful, slender and fair like fine white jade. However, after hearing her cough, his fingertips suddenly put out the cigarette.

He said: "Dong Ci, do you know? You are really becoming more and more interesting to me."