His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 16


Lu Rong was still a little scared in his heart, but after picking up the two of them, he found that these monsters were very good, and they were not his opponents at all.

His self-confidence exploded in an instant, his courage became bigger, he lowered his head to reveal two small sharp horns, knocked down all the people he met along the way, and then picked them up and threw them into the sky.

Rampage in the house, invincible all the way, it's like a small bulldozer.

Without exception, those people turned into thin sheets of paper, and empty clothes kept falling from the air.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the middle-aged woman who was following Shen Jize quietly ran towards the door, only to be spotted by Lu Rong with sharp eyes.

He gave up a suona player in front of him, accelerated to catch up, opened his mouth to bite the woman's thigh, and pulled back hard.

Siah! At the same time that a piece of fabric was torn off, one of the woman's legs was snapped off from the thigh.

The woman had one leg ripped off, and kept jumping towards the door with the remaining leg. Lu Rong looked at her like a thunderbolt, and after a few seconds of silence, he spat out what was in his mouth desperately.

Bah bah bah.

After seeing clearly that the leg that fell on the ground was just a piece of paper, he let out a long sigh of relief.

scared to death...

Immediately, he rushed forward angrily, raised his hind hoofs upright and raised his front hooves, jumped up and gave a stormy blow to the woman's back waist.

With the rapid tapping of the deer's hooves on the fat and thick waist, transparent holes appeared one after another, as if it was not flesh and blood at all.

But it was indeed not flesh and blood, she also turned into a piece of paper in an instant, and was quietly buried in a pile of clothes.

"Stop him, stop him quickly." The master of ceremonies stood behind a grand master's chair, ordering the others in a hoarse voice.

The rest of the people were running around in the room like headless chickens. After hearing the order, they all rushed towards Lu Rong without saying a word, and surrounded him instantly.

Lu Rong jumped up and knocked the person closest to the front into the air, then raised his hind hoof and kicked the people behind him away. Then, like clockwork, he slammed his hooves at a group of people crazily. Or tear it with your teeth, use horns, and the sound of paper being pierced and torn can be heard continuously in the room.

After Shen Jize threw a paper man down at his feet, he subconsciously took a step back and found that he could move.

Seeing that these people had all turned into paper figurines, he was no longer so frightened. When he saw the little girl jumping at the deer with a terrifying grin, he rushed forward with a touch of his sleeve.

The little monster made of paper is still laughing now? I tell you to treat me hee hee! I told you to scare me!

Shen Jize grabbed the little girl's back skirt with his left hand, held her cold wrist with his right hand and pulled it down, waiting for the crisp sound of paper to tear off the girl's arm.

Unexpectedly, when this was torn off, the man's arm did not move at all. Shen Jize was startled, and pulled down again, but it still didn't break.

He took a look at the hand in front of him, and it was clearly made of flesh and blood, but it was bloodless and pale.

This... Obviously, when Xiaolu beat them, it was just a pile of paper torn, why is it not the same when it comes to me

Shen Jize didn't have time to think about it, because the little girl had already turned her head slowly, and her empty gaze was directly on his face.


"Yes, I'm sorry." Shen Jize let go quickly, and politely straightened her sleeves, ready to back away. But he only retracted half of his hand before he was grabbed backwards by the little girl.

The hand was not big, but it was as strong as an iron hoop. He struggled a few times without breaking free, and a cold chill quickly spread from his wrist to his whole body.

The little girl smiled at him, and slowly opened her mouth. Under Shen Jize's horrified gaze, she opened her mouth wider and wider until her entire face was deformed, like a pitch-black hole. A row of Senhan's fangs were exposed up and down, with wet mucus hanging on them.

Seeing that the big mouth was getting closer and closer to him, Shen Jize struggled desperately and kicked the person facing him, but it was of no avail.

Lu Rong was still dealing with the people rushing up beside him, a piece of paper with a big hole was wrapped around his neck, and there was also a piece of debris in his mouth. There was a pile of crisp paper at his feet, and he was tearing vigorously.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he saw Shen Jize through the crowd.

Shen Jize's wrist was tightly clamped, unable to break free at all, he thought in horror and despair: I was wrong, I shouldn't think it was made of paper, I was wrong. Please give me another chance, I will never mess with this big mouth monster again.

Just as he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come, a gust of wind passed by his side, followed by a crisp sound of paper being torn, and his imprisoned wrist was freed at the same time.

He opened his eyes in astonishment, and saw a small white deer in front of him.

After the little white deer landed, it turned its back to him, with its hind hooves upright and slightly apart, its front hooves raised, and a piece of paper was sandwiched between one hoof, each with half a mouth drawn on it.

Then, it let go of its hoof, and the two pieces of paper fluttered gently to the ground.

It turned out to tear the little girl in half!

The little white deer turned his head slightly, and glanced up at him with round eyes, Shen Jize clearly read two words in it.

That's it

In the following time, Shen Jize witnessed the process of the little white deer killing the whole audience.

The red stripes on its four hooves glowed like a few balls of flames.

It is covered with weapons all over its body. It uses horns, headbutts, slams with its front hooves, and kicks with its hind hooves. Like a white whirlwind, it blows a few pieces of paper wherever it reaches the house, and at the same time a suit of clothes falls to the ground. .

Soon, the bluestone floor was full of shredded papers and scattered clothes, as if the house had been ransacked.

Shen Jize no longer regards it as a deer demon, but only admires it with all his heart.

He felt that the word deer demon sounded like a villain and was insulting, so he silently changed it to deer warrior in his heart.

The deer warrior Lu Rong was invincible and tore up a room full of paper figurines. He also grabbed and tore the bride and groom who had driven out of the wing room.

The bride's head was finally torn off completely this time, and no amount of rice could stick it on.

When the dust settled, the little white deer turned its back to Shen Jize, slowly straightened its upper body, with one hoof akimbo, one hoof raised, and two toes spread apart, as if making a V for victory.

Shen Jize thought this movement was very familiar, and remembered that in the cartoon that Lu Rong was watching, the cats and dogs in it would pose in this pose after winning a fight.

Taking advantage of Lu Rong not paying attention, the master of ceremonies fled to the door and screamed outside the house.

Just as Shen Jize felt weird, he heard the sound of tables and benches being overturned. The group of people who were sitting at the dining table stood up one after another and walked unsteadily into the room.

Seeing so many monsters, Lu Rong leaned down slightly as if facing an enemy, and assumed an attacking posture. The ears were tightly pressed against the top of the head, trembling slightly.

Shen Jize saw that although these people moved slowly, they were still different from those paper figurines. He was not wearing strange clothes, nor was he painted red on his cheeks. The rotting flesh on his body was blue-black, and his clothes were torn and shabby, with mud still stained on them.

These... These seem to have crawled out of a cemetery, not paper dolls at all.

Lu Rong pawed nervously on the ground with his front hooves, the muscles on his small body tensed, eager to try, ready to jump up and tear it apart.

"They can't tear it up, don't tear it up." Shen Jize suddenly yelled at him: "They are not paper figures."

Not a paper man

Lu Rong pricked up his ears and looked at Shen Jize in confusion.

Those people were about to reach the steps, Shen Jize rushed towards the door, still yelling: "Run, don't wait for them to block the door."

The little white deer was only stunned for a moment, then rushed to the door behind Shen Jize, and lifted the master of ceremonies who was standing in front of him into the air.

The master of ceremonies was ordering the group of carrion corpses, before he could finish his sentence, it turned into pieces of paper and flew up. At the same time, those rotting corpses fell to the ground with a crash, as if their muscles and bones had been pulled out.

One person and one deer came out of the house and rushed towards the gate of the courtyard. Shen Jize ran in the same direction as he came and went. After Lu Rong followed two steps, he remembered that he hadn't picked up his clothes bag, so he went back and put the baggage at the gate of the courtyard in his mouth. Da da da to catch up.

Shen Jize ran out of the village in one breath, ran to the place where they were waiting for the bridegroom officer to pick him up, slid down against a big tree, and gasped for breath.

"Haha... finally... haha... finally escaped, haha... what are these... ghost things."

Lu Rong also had a hard time running. Although he was just tearing up the paper figurines, it took a lot of energy to jump around and wave their hooves.

Shen Jize was still panting, and saw the little white deer sitting on the tree trunk like a human being, with its hind hooves stretched straight out, its white belly hanging out, and its small tongue sticking out to wheeze.

After panting a few times, he turned his head, bit a piece of green leaf from the bush beside him, and chewed it carefully in his mouth. Chew twice, stick out your tongue to pant, and continue chewing.

It looks like a gluttonous deer.

Shen Jize looked sideways secretly, and finally couldn't help but said: "Well, deer, deer warrior, can you understand what I said?"

Deer warrior? Although it is not Deer Wukong, but Deer Warrior seems to be good

Lu Rong's eyes lit up, he swallowed the leaf and grinned, slowly turning his head to Shen Jize.

Shen Jize shuddered when he saw this expression.

Whether it's the deer or the paper man, why do they both love to grin? Although this little deer looks cute with a grin, but really... especially at night... it's still a bit unacceptable.

Shen Jize looked aside and said, "Warrior Deer, can you close your mouth when you smile?"

Lu Rong closed his mouth and smiled.

When Shen Jize looked at him again, he saw that the little white deer's mouth was pursed into a thin strip, both ends turned up, and the round eyes were slightly narrowed, forming a half crescent shape.

One of his hearts was hit instantly, beating wildly.

It's really beautiful.

"It seems that you can understand me, well, can you talk then?" Shen Jize also smiled and asked.

Lu Rong shook his head.

"That's right, you were barking like a deer last night." Shen Jize touched his head, feeling a little regretful.

Sitting so close to the little white deer, he began to keep turning his head to look at it.

At first, I was a little apprehensive, and only glanced secretly, but as a result, my gaze stayed longer and longer, and it became more and more intense.

He simply turned sideways from behind and watched intently.

Last night when he saw the deer, he liked it very much at first sight. He thought it was very beautiful, but he was frightened by its dancing.

Now that I have confirmed that this is my own deer, not a foreign deer or a deer demon, I feel how beautiful it looks.

Under his fiery gaze, Lu Rong gradually became tense, and the corners of her raised mouth slowly flattened, her eyes dodged around erratically.

—Did he discover my true identity? No way, I didn't change back and forth in front of him...

Shen Jize's gaze fell on the two shiny silver potato corners, and he felt so itchy that he wanted to touch them.

Lu Rong caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and slowly put his ears on the corners, covering both corners.

Shen Jize stared at the little deer's black round nose, and the little deer quietly raised a front hoof to block his nose.

He looked at the fawn's white belly, which was covered with a layer of light white hair, softly undulating, revealing the pink skin underneath.

Lu Rong sat upright with his hooves crossed across his chest, and his hind hoofs were clamped tightly, blocking the little pink bean underneath.

The whole deer became visibly nervous.