His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 19


After a while, Master Hong and Master Cai came out of the house.

Master Hong put on an old brown monk's robe over his white gown, his belly was still exposed, but he held a bowl of water in his hand.

"Come here, baby, come here." He raised his hand and greeted the two children with a smile.

Lu Rong put his arms around Shen Jize's waist and didn't move, and didn't allow him to pass by. Shen Jize could only half hug and half push him to bring him in front of Master Hong.

"Grandpa." Lu Rong panicked and ran behind the rich man to hide.

He doesn't want this person to exorcise him, what if he turns into a deer? Will grandpa drive him away, and brother won't get along with him? Thinking of that scene, he trembled uncontrollably.

Master Hong yelled violently, his face sank and his eyes opened angrily, Shen Jize was terrified by the roar, and Lu Rong even hugged Cai Ye tightly, and buried his head on his waist.

"Master, master, don't scare the baby." Cai Ye felt a little distressed.

"It's okay, old man. If you want to drive away evil things, you need to drink it first. I don't have a stick, so I just drink." Master Hong instantly withdrew his grim expression and explained kindly.

Master Hong held the water with his left hand, and flicked the water on Shen Jize with his right hand, his eyes were lowered, and he muttered something. When he went to play water for Lu Rong again, he circled around Mr. Cai, screaming sharply.

"Don't be afraid, my baby. Didn't you say to exorcise evil spirits? The master will just sprinkle some water on you, it won't hurt, it won't hurt." Cai Ye quickly comforted his undershirt, which was ripped out of shape.

But Lu Rong continued to circle around Mr. Cai, his knuckles clutching his sweatshirt turned white, his face lost all color, his eyes were full of fear, like some kind of frightened little animal.

Shen Jize couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward to block Master Hong: "Don't water him, he's afraid, don't water him."

Seeing Lu Rong's appearance, the rich man was also anxious, and said repeatedly: "I won't drive my baby, I won't drive her away."

Master Hong was holding the bowl, his oily and sweaty face was full of helplessness: "Don't be afraid, baby, this is the water just scooped out of the water tank." After speaking, he raised it to his mouth and took a sip .

The rich man was taken aback, thinking that when you accepted my eggs just now, didn't you say what kind of Buddha's saliva it was

Lu Rong hid behind Mr. Cai and stared at Master Hong with one eye. He stopped screaming after watching him drink half a bowl in one go, but his eyes were still vigilant and he was not allowed to approach.

The rich man twisted his waist and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his palm: "Master, my baby is very scared, so I won't sprinkle water on him."

Master Hong said, "Wouldn't the rest of the Buddha's saliva be wasted?"

"Waste it, waste it." Seeing that Lu Rong's face hadn't improved yet, Cai Ye was distressed, and his tone was not very kind.

Master Hong didn't say yes or no, he just stood there and didn't move. What hasn't Mr. Cai seen with the village chief for many years? Wen Xian said knowingly: "The water will not be sprinkled, but the eggs and peanuts are the sincerity of the dolls, and they must be left to the gods and Buddhas."

Master Hong was immediately satisfied, and took the remaining half bowl of water to the chicken coop, and poured it into the water bowl of the trough. The chickens were obviously thirsty on this sweltering summer day, and they all stretched out their heads to peck for water.

He put the empty bowl under his arm, walked back slowly, and while the two children were not paying attention, he slapped each of them on the forehead: "The ears are clear and the eyes are clear, and there is no filth left behind."

Shen Jize was suddenly photographed, and hurriedly looked at Lu Rong, afraid that he would be afraid again. Seeing that he was only stiff for a moment and had no other extreme reactions, he was relieved.

"Okay, dolls, it's all right." Master Hong took off the monk robe again, rolled it up into a ball, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's extremely hot in this weather when you move."

The rich man asked Lu Rong in a low voice: "Baby, what's the matter? Let Grandpa relax."

Only then did Lu Rong let go of Mr. Cai's clothes, and said softly like a gnat, "Grandpa, I'm fine."

Shen Jize came over and took him aside. Seeing that the child was covered in sweat, he fanned him with his hat: "What are you afraid of? Just sprinkle some water, it's so cool."

Lu Rong pursed his lips, his face was very wronged.

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk." Shen Jize continued to fan him.

"Brother Cai, the angelica planted in my backyard doesn't seem to be growing well, help me take a look?" Master Hong asked Master Cai with a friendly smile.

Cai Ye has been leading the people in the village to plant medicinal materials. Although Lu Rong was not comfortable crying for Master Hong, he said: "Let's go and have a look."

When the two of them passed through the house to the backyard, Lu Rong finally regained his spirit, and felt lucky to survive the catastrophe.

Shen Jize wanted to make him happy, so he said, "Rongrong, my brother will show you around this yard, maybe there is something interesting for you."

Lu Rong didn't really want to move, but he only moved his lips, and was still being led by Shen Jize to walk in the yard.

The yard is not big, and a single house next to it occupies most of it. The house was simple in shape, with tall cornices raised all around. From the open door, Shen Jize saw a Bodhisattva inside.

Not only one, but four sitting behind the altar in a row.

He became interested in the Bodhisattva, and led Lu Rong inside: "There is a Bodhisattva statue in that room, let's go and see it."

Lu Rong knew from a very young age that he was different from normal people, and subconsciously shy away from this kind of exorcism. During the Chinese New Year, I followed the rich man to the temple to pray for blessings and offer incense, and I never entered the door. I just stood under the old tree and waited.

Monsters should have the self-consciousness of monsters. Even a good monster like Lu Wukong must avoid all risks that may be exposed. But just now, he was a little tired after a toss, so he only struggled a little, but didn't break free, so that's fine.

After stepping over the high threshold, you will feel the coldness as soon as you enter the house, which blocks the heat wave outside the house, relaxes the pores all over your body, and dissipates the heat.

On the platform behind the altar sits four statues of gods. The outer paint is old and mottled, revealing the mud tires underneath. The four statues are all in the same posture with their hands on their legs, and there is no difference between them.

The craftsman may have been a nearby villager in the past, usually a mason or something, so the statues looked rough and perfunctory.

There is a small hole in the eyeball in the middle, and a black bean is filled in it, probably Master Hong did it. The black beans are a little close to the bridge of the nose, making them look like cross-eyed.

The one on the far side is wrapped in red cloth, only showing its face, but the paint on its face is obviously newer than the other three.

After Shen Jize looked at it carefully for a while, he said seriously to Lu Rong: "You should read it more, and keep it in mind, these are composition materials."

After Lu Rong came in, he lowered his head and didn't look at the mud tires. Hearing Shen Jize's words, he reluctantly raised his head for a few glances, and said, "I've read it and remembered it all. Let's go out."

Shen Jize didn't want to go out, so he took his hand and walked to the side, coaxing: "Look, there are still paintings on the wall, murals."

Light fell on the ground through the windows at the back of the house, and it also illuminated the earth wall on the left, which was covered with faint black marks.

Lu Rong was also curious now, and stopped insisting on going out, and followed closely to look at the wall.

On the wall, it looks like a child is scribbling with black charcoal pencils. In some places, patterns can be seen, and in others, it is a random group of lines.

If you try to identify it among the messy lines, it seems that there are three strange-shaped things huddled together.

"This is a dog... Look, it has four legs." Shen Jize pointed to the short one and said, "There are two tree branches stuck in its head."

Lu Rong stared at the direction of his finger carefully, and felt that it didn't look like a dog, and the ones on his head were not tree branches, but deer antlers.

He used to love watching the animal world, because sometimes he could see wild deer on the prairie, so he knew that the adult deer's horns were not short like his own, but thick and strong, with forks.

They look so majestic, their fur is shiny, and their antlers can easily pierce the belly of any beast, and they stand tall like a bunch of candied haws.

The deer legs are tough and powerful, and it can be predicted that after a hoof goes out, even a huge lion can be kicked to pieces, and it is completely the overlord of the prairie.

But the fact is:

"The night is gradually falling, and the battle of life is taking place on the vast and ancient grassland... This is the tenth wild deer that this lion has caught since spring... The little deer that was still eating leaves was dragged by the orangutan fell down a tree... the doe stopped sharply and turned to avoid the hyena, and a leopard rushed out again... "

This made Lu Rong very frustrated, and he didn't watch Animal World anymore, preferring to switch channels to watch commercials.

But he didn't say that the dog painted on the wall might be a deer.

He usually doesn't like to mention deer, and he deliberately doesn't say anything purely because he cares most about it, even if he does say it, it's actually normal.

"These three dogs are huddling together and fighting... No, no, not three dogs, the other one looks like a horse and the other looks like a lion... Look, there is also a snake here."

Shen Jize was still looking at the mural carefully, pointing to it and explaining it.

In the end, I really couldn't recognize it, so I was discouraged: "This painting is too ugly, I can't tell what it is."

Lu Rong also looked at the mural, at the so-called three cuddling dogs and the snake on their heads.

The snake was painted like a rotten hemp rope, with a few small dots under its body, which looked like claws when viewed closely.

"How can a snake have claws, have you ever seen Rong Rong?" Shen Jize asked with a frown.

Before Lu Rong could answer, a voice sounded behind him: "Those are the three gods enshrined in our Three Temples."

The two turned their heads and saw Master Jianhong standing behind him at some point, looking at the wall with a smile.

"Quickly worship, worship, you have to worship God when you enter the Buddhist hall." The rich man standing at the door also entered the room, kneeling on a dirty futon.

Shen Jize and Lu Rong walked over slowly, knelt on the futon next to him, and bowed like a bow.

Master Hong stood beside him and introduced: "This is the statue of the three gods. The ones you see painted on the wall are the real bodies of the three gods."

The two children stood up after worshiping carelessly, Shen Jize couldn't help pointing to the eyes of the statue in front of him and asked, "Master Hong, are there black beans in those eyes?"

Master Hong slapped his hand down, turned around and bowed to the statue: "Your child is useless, talking nonsense, the three gods are not to blame."

Then he turned his head and explained: "It is a black gemstone produced in Qiwu Mountain, which is used to add eyes to the statue."

Shen Jize: ...

You fooled the three gods and you still want to fool me