His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 25


Shen Jize managed to coax Lu Rong to stop crying, and wanted to find Guang Tuan, but Lu Rong seemed to have been frightened just now, and hugged him and did not let go. In desperation, he could only continue coaxing, trying to think of words to comfort people.

It's a pity that he is only a primary school student, and he is still a scumbag with poor language skills.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have gone alone, I was really wrong."

"My brother won't throw you into the trash can, trust me."

Lu Rong felt a strange sense of security in these shriveled words, and slowly stopped crying, only humming like a mosquito.

It's not so much crying as it is acting like a baby.

Shen Jize turned his head to look at his face, and asked tentatively, "Are you done crying? Let's go to Guangtuan after crying?"

The humming became louder immediately.

"All right, then wait a little longer." Shen Jize said quickly.

After repeated several times, Shen Jize stared helplessly at the ceiling and asked, "Are you ready to cry?"

"Not yet." Although Lu Rong didn't cry anymore, but with a strong nasal voice, he still hugged the person and didn't want to move.

Shen Jize put his chin on top of his head, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Rongrong, how can you say I'm going to throw you in the trash can? The trash can can't hold you, so who will throw you there?"

Lu Rong changed the position of his face and buried it. The cloth was already wet, and it was uncomfortable to stick to his face.

"It fits," he said.

"Ah?" Shen Jize didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

"I said the trash can can hold mine." Lu Rong's voice came out from the fabric, a little husky.

Shen Jize was good at gesturing the size of the person in his arms, and laughed silently: "It may fit, but who would put it in the trash can? How did you come up with this idea?"

Lu Rong fell silently in his arms, without saying a word, just when Shen Jize was about to ask him if he was better now, he suddenly said in a very soft voice: "When I was four years old, my family threw me in the trash can inner."

Although the voice was very soft, Shen Jize heard it clearly. He gasped and froze in place.

Lu Rong continued quietly: "I was abandoned by my family when I was very young, and was abducted by traffickers on the street to the village. It was my grandfather who rescued me and raised me."

In Shen Jize's world, the biggest worry is that his parents know that he has tried again, lost to Xiao Yong in CS, and the teacher will make him recite the text in class. His world is simple and peaceful but full of sense of security. He never thought that a child would be abandoned by his family.

He had heard of such things, but that was someone else's story. It appeared in the conversation that adults listened to a friend of mine at the police station, or in the mouth of a solemn and solemn TV news anchorwoman. They are all extremely distant things, so far away that they are as unreal as the story of Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua in the textbook.

But this boy who was with him every day, exuding the fragrance of milk all over his body, and lying softly in his arms at this moment, told him in a voice that was trying to be calm but slightly trembling, those stories were true, and they happened in on him.

Shen Jize felt a strong sense of unreality, and at the same time felt as if a hand had reached into his chest, and then tightened it tightly.

The two hugged each other tightly, silent and did not speak.

After a while, Shen Jize let go of his hand and gently stroked Lu Rong's back: "Rongrong, do you still remember the statue we saw in the temple in the back mountain?"

Although Lu Rong didn't know what he was asking this for, she still buried herself in his arms and nodded.

Shen Jize said: "The one with the red cloth on it is called Yuelao. The master said that after saying goodbye, people will be able to love each other until they grow old. Do you know what it means to grow old? It means that the hair is still there after it turns gray. Together."

He paused for a second, hesitating for two seconds, but he continued, "Why don't we go to worship too, with Bodhisattvas watching, you can rest assured that I won't throw you away, right?"

Shen Jize couldn't think of anyone with whom he could love and love until he grew old.

Xiao Yong can't do it, the two often fight for a word, who wants to fight with him all the way to the old age? The other students in the class are not good either, and they have nothing to do with each other.

As for the future wife, it was just an empty term in his mind, and he didn't understand the real meaning it represented. Only the little boy in his arms made him feel that it would be nice to be in love with each other until they grow old together.

Especially after hearing Lu Rong's story, his heart was sore and soft, wishing to dedicate all good things to Lu Rong, just begging him not to be sad, don't think he would throw him away.

—and that damn trash can.

Worshiping the Bodhisattva was the only way he could think of so far to make a promise to Lu Rong.

As expected, Lu Rong's heart was moved, and he raised his head from his embrace, his eyes washed with tears were shining brightly.

When Shen Jize saw these eyes, his slight hesitation was forgotten, and he quickly added: "After worshiping the Bodhisattva, you will no longer be afraid that I will throw you away, and all the trash cans will be crushed by him."

He clasped his hands together and made a group movement.

There were still a few tear stains on Lu Rong's face, and his eyelashes were wet in clusters, but seeing Shen Jize gesticulating while talking, he also showed a faint smile.

"How is it?" Shen Jize asked.

Lu Rong didn't reply, but still smiled like that, with two dimples floating on his cheeks.

Shen Jize understood that he was happy, and continued to dance and gesture, imitating the action of beating the trash can.

"After the beating, throw it into the field and be eaten by those pigs." Lu Rong finally spoke, his voice was hoarse after crying, but it was full of joy.

"Pigs don't seem to eat iron sheets."

Lu Rong said: "Eat, they like to eat garbage cans. After all the garbage cans are smashed, they are eaten by pigs."

"Okay, eat it, and feed it to the pigs after pounding it flat." Shen Jize could only follow along.

"Dahei wants to eat two, no, he wants to eat five."



"a hundred."

"Hahaha, a hundred, hahaha."

Lu Rong became happy, and stopped moaning and moaning with his arms around people. He started to imitate a pig gnawing vegetables with his hands and feet, making a gesture of swallowing a trash can in one gulp, making a whimpering sound.

"Then it's settled. We'll go to the temple to worship the gods after we go out." Shen Jize lifted the hem of his T-shirt and wiped the sweat from Lu Rong's forehead.

"Well, I will worship when I go out. But, I said that I will bring my wife to worship, where can we find my wife to bring me?" He asked childishly.

Shen Jize clicked his tongue: "We're going to find Yuelao and let him be a witness, proving that we will always be together, and it's not like taking my wife there."

"Oh." Lu Rong nodded with a half understanding.

Shen Jize finally coaxed him well, and heaved a sigh of relief, only then did he notice that Lu Rong was still naked and white, and began to wriggle around like Dahei again.

He looked around, saw the clothes scattered not far away, and said angrily: "Why are you taking off your clothes again? If something goes wrong, you will strip yourself naked, and you won't stop talking about it several times."

He went to pick up the shorts and T-shirt, and put the sandals in front of Lu Rong: "This kind of behavior is very bad, you know? It needs to be corrected. If anyone in our class likes to take off naked, he will definitely die of laughter."

After speaking, put the T-shirt on Lu Rong's head: "That means I treat you well, so I won't laugh at you."

"Well, my brother is so kind to me." Lu Rong kept nodding while his head was covered in his clothes.

Shen Jize stopped his hands and asked, "Then do you like brother?"

"I like brother~~" Lu Rong used that kind of whiny and procrastinated voice.

Shen Jize likes to hear him speak to himself in such a tone, and he is very happy.

Lu Rong put on his clothes and was going to hold Shen Jize's hand. When his eyes swept over his calf, he suddenly stopped, and quickly squatted down to look.

Shen Jize lowered his head and saw the scraped wounds on his legs when he started to fall in the fog.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Did you meet a female ghost again?" Lu Rong's face was wrinkled, and his big eyes were filled with anxiety. He stretched out his finger to touch the wound, but retracted it in the air, obviously afraid of hurting someone.

If Lu Rong hadn't mentioned it, Shen Jize would have forgotten about it, but when he was mentioned like this, his whole leg felt hot and painful.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it's not that I met a female ghost again, I was on the way—" Shen Jize almost told the story of the wrestling, and changed his words temporarily: "It was left when I fought with the female ghost at the beginning .”

Lu Rong saw that some places were torn and bloodshot, and felt very distressed, so he pursed his lips and blew lightly on those places.

"Hey, hey, please be gentle, ahh..." Shen Jize frowned and closed his eyes, as if he was in pain.

Lu Rong made the movements lighter, blew for a while and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"Let me feel it." Shen Jize bent his legs, feeling better, and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, let's go quickly."


Just as Lu Rong got up, he saw the bruise on Shen Jize's elbow again, and said in shock, "Brother, you also have it on your arm."

"Ah! Really?" Shen Jize raised his elbow and looked at it, and suddenly felt that his whole arm began to ache.

"Come on, come on, come on, hiss..." He hurriedly urged Lu Rong.

"Okay, okay." Lu Rong pursed his lips and blew into his elbow again.

He held Shen Jize's arms carefully, and the delicate and soft breath blew on those broken skins, and Shen Jize felt much more comfortable.

After everything was settled, the two children walked forward hand in hand, but this time when they turned a corner, they saw a striking light cluster not far away, hanging right in the middle of the passage.

"I found it, so it's here. I passed by just now, why didn't I find it?" Shen Jize was both surprised and excited.

Lu Rong sniffed the air calmly, and found that Uncle Bai's aura was present, and quickly said: "That's right, this is the light cluster that went out."

Shen Jize seemed to realize something: "It must have appeared because I killed that red-clothed female ghost just now. Of course, the deer warrior also contributed a lot."

Lu Rong jumped twice on the spot.

Walking out of the light ball, Lu Rong opened his eyes, looked at Shen Jize who was lying face to face, and both smiled.

The two were still lying in Shen Yan's single dormitory, and there was a faint smell of alcohol in the air. The surroundings are no longer dark, there are dogs barking in the distance and crickets outside the window from time to time.

Shen Jize stretched out his fingers, pressed the tip of Lu Rong's upturned nose, and then frowned.

"You smell the wine." He sniffled, "there is still a smell of wine in the room. When you are drunk, the smell of wine will overwhelm me too."

"I won't drink this kind of wine in the future." Lu Rong giggled, and put his arm around his neck.

"Children can't drink, don't drink any alcohol." Shen Jize pushed him away with disgust: "It stinks, stay away from me."

Not only did Lu Rong not go out, but he tried desperately to get into his arms, and Shen Jize gave up after pushing twice.

It's not yet dawn, and I don't know what time it is in the middle of the night. The two chatted for a while, and fell asleep at some point.

Waking up the next day, when Shen Jize went to wash up, he found that all the scratches on his body were gone, as if nothing had happened. He looked down at his elbows and knees, not to mention blood oozing, not even bruises.

It's just that I'm not used to being naked on my neck, so I reached out to touch it, and found that the jade leaf pendant that never left my body was gone.

It was still there when I took a shower last night, it could only have fallen in my uncle's room. After washing up in a hurry, he hurried back to the room, searching under and under the bed.

After Lu Rong asked clearly, he also helped him find it, but the two searched every inch of the place, but they didn't find the jade pendant.

Shen Jize thought about it for a while, and felt that he had dropped it when he was fighting with the female ghost in red, but how could he find it in such a place

He was dejected for a while, and began to think about how to make up a reason to fool his parents.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to buy another piece? I saw it in the shop in the town below the mountain, and it cost ten yuan each." Lu Rong squatted in front of him, obediently offering an idea.

Shen Jize sighed and scratched his head irritably: "My ones are not ten yuan a piece, they are real jade that my mother bought from an antique dealer, and she even went to the temple to find an eminent monk to consecrate her..."

Seeing Lu Rong looking at him in a dazed manner, he said again: "Forget it, let's just say I lost it, and at worst I'll be beaten up."

Hearing being beaten, Lu Rong's expression became tense. Shen Jize glanced at him and realized that he was frightening him, so he quickly turned to comfort him. He coaxed himself to be beaten easily, so he patted his butt twice lightly, and it didn't hurt at all.

After breakfast, Shen Jize carried his schoolbag on his back, stuffed two changes of clothes into it, took Lu Rong to tell Shen Yan that he was going to stay at the rich man's house again.

"Go to the rich man again?" Shen Yan asked after hearing the words, wearing a hard hat, and several engineers were looking at the blueprints.

Shen Jize said: "Yes, it's too noisy here, I can't calm down and study."

Shen Yan thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and dialed: "Xiao Zhu, I am Shen Yan, is Uncle Cai at the village committee..."

Talking to Cai Ye on the phone, he waved to Shen Jize: "Go ahead, just don't be naughty. By the way, take the bottle of wine and two cigarettes I put in the dormitory to your Cai Ye."


Shen Jize led Lu Rong to the dormitory again, and according to Shen Yan's instructions, he took out a bottle of Moutai and two pieces of soft China and stuffed them into his schoolbag.

The schoolbag couldn't fit, so he poured out all his homework, leaving only a composition.

The two packed their cigarettes and alcohol and walked along the mountain road to the village. Lu Rong held Shen Jize's hand and jumped up and down, his happiness was beyond words.

There was no one at home, and the rich man was still at the village committee. As soon as Shen Jize put his schoolbag on the small table, Lu Rong lay down on the table and asked, "What shall we do next?"

Shen Jize glanced at him, and saw that he was staring at him expectantly, so he knew what he was thinking, but he deliberately said: "Do your homework first, and then we'll talk about it after the homework is done."

After finishing speaking, he took out the composition text from his schoolbag with a steady expression.

Seeing this, Lu Rong hesitated to speak, so he went to get his schoolbag in dismay.

Shen Jize waited for him to set out the pen and paper, but jumped up suddenly, and ran out, shouting as he ran, "You write, I'm going to the temple on the back mountain to worship the gods."

Lu Rong was stunned for a moment, seeing that the person had already run into the yard, she hurriedly shouted to catch up: "I want to go too."

I didn't care if the pencil case fell to the ground, and the pencils and knives inside were scattered all over the floor. The puppy was playing with the ants in the yard, barking wildly and chasing after them.

After chasing and hitting the temple, the puppy ran to the nearby woods to play, and the two of them hid by the open courtyard door and looked inside.

The yard was very quiet, no one was seen, only a few reed chickens pacing around.

"I didn't bring peanuts and eggs this time, will Master Hong let us worship God?" Lu Rong asked in a low voice, probing his head.

Shen Jize frowned and said, "I don't know... Is this a scenic spot? Other scenic spots can charge tickets. Can this temple charge tickets?"

He took out a few large bills from the pocket of his shorts. This was the pocket money his mother gave him before he left, but he hadn't spent a penny since he got here.

"Wow, brother, you have a lot of money." Lu Rong's eyes widened when he saw those banknotes.

It was the first time he had seen a child with so much money.

"Is that a lot?" Shen Jize asked.

Lu Rong stretched out his hand and twirled one of them: "Of course there are too many, do you know? You can buy all the candies in Li's candy shop."

"Candy from Li's canteen? Do you want candy?" Shen Jize glanced at him.

"No, I don't want to eat." Lu Rong shook his head vigorously, and moved both hands, but the word "want to eat" was clearly written on his face.

"What are you two dolls doing sneakily?" A voice came from the courtyard abruptly, and the door was pulled open even further. I saw Master Hong, who was still wearing the unbuttoned white gown with his belly open, came out with his rice bowl in his hand.

The two children immediately stood up straight.

Master Hong looked behind them and found no one else, so he asked, "Where's your grandfather?"

The two children shook their heads.

Master Hong looked at the two of them: "This is not a place for children to play, it will disturb the gods to take a nap, hurry up and go to other places to play."

Shen Jize didn't make a sound, but Lu Rong replied loudly: "Master Hong, my brother and I want to come to worship God."

After what happened last time, he was no longer so afraid of Master Hong, not to mention that this time he was going to worship Yue Lao with his brother, and he was even more brave.

"Oh, worship God? That's fine, I'll be the first in the exam." Master Hong said with a smile as he took a mouthful of food.

"No, we want to pay homage to the god who grows old forever, the one whose name is Yuelao." Lu Rong's voice could not hide the joy.

Master Hong was stunned, and after a while, he realized that the expression on his face was a little strange, as if he was holding back a smile. He nodded at the two of them with his chopsticks: "You two want to love each other forever? Do you want to worship the moon?"

Shen Jize suddenly felt a little shy, turned his head to look aside, but Lu Rong said crisply: "It's just us."

Master Hong was choked by the food, and began to cough violently, beating his own chest with a red face.

Shen Jize took out the money from his pocket, and said a little embarrassedly: "Master Hong, we can give you tickets."

Master Hong glanced at the money in his hand, coughed and pointed to the other side of the yard: "No tickets are charged, I...cough cough...go to worship."

The two thanked each other repeatedly, and happily entered the yard. When they passed Master Hong, Shen Jize saluted him as a team, and Lu Rong quickly followed suit, standing up straight and raising his right hand as a team salute.

Master Hong waved his hands indiscriminately, and turned his head with a look of reluctance to look directly at him.