His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 30


Lu Rong put the rich man on the ground and rushed back quickly, jumped over the boulder, picked up the scattered clothes on the ground, quickly raised his hind hoof, kicked the umbrella and rain boots behind several big trees, and hid himself go in.

He showed one eye, and looked there through a gap between trees and stones.

Cai Ye stared at the stone in a daze. It took him a while to recover, and asked loudly, "Is anyone there? Did someone push me just now?"

Lu Antler embraced himself with two front hooves, and the whole deer body stood upright in a long strip, perfectly hidden behind the tree.

The rich man looked around the stone carefully, and then went down to the field and walked around the stone to look behind it. Lu Rong held his breath and quietly moved his position. There was always a big tree between him and the rich man.

He really didn't understand what happened just now, so Cai Ye stopped staying and walked back to Grandma Li's house.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared at the door of Grandma Li's house that Lu Rong shook off the rainwater on his fur, flapped his ears to remove the water drops, and then changed back to put on his clothes.

He waited behind the boulder for about ten minutes, and after Cai Ye came out from Grandma Li's house, he crept behind him again. The two entered the village one after the other, and he quickly took the path to go home first.

Just as Lu Rong took off his wet clothes and threw them by the bed, the courtyard door was pushed open. He quickly got into the quilt naked, straightened his upper body, and looked out through the glass window.

Cai Ye entered the yard with an umbrella, followed by several people. Lu Rong recognized that they were all village cadres, wearing a coir raincoat and holding an umbrella, standing drenched under the eaves, talking in a low voice, with an unprecedented seriousness.

Although he couldn't hear clearly, he had a premonition that something was going to happen, so he kept staring at the faces of those people nervously.

The puppy also seemed a little scared, and stopped whining, and just lay beside his bed and did not leave.

After a while, their conversation seemed to come to an end. A group of people left the yard, and Mr. Cai also hurried into the house.

He was about to call Lu Rong, but found that he was already awake, so he hurriedly said, "Rong Rong, get up, we have to leave immediately. I'm going to the village committee to inform other people, you should get dressed now and go to the east entrance of the village to wait." I."

"Okay." Lu Rong didn't ask any more questions, and threw off the quilt and jumped out of bed naked.

The rich man flicked on the flashlight, found another flashlight and handed it to him, then took out a passbook from the depths of the closet, and stuffed a handful of loose money into his hand: "Put this in your schoolbag, and pack a few more clothes ,Go right now."

"Grandpa, what about you?" Lu Rong asked.

The rich man said: "Grandpa is going to inform other people. Don't panic, my dear. There are Uncle Chen and the others outside. You go with them. Grandpa will come to you after he informs."

After finishing speaking, he walked outside the house, and when he reached the door, he turned around and told: "Go a little farther, go to the pass and wait. It's raining heavily outside, and it's not enough to just hold an umbrella, and you have to wear the coir raincoat outside."

"Understood." Lu Rong replied loudly.

After Cai Ye went out, he clamped the flashlight around his neck, took out long-sleeved trousers from the closet, and put them on. He also took a rich coat and folded it in his schoolbag to carry it.

Then he opened the pictorial on the wall, took out the hidden money order, folded it and stuffed it into the middle of the schoolbag. Finally, he went behind the door and took off his little coir raincoat, and put it on the outermost side with a rustle.

When he was packing his things, he heard someone speaking with a hand-held horn: "Hey, hello..."

It was Cai Ye's voice.

"Everyone pay attention, everyone listens carefully, maybe the mountain is going to landslide. Now everyone gathers at the pass immediately. There is no urgent matter. Don't delay. Those who are still sleeping, lingering and unable to move, you miss You just lie down, and if you don’t want to die, move quickly. If you can drive cows and pigs, you can drive them away. If you can’t, you stay in the pen. Your own life is more precious than those pigs... "

The rest of the village has already become noisy, and everyone has obviously heard the announcement from the rich man.

Amidst the sound of the rainstorm, someone was calling for their relatives loudly, mixed with the neighing of pigs and cattle, and from time to time, flashlights shone on the window glass, brightly shaking in a mess.

Lu Rong saw that the water on the dog's body was not dry yet, and the hair was in locks, so he went to the cabinet and found a large plastic bag, opened it with scissors, and tied a poncho on it.

He put on his backpack and looked around the room again, feeling that there was nothing to take away for the time being. He couldn't move the TV and refrigerator, and the bacon and plum wine were hanging on the roof beams, so that was all he could do now.

Opening the umbrella, pushing open the door, one person and one dog walked into the rain.

There are already many villagers with flashlights on the road, most of them are old people leading children and carrying a small bag in their hands.

The older children followed sleepily, yawning and asking where they were going. The adults don't have time to answer them. If they are in a hurry, they will reprimand: Don't be noisy, just follow.

Those smaller children leaned on the shoulders of the adults, looked at them with half-opened eyes from time to time, and then went back to sleep.

Younger people lead cows with heavy loads, drive pigs with canes, or push carts loaded with television sets and pots and pans.

Longtan Mountain once had a landslide, which flooded the cattle pens of several families, so everyone knew the seriousness of the matter after hearing the notification from Murakami, and almost no one was still dawdling, so they quickly left the house and walked out of the village.

The rain was pouring down without any signs of weakening. Lu Rong walked among the crowd, feeling the dull atmosphere, and kept turning her head to look in the direction of the village committee, wondering if grandpa had followed.

But even at this time, there are some lively people who are still joking.

"Sister-in-law Wang, what are you doing with your bedding? It's raining heavily, and there's no way to cover it."

"It's okay, just take it with you."

"She sewed the passbook into the bedding, and she couldn't open it in a hurry, so she simply put the whole bedding on her back, hahahaha..."

When the team reached the entrance of the village, there was a large field outside, which was now full of water, like a lake. Fortunately, the rice has been harvested, and the villagers stopped on the ridge of the field, discussing while celebrating.

The village cadre who led the team turned around and urged: "Keep going, keep going, hey, don't stop, what do you want to see when the millet is gone? This place is too close to the back mountain, it is still not safe, keep going, Go all the way to the pass."

Someone's pig was suddenly frightened and jumped into the field and ran around. Others chased after them screaming. Under the lighting of the lightning, Lu Rong saw that the pig seemed to be a big black.

Dahei was so brave that several people couldn't catch up with him, so he jumped down and several people helped him. People and pigs splashed large swaths of water in the fields like riding the wind and waves.

After a period of chaos, Dahei was finally driven back, and everyone started to walk towards the pass.

Lu Rong walked slower and slower, and fell at the end of the line, looking back over and over again.

The people in the village had almost come out, but they hadn't seen their grandfather yet, which made him a little anxious.

The puppy followed quietly, and the raindrops hit its poncho made of plastic bags, crackling.

"Lu Rong, your grandfather is still evacuating the crowd, you should keep up with the team first, don't be afraid." The village cadre who maintained order came over.

"En." Lu Rong replied, turned around and followed the team.

After walking for a while, everyone arrived at the pass. The terrain here is sunken to avoid lightning, and there are no mountains around. Even if there is a landslide, mudslides will not flood here.

There was already a group of people standing at the pass, they were the workers on the nearby construction site, Lu Rong glanced around, but did not see Shen Yan.

But I heard Cai Ye said before that Uncle Shen's project has ended and he has gone back to the big city.

Is that a big city with Shen Jize? At this moment, Lu Rong was slightly absent-minded.

The workers came to take the villagers to the sanatorium, where there was no danger of collapse, but only some old and frail old people followed with their infants and young children, and most of them stayed where they were.

They stared anxiously at the location of their home, and left without worrying.

The lightning and thunder gradually stopped, but the rain did not slow down at all, but tended to increase. The village cadres used plastic woven cloth to prop up a shelter for the rest of the people to hide from the rain.

This woven cloth is very large, and it is usually used to support the guests on the threshing floor during weddings and funerals in the village, and it is very useful at this time. Not only were people not exposed to the rain, but the pigs and cows also occupied a corner, huddled together and shivering.

Lu Rong stood on the edge of the canopy, looking anxiously at the entrance of the village.

Beside him stood a middle-aged woman with a hen in her arms. Because there were a few grain seeds on his coir raincoat, the rooster stretched out its head from time to time and pecked at his shoulder a few times.

The puppy bared its teeth and whined threateningly, and the chicken shrank back into the arms of the middle-aged woman in fright.

"Look there, look there, the mountain is collapsing, look quickly." Someone pointed at the back mountain and suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, the sky is bright, and through the rain curtain, you can see mud and rocks sliding down the back mountain along the water, rumbling down.

Two figures rushed out from the entrance of the village, both wearing coir raincoats and holding umbrellas. Lu Rong's lips moved, his eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help taking two steps forward, but when someone ran close, the light in his eyes dimmed again.

"Wang Zhu, Cheng Gang, have all the villagers come out?" the village cadre who stayed behind asked.

Lu Rong also stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Wang, where is my grandfather?"

Wang Zhu wiped the rain from his face, panting: "Old man Chen's cow is giving birth, and he will not survive, and Uncle Cai is still persuading him."

"When is this? It doesn't matter if the cow is giving birth. Is it more important for the cow or the person?" The village cadre got angry.

Wang Zhu said: "But we can't even drag it away. Old man Chen wants to stay with the cow, and if he delays, he will fight us desperately. Uncle Cai can only stay and continue to persuade him."

"This stupid old man Chen, tell his son to come back and take him to Guangdong, don't stay in the village as a disaster."

As soon as the words fell, there was a dull and loud noise from the back mountain, and the rumbling sound shook the entire Longtan Mountain. Everyone stopped talking and looked over, even the pigs and cows fell silent.

On the back mountain, a large area of rocks and trees collapsed, slanting down with a turbulent force, and even the ground under everyone's feet trembled.

The mountains and rocks were overwhelming, like a gray monster with its mouth open, swallowing the small village below the mountain in an instant.

The villagers stared dumbfounded, no one moved or made a sound, and no one noticed that a small figure was swept into the rain curtain like the wind...

The former village is now completely unrecognizable, and the houses have been crushed under boulders and dirt. The sky and the earth are connected by rainwater, and it is gray and chaotic.

On that icy ruined wall, there is a white deer jumping back and forth, its speed is as fast as a star, leaving only a trail of water splashes.

When Lu Rong rushed into the village entrance, he turned into a deer and ran towards the location of old man Chen's house in his memory. The puppy was quickly left behind, but he also tried his best to follow the route.

I don't know if it was raining or the fire was burning in the heart, but the deer's round eyes were dyed red, and the red lines spreading on the four hooves were like a flame in full bloom.

Lu Rong quickly rushed to Old Man Chen's house. The small courtyard had been razed to the ground, and red bricks and pieces of wood were scattered in the gaps between several boulders.

It brought its black nose to the gap to sniff, then spun around again, put its front hooves into the gap between the boulders, and scraped the remaining bricks out.

At this time, the puppy also chased after it panting. When the deer was digging the soil, it sniffed around and kept twitching its nose.

Lu Rong quickly hollowed out the soil next to a stone, and leaned his head down to look inside.

There was a person inside, with bare feet facing outwards, and the upper body could not be seen clearly.

"Grandpa." Lu Rong's heart beat violently, he quickly bit his trousers and dragged him out, backed up on the muddy ground with all four hooves, and dragged him out in a few strokes.

He turned the man over with his head and lay on his back, seeing his chest covered in mud heaving up and down, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and used his front hoof to brush the dirt off his face.

When all the dirt on that face was pushed away, Lu Rong's hooves stopped.

This is old man Chen, not grandpa.

Lu Rong's heart stopped beating for an instant, and his mind was buzzing. The rain dripped down his fur, and his four muddy legs were trembling uncontrollably.

Where is grandpa? This person is not grandpa, so where is grandpa

Someone was yelling and rushing this way in the distance, but none of those voices could reach his ears, and the world seemed to be still.

Just as he was looking around in panic, the puppy suddenly barked towards a certain place.

Lu Rong realized something, regained consciousness in an instant, and rushed over like lightning. Squeezing the puppy aside, he lowered his head and bent to hit the big rock in front of him.

The stone was big and heavy, and the deer pressed its two young antlers against it, pushing back desperately, making harsh clucking sounds when rubbing against it.

Due to the force, the neck between the head and the body collapsed into an arc, emitting hot white air into the air. The four slender legs moved forward in turn, stabilizing their figure in the slippery mud.

The puppy barked heart-piercingly at the bottom of the stone, and its legs kept digging the mud under it.

Lu Rong continued to move forward with all his strength, and finally the boulder was pushed away slowly. He gritted his teeth again and pumped out his energy, the boulder rolled half a circle with a bang, revealing the bottom.

A bloody and bloody cow was lying on the ground, already out of breath. Several wooden beams were placed on the stone trough beside it, staggered to leave a space.

Cai Ye was lying in that space with his arms and legs folded in front of his chest. Because he was lying on his side and blocked by stones, his mouth and nose were not covered by mud.

Lu Rong let out a whimper, pushed the wood away, put his nose on the rich man's face and sniffed.

Although Cai Ye closed his eyes, he was still breathing, and his chest heaved and heaved reassuringly.

He lightly touched Cai Ye's whole body with his hoof again, trying to see where there was any injury, but fortunately, everything seemed normal.

"Fortune...fortune...old man Chen..." towards the entrance of the village, the villagers stumbled around the ruined boulders and were coming here.

Lu Rong turned his head and glanced at the other side, then lowered his head and licked the rich man's face, jumped out with a whoosh, and his figure disappeared into the depths of the boulder.

"There's someone lying here." Someone found Old Man Chen lying there, "It's Old Man Chen, he's still alive."

"The rich man is here, and the rich man is also alive."

"It's just a coma. This is God's eyes, God's eyes."

The crowd carried Mr. Cai and old man Chen back to the awning, only to see Lu Rong running over from the field with the coir raincoat hanging crookedly on his body.

"You baby, your grandfather almost had an accident just now and ran around." A village official couldn't help but blamed.

Cai Ye had already woken up on the way of being carried. He was lying on a cart at this moment, looked sideways at Lu Rong, and raised his hand slightly.

Lu Rong didn't make a sound, just stepped forward and took Cai Ye's hand, put his cold and pale face on the back of the hand, and kissed him twice.

The rich man moved his lips: "Are you scared?"

Lu Rong burst into tears: "I'm scared."

"It's Grandpa's fault that scared my grandson." Cai Ye showed a weak smile on his face.

Lu Rong cried: "Then you have to correct it, you can't do this again in the future."

"Okay, never again."

After rescuing the man, the villagers began to feel sorry for their own home. They all looked at the direction of the village and wept. Several people could not restrain their tears.

This is where their ancestors have lived for generations, and no matter where they go, their roots are deeply rooted here.

When the village is gone, the roots are cut off.

"Don't cry, don't cry, the house can be rebuilt, as long as people are fine." Although the village cadre said this, his voice was a little choked: "I don't know if it will continue to collapse. Let's go to the construction site and hide until it rains." Stop talking."

Someone wanted to dig out some usable belongings in the ruins, but was persuaded by others. So under the guidance of the workers on the construction site, everyone walked to the nursing center sadly.