His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 36


The bus stopped at a certain platform, and Lu Rong got off the bus dragging his bags, planning to find a hotel nearby.

He didn't dare to enter those luxury hotels. After searching for a long time, he found a small hotel in an alley. Although it is a small hotel, it looks much more grand than the hotels in Longtan Town.

"Pay a deposit of three hundred, and the one-night accommodation fee for an ordinary standard room is one hundred and ninety." The waiter, who was eating melon seeds, quoted the price without raising his eyes.

Lu Rong knew that things in the capital were expensive, and this kind of hotel in the city where he was studying at university cost seventy or eighty yuan a night, but here it was twice the price, so he hesitated for a moment on his face.

"This area is in a good location, and there is no hotel nearby that is cheaper than ours." The waiter raised his eyelids and glanced at Lu Rong. After seeing his appearance, he paused, his expression slightly relaxed.

Lu Rong knew that Cai Ye's retirement salary was not high, and the tuition fees he had saved for himself were all saved from his teeth over the years. He hasn't started working yet, so two hundred yuan a night is already beyond his psychological tolerance.

"Sister, can it be cheaper?" Lu Rong asked in a low voice.

The waiter looked at his whole body and the big bag beside him, and asked, "Are you here to study?"

The boy looked very small, probably still a student.

"No." Lu Rong shook his head and nodded again: "I've graduated, and I'm here to find a job, and I'm looking for someone while I'm working.

"Who are you looking for?" The waiter was in the mood of chatting after being idle.

Lu Rong obediently replied, "Look for my brother."

"Is your brother working in the capital? Or is he still studying?"

Lu Rong thought for a while: "Part-time job."

Shen Jize is an actor, so he's also a part-time job... right

Maybe because Lu Rong looked too obedient, or the waiter thought of someone, her tone became more relaxed, and she said that she would give him a preferential price for regular guests of the hotel, 120 a night.

Lu Rong opened the zipper of the woven bag beside her, and took out a handful of red dates from inside: "Sister, eat it, these are the dates from our town, they are very sweet."

Before leaving, the rich man asked him to take this bag of dates. Besides the red dates, there were also bacon and sausages. Let him give Li Song, or a new colleague or new friend a taste.

The waiter thought for a while and said, "This is the off-season, and the rooms are not fully occupied. If you come over at 12 o'clock in the evening, the price will be discounted by half."

"Thank you sister." Lu Rong smiled until his eyes narrowed.

"But after 12 o'clock in the evening, I have to get off work and change people. You have to come before 12 o'clock."


Lu Rong packed his luggage, bid farewell to the waiter, and went to a noodle shop next to the hotel to eat a bowl of noodles. Seeing that it was only dusk, I found a small park nearby and sat on a bench by the woods to wait.

Next to it was a small square, where a group of old men and women were dancing and doing Tai Chi. He watched it with interest for a while, and then watched a group of children skateboarding.

After everyone dispersed, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. The noisy park became extremely quiet, only the crickets in the grass and the sound of vehicles passing by in the distance could be heard.

But there are also more mosquitoes.

Lu Rong kept patting his exposed hands and feet, even so, he was bitten several times.

However, he brought long-sleeved trousers, so he just took them out of the bag and put them on. Fortunately, it was not a dog day, and there was a cool breeze in the summer night, so he didn't feel too hot when he put them on.

He played with his mobile phone for a while, and habitually checked Shen Jize's Weibo. Seeing that there was no new news, he clicked on the photo album and looked at the few saved photos.

It was not until the battery of the mobile phone was not enough that he put the mobile phone back into his pocket and looked up at the moon in the sky in a daze.

He found this place according to the address on Shen Jize's remittance slip. He planned to stay in a hotel first, rent a house tomorrow, and then look for a suitable job.

From now on, I will go to Shen Jize and Wang Tu while working.

"... What are you doing? What are you doing?" From the trail deep in the park, a female voice full of fear suddenly came, and then screamed at a higher speed: "Come here, grab the bag, someone is grabbing the bag!"

Lu Rong stood up abruptly, ran towards that direction, only turned a corner, and saw a young woman in a dress sitting on the ground, pointing to the grove in front of her.

A figure in the woods quickly disappeared into the darkness, holding a red leather bag in his hand.

Lu Rong didn't think much about it, and then rushed into the woods.

The man was strong and fast, and he was familiar with the park's terrain, and he avoided those obstacles flexibly.

Lu Rong couldn't do it anymore, he stumbled and almost tripped over a bush in the dark, the distance between the two of them was getting farther and farther.

Seeing that the man was about to run out of the woods, Lu Rong looked around and stopped running when he saw that there was no one else. As the clothes fell from the air, a white deer with red stripes on its ankles rushed forward.

In the night, the white deer has a slender body and smooth lines, and its silky fur looks like satin. Compared with the little white deer before, the whole body is bigger, the small silver horn on the top of the head has also grown a lot, and there are two more short branches.

Lu Rong only ran forward for a few seconds before he saw the figure in front of him. The man had already run under the fence at the edge of the park and was climbing up with hands and feet.

The white deer jumped up, and when he climbed to the top of the fence, he lowered his head and picked it up with the silver horn, and the red bag was picked up and hung on the silver horn. Then turned around in the air, turned around, and ran in the direction from when he came.

The person who snatched the bag was about to jump off the fence when he felt the wind blowing over his head and his scalp felt cold. Then with a light hand, the bag he was holding disappeared in an instant.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked back, and saw a white animal running towards the woods, and the bag he snatched was hanging on top of its head.

I can't see it carefully in the night, but it seems to have horns.

Like a deer

How could there be deer in this small park, and even snatched the bag in his hand? He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and froze there for a while, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the deer-like animal let out a few barks, and hurriedly sank into the depths of the woods.

It turned out to be a dog raised by someone else, and it is estimated that the horn is also an ornament on the head.

Since there are dogs, there will be people, he didn't dare to delay any longer, he quickly jumped off the fence and ran into the distance.

"Wow, woof, woof." Lu Rong ran and barked like a dog, with a lifelike voice.

When he rushed back to the woods, he quickly changed back and put on the clothes on the ground.

He had just walked out of the woods and came under the streetlight when two security guards, one fat and one thin, ran over in a hurry, followed by the young woman in a dress, and a few onlookers.

"Hey, that man, stop and don't move." The fat security guard shined the flashlight directly on Lu Rong.

Lu Rong raised his left hand to cover his eyes, and he still held the red handbag in his right hand.

The young woman rushed forward excitedly, snatched the bag, opened it to look at the items, and kept saying, "This is my bag, this is my bag."

"You, come with us to the security department." The security guard's flashlight was still shining directly on Lu Rong.

It was only then that Lu Rong realized that they regarded him as a bag snatcher, and explained: "I am not a bag snatcher, there was someone else who snatched the bag, and I helped her get the bag back."

Although there were street lights, the security guards still shot him with flashlights. Under the strong light, his figure was thin and fair-skinned, and his childish face was too beautiful.

The security guards looked him up and down with doubts on their faces, but the onlookers took out their mobile phones and started filming with great interest.

"Ma'am, is he the one to help you?"

The young woman thought about it, hesitated and said, "I'm not sure, because it was dark at the time, and I was too flustered, and my mind went blank..."

Lu Rong explained again: "I really didn't snatch her bag. The man snatched her bag and wanted to climb over the fence. I snatched it from there."

"Well, let's go to the security room. There is surveillance there, so we can check it out." The fat security guard took back the flashlight and said.

Lu Rong rubbed his dizzy eyes, and when he heard the word "monitoring", his heart skipped a beat.

He turned into a deer just now, what if he could see that scene on the surveillance

A panic surged in his heart, and he stood there without moving.

The fat security guard sneered and said, "What? Don't dare to go see it? Let me tell you, I've seen people like you a lot. Don't try any tricks to escape my eyes."

Lu Rong didn't want to watch the surveillance, so he could only argue repeatedly: "I didn't snatch the bag, I helped her get it back. He climbed up the fence in front, and he jumped off after I snatched the bag."

The young woman hesitated: "At that time, it seemed that someone helped chase me into the woods, and the person who snatched my bag was stronger and much taller than him."

Hearing this, the skinny security guard looked at the fat security guard, implying that the boy really didn't do it.

"By the way, that person is wearing a white T-shirt, which is different from him." The young woman pointed to Lu Rong's light blue long-sleeved jacket again: "That's right, the clothes are all different."

"I really didn't grab the bag." Lu Rong explained again.

He looks small, and his voice is soft, and now he is a little bit more wronged, and he sounds a little pitiful.

The skinny security guard poked the fat security guard next to him: "Forget it, let's go back."

The fat security guard turned his head to look at the bench not far away, where Lu Rong's woven bag and backpack were placed.

"Come from the countryside? Just here? Haven't found a place to stay yet?" He asked Lu Rong with a knowing expression on his face.

"It's really not him, the colors of the clothes are different—" the young woman said again.

"Miss, don't sympathize with people indiscriminately. Some bad guys don't look like bad guys at all, but they can do anything. Besides, it's so dark that it's not easy to distinguish light blue and white under the light." The fat security guard interrupted her Then, Lu Rong gave a rough push: "Go, go, go to the security room to watch the surveillance."

Lu Rong was pushed forward and staggered two steps, then walked back and stood still, saying: "I won't go, my sister said it wasn't me."

The fat security guard saw a group of people watching and taking pictures with his mobile phone, so he said coldly: "Since you are doing what is right, why don't you want to watch the surveillance? What are you afraid of? You come from the countryside, if you can't find a job, you will go Things that engage in crooked ways, are these things less?"

Lu Rong looked up at him abruptly.

His eyes are big and round, with wide and deep eyelids, and his pupils are light brown under the light, which is both lively and pure.

The fat security guard said: "It's okay not to watch the surveillance, then we have to call the police and let the police watch."

Lu Rong was anxious, so she resorted to her good coquettish technique, turned to look at the young woman: "Sister~~"

The young woman didn't believe that Lu Rong was the person who snatched the bag. Hearing the repeated voice of her sister, her heart softened even more. Seeing that he insisted on ignoring the surveillance, she seemed to have some scruples, so she asked the security guard, "Excuse me?" Where is the surveillance camera?"

The security guard said: "He said that the bag snatchers jumped out of the fence. The park is very dark, but there is an alley with street lights outside the fence. If someone jumps down, they can be seen in the alley."

The young woman asked Lu Rong softly: "Do you think this is okay? You were not photographed, only the alley outside the fence."

Lu Rong felt that there was no problem, so he nodded slightly.

A group of people walked along the path to the security room, followed by the spectators. When passing the bench, Lu Rong took his bulging woven bag and backpack.

The fat security guard said again: "You still want to sleep in the park? You are not allowed to stay here."

"Did you see me sleeping in the park? Am I sleepwalking now?" Lu Rong replied.

When we arrived at the security room and called up the surveillance, Lu Rong was still very nervous during the broadcast.

But fortunately, only the street outside the fence can be seen in the camera. After locking the time, I quickly found the picture of the man jumping off the fence.

The picture freezes, and the face can be clearly seen. The thin security guard suddenly said, "It's Li Xiaoer, who often hangs around in this small park. Hurry up and call the police."

The fat security guard looked embarrassed, but he still said firmly: "I can't blame me for misunderstanding. During this period of time, there have been several incidents of robbery by rural people."

"What's wrong with the rural people? The rural people are not inferior to the city people in any way, let alone counting up to three generations, who is not a rural person?" The young woman replied stiffly.

After Lu Rong made sure that he couldn't be seen by the surveillance, he immediately became uncowardly and pitiful, and jumped towards the fat security guard like a little rooster.

"I just said that I was arresting people, but you insisted that I was snatching bags. I robbed you of your job as a security guard. Did you take the opportunity to retaliate?"

Then he turned his head and narrowed his eyes at the young woman: "Sister, my eyes have been shone with a flashlight by this person, and now I can't open them."

With his charming appearance with red lips and white teeth, the young woman couldn't stand it, she hurriedly wanted to look into his eyes: "Let me have a look, if it doesn't work, go to the hospital."

"Did he pay for the inspection?" Lu Rong rolled his eyes at the fat security guard.

Those big eyes rolled very vigorously, so there was nothing wrong with that.

"You are quite a good-looking kid, why did you blackmail the Master?" the fat security guard was anxious.

"You hurt my eyes by yourself, why do you say I blackmailed people? Go to the hospital for an examination."

Lu Rong lingered there for a while, until the fat security guard apologized repeatedly, and the depression in his chest was completely dissipated, then he left the security booth with a woven bag.

The young woman came up and thanked her repeatedly, and took out her wallet to pay the fee, but he refused decisively. After saying goodbye, she packed her luggage and went to the hotel.

According to the initial agreement, the waiter only charged 60 yuan, and Lu Rong grabbed another handful of sweet dates for her and entered the room.

He put down the bag, sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought. It wasn't until the big bumps on my hands and feet that were bitten by mosquitoes started to itch, that I went to the bathroom, took a shower and went to bed.


That night, a small video was posted on Weibo, and somehow it started to ferment. In the end, after being reposted by several big Vs, it quickly became a hot search.

In the video, a brave young man who came from the countryside was made things difficult by security guards, which aroused the anger of many people.

[What happened to the people in the city? Isn't he still a security guard?]

[It’s fucking ridiculous that some people still think that city people are superior to country people.]

[I was so angry watching it, why is it so difficult to be brave.]

[However, the boy was not offended. See how he finally messed up the security guard, hahahahaha]

But gradually, some people began to make other remarks, and the comments gradually went astray.

[Do you think that this little brother looks good.]

[Yeah, yeah, I think the same way, although the video is blurry, but you can see the general appearance, milky and handsome.]

[The moment he stepped into the security room, the lights came on, and it was the clearest at that time, and I even took a screenshot.]


[Screenshot Screenshot]

[Wow! ! !]

At this time, Shen Jize was sitting on the sofa in the apartment, wearing a bathrobe, arms crossed. The house he bought is still being renovated, and he temporarily lives in the house rented by the company in a high-end community.

Opposite him were two assistants and manager Kate, all of them looked at a cardboard box on the table solemnly.

After the release of the new film, it received rave reviews and was a big success at the box office. At the same time, An's fame is also rising.

At the beginning, many people were disdainful of An, thinking that it must be a hype. After all, the traffic and acting skills of An, who has become a hit in his early twenties, can be regarded as horrible.

But after watching the whole movie, those who complained shut up, and never said anything about the awards he won. Film critics began to post lengthy film reviews, words such as born for the big screen, full of aura, and genius abound.

Shen Jize conquered discerning audiences with his acting skills, and also conquered a group of Yan dogs with his handsome appearance. It's just that while his career has achieved great success, some unpleasant things have also begun to appear.

His couriers are piled up now, and they are all gifts sent to the company by fans. When the two assistants are free, they will tear down the pile of couriers.

One of the express cartons contained only a glass bottle, and Xiao Chu was still muttering who would send an empty bottle. Gao Kai took a look at it, his expression changed instantly, he threw the bottle and box into the trash can, and washed his hands desperately, as if he had been infected with some germs.

Seeing Xiao Chu looking at him inexplicably, he held back his nausea and asked, "Didn't you see that kind of thing at the bottom?"

"What kind?" Xiao Chu was even more at a loss.

Gao Kai said angrily: "That man's thing, what a fucking pervert."

It's not a big deal, Gao Kai didn't even tell Shen Jize, it's not uncommon for a movie star to meet a lot of perverted fans.

But today when Shen Jize came home, he saw a cardboard box at the door, thought it was put there by his assistant, so he took it into the room and opened it.

After opening the box, his expression changed suddenly, and a few seconds later, he slammed the lid shut.

Then he took out his phone and started contacting his agent and assistant.

Manager Kate is in her early thirties, wearing a fitted dress, her impeccably made up face reveals shrewdness.

"Did you see the surveillance at the security guard?" She asked Xiao Chu.

Xiao Chu said: "I've seen it. It was delivered by a person wearing a cleaner's uniform. Wearing a mask and a hat, you can't see the face clearly. The property management said that it is not someone from their company."

Shen Jize remained in his original posture, as if he was listening to their conversation, or resting. But his expression was serious, and his perfectly lined jaw line was very tight.

Gao Kai glanced inside the box again.

Lying on the bottom of the cardboard box is a Q version villain, who is An's character in this movie, but it is red with blood made of red paint, and a knife is stuck in the chest.

Kate sighed and was about to say something when she heard Shen Jize's voice faintly.

"In the past few days, no matter whether I go out or go home, there will always be people sneaking behind me. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but now it seems that I still have to pay attention to personal safety issues."

Gao Kaiteng stood up and exclaimed: "Someone is following you? Why didn't I find out?"

Shen Jize raised his eyelids and stared at him half-closed: "I've had military training three times, and I've also joined the Boy Scouts. I'm born with agility and acquired training, so I can find out what you haven't noticed."

Gao Kai pretended to be taught and sat down.

After pondering for a while, Kate said: "This kind of personal safety issue has to be guarded against, don't be negligent. Let's call the police first, and before the police catch that person, we will hire a bodyguard to protect An .”

"Bodyguard... Wouldn't it be a bit of a fuss to hire a bodyguard for this matter?" Shen Jize's expression relaxed slightly, but there was hesitation in his words.

"Yeah, wouldn't it be a bit too much?" Gao Kai echoed.

Seeing that they both said this, Kate hesitated a little: "Or, I'll—"

"I'll interview the bodyguard myself. After all, I live a strict life and don't like strangers approaching me very much. Most people don't feel at ease." Shen Jize sat up straight again and quickly interrupted her.

Kate understood in an instant, and made a decision: "That's it. An's personal safety is the most important thing, and this bodyguard will be hired immediately. Xiao Chu, you can go and settle this matter later, and you can go to those big security companies to find out Let’s pick out the best bodyguard candidate.”

"Understood." Xiao Chu said.