His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 39


On the commercial vehicle, Gao Kai wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed: "The movie fans are so enthusiastic, it's like going to war when you leave the airport. There are also male movie fans calling for husband, did you hear that?"

"That's not true, our plan is for men, women and children of all ages." Xiao Chu and You Rong said.

Shen Jize took off his sunglasses and glanced at him with cool eyes.

"Ah, no, it's a pass kill." Xiao Chu rubbed the back of his neck.

Shen Jize put on his sunglasses and looked out the car window without saying a word.

Kate, who was sitting next to him, asked, "By the way, your house in Feihongxie has been renovated. Do you want to move there now or wait a few days?"

Shen Jize frowned and said, "Move, the sooner the better."

"Okay, Gao Kai, you can handle this later, find a reliable moving company, and move the things in An's house to Feihongxie."

Gao Kai has been running around with the publicity for a few days. He originally wanted to take two days off to rest after he came back. Hearing this, he felt distressed, but he had to agree.

"How about the bodyguard?" Kate asked Xiao Chu again.

Xiao Chu replied: "I have already contacted several security companies in the city and asked them to pick out the best candidates. There is nothing to say in terms of ability. I will come to the company in two days, and Brother An will choose the one he likes by himself."

Gao Kai agreed: "You really have to choose by yourself. After all, you have to eat and live together, and your living habits must be good. In detail, whether you sleep soundly, whether you have foot odor or body odor, you have to take into account."

"We can't live together." Shen Jize, who had been silent all this time, frowned: "Rent an apartment where I live for him."

"But if you don't live together, how can he protect you personally?"

Shen Jize said: "He just needs to live nearby, and if he has something to do, he can get there in time."

Gao Kai said helplessly, "All right."

Xiao Chu said: "He also needs to be good-looking, and he can't be crooked. He has to be worthy of our arrangement."

"It's hard to match Ann's looks..."

Hearing what they were saying, Shen Jize simply took out his earphones and plugged his ears to listen to the music, and leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed.


After Lu Rong got off work at night, he sat on the bed and made a video call with Mr. Cai. He pointed the camera at himself, just showing the window in the attic, and the environment looked good.

"Grandpa~~" As soon as Cai Ye's face appeared on the screen, Lu Rong began to act like a baby.

Cai Ye looked at him carefully: "I lost weight."

"I saw the video the day before yesterday, but today I said that I lost weight, how could it be so fast." Lu Rong was surprised.

The rich man said again: "I just took a shower? Don't lie down when your hair is not dry, and go to bed when it is dry."


"You have to eat meat for every meal, remember? Don't let Li Song buy it, go by yourself. If you don't have enough money, grandpa still has it here."

Cai Ye thought he was still at Li Song's house, and the two of them were cooking.

Lu Rong picked up a lump of flesh on his face, and said vaguely: "I eat meat every meal, look, I still have so much flesh on my face."

"What kind of meat is that? You can't hold two chopsticks when you cut it off. Anyway, don't save that little money. Is Li Song there? Let me talk to Li Song, you don't know how to cook, it's hard work for others."

Lu Rong rolled his eyes guiltily: "Li Song has gone out, but no one else is here."

The rich man said: "Then you also have to learn to cook. No one should spoil you like grandpa when you go out."

"I know… "

Just as he was talking, another dog's face appeared on the screen.

The puppy huddled next to Mr. Cai, and when it saw Lu Rong, it wagged its tail wildly, and stuck out its tongue to lick the phone screen.

"Puppy, puppy, do you miss me?" Lu Rong stretched out his finger and clicked on the puppy on the screen.

The puppy whined aggrievedly at the screen, while Lu Rong chattered on the other side of the phone, one person and one dog each confide in the pain of lovesickness.

Cai Ye smiled and put the phone on the table: "You two just talk slowly, I'll go to the yard to water the flowers."

It wasn't until the puppy licked the phone off that Lu Rong lay down sullenly, staring at the low ceiling in a daze.

A few strands of wet hair lay beside his face, with a bit of cold dampness. He remembered what the rich man had said at the beginning, sat up and waited for his hair to dry, his two slender legs were hanging by the bed, shaking slightly.

Two days later, when it was time to rest, Lu Rong went to the door of the film and television company where Shen Jize was working.

It was raining today, so there were no other fans, and he was the only one standing across the street, holding a small flower umbrella from the shop.

He stood patiently in the rain, watching the people in and out of the opposite gate. The raindrops hit the umbrella surface, and the lower half of the trouser legs were splashed by the rain, and it felt a little cool against the calf.

After waiting for a while, Shen Jize was nowhere to be seen, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He hesitated for a moment, then simply walked across the street, put away the umbrella in his hand, and entered the gate of the film and television company.

There were people coming in and out of the building at any time, so the security guard at the gate glanced at him, didn't ask anything, and only asked him to put the umbrella on the umbrella stand next to the door.

Lu Rong looked at the spacious hall on the ground floor, and saw seven or eight people sitting on the sofa on the left.

These people are all tall and solemn, wearing all black suits, they don't look like company employees.

He thought for a while, and went to find an empty seat and sat down.

The group of people in black suits were sitting upright, and there were many people beside them who didn't turn their heads to look at them. They just stared ahead, keeping their mouths shut and saying nothing.

Affected by the atmosphere, Lu Rong also sat upright, with his hands neatly placed on his knees, and only turned his head to look at the elevator door, for fear of missing Shen Jize's appearance.

After waiting for a while, the elevator door opened, and a young woman in a suit skirt came out.

She went straight to the sofa and said, "Hi, I'm Secretary Li, please go upstairs with me, An will conduct an interview with you."

An will conduct an interview with you... Lu Rong repeated the words in his ears, his whole body trembling.

An will conduct an interview with you

Brother is upstairs!

Seeing that the group of black suits had already followed, he had an idea, grabbed his backpack, and followed at the end of the line.

The men in black suits are all over 1.8 meters tall, with a strong and burly body. He is a thin boy, like a bunch of eagles with a chick behind him.

A group of people entered the elevator, Secretary Li pressed the number key 18, and the elevator went up.

The elevator was very quiet, Lu Rong squeezed among a group of black suits, her heart was pounding. He didn't know what this group of people were interviewing for, but no matter what it was, as long as they could meet Shen Jize.

He secretly looked to the left, it was someone else's chest, then turned his head to the right, it was still the chest. Looking up slowly along the chest, I saw that everyone was staring straight ahead with no expression on their faces.

No matter, follow first.

Lu Rong no longer secretly looked at it, and just followed the example of this group of people, only staring directly at the black cloth in front of him.

With a ding, the elevator stopped on the 18th floor, and everyone walked out.

Lu Rong walked at the end of the line, walked through a long passage, and stopped in front of a closed door.

"An is having a meeting in the conference room upstairs. Please wait for a while. He will have half an hour free after the meeting. Then he will let you go in for an interview." Secretary Li said.

Lu Rong sat on the bench in the corridor with the black suits.

He was at the very end of the line, with his eyes and nose looking at his heart, and he was as upright as the others, with a dignified expression.

Secretary Li also sat down on the bench not far from them, looking down at the documents in his hand. A male employee came across and greeted her familiarly with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Secretary Li, why are you here? Isn't your office downstairs?"

Secretary Li is the secretary of the chief financial officer, and his office is on the first floor downstairs, so he usually wouldn't come upstairs.

Secretary Li let out a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "An's manager and assistant are both busy, so I asked me to come and take the place."

"Then this is... a newcomer to the company?" The male employee glanced over the faces of Lu Rong and the men in black suits, with a hesitant tone.

The momentum and figure in the black suit don't look like an entertainer at first glance, but that handsome boy, who may be a newcomer just signed by the company.

"No." Li Mi said in a low voice, "Based on what happened, the bodyguards hired by the security company are now here for an interview."

It's not a secret. Everyone in the company knows it. The male employee suddenly said: "Oh... that's right. For personal safety, it's better to ask for one. But is the one sitting next to you too? It doesn't look like it. "

Lu Rong was wearing a basic white T-shirt with beige shorts tucked into the hem, a pair of sneakers on his feet, and an old backpack on his back. He sat upright on the bench, although he looked clean and fresh, he looked like a childish student.

Secretary Li glanced at Lu Rong, and said to the male employee, "I've heard that the security company will train people who don't look like bodyguards, so this is probably it."

The male employee nodded in agreement: "Yes, the less he looks like a bodyguard, the more he will let the other party relax his vigilance. Don't look at this little boy who looks gentle and delicate, but he may be a ruthless character on the inside. "

Li Mi said: "Yes, this kind of bodyguard can confuse the opponent even more."

"But why are they all sitting outside? Isn't An here?"

"It said that there is a meeting upstairs, but we have to wait a while."

The male employee was puzzled and said: "But I just came down from the upstairs after reporting work, and several high-level executives are busy, and I didn't see anyone in the meeting."

Secretary Li thought for a while: "Maybe it's just finished."

Shen Jize leaned back on the large leather sofa, holding his mobile phone in both hands, his legs were shaking slightly on the tea table in front of him, and the laces on his short boots vibrated with the movement.

The door was knocked twice, it was pushed open, and the assistant Xiao Chu stood at the door.

"Brother An, I'm back after finishing my work. The applicants for bodyguards downstairs have arrived and are waiting at the door of your lounge. Do you want to go for an interview now?"

"How long have they been here?" Shen Jize focused on the phone without raising his eyelids.

Xiao Chu said: "I just asked Secretary Li of the Finance Department, and he said that he waited for about ten minutes."

Shen Jize didn't answer, Xiao Chu just stood at the door without moving, he put away his phone and stood up after a while, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the interview."

Little junior Shen Jize went out, followed behind to the elevator, and asked curiously, "Brother An, why don't you wait in your lounge, come upstairs?"

Shen Jize put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked lazily forward: "Do you think I will be so idle in the company, sitting in the lounge and playing games without meetings or reading scripts?"

"Yes." Xiao Chu replied blankly.

As long as Brother An has no schedule, doesn't he just sit in his office and play games

Shen Jize stopped, turned around, and looked at him coldly with downcast eyes.

Xiao Chu suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "That must not be the case. The actor is always busy and thinks about new roles in his spare time."

"Basically, I don't have free time. There are still many things to do after the trip." Shen Jize patted the back of Xiaochu's head: "There is only one bodyguard, but there are so many candidates. How do you know that the unsuccessful people won't go out and talk nonsense?"

"...What's there to talk about?" Xiao Chu muttered.

"There's so much to talk about." Shen Jize snorted lightly, turned around and continued on his way: "Those marketing accounts of gossip reporters like to destroy actors' character designs the most. As long as you idle for a while, he'll say you're confused and useless The bearded old man looked down and down, so he could only shrink back in the company and work as a cleaner."

"But, brother An, your new movie has just aired, no matter how idle you are, I won't say you're lazy."

Shen Jize said: "Do you understand how to plan ahead? Do you understand that the character design is slowly reflected in every detail? When he reports, he doesn't care about how you are now."

Xiao Chu didn't understand, so he stood there thinking for a few seconds, and felt that Brother An's words were very profound.

But what Brother An said must make sense, so he didn't force himself to understand, and followed along with the back of his head.

Lu Rong sat on the bench in an airless manner, his upper body was straight, in line with the black suits beside him. He only rolled his eyes occasionally to peek around.

Although he didn't know what these people were going to do, since Shen Jize was interviewing in person, he would be able to meet them later.

This time I was finally able to meet my brother face to face.

Bang bang, bang bang.

He suspected that his heartbeat could be heard by the black suit next to him.

The whole floor was very quiet, and only one or two employees passed by occasionally. Secretary Li looked down at the documents in his hand, and the black suits kept their mouths tightly closed like a group of muffled gourds.

"Excuse me, are we here to apply? What's the content of the interview?" Lu Rong finally couldn't help but asked the people beside him in a low voice.

The man turned his head slowly, glanced at him indifferently, and then turned back slowly.

Lu Rong: ...

Well, then continue to wait like this.


With a soft sound, the elevator stopped on this floor, and two people stepped out from it.

The one in front has a rather outstanding appearance, and the corners of his flying eyes reveal a sense of arrogance. He was wearing a black jacket and short boots, making him look taller with broad shoulders and narrow waist. The soles of the leather boots knocked on the tiled floor, making muffled sounds.

When Lu Rong saw him clearly for the first time, everything around him became a background board, a phantom, and only this person remained in his eyes.

He stayed motionless on the bench, watching Shen Jize striding towards him, then passed by without looking sideways, and went straight into the office next to him.

Secretary Li stood up and said to a group of people, "An is already here, so let's conduct interviews in order."

"Yes." A group of black suits replied neatly.

The door opened, and a person who looked like an assistant stood at the door and said to the person in the first row, "Please come in."

No. 1 black suit got up and brushed the dust off his shoulders, and walked in with his head held high.

Lu Rong stared helplessly at the open door, wanting to see Shen Jize in the room, but before he could see what was going on inside, the door was closed again.

There was silence in the corridor. He knew that his brother and himself were only separated by a wall, and they would see each other soon. He didn't know whether it was excitement or nervousness, his hands began to sweat, and his throat was dry and astringent.

Inside the room, Xiao Chu was asking questions with a piece of paper.

"Then do you have any hobbies? Like smoking and drinking."


"If you follow your employer 24 hours a day, do you have any opinions?"


Shen Jize has been standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out of the window with his back to the room. Although he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, it brought a lot of pressure to others.

After answering all the questions in the black suit No. 1, he glanced nervously at the figure in front of the window, hoping he could make a comment or something.

But Shen Jize never spoke. Xiao Chu shook hands with him very politely: "Mr. Li, the specific result will be announced in two days. Please go back and wait for the news."

Lu Rong sat restlessly on the bench, imagining the scene when he saw Shen Jize later. It would be fine if he recognized him at a glance, but if he couldn't recognize him, how should he start

Brother, I am Rongrong, Rongrong from Longtan Mountain, do you still remember me

If Shen Jize looked at himself with blank eyes, he would give hints persuasively: Deer Warrior, Yue Lao Temple, Puppy...

If you still can't remember, then you must take strong medicine.

"Brother, do you still remember the female ghost in red at the construction site?"

Believe it or not, he can't even remember.

Lu Rong was thinking wildly here, and the man in black beside him was no longer calm, and was muttering something.

Although the reasons are different, everyone's nervousness is the same. Lu Rong heard him say something like hitting the opponent's rib and then backhanding it.

What the hell is this doing? Lu Rong became more nervous.

He scratched his fingers unconsciously on the bench surface, making a thumping sound. It wasn't until everyone around him stared at him that he came to his senses, and hurriedly withdrew his hand.

The door opened, and No. 1 walked out in a black suit without looking sideways. His face was still solemn, and he couldn't tell what the result of the interview would be. In the eyes of everyone, he walked steadily to the elevator.

"Please come in, sir." The assistant-like person informed the second man in black suit.

Lu Rong looked at it, and found that he was at the end of the bench, that is, he was ranked eighth.

As the third, fourth, and fifth went in and out, he scratched the chair uncontrollably again. A staff member passed by and noticed that the candidate's face was pale and his eyes were straight. He quickly handed him a cup of hot water, and he stopped.

Another ten minutes later, Xiao Chu was asking No. 7 in black suit a question.

Shen Jize looked the same as before, but when standing in front of the window, he would quickly tap the window lattice with his fingers. If there are familiar people present, they will know that he is impatient.

He went back to his desk and sat down, resting his elbows on the arm of the chair, resting his forehead against his forehead and closing his eyes in thought. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and took out his mobile phone, sliding his fingers quickly on it.

"Mr. Wang, the next question may be a bit private. If you don't want to answer it, you can choose not to answer it." Xiao Chu asked mechanically: "Does Mr. Wang have any body odor that is heavier than ordinary people? Of course, body odor is okay. To remove it, just do a minor operation. Then do you usually like to eat heavy food?"

Shen Jize took a sip of the coffee on the table, and when he put it down, there was a crisp sound of collision between the bottom of the cup and the small plate.

Xiao Chu turned his head to look over, he continued to look at the phone, and said lightly: "You asked me, I will discuss the new script with Director Wang."

After the No. 7 black suit finished answering all the questions and went out, Shen Jize asked, "How many are left? Don't choose, don't choose, and show me the records later, just choose one of the previous ones. "

Xiao Chu recalled: "But there is only one left outside."

"Just one, let him go back." Shen Jize said impatiently.

Xiao Chu hesitated for a moment: "Brother An, it's the last one, why don't we ask together."

Shen Jize closed his eyes and frowned, and said after a while: "Then ask, lest he feel dissatisfied and talk nonsense to Yu Ji."

Now only Lu Rong is left outside.

He knew that it would be his turn soon, his feet began to feel weak, his palms became hot, and his heart was beating so hard that it would come out of his throat.

Don't panic, don't panic, you can finally see your brother, why panic now? Calm down, you have to calm down.

He shook his shoulders desperately in his heart.

With a click, the door opened. The assistant called out to Lu Rong: "Sir, please come here."

When Lu Rong stood up, both knees seemed to be rusted, and his movements were robot-like.

When he slowly stood up straight, Xiao Chu looked at him who was about the same height as himself, and who was thinner than himself, his eyes gradually became suspicious.

Lu Rong saw his thoughts, supported the wall and took a few deep breaths, then explained in a hoarse voice: "Sit, I feel a little dizzy after sitting for a long time."

Xiaochu:? ?

Just like this, come to be a bodyguard

But he is a qualified assistant, no matter what he thinks in his heart, his face is still polite, and he gestured: "Please."

Lu Rong forced himself to calm down and followed Xiao Chu into the house.

Xiao Chu pointed to the stool in the middle of the room and said, "Please sit down."

Lu Rong stood there without moving, just staring blankly at the person behind the desk looking down at his phone.

Xiao Chu coughed, raised his voice and said, "Sir, please sit down."

"... Oh." Lu Rong walked around to the chair and sat down, holding his backpack tightly.

Xiao Chu took out the paper full of questions and began to ask, "Excuse me, what is your name, sir? Which security company are you from?"

Shen Jize lowered his head and pressed the phone, Lu Rong could see his slightly frowning brows and drooping eyelids. Sunlight poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows on one side, and with the high bridge of the nose as the boundary, it divided his face into light and dark.

This kind of Shen Jize made Lu Rong both familiar and unfamiliar. He suddenly lost the courage to call his brother regardless, and only moved his lower lip silently.

Shen Jize adjusted his posture at this moment and leaned back on the back of the chair. He was still staring at the phone, only showing his perfectly lined chin and lips.

"Sir, sir." Xiao Chu raised his voice.

Lu Rong came back to his senses in a daze, looked away from Shen Jize, and looked at Xiao Chu.

Xiao Chu noticed that the candidate was a little abnormal, so he reminded vigilantly: "Sir, An is chatting with Director Wang about a new drama, and I will ask questions during the interview."

Lu Rong gave a perfunctory oh, nodded, and then turned to look at Shen Jize.

Xiao Chu: ...

He cleared his throat, intending to draw the respondent's attention: "Sir, I don't have your information here. What's your name? Which security company are you from?"

Lu Rong took a deep breath, his fingers turning white as he hugged the backpack. He stared at Shen Jize, summoned up all his courage, and replied in a clear but trembling voice: "My name is Lu Rong, Furry."

Shen Jize's finger was sliding quickly on the phone screen, but when Lu Rong finished speaking, the finger stopped suddenly.

"When I was a child, I lived in Longtan Village on Longtan Mountain, and lived with my grandfather. By the way, there is also a big yellow dog named Xiaogou. There is a small river on the right side of our village, and there is a small temple in the back mountain. There is also a sanatorium nearby. center-"

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Lu, you just need to say your name." Xiao Chu said.

Lu Rong didn't stop, but instead sped up his speech, because he was so excited that his voice was crying. He also let go of the backpack with one hand, and scratched the chair under him involuntarily.

"I also have an older brother who is very, very nice. He once told me one summer that he would come to see me during the winter vacation and told me not to forget him. I haven't forgotten him, not even a day..."

prick prick prick...

Shen Jize kept the original posture like a stone sculpture, but his hand trembled suddenly, and he didn't know what button he pressed. A clear female voice sounded from the phone: "unbelievable."

Xiao Chu: ...Xiao Xiao Le, you have been exposed, my brother.