His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 46


Once entering the teaching building, the light dimmed instantly, as if there was a thick curtain covering the whole building tightly, separating it into two worlds from the outside. The eyes suddenly went from the light to the darkness, and they couldn't see anything for a while.

However, this dividing line was like an invisible wall, which also blocked the carrion corpses. They lingered outside the building without chasing them in.

Shen Jize wanted to find out the phone's light, and touched his trouser pocket, which was empty.

"Have you brought your mobile phone?" He asked Lu Rong.

Lu Rong shook his head: "I put my phone next to my pillow when I was sleeping, so I couldn't bring it in."

Shen Jize sighed: "It seems that in the future, I will also carry a miniature flashlight with me when I sleep, so as not to encounter this kind of thing again."

While speaking, his eyes had adapted to the darkness, and he could gradually see the outline of objects in front of him. Shen Jize took Lu Rong's hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the top floor."

The two went up the stairs, and the surrounding was very quiet, only hearing each other's light breathing and rustling footsteps.

Shen Jize was startled when he reached the second floor, and stopped. Lu Rong followed his line of sight and found that there were stars hanging in the sky outside the long passage on the second floor.

"Why is it night again?"

Lu Rong poked his head out from the passage balcony to look at the carrion downstairs, but the playground was empty, with neither carrion nor fog. In addition to being empty, just like every ordinary campus night, the playground is flat and clean, and the trees sway slightly in the wind, casting mottled shadows.

Shen Jize lowered his head and said in thought: "The campus we were in just now should be a big illusion, and there is a deeper illusion in it, which is this teaching building. From this point of view, the way out is in this building, which should be that building. An extra water room out of thin air.”

The two walked up slowly, vigilant and careful. When we reached the corner on the second floor, there was a sudden noise in the silence, like glass breaking and cracks, or like snow falling down tree branches in the middle of the night.

It's slight, but it can't be ignored.

Shen Jize made a gesture to Lu Rong not to move, clenched the baseball bat in his hand, and took a tentative step.

But just when he took two more steps up, there was a loud bang like thunder, and his feet moved instantly, and he almost couldn't stand still.

All the changes happened in an instant, and the whole building was like a collapsed building block, falling apart without any warning. But those separated walls and cement boards did not fall to the ground, but just flew up out of thin air as if they had lost the gravity of the earth.

In a hurry, Lu Rong staggered twice. After he stood firmly, he found that he was only stepping on a one-meter-square cement slab, and there were broken walls on his head and around him, like meteorites rolling and flying.

There was the whistling of the wind in my ears, as well as the vigorous impact of building fragments meeting each other. Lu Rong looked directly below in astonishment, there was no longer the ground, but a vast void that could not be seen to the bottom.

He looked around, searching for Shen Jize among the floating cement blocks. A broken table leg rushed towards him in a circle, he leaned over hastily, and the table leg flew away against his scalp again.

"Brother, brother." He yelled anxiously.

Shen Jize was standing on the stairs just now. I don't know if he stood still when the building split, and if there was any accident when he fell down.

He reached out to catch a boomerang-like blackboard eraser, and then threw it away. The blackboard eraser continued to fly forward whistling.

He looked for Shen Jize's figure among the tumbling rubble in mid-air. But there were large and small floating cement blocks in all directions, and no one could be seen at all.

Can't wait any longer.

Lu Rong suppressed his panic and disappeared from the concrete slab he was standing on, leaving a white deer in place.

The white deer looked around, and his eyes fell on a large stone in front of him.

The stone was tens of meters away from him, and it was obviously a fragment of a classroom. There was also a brown-red door frame attached to it, but the door panel didn't know where it went.

The white deer jumped up suddenly, with its front hooves pressed tightly to its belly, and its hind hooves stretched out. The red light appeared on its slender and powerful legs, and the silver horns dragged out an undulating light band in the air.

Lu Rong landed firmly on the cement block, and then jumped to another block. Using those floating concrete blocks as a foothold, he soared through the night sky, anxiously looking for Shen Jize.

Wood fragments and books of different sizes flew all over the sky, and because of their extremely fast speed, all of them were full of lethality like hidden weapons. While looking for further cement blocks to stand on, he had to beware of those floating objects.

In front of the left is a large flat rectangular piece of mud, flying steadily in the air, and the upward side is inlaid with milky white tiles, like a podium.

Lu Rong looked at the podium, and was about to jump up with his two front hooves grasping the ground, when a small black shadow struck in front of his eyes.

He tilted his head to the side, and a black shadow passed in front of his eyes. In the blink of an eye, I saw that it was a flat green stone. But unlike the rough mudstone, the surface is very smooth, with a soft light. There is a thin rope attached to the back, which looks like a jade pendant.

He didn't see that Shen Jize was wearing the jade pendant, he was only puzzled for a moment, then put it aside, turned around and leaped towards the podium.

Huge building fragments are floating in the void, like a group of stars. Looking around, you can see these cement blocks everywhere, rotating clockwise along the trajectory, forming a small galaxy by itself.

Lu Rong couldn't see Shen Jize all the time, his front hooves were anxiously pawing the ground, and the raised sand was instantly swept away by the wind. The black nose also breathed out air, forming a white mist in the cold night.

Because he jumped too many times, and he chose a far foothold, his legs were a little weak and weak.

He looked to the other side of the distant "galaxy", and decided to look there again. Maybe the staircase that Shen Jize was stepping on had already floated to the opposite side.

There is a concrete block directly in front of it, but it is a little far away. Lu Rong judged the distance and felt that it would be great if there was some kind of support point in the middle.

Coincidentally, a one-meter-square cement slab slowly floated over, right across between him and the target cement block.

Lu Rong moved his hooves and began to prepare for the jump.




After counting three words, he stood still and did not move, but his legs bent slightly. Because when he was about to jump up, the cement slab turned half a circle, facing his direction, and came face to face.

It was a white door frame, the door leaf was gone, revealing the small compartment inside. There was a toilet in the cubicle, and Shen Jize, who he was looking for, was sitting on the toilet.

The eyes of one person and one deer met each other, and they were stunned for a moment. It was Shen Jize who reacted first, stood up from the toilet quickly, and called out with wide eyes: "Xiaobai."

Lu Rong was so excited that his ears pricked up, and the little tail attached to his buttocks kept trembling. He wanted to call his brother, but he opened his mouth. Realizing that he was still in the shape of a deer, he quickly covered his mouth with his front hoof.

The white deer showed an expression and movement that didn't belong to an animal again, but Shen Jize was used to it, and there was no disturbance in his heart, so he didn't think it was strange.

"Warrior Lu, should I come over, or you?" Shen Jize asked with his hands around his mouth.

He knew that Xiaobai liked this title very much.

When Lu Rong was a child, he liked to hear Shen Jize call himself Deer Warrior, but now that he is a National People's Congress, he just feels ashamed after hearing this name, and the skin under the white hair is pink.

He didn't let Shen Jize continue to question, and jumped towards his place without hesitation.

"I'm narrow here, I'll go through—" Seeing that the white deer had already flown over, Shen Jize swallowed the rest of his words, there was no way to avoid it in a hurry, so he had to stand on the toilet seat behind him.

As soon as Lu Rong stepped on the ground, he felt that the place was too small. His front hoof stepped on the tiles, but the back hoof was still hanging in the air, so the four hooves squeezed together and huddled together.

"Deer warrior, your horn, please move your horn." Shen Jize moved the small silver coral tree against his chest with his hand.

Lu Rong raised his eyes, but found a mass of blackness, and what was close at hand was a patch of firm skin. The warm body temperature enveloped his face, and he leaned closer to touch it. The person in front of him was shocked by his cold black nose, and couldn't help shaking.

"Warrior Deer, your head got into my clothes, you lower your head first, wait for me to take off the clothes first."

Shen Jize struggled to take his T-shirt off the white deer's horns.

This compartment was not that big, not to mention that there was a piece of soil missing from the front door. Lu Rong could only shrink his neck and slowly turn the four hooves that were pinched together so that his head was facing Shen Jize's side.

The two stood staggered, and finally stuck together and stood together, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Did you see anyone else? My brother got separated, and I searched for many stones but couldn't find him." Shen Jize looked at the floating stones outside, and his voice was a little anxious: "When the building was split just now, I saw him I didn't fall down, but I just don't know which direction to float now."

Lu Rong nodded first, then shook his head, the silver horn on his head brushed against the wooden partition, making a sizzling sound, he shrank his neck a little embarrassed.

Shen Jize asked, "Then did you see him?"

Lu Rong hesitated, but hearing his anxious voice, finally nodded.

"Then where did you see him?"

Shen Jize turned his body to look at the deer's head, but couldn't see his expression, and said, "Turn around and show me his location, these mudstones are moving forward at a uniform speed, so it's not difficult to find them. "

Lu Rong had no choice but to turn his four hooves finely, slowly moving his head outwards and his buttocks inwards. But this posture allows his head to stick out, so it's not so crowded.

He raised a hoof tremblingly, ready to point at any place, when Shen Jize said: "As long as I know the approximate location, I can go out and find him."

Lu Rong knew that he was no better than himself, he could leap over those rocks, and it was very difficult to find someone. So he hesitated to put down the hoof that had just been raised, and only lowered his head and swung it left and right.

Seeing him shaking his head and nodding, Shen Jize thought that although he was very human, he was still just a deer after all, and he might not understand some words. So I didn't say anything to blame, I just sighed and said: "Then let me go, I'm going to go out now."

Lu Rong suddenly turned his head to look at him.

"I've recovered my strength now, and I'm going to find my younger brother." Shen Jize explained.

Lu Rong didn't know how to stop him, and he couldn't reveal that he was the person he was looking for, so he stamped his hoof in frustration.

Seeing that he was blocking him, Shen Jize had no choice but to jump out, but at this moment, his face suddenly felt numb, as if countless bugs were crawling. At the same time, the hair on the white deer in front of him also exploded, like a big fluffy white dumpling.

Lu Rong also felt numb all over his body.

He was a little flustered, thinking of those animals that don't repel insects, fleas will grow on them after a long time. He didn't think of himself as an animal at all, so he never dewormed outside the body. Could it be that he also had worms

After the matter is over, do you want to buy some external deworming medicine for cats and dogs online? My brother is standing right behind him, will he see the bugs

He turned his head nervously, trying to see if Shen Jize was observing him, but was surprised to find that his hair was standing upright, like a bulging mushroom cloud, which couldn't be achieved by spraying a few bottles of styling hair spray.

But at this moment, he was looking into the distance with deep eyes, his handsome face was full of composure, and he was still handsome even under a mushroom cloud.

When Lu Rong looked back, he was shocked to find that he was also bloated, and the whole deer had gained a lot of weight. He suddenly realized that it was not a bug, but an electric current.

Oops! There is a lightning strike!

As soon as this thought flashed through Shen Jize's mind, the world instantly became dazzlingly bright and pale. The eyes were irritated to the point of blindness for a moment, and countless small black spots flew around on the retina.


A cement block the size of a bathroom in front of it was hit by a thick branch-like current, and it was instantly torn apart and splashed.

"Cover your ears." Shen Jize yelled at Bailu, and covered his ears with his hands.

Lu Rong also reacted, and quickly sat down on the ground, covering his ears with his two front hooves. After covering for a while, he realized that the ears were not on the sides of the head, and quickly stretched out to the top of the head, covering the two erected ears, and covering the ear holes tightly.

A burst of thunder exploded, and even if the two of them covered their ears, it was as if cymbals were beating heavily in their ears. At that moment, their minds were buzzing, and they couldn't hear other sounds.

Shen Jize looked up at the sky, and saw billowing black clouds above his head, like surging waves forming a huge vortex, in which electric currents flashed faintly, as close as if they were within reach.

There were even bigger lightning strikes.

He made a quick decision and grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it hard.

No tugging.

Try harder.

The T-shirts were pulled and deformed, but there was still no crack.

He was only annoyed that the quality of the T-shirt was too good, and it was the first time he was dissatisfied with the brand he was used to wearing.

Lu Rong just turned his head to see this scene, quickly turned his four hooves, turned to Shen Jize like a millstone, lowered his head and showed two horns.

Shen Jize looked at the tip of the silver horn, understood what he meant, took off the T-shirt, and tensed his hands. Lu Rong poked the T-shirt with the tip of his horn, like piercing thin paper, pierced a hole without any hindrance, and with another stroke, pulled off a strand of fabric.

Shen Jize rolled up the piece of cloth, took one of Bailu's ears, and stuffed it into the ear hole. In the same way, he tore off three strands of cloth, and plugged the remaining ear of the white deer and his own ear.

Another bolt of lightning fell, and a nearby stone was hit. Even if the ears were plugged, a violent explosion could be heard.

Shen Jize looked up at the sky, the black clouds were heavy, and a huge vortex was rotating in the opposite direction to the rocks below. It only took a few seconds to look at it before he felt a little dizzy. Lightning is gaining momentum.

At first he was anxious to find Lu Rong, but now he is not in a panic. The lightning is obviously aimed at him. If Lu Rong is found now, it will bring him into danger.

The tingling feeling appeared on his face again, and his plugged ears began to buzz. He knew that the lightning was about to strike down.

"Run." As soon as the words fell, he jumped out facing a floating concrete block in front of him.

The cement block is more than ten meters away from here, and he is not sure that he will be able to jump on it, but the lightning in the vortex is about to strike down, and the compartment where he and the white deer are standing will be shattered at any moment. There is no other choice.

There was a vast void under his feet, and the wind was whistling in his ears. Shen Jize stared at the cement block, watched it getting closer and closer to him, and calculated the distance in his heart.

But when there were still five or six meters away, his forward momentum began to slow down, and he finally sank. At that moment, he could only watch the cement block go away, but he fell into the bottomless abyss.

The world seemed to be frozen and silent, only his violent heartbeat and panting remained.

Plop, plop.

Large walls, broken homework books, open markers, and half a blackboard became the last sights in his eyes.

soft and thick…

While Shen Jize was falling, his lips moved slightly.

At this moment, a smear of whiteness broke into his stagnant vision, which was bright and dazzling, making the grayed-out picture instantly alive, the stopped world moved again, and the sound filled his ears again.


Shen Jize was falling, his eyes gleaming with hope.

Lu Rong dived straight at Shen Jize, like a bullet erupting. He didn't have time to dodge the tiny floating objects in the air, and let them hit him, only seeing the falling person.

The lightning struck down, illuminating the whole world as dazzling as a nuclear bomb explosion, making him blind for a moment. Something was hit nearby, and fragments flew all over him, but he felt no pain. Only in the white field of vision, follow the direction and continue to rush forward.

Shen Jize continued to fall, and below that was the last layer of floating objects. Unlike the large cement slab above, these floating objects were fragmented and dense. If he fell, he would be smashed to pieces in an instant.

Even if he can pass through those gaps, there will be a vast void below, and there will be no more footholds, and he will disappear in that nothingness from then on.

Lu Rong tried his best to go down quickly, the red stripes on the hooves protruded like flames, and the silver horns pulled out a long strip of light.

Getting closer, getting closer... Finally, before approaching the bottom floating object, he caught up with Shen Jize and grabbed his sweatpants.

Chi la! The sweatpants were instantly torn in half.

Fortunately, Shen Jize's whereabouts were also stagnant, so Lu Rong took the opportunity to get under him and firmly supported him with his back.