His Little Deer Wife is Very Fierce

Chapter 53


Shen Jize held Lu Rong with his left hand, straightened the collar of his twisted pajamas with his right hand, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the kitchen."

Although the living room is large, there are only a few items, and no sudden addition of furniture items was found.

As soon as the two stepped up, the lights above their heads dimmed, as if they were covered in a haze.

Shen Jize had a premonition that something was wrong, immediately took Lu Rong into his arms, and looked around vigilantly.

There seemed to be many particles quietly gathering in the air, gradually forming black smoke, twisting and winding like a poisonous snake. Everything is the same as when the shadows appeared just now, except that there are more of them now, covering the entire living room.

In just a few seconds, black smoke had already condensed into people, all dressed in long robes from head to toe, with pale and ferocious faces, twisting their stiff bodies, making crisp cracking sounds of bones.

Shen Jize backed away slowly with Lu Rong in his arms, his face full of vigilance. He was able to protect himself, but he was afraid that Lu Rong would be by his side, if he couldn't take care of him, he might be injured.

After a few twists and turns, the black shadows seemed to get used to this body, and their movements became flexible. Just when Shen Jize was about to turn around and run with Lu Rong, a scream came from the entrance not far away. Then, a figure emerged from under the shoe cabinet, and quickly galloped towards the two of them.

Shen Jize sharply pointed the toothpick in that direction, but he didn't want the figure to run and shout: "Help, there is a ghost, help..."

Under the light, he was wearing a blue uniform of a community cleaner and a peaked cap, screaming in panic, clearly a living person.

"Where did he come from?" Lu Rong couldn't help being surprised.

Shen Jize was also shocked, but he didn't have time to react to the cleaner, because the black-robed ghost in front of him had already rushed over aggressively. He quickly turned around, pulled Lu Rong and ran towards the kitchen.

All kinds of strange noises resounded from the whole house, some were screaming and screaming, some were rustling like whispers, and the cleaner's heart-piercing cry for help was mixed in between.

Lu Rong could only turn around and shout while running: "Hurry up, rush up, hurry up."

Because of the desire to survive, the cleaner also showed his life potential, running as if he was about to fly, and finally caught up with Lu Rong and the other two.

The three of them ran across the dining table and the small bar, but they couldn't keep up with the erratic speed of the black-robed ghost, and gradually drew closer.

A few tens of meters away is a row of smooth cabinets, but the sides of the cabinets are designed with lines, and the cabinets are distributed with irregular depressions.

"Rongrong, you climb up along those patterns." Shen Jize shouted to Lu Rong while running.

"What about you?" Lu Rong asked.

Shen Jize didn't answer, and dragged him to a dash. Before those black-robed ghosts arrived, he rushed to the side of the cabinet, picked him up and pushed him up.

"Quick, climb up first."

Lu Rong turned his head to look down, and asked anxiously, "What about you?"

"I'll block it first, and I'll come up right away."

The cleaner also ran over, but was blocked by Lu Rong. "Get out of the way." Panting, he pushed Shen Jize aside.

Shen Jize was still supporting Lu Rong, but was pushed to the side and staggered two steps, Lu Rong also fell into his arms.

The cleaner didn't even look at the two of them, and quickly climbed up the cabinet by stepping on the sunken lines.

Shen Jize couldn't care less about arguing with him, because at this moment, several black-robed ghosts rushing forward had already arrived.

He grabbed the wooden stick in his hand and stabbed straight at the one who was rushing forward. With a muffled splash, the sharp tip of the wooden stick sank into the ghost's chest.

He quickly raised his hand, and the wooden stick pierced the black-robed ghost's chest, and the ghost instantly dissipated into a black mist, leaving only a few drops of viscous black liquid, leaving a small puddle on the ground.

Swish Swish Swish.

He waved the wooden stick in his hand and stabbed several other black-robed ghosts respectively. Black mist continued to pour out, and those ghosts screamed and turned into black water.

"Go, go quickly." Shen Jize blocked the front with a wooden stick, and ordered Lu Rong beside him sharply.

Lu Rong originally thought that he could not hurt these ghosts, but seeing that he was able to kill them like melons and vegetables, he climbed up to the cabinet next to him without further delay.

He just kept an eye on Shen Jize's situation while crawling, and if he was in danger, he would immediately jump down to help.

Seeing more ghosts in black robes coming, Shen Jize stabbed the first two, then quickly turned around and climbed up behind Lu Rong. Although the black-robed ghosts moved quickly, their bodies were obviously stiff, and they couldn't follow them up. They could only hiss and scream around the bottom.

Lu Rong turned over to the cooking table on top of the cabinet, then turned around and pulled Shen Jize up.

"Don't be afraid, they won't come up for the time being." Shen Jize wiped the sweat from his forehead and said out of breath.

Lu Rong stared at him with bright eyes and said, "Brother, you are so powerful, how could you kill those ghosts?"

He remembered that when he was a child, Shen Jize's attacks had little effect on the ghosts in the illusion.

Shen Jize smiled bitterly: "Maybe because this is my illusion, so my attack is effective against them. Otherwise, I would have died in it countless times over the years."

Lu Rong's heart trembled when he heard this, and he hugged Shen Jize's waist tightly.

Sensing his worry, Shen Jize patted him on the back reassuringly: "It's okay, don't you think I'm fine?"

Shen Jize coaxed Lu Rong well, and when he looked up, he saw the cleaner who climbed up first, standing next to a silver seasoning bottle twice his size, looking at the two men with a sullen face. But the moment their eyes met, they turned away in panic.

Shen Jize's eyes sank when he remembered his action of pushing him away just now. And as a community cleaner, why did he appear in his home

He took two steps toward the cleaner, and the man shrank back, hiding himself behind the spice bottle.

This silver seasoning bottle was round, and if he ran around it, he believed that Shen Jize would not be able to catch him.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in my house?" Shen Jize stopped and asked in a cold voice instead of chasing him.

The cleaner looked at him from the side of the bottle, with only a pair of eyes showing. His eyes were ruthless, hiding a flash of madness.

Shen Jize narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said sharply: "You are not the cleaner, you are the one who followed me and sent me things!"

The cleaner didn't hide his identity after being found out, he just gritted his teeth and said, "You're right, I'm the one who wants to clean you up."

"Do I know you? Have I dealt with you before?" Shen Jize looked at him, but he couldn't find any information about this person in his memory, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

The cleaner replied with resentment on his face: "You want to snatch the role that should belong to Chen Yu. Since he can't protect himself, then I will clear up the garbage that hinders him for him."

"Chen Yu... Who is Chen Yu?" Shen Jize's eyes were filled with confusion.

Some time ago, Lu Rong paid special attention to entertainment news. He was very familiar with this name that frequently appeared in the entertainment section and was said to be on par with Shen Jize, so he tugged at the corner of his clothes beside him: "Maybe he has acted in "Secret Killing" and "Hunt for Nia." "Actor."

Shen Jize looked at him with a complicated expression: "Do you still care about other actors? Do you even remember what you have acted so clearly?"

"No, I was looking for news about you, and I saw it by accident." Lu Rong decisively denied, "How could I care about other irrelevant people? Besides, I don't like his award-winning "Secret Killing" either." , the appearance is not as handsome as in "Under the Storm" in which he played a supporting role... "

Just when Shen Jize's face gradually became uneasy, and he showed a jealous husband's expression when he heard his wife praise his work colleagues, Lu Rong made a ding in his head, and hurriedly said: "I only noticed him when he was always comparing the two of you." Don't worry, brother, he is no match for you."

Just as Shen Jize wanted to say that he had nothing to worry about, he heard the cleaner yelling in the distance: "Fart, he can't even compare to Chen Yu's toes, it all depends on one face, except for that face, what else can he do?" neither."

"You just let it go—Chen Yu can't even compare to my brother's hair, and he doesn't even have a face." Lu Rong also yelled back with a flushed face, ignoring the praise he was handsome just now.

After thinking for a while, Shen Jize suddenly realized: "So you are Chen Yu's fan, and you have always wanted to deal with me. Tonight, you sneaked into my house, and you were also brought into the illusion."

"I don't care about illusions or not. Anyway, if you threaten Chen Yu, I will not allow your existence." The cleaner's expression became more and more excited, and his eyes were full of madness.

"You dare to threaten my brother, and I will not allow you to exist!" Lu Rong also scolded as a crazy fan.

Shen Jize sneered: "Do you think you still have a chance?"

The cleaner was taken aback for a moment, and realized that he was telling the truth. I don't know what the hell this place is, but hearing An say it's an illusion, it means that they can still get out after all. Moreover, he has already seen his appearance clearly, and it will be a matter of time before he gets caught after going out.

He bowed his head in silence for a while, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. When he raised his head again, he saw the wooden stick in Shen Jize's hand, and suddenly roared and rushed over.

As a result, before he could take two steps, he was held back by a hand behind him. Immediately afterwards, the waist tightened, and the legs flew into the air. Before he could realize what was going on, he was thrown on his head and feet. At the same time, his eyes went dark, and something on the top made a loud bang.

Lu Rong appeared panting at the spot where the cleaner was standing just now, and showed a big smile at Shen Jize.

Just now, while the two were talking, he quickly walked around behind the cleaner from the other side of the bottle, pushed him into the bottle, and then jumped up to close the opened bottle cap.

Shen Jize was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "This is filled with pepper."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard continuous sneezing and loud curses coming from the seasoning bottle.

"You guys... achoo... let me out... I want... achoo... to kill you."

Lu Rong trotted up to Shen Jize, just like when he was a child, he put his arms around his waist, raised his head, looked at him with bright eyes, and asked for praise.

Shen Jize smiled and pecked his lips: "My wife is amazing."

This is the first time he has used this title since the two met. When Lu Rong was a child, he didn't listen to anything, but now he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He buried his face in Shen Jize's chest, rubbed against each other, twisted his body and did not speak.

Shen Jize knew that he was being shy, but he said it again on purpose: "Honey, you were really good just now."

Lu Rong hesitated and didn't know what he was responding to, Shen Jize lowered his head to listen. When his gaze swept across the front, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his muscles tensed up. He reached out to wrap Lu Rong's shoulders, and led him back a few steps.

Sensing the danger, Lu Rong raised his head quickly, turned around following Shen Jize's line of sight, and saw those distorted black mist in the air just behind him.

The black mist condensed into shape extremely quickly, and a dozen ghosts in black robes appeared on the cooking table, their faces covered with bruises and blood vessels, and their pale eyes stared at the two of them.

Shen Jize put the toothpick that never left his hand across his chest, and whispered to Lu Rong: "Go behind me."

Lu Rong hesitated, but still stood behind Shen Jize.

A black-robed ghost in the middle suddenly let out a shriek, and fangs were exposed in the rotten black mouth, with sticky liquid attached to it. Before Lu Rong had time to get sick, all the black-robed ghosts moved at the sound and rushed towards him.

Shen Jize danced a toothpick vigorously, aiming at the black-robed ghost in the front and stabbing it. This black-robed ghost was obviously more flexible than the one he met just now, he disappeared from the spot in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Shen Jize.

Lu Rong was frightened suddenly, and almost turned into a deer to stand in front of Shen Jize at that moment. But Shen Jize moved equally quickly, dodging the sharp claws sideways, sent the wooden stick forward, and pierced the black-robed ghost's chest.

With a heart-piercing scream, the stabbed black-robed ghost turned into dust and mist. Shen Jize didn't froze at all, and swung the wooden stick to stab another one.

Lu Rong wanted to help, but he couldn't turn into a white deer, so he looked around anxiously, and also wanted to find a handy weapon like a toothpick.

But apart from the huge pots and pans on the cooking table, there is a spatula several meters long, which cannot be moved no matter what.

While paying attention to Shen Jize's movement, he tried to climb up the knife holder. There is a disinfection cupboard on it. See if you can open the door and drag a stainless steel fork out from inside.

This is a set of brand-name knives made in Germany. The bright blades protrude from the gaps in the knife holder, shining sharply. The knife handle exposed outside the knife holder has concave and convex lines on it, which can be climbed up just along the way.

Although Shen Jize was surrounded by a group of black-robed ghosts, he was always paying attention to Lu Rong's situation. As long as anyone wanted to go to Lu Rong's side, he would immediately dodge to block him, and even greeted him desperately with a toothpick.

But even though he was very brave, poking, hacking, stabbing, and wielding a toothpick like a spear, he was quite struggling to resist being entangled by so many evil spirits.

A black-robed ghost looked at the sky, and rushed towards Lu Rong with a hiss. Just as Shen Jize chopped off a claw that was grabbing at his neck, he glimpsed this scene from the corner of his eye. He was just about to block it, but there was another black-robed ghost in front of him, pounced forward with a deep black and rotten mouth.

Shen Jize turned the end of the toothpick and stabbed it back, pulled it out after hearing a pounce, and chased after the black-robed ghost that was pounced on Lu Rong without looking at it.

Lu Rong was clutching the handle of a small sharp knife and climbing up when he saw the black-robed ghost rushing towards him, followed by Shen Jize who was relentlessly chasing him.

"Leave me alone, you pay attention-"

Lu Rong opened his eyes wide before he could finish his hasty words. He saw two black-robed ghosts already pounced on Shen Jize in the air, showing their thin and sharp claws in mid-air, and the long nails on them were black and hard.

And Shen Jize only stared at the one in front of him, and didn't care about what was behind him at all. He only reacted when he saw Lu Rong's face change dramatically, showing panic.

But it was too late at this moment, at this moment, he felt a chill from the man in black robe behind him, the smell of corruption and festering was inside, and he also felt goosebumps on the back of his neck, which was in danger of being fatal is approaching.

Just when Shen Jize gritted his teeth and was about to take the blow, Lu Rong suddenly disappeared from the knife handle lying on his stomach in his vision.

Before he could be startled, he saw a beautiful and familiar white deer appearing at the spot where Lu Rong disappeared.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment. In Shen Jize's dilated pupils, he saw the white deer leaping up lightly. The fur on its body was like soft white satin under the light. With the movement, the red lines on the slender legs changed slightly , also emits a dazzling red light.

The white deer flew over his head, and he could feel the wind brushing against his cheeks, his eyes were shone with red light, and he closed them at that moment.

At the same time, behind him came the muffled sound of the black-robed ghost being hit by a hoof, followed by the sound of exploding into smoke in the air.

Shen Jize stood there without moving, listening to the screams of the black-robed ghost and the plopping sound of the connection.

Lu Rong jumped back and forth on the cooking table, moving swiftly among those black-robed ghosts.

He spotted the black-robed ghost in the middle, and recognized that it was the one that appeared first in the passage. He was also giving the order just now, so it should be the leader of this group of evil spirits.

He didn't care about the evil ghosts rushing up one after another, he just chased after the one, and after hitting it with a hoof, he went up into the air and hit his chest with his horn.

The black-robed ghost scratched in the air with both hands in vain, screaming piercingly, with a face full of resentment and unwillingness, and finally turned into a cloud of black mist. And other evil spirits also scattered in the air following his demise.

The layer of haze that blocked the lights disappeared, and the ubiquitous stench and coldness in the house were replaced by fresh air. Lu Rong ran around the cooking table again to make sure that there were no more evil spirits in the house, and then turned to look at Shen Jize.

Shen Jize has turned around and is looking at him with an unfathomable expression. Just as Lu Rong was about to go up to him, she threw herself into his arms to act like a spoiled child, when she saw her own reflection on the cooking table.

It's over.

Turned into a deer in front of my brother.