His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 110: Section 131


Follow me to Grand Master and Cao Junshi! "

"What's the matter?" Yuli also stepped out of surprise and asked.

Hongxu kept him by his side, and pulled over the horses brought by the guards and urged in a deep voice: "Someone has attacked the camp. Leave so many for now, get on the horse!".

Yuli was startled, but she stopped talking, and immediately turned on her horse obediently.

There was a hustle and bustle over the camp, and the shouts of soldiers and the collision of weapons were particularly conspicuous. Hongxu also stepped up behind Yuli and 20 or so guards guarded him and ran towards the direction of the army.

With a loud noise, the road in front suddenly rolled down a huge boulder, which not only smashed the ground into a large hole about ten feet wide, but also blocked it in the middle of the road. At the moment when everyone was astonished, they suddenly heard another "crashing" sound. When they looked up, countless stones of various sizes were rolled down on the mountains beside the road.

The moment Hongxu hit the boulder, he immediately reined in the reins and quickly turned the horse's head. He leaned down and wrapped Yuli tightly in his arms, and shouted, "Retreat now!"

Some guards who were not in a hurry to dodge the stones had already ordered the stones to drop the horses, and the stones that fell one after the other, the slightest mistake would lead to bloodshed and death! Although the situation is very thrilling, but Yuli's heart is very scared. The strong heartbeat and warm heat are transmitted from the X_io_ng tightly behind, this person who has caged himself under him, Give him a full sense of security.

When Hongxu completely broke out of the danger zone, there were very few guards behind him! Hongxu was very annoyed, he lowered his head and questioned as he beat his horse, "Why are the secret guards I left behind not by your side? If I wasn't there today, do you think he could survive by the people behind him?" "

Yuli turned her head and saw Hongxu staring at herself with a fierce face, "Um... I... I think they are very good, just to protect me seems a bit overkill, and there are many guards around me, so... so… "

"It's a nonsense!" Hongxu scolded, his face even more ugly, "Is it wrong to protect you? They are all secret guards from a hundred in my hand, how can they be comparable to ordinary guards. Their main task is to protect the safety of the master. It's not for you to do all those miscellaneous affairs. If you don't act arbitrarily for me, you will be knocked out and taken away immediately, and you will never care about Beiling's bad things in the future!"

Yu Li was wronged, "How can you do this!"

"Shut up! Get down!" Hong Xu pressed his head and said.

Yuli had to hug the horse's neck and dare not say anything!

"Is there still a way to the army?" Hong Xu asked the guard behind him with a calm face.

"Only that one!" A guard who urged the horse to catch up quickly replied. As soon as the words fell silent, they were suddenly dismounted by an arrow Sh_e flying from nowhere.

It turns out that the chasing soldiers are coming!

"Swish" again sent Sh_e arrows at them. Several guards immediately drew their swords to resist, Hongxu kept them from breaking and clasping Yuli's horse and running forward.

Yuli couldn't open her eyes because of the whirring mountain wind, and she didn't know which direction they were running now. The horseshoes of the chasing soldiers faintly hovered in the rear. Yu Li turned her head and saw a small group of horses chasing behind them with their bows. From time to time, one or two arrows fell beside the horses.

"What to do?" Yu Li asked impatiently.

"Baby, hold on to the reins and continue running, I'll take care of this bunch of ants first!" Hongxu suddenly said with a dumb voice in his ear, and put the reins in his hands.

Before Yu Li had time to speak, Hong Xu flew away from the horse. The horses ran, and gradually they couldn't hear the fighting and screams behind them. But there was a chill in my heart, and the faint anxiety seemed to indicate some ominousness!

With a sorrowful horse hiss, the running horse was suddenly cut off the front hooves by a broad knife, and the horse fell down. Yu Li exclaimed, her body had been thrown out of her horse, and she fell on the grass and rolled several times. There was a sharp pain in her left foot, her forehead was torn, and her palms were wiped bloody! Yuli reluctantly turned over and sat up, and suddenly realized that there was a cold sword in front of him. A group of more than a hundred enemy soldiers had surrounded him.

"Isn't this the third prince of Beiling? Tsk tsk! It's really right to stay here, look, wait until the big fish!" The soldier with the knife said triumphantly.

"The general has an order, if it is

Others can be escorted back to the barracks first, if it is the third prince... Fa-rectification on the spot! "The other soldier said.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it!" said another soldier.

"Third princes, blame you for your bad life!" The soldier with the knife grinned and said, raising the sword to pierce Yuli's X_io_ng.

At this moment, suddenly black clouds pressed on the top, the mountain breeze was violent, and the sand and dust in the curls made people unable to open their eyes. A loud and deafening sound rang out. Everyone looked up in horror, but their vision was dark. After a pain, he was slammed into the air by a strange force and then fell down severely!

After the terrible screams, the arrogant enemy soldiers have now been chopped down to the ground like a sickle, cutting wheat stubble! Yu Li removed his sleeves in surprise, and what fell in his field of vision was a huge black beast that looked like a dragon's head and an eagle.

"Gah—" The giant beast gently thumped its Dao Jin wings toward Yuli with a whisper as if asking for credit. "... Lin, Linlong?" It took a long time to find his own voice.

"Hiss—" There was a horse hiss in the rear, and the hoofs of the "dede" slowly walked closer. Yuli only felt lighter, and the back collar was bitten and lifted. The horses turned and placed him behind it.

Yuli let go of her strength and rubbed her face against the horse's neck and muttered, "Quzai... Thank you..."

Then my eyes went dark and I fainted...

Volume Four, The Battle for Hegemony, Chapter 43, Confrontation

When she woke up again, Yuli found that she was already lying on the big bed of the camp, and her injuries had been treated and bandaged. Except for the tingling and a little dry throat, Yuli feels that everything is very good. This sleep is not so much a coma as a restorative sleep. I haven't tried to sleep like this for a long time!

"Finally awake?" A hoarse and low voice suddenly sounded in the ear.

Yuli turned her head and blinked at the handsome face that was only a finger-wide away from her, then raised her hand wrapped like a zongzi and rubbed her opponent's chin, and said dryly, "Beard, stubborn!"

Hongxu held his hand, "You slept for three days..."

"Did you scare you?" Yuli asked with a sullen lips, curling her lips.

"Yes, scared, scared!" A sad look appeared in Hongxu's eyes, both fear and self-blame. "When you are carried back with blood on your face, you know how much I feel in my heart. Fear?"

"... But am I okay now?" Yuli asked We_i with a small smile.

"You are also called okay?" Hongxu suddenly got up and looked straight at Yuli. "There was a big cut on the top of his head, his palms were bloody and bloody, and his ankles were still dislocated. You also called okay?"

"Hongxu..." Yuli stared blankly at the man who described Yi-n with a sullen expression and obviously overreacted!

"However, these are all my faults!" Hongxu suddenly slowed down, with a heavy expression of regret and carefully circled Yuli in his arms, "These are all my faults, baby, I shouldn't leave you alone. I’m putting you at risk. I can’t forgive myself for making such a stupid and unforgivable mistake..."

Yuli was a little bewildered and hugged the man who was deeply self-blaming by her neck, "Hongxu, it's not your fault, don't take everything on yourself! The situation was critical at the time, you were trying to protect me." , And no one knows that there will be an ambush ahead!"

"No, no, no..." At this time, Hongxu lost his usual intake spirit, and the act of shaking his head in muffled denial was like an extremely frustrated down-and-out guy!

Yuli's short beard pierced and itchy, and just about to laugh, he suddenly saw Hongxu's back red, and his heart was shocked, "You are hurt! Why are you hurt? Let me see!"

"It's okay, it's just an arrow, no need to worry!" Hongxu still held him, "Baby don't move, let me hug him again!"

Yuli didn't dare to move, not because of Hongxu's words.