His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 115: Section 137



"Today, no matter which person lies there, as long as it is on our side, I don't want to see him being killed by Mo Huayan." Zili looked straight into Hong Xu's eyes and said.

"... I understand." Long Hongxu breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes softened and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask these questions!"

"I accept your apology, so now you save him!" Seeing that Mo Huayan had already drawn out the long sword, the blood that was brought out quickly dyed his clothes red.

"How is it? Do you still feel painful?" Mo Huayan's eyes were stained with a rosy evil charm from the red blood underneath. He looked at Han Xiaocheng's sweaty face triumphantly, "If it is still It doesn't hurt, why don't you try to blind you one more eye

"Chixiang is already in danger, why does King Chixiang still have such a leisurely sentiment here to perform Xing Xing for pleasure?"

"What do you mean?" Mo Huayan suddenly turned his head and stared fiercely at the speaker dressed as a guard leaning on the column, with an expression of "It's enough if you don't say anything about it".

"Humph." Hong Xu sneered, "If I'm not mistaken, you should have secretly left Chixiang and came to Beiling a month ago, and your 300,000 soldiers had already sneaked in in batches earlier. I am lying in wait outside the capital, waiting for us to snare ourselves."

Mo Huayan stared at him closely. Although his face was calm, the panic flashing through his eyes still could not escape Hong Xu's eyes.

"What does this have to do with my Chixiang facing danger?" Mo Huayan let go of Han Xiaocheng and began to approach Hongxu step by step.

"Haha," Hongxu laughed mockingly, "Did you not satirize An Jinluo's way of King Northern Spirit without knowing it? Why did I get confused when I got there? The elite soldiers left 300,000 and stayed behind. They are all old and weak soldiers, do you think they can resist the invasion of foreign enemies and defend your country?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who has the courage to send troops to Chixiang? The small countries around me are all looking forward to my Chixiang. Looking at the world, the only country that can contend with my Chixiang is Chu Jing..." Mo Huayan finally did not hide it. He scolded in a panic, "Who are you?"

"..." Hongxu looked at him with a sneer.

"No, it's impossible! Why can't I receive any report from the spies if there is an invasion by a foreign enemy? You must be talking nonsense in order to delay the time so that people outside can come to rescue you." Mo Huayan tried to convince himself that things were not as he did. Said, this person is just alarmist and deliberately let him mess up! But the panic in my heart has quickly occupied the entire X_io_ng chamber. He walked quickly in front of Hongxu and stared at him for a while, and suddenly found that there was an indistinguishable fault on the edge of this person's cheek. His face made him take two steps back as if he had seen a ghost, "You... Chu Jing Wang Hongxu..."

This sound made a big pot smashed in the hall. In addition to the secret guards sent by Wei Chen, Liang Zhao and Hongxu, there were two intermediate generals and a small group of more than fifty soldiers. Wei Chen is committed to the task of rescuing the three princes back to China. Naturally, he will also know the relationship between Hongxu and Zili. Liang Zhao had seen the ambiguous behavior between the two when he went to Banzhou to protect Zili last time. He is as smart as he is also natural. Guessing the relationship between them, as for those secret guards, there is no need to say more, so it is no fuss to hear that King Chu Jing is here and can easily become the guards of their Royal Highness. But the rest of the uninformed were extremely surprised and extremely puzzled! Didn’t King Chu Jing lead his troops to fight against Dongzhou? Why did people come here all of a sudden? And what is he doing here? Could it be the same as this King Chixiang discounted the idea of annexing Beiling

When everyone was surprised and suspicious, Hong Xu sneered again and said: "Since I can detect your deployment of troops and generals and leave the palace secretly, naturally there is a way to prevent you from receiving a report from a spy! Now you should Believe that what I said is true! I sent troops to attack Dongzhou, and it was true or false. The truth lies in Dongzhou and I am determined to win. The virtual lies in that I use the attack on Dongzhou as a cover, but in fact it is you Chixiang who increase troops to attack. Now that the army has captured your 23 cities and is now heading all the way north, I believe they will be able to capture your Chixiang Palace soon."

"No!" Mo Huayan yelled angrily, somewhat hysterically.

"If it were me, I would immediately lead the 300,000 army back to China instead of spending time here!" Hong Xu said tepidly

Talking in the wind.

"You, I'm going to kill you—" Mo Huayan's eyes were red, he was completely out of control, just thinking about slashing the majestic man in front of him.

Seeing him stabbing Hongxu X_io_ng with his sword, Zili yelled in horror.

Hongxu's eyes condensed, and before the tip of the sword entered the flesh, he suddenly slapped his palm in front of Mo Huayan's X_io_ng. Mo Huayan flew out like a fire luan with an arrow and knocked down a gilt censer.

When the surrounding people in black saw this, they immediately raised their swords to attack. At this moment, the gate of the palace was suddenly kicked open, and a group of well-trained soldiers immediately rushed in and fought against the people in black.

An Jiqing ordered people to lift them out, and shook the antidote under their noses. Zili sneezed and found that her strength gradually recovered!

77 Volume Four, The Battle for Hegemony, Chapter 49 The End of My Love

The battle in the hall soon ended. Even though the people in black were good at them, they gradually lost the ability to resist under the siege of the army. Seeing the situation, they knew that there was no possibility of getting out today, so except for the soldiers who died. Under the sword, the others wiped their necks very simply. The culprit, Mo Huayan, escaped from the secret road hidden under the seat of the dragon chair under the desperate protection of several guards. Although Hongxu’s palm did not kill him, he suffered internal injuries from the internal organs. Enough for him to toss, and at the same time he received the news that the country had been invaded by the enemy, he was kindly treated if he didn’t die under the double blow, and what he could do in the current situation, he could only drag his wounded body and lead him. The 300,000 soldiers who were ambushing outside the city hurried back to Chizhao anxiously!

While the scene was being cleaned up, the squads of soldiers who had separately picked up people in the palace came back one after another. There were too many people but not chaotic, and the whole square was filled with Mimizaza in an extremely orderly manner. The concubines and concubines who were found too late to escape or did not intend to escape at all were found, and the servants in Gong'e were shoved into a pile to hang them aside.

Zili had just recovered from the paralysis of ten fragrant soft tendons, his legs and feet were still a little sore, and he was awkward when he walked. Hong Xu couldn't see it, and took him by the waist and put him in his arms. Regardless of whether this is a public occasion. Zi Li had a thin face and wanted to break free, but there was no sign of any loosening of the hand lying on his waist. The too big movements made it more eye-catching, so Zi Li had to hug him. Han Xiaocheng kept his eyes down to cooperate with An Jiqing's dressing, and he didn't know if the two people who were crooked here had seen it!

The last team also came back, and the prime minister Zhao Yiliang who had failed to escape was caught by them. An Jinluo's biological mother and the court lady eunuch guards and other more than a hundred people were included as gifts. They really doubted whether they were going out or traveling. A group of women were escorted forward crying and crying, and after they knelt on the ground, they begged for mercy, and the group of women before them began to cry.

"Shut up!" Wei Chen yelled first, and the women underneath immediately muffled their voices.

Then Zili spoke slowly, "This temple is not An Jinluo, so it will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If you are evil or good, the judge will review and decide. Come on, put these people in jail first!" Because the strength is not yet complete. Recovery Zili was too lazy to say too much, and just threw a word to the people below!

So far, everything is over! After more than half a year of hard work, their gang finally fulfilled the original revolutionary slogan of "Flawless, punish violence".

The next thing will be another new beginning.

On May 21 of Jin Xiao's forty-ninth year, Yu led troops to conquer the imperial city. On June 18th of that year, Yuying firstly ascended the throne as king, personally conferred meritorious officials, gave flour to a hundred officials, and amnesty the world.

"Huh... No more..." In the dangling quilt, two jade-colored arms slammed out of the hot and unstoppable quilt, pulling the bright yellow quilt and crawling forward.

"I want to escape my baby so soon, I just made enough money, and the interest hasn't been paid yet?" A low and magnetic Xi_ng voice teased like an interface, even though it is filtered by the quilt, you can still feel it