His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 12: Section 14


Busily kneeled down and flattered respectfully.

"Forget it!" Hong Qing didn't glance at it either.

When Zili heard that the handsome man in front of him was actually the unshaven Ninth Prince Hongqing who fell from the roof, his jaw was almost dislocated.

Well, this difference is too big, right

When the two children in Hongqing's hand heard that the man in front of him was a prince, they immediately stopped struggling. They looked at Hongqing with bright eyes. One of them seemed to want to speak, and the other hurriedly pulled his sleeves and rushed at him. Shaking his head slightly, the child who wanted to speak shut his mouth obediently. Hongqing saw their little movements in his eyes, but he didn't express anything.

"You, are you that Hongqing? That's the Ninth Lord Hongqing?" Zi Lihe pointed at him with her chin and reconfirmed.

"Yeah, yes! Yeah, aren't you the male waiter of Brother Huang?" After seeing Zili clearly, Hongqing immediately dropped the trophy in his hand and squinted before Zili, "I always wanted to find you, but Brother Huang refused to tell me. I didn't expect to meet you here, we are so destined!"

Zili felt harsh when he heard the word "male attendant", and he was very displeased and said: "I am An Jinyu, His Royal Highness Beiling III, not your emperor brother's male favorite."

"Yeah, you are the proton of Beiling? So it was you?" Hong Qing continued to languish without knowing that he had offended others.

Zi Li felt a little mad, and then said coldly: "Your Highness has something to do, let's take a step ahead!"

After talking about the perfunctory Xi_ng, he arched his hands and sat back in the sedan again, and suddenly found that Lian Pan was still kneeling on the ground stupidly, "Well, Brother Lian Pan, do you want to spend the night here?"

"Oh, oh. Then, the prince, the subordinates will also retire first!" He stood up after praying very reverently.

"Yeah, where are you going?" Hongqing stopped listening and finally saw him again. How could he let Zili leave so soon

"We are going to Xiangwanlou to listen to the tunes. Is the prince interested in coming together?" Before Zili could speak, even Pan quickly replied. There was also a wretched smile on his face.

Zili frowned disgustedly. What kind of pig friends and dog friends does this An Jinyu make

"Xiangwan Tower? It seems to be a good place, I want to go too. Brother Jinyu, take me with you too?"

Brother Jinyu? Are you so close to you? Zili looked at Hongqing, who looked at him eagerly like a puppy, with a black line on his face.

How old is this person

"The prince wants to go, we are naturally happy. Then the prince condescends to sit down on the official sedan chair?"

"No! This king doesn't want to sit on your sedan chair. This king wants to sit with Brother Jinyu." After saying that, he immediately bowed into the sedan chair, squeezed Zili to sit down, and said to the sedan chair, "Get up. ."

Zili is depressed! The sedan chair was originally small, and these three, five-thirty men squeezed in undeadly. It made me unable to move between him and the wooden frame like a meatloaf.

"Can you sit there for a while?" Zi Li said with a bit of gritted teeth.

Hongqing also sat very uncomfortable. He looked at a position where there was no room to retreat. Then he looked at Zili who was sandwiched next to him and said, "I can't make it, why don't you sit on my lap? So everyone Comfortable!"

Zili looked at the man who didn't speak his mind like a lantern.

Seeing that Zili didn't say anything, Hongqing thought he agreed, so he stretched out his big hand on Zili's waist and lifted it hard, putting him on his knees.

Zili only felt that when she was lightened, she found herself already sitting on the man's lap.

calm down!

Zi Li X_io_ng's mouth was undulating violently, mobilizing all her willpower to suppress the screaming and boiling frantic Y_u Wang in her heart.

However, it failed in the end.


"Dead-abnormal -"

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------

Passing by~~~~~~~~~

Drift away~~~~~~~~



What is Xiangwanlou? Hey, as the name suggests, Xiangwanlou is a brothel, a place for men to make fun!

To become the largest place in Beijing, Xiangwan Tower relies not only on the official forces behind it, but also the most important thing is that its software and hardware facilities are of absolute high standards compared to peers.

The girls in the building are all fragrant, tender and delicate! Not only is the appearance one of the best in a hundred, but even the talents are excellent. Furthermore, the structure of Xiangwan Tower can be roughly divided into east and west wings. The east wing is a performance hall for singing, dancing, singing, and bamboo dance, and the west wing is the bedroom for the flower ladies to rest or stay guests. In the middle is a small courtyard with flowing water and Yanliu Painting Bridge, which is also known as a small courtyard with flowers and weeds.

So under such unique conditions, how can the business of Xiangwanlou not be prosperous? How can men not flock to them

As soon as Zili waited for the sedan chair to hit the ground, she could not wait to get out of it. Hongqing Mo, who was following him, looked at Zili grievingly, with a few red marks on his face.

"Brother Jinyu, why do you want to be angry? And why do you want to claw my face?"

Zi Li continued to ignore him with a black face.

"Little Yuer;"

"Fuck, I'm not why your eunuch yells so disgustingly!" Zi Li finally couldn't help but yelled at him.

"But Xiao Yu'er sounds nice!"

"You are not allowed to call, you can only call me by my full name in the future."

Lian Pan, who had just gotten out of the sedan chair, saw the weird atmosphere between Zili and Hongqing, and couldn’t help but wonder, but he wisely didn’t mention it. Instead, he changed the subject and flattered them and said, "Lord, Brother Jinyu, I heard that There is another wonderful beauty in Xiangwan Lou. Not only is she proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also the dance is very beautiful! She has also learned an excellent massage technique, which can serve the gentleman. Full body Shutai! Since this one is here, why don't we go to meet this beauty?"

Zili actually didn't intend to go to any brothel with this Lianpan. He originally wanted to invite him out of the palace this time, and then found an excuse to sneak off halfway, sneaking into the street to buy the human skin masks and skins he wanted. Some camouflage tools such as fake beards and fake eyebrows. But who knows that he killed Hongqing halfway, not only just followed them, but also squeezed by his side to make him unable to move. Just wasted an opportunity to cover up, can Zili not be angry? Therefore, Zi Li, who was angry, couldn't hear Lian Pan Mei Fei Wu's introduction at all! He just stared angrily at the Nine Lords who was looking into the building curiously.

Lian Pan couldn't help wondering: If His Royal Highness Bei Ling, who is absolutely not below himself, had heard such good things in the past, he would definitely urge to go with a smile on his face. But why is there no response this time? Not only did he have no joy, but he also glared. Could it be that he offended him somewhere

Zili is not interested in entering a brothel, but Hongqing is very interested. Don't think he is now twenty and one, but he knows very shallowly about this aspect. The main reason is of course because of him. The imperial brother who protects the younger brother eagerly. Hongxu thinks that it’s not a big deal for men to enter a brothel for fun, but this is only for ordinary men. If the object is his Xi_ng’s simple brother, then it’s another matter. What’s the muddy place in the brothel? Can Hongqing go to Husband? Therefore, he was not allowed to go to these places for Hongqing. When he was a teenager, Hongqing was absolutely obedient to the Emperor's words. After so many years, he really hadn't stepped into these places. This one suddenly came here because Zi Li was going. So looking at the Yinggeyan Dance in the building, Yan Yan's lively scene of Jiu Yu couldn't help but be moved.

On Zili's side, Lian Pan saw Hongqing leaping over Y_u, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Why don't you go in if the prince is interested? How about letting the subordinates show you the way?"

Before Hongqing could answer, suddenly a girl smiling like a peach blossom came out from inside and said charmingly: "Oh, this is not His Royal Highness Jin Yu and Lord Lien.