His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 20: Section 23


He replied very orderly: "Yes, Your Majesty! Jinyu asked Lord Qing to go out for dinner!"

"Dining? Haha, I'm hungry too! Come, pass the food!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The palace attendants immediately arranged the countertops, and in a short while, they put up a table of fine food.

"Little Jinyu, come here."

"My Majesty, Jinyu just ate!" Zili refused. He really didn't want to sit with this man, it was too horrible!

"Come here, sit here." Hong Xu's tone immediately became colder.

"Yes." Zi Li had to sit in his Yin prestige seat.

Hongxu seemed to squint his eyes with satisfaction, then picked up a fish fillet in the astonished sight of Gong Attendant and sent it to Zi Li's mouth and said, "Open your mouth."

Zi Li glanced at him without seeing the expression of anger or anger, then opened her mouth obediently, bit the fish fillet and chewed it a few times, swallowing it without a taste.

Later, Hongxu took a few more dishes and fed Zili to eat.

"Your Majesty, I'm full!"

"Really? You only ate a few lipsticks of braised lion's head outside the palace, and now you are full with just this little bit?"

Hearing this, Zi Li felt cold on his back, and the man really knew everything about him. In fact, Zi Li also noticed that she was followed by a bunch of eyeliners as soon as she was out of the palace, but what she didn't expect was that these people would even report to him what they ate! And they did nothing more than instruct Hongxu! This man actually has to ask about such details, so does he understand the episode of going to the latrine with excuses

"Do you feel warm?"

"No, it's not!"

"Then are you full?"

"No, no, I'm still hungry!"

"Well, you eat all of these, so there is nothing left!"

Zili stared at the dishes on this table in horror, then looked back at Hong Xu.

"Why? Isn't Xiao Jinyu hungry? Then why don't you eat it? Or, I'll let someone feed you! Come here;"

"No, I, I'll eat it myself!" In Hongxu's cold eyes, Zili slightly shook his chopsticks and stuffed the food into his mouth;

The palace attendants on the side lowered their heads and dared not move a little. Mingyue saw Zi Li being swallowed by food from time to time. Although she was frightened, she still took the tea and put it in Zi Li's hand with a slight trembling, then bowed her head back to her original position in Hongxu's icy eyes.

Zi Li's heart suddenly felt sour, and the tears in her eyes rolled down.

"Are you full?"

Zili nodded tearfully with a big mouthful of food.

Hongxu leaned close, pressed his bulging belly, and whispered in his ear: "Do you have to know with me when you eat in the future?"

Zi Li nodded again.

"Also, you have to get my permission to go out of the palace in the future, you know?"

Zi Li stagnated, but finally nodded.

"This is good!"


After each update, I found that it took a long time for the layout to be displayed, so many people who came over and didn’t see it thought they didn’t even change it~~~


But the strange thing is that you can see it soon in the collection~~~

Uh, uh, I didn’t lie to everyone to collect it, the truth is like this!

Drift away~~~~~~~~

Chapter VII

It is not unfounded that Zili set the time to escape three days later, because he had already obtained an important message from the chat of the palace attendant, that is, that the emperor Hongxu would leave the palace on that day and go to the temple to perform the ordination. I heard that this is a highly valued activity. The father of the founding emperor Hongxu, his father's father, may also have several rules set by his father, which means that we will suffer with all the people and hope God will feel the same. Its sincere and wide-ranging Fuze.

Hearing this, Zi Li despised these polite emperors again. Chen Jie said so grandiosely, in fact, to put it bluntly, it's just that the emperor ate too much meat and wanted to chew the vegetables for two days!

But despised, Zili is still very fortunate to have such a good time.

As long as the abnormal tyrant leaves the palace, he can take this opportunity to escape! When everything was ready, Zi Li never expected to receive such a bolt from the blue.

"What?" After hearing the palace attendant's message, Zili immediately jumped up from the chair, shocked that the tea cup on the table slid around a few times, "Why do you want me to go? Why do you want me? go with?"

Being banned from going out of the palace is enough to annoy him, and now he is still allowed to accompany him? Mother, one is not his son, and the other is not his courtier. A protagonist of his own will actually go to him and pray for Chu Jing's blessings? Although he is not An Jinyu himself, as the current owner of this body, he is obliged to raise objections for An Jinyu! And the most important thing is if you follow, how can you escape under the perverted nose

Zili grabbed the two pendants on the hair crown and walked wildly in the room. Suddenly stopped and stared at the palace attendant, who had been standing by the side, and asked, "Isn't going there?"

The palace attendant seemed to be taken aback by Zi Li's question, and then he lowered his head calmly and replied: "His Majesty, the servant is just helping your Majesty to spread the word. Your Majesty said that if you have any comments, you can go to your Majesty."

As soon as Zili heard it, he fainted, and if he was to protest against the pervert, it would be better to just kill him.

"His Majesty, since it is your Majesty's will, please do it! Don't be stunned with your Majesty, otherwise you will be punished again." Mingyue also said softly from the side.

For Zi Li's current situation, Mingyue is mixed. She was not ignorant of the relationship between the emperor and Zili, nor was she ignorant of Zili's resistance to their relationship. Although she knew that Zi Li was not happy, she couldn't help but tremble when she thought of the emperor's tough methods and Han Sensen's sight. If His Highness disobeys his will again, won't he hit the stone with a pebble again, and feel the pain? Moreover, in this deep palace, a powerless duckweed can cling to a powerful person, and it is extremely difficult to find a shelter, especially when the powerful person is not a general imperial minister, but a superior commander. When the first person of the power of life and death, the Emperor Climbing Attached, although envy people, can also find a place to stay in this snake pool ant den!

The current situation Zili is indeed 10,000 unhappy, but he also knows that Mingyue is not false. If he goes against the perverted emperor's scales, he will definitely not have any fruit to eat. A hero can't show his immediate loss!

Zili could only sit back in the chair depressed and glared at the palace attendant who was speaking, and then waved at him irritably, "Okay, okay, just get out of the way after the message."

"Yes, yes, the minion retires."

Two days passed quickly. On the day of Jingjie, Emperor Hongxu took the concubines of the six palaces, hundreds of civil and military officials, a handful of senior nobles, and a large number of guards to the national temple Changkun Temple on the outskirts of the capital. Rushed.

Zi Li was extremely depressed sitting on a small sedan chair that fell in the long line, cursing, "This is clearly identity discrimination, dare to be sentimental is to drag me to foil." He opened the curtain and shouted. "Guys outside, do you think you are carrying a pole, have you shaken it enough?" But the shouts were soon drowned out by the crowds on both sides of the road chanting Long Live the Emperor.

Zili held his anger and fell down the curtain, and continued to curse: "Dead sedan chair, dead sedan chair, dead emperor;"


I haven't changed it for two days, because I ran to watch "Blade Hunter", and finally finished it, one word-like!

Yesterday a classmate went to scrape Gua Sha, and when he came back he yelled to me that it was so painful! Then show me her back full of red dots. I had a feeling when I saw it, why is it so like a hickey!


Then I thought, isn’t it often described in Tanmei novels that Xiaogong and Xiao Suo are covered with hickeys after Xiao Suo's body is over? So, aren’t those red dots just sucking Sha? The function is the same, but compared to scraping, this method is much gentler and more comfortable! No wonder people often say that it is beneficial