His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 35: Section 41


By herself, Zi Li coughed up blood foam close to the root of the wall and said, "Don't, don't kill me, I'm not a bad person!"

The man stopped in front of Zi Li, looked at him condescendingly, and suddenly squatted down to press Zi Li's carotid artery and said, "You are injured!"

"Crap, nonsense, cough cough, you let them beat up like this and see if you get hurt!" Knowing that this person is not malicious to him, Zi Li rolled his eyes weakly.

"It seems that we are about to reach the heart pulse!" The man said another inexplicable thing, "I have met you twice a day, and we are also considered destined. This pill will give you this pill, and it can keep the heart pulse after taking it."

Zili looked at the white jade bottle in his hand without knowing it, and when he looked up, there was no shadow of that person in front of him

"Cough cough." He stood up on the wall, and walked staggeringly to the gangsters who were still howling to pick up his burden. As soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw a group of officers and soldiers with torches coming here, people riding horses. It was Mo Cangjing.

He quickly leaped off his horse, ran over to catch Zili who fell forward, and said with a sad face: "I'm sorry, Zili, I'm sorry!"

Zili looked at Mo Cangjing, who was pale in front of him, with dumbfounded eyes, and then fainted;


The next chapter opens a new volume~~~~

∩_∩ haha~~~~

Children's shoes, please support~~~~

Chapter Thirty Three

With chaotic consciousness, the body seems to float up and down in a vast sea of water. The alternating hot and cold temperatures make people feel an illusion of constantly traveling between ice and snow and tropical deserts! Zili could no longer distinguish between reality and dreams. He saw his parents' faces and stroked his forehead tenderly and lovingly.

"Xiao Li, be good, come and take the medicine, so that the illness can be cured. If Xiao Li is cured, will my father and mother take you to the playground tomorrow?" they said.

Then I felt myself being lifted up, and then some bitter concoction was poured into my mouth, but as soon as it touched my tongue and stomach, it churned.

"Again, vomit again!" Someone seemed to say in a panic.

"I come!"

Opening his eyes in a daze, a light and shadow walked to the bed and gently leaned him in front of X_io_ng, "Zili, come on, open your mouth, take the medicine, take the medicine to get better!" The slightly hot thing approached. Under the nose, there was the unpleasant liquid again, and the stomach twitched again. Unconsciously using the tip of his tongue to resist the intrusion of foreign objects, the warm concoction flowed down the corner of his mouth, and he did not enter the collar of the robes.

Alas, there seemed to be a soft sigh in the ear, and then the lips were broken, a soft object was stuck up, clamped the tongue that was still resisting, and a warm current was sent down and slipped into the throat;

Slowly opening her eyes, Zili looked at the top of the tent blankly, how did she get back here? Patting his head still a little dizzy, Zili sat up and hung his feet by the bed, staring blankly at the bamboo forest that was rustling by the morning breeze outside the supported Xuan window.

When Mo Cangjing approached the door of the room, he saw such a calm and gentle picture. The young man in white robes sat on the edge of the bed in a daze. Exposed under the lion’s mouth, the pitiful but gnawing deer, under the right collarbone, the slightly open neckline reveals a beautiful jade skin and a looming cherry red, two jade feet that have not touched the ground The immature children shook lightly in tandem like a play.

The young man's side face draws a soft and warm line, and his long eyelashes half-hid his eyes as bright as stars and crystals, leaving only the misty and calmness of mist and rain.

"Zili!" Mo Cangjing called, her voice soft as if she was afraid to disturb the elf-like young man.

When Zi Li heard the words, the soft light in his eyes was condensed, and it was clear and vaguely distant from Mo Cangjing.

Mo Cangjing felt a pain in her heart, and the slight bitterness spread to the whole heart. He approached, his eyes were a bit bitter and authentic: "Zili, I'm sorry, what happened that day; I shouldn't have treated you like that, but you must know that the man you hit is the monarch of our Chixiang country. You slap him in the face. , It’s not only his people, but also the country he represents. I was short-tempered at the time. I didn’t know the severity of the attack and hurt you. I’m really sorry!”

Zili's gaze softened, "You have nothing to apologize to me. I was also stunned for a while. I didn't realize that this is no longer my hometown, and not everyone is equal! If you weren't like that, you I really don't know if I have already been decapitated because of the following crimes today!" Zi Li laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

Mo Cangjing looked at Zili who was smiling like a spring breeze with uncertainty and asked, "Then, do you forgive me or not be angry with me?"

Zili smiled quietly: "Didn't you just say it? You don't have anything to be sorry for, so what can you forgive me?"

Mo Cangjing smiled relievedly, "You slept for three days, and you should be hungry now! I have asked the chef to make millet bird's nest porridge. Get up and eat!"

"Well, I'm really hungry too!"

"Come on, put on your coat first. It's not easy to do it, but you can't catch the cold anymore!"

The handmaid quickly brought up a cup of bird's nest porridge. As soon as Mo Cangjing opened the lid, Zili was moved by the glutinous and fragrant smell. She endured patiently watching Mo Cangjing spoon out a small bowl, and raised her hand. When I wanted to take it, I realized that my right wrist was wrapped like a zongzi, and there was another problem in the restaurant.

"I'll feed you!" Mo Cangjing said amusedly at Zi Li, who was looking at her right hand with a troubled expression.

Zili glanced embarrassingly at Mo Cangjing and glanced at the handmaid who was waiting nearby.

"No problem, come on, open your mouth!" Mo Cangjing blew the porridge in the cold spoon to Zi Li's mouth.

If he still pushes it, it would be twitchy, so Zili no longer hesitated to enjoy the food delivered by the prince himself.

After eating a cup of bird’s nest porridge, Zi Li squinted his eyes comfortably like a kitten. This lovely action saw Mo Cangjing’s eyes rippling in his heart again, and he let it go. Empty bowl said: "Don't go to sleep when you're full, go for a walk in the garden!"

Although Zili didn't want to move, she agreed to think about the benefits to her body.

It is summer now. The lotus pond in the palace is full of white or pink lotus. The lush green lotus leaves tightly inlay the water surface without gaps. The morning sun is not very fierce, and the just right sunshine seems to be sparkling. The golden noodles are spreading down, and the wind seems to be rippling away with the lotus leaves. This reminds Zili of Yang Wanli's poem "The lotus leaves are infinitely green in the sky, and the lotus is red in the sun." This situation is really beautiful, Qingxin is astonishing!

The two walked for a while before entering a pavilion to drink tea.

Zili had never been a grudge, and she quickly became a glimpse of the previous unhappiness, and she couldn't help but get acquainted with Mo Cangjing again in terms of attitude.

These changes of Zili fell in Mo Cangjing's eyes, and Mo Cangjing was naturally happy. When the two were chatting and chatting happily, suddenly the butler came to report: "Master, there is someone in the palace, and the emperor declares you to enter the palace!"

Mo Cangjing paused, then smiled helplessly: "Zili, I;"

"Go, go, it's okay, I've seen it last time, the emperor of Chixiang country is not such a good servant, he won't be furious if he delays it!" Zili waved her hand, expressing understanding. Said.

"Then I'll go first. You still have some bruises on your body. Don't go out indiscriminately. Just ask the steward if you have any instructions." Mo Cangjing exhorted again before leaving.


I'm sorry, everyone, I originally wanted to open a new volume in this chapter, but after thinking about it, I'll open it a few chapters later. Then it's when Zili returned to Hongxu's side! Hehe, I know everyone is looking forward to it!


Chapter Thirty Four

This is a very luxurious and splendid bedroom. On the west wall is a black lacquer inlaid with snails, clouds and dragons. The head is slaughtered, and there is a pair of peaceful elephants on both sides. The north wall