His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 39: Section 46


With some unconcealed anger, he clenched his palms on the soft couch, pursed his lips and looked at the man in front of him with a coquettish smile on his face, but the smile fell in his eyes. A triumphant smile or a win-winner smile.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable? I heard that you drank the medicine obediently today!" Hong Xu raised his hand to Y_u and probed his forehead.

"Pa" Zili couldn't help but slapped his hand away and stood up, glaring angrily at Hong Xu whose expression changed.


The next chapter will explain why Zili is sad and angry!

: I will be very busy this month, I don’t know when I will be free and when I will update, so the progress will be very slow and slow! Please forgive me! What?~~~~~~~

By the way, today is Children's Day. Happy Children's Day everyone!

Haha, if not, it’s not bad to be an over-aged child~~~~~


chapter Five

"What are you doing?" Hong Xuhan said with a solemn face. Although there are times of awkwardness on weekdays, I have never dared to collide head-on like today. The hand being slapped didn't hurt at all, but Zi Li's behavior undoubtedly touched his bottom line of connivance. As a king, as long as he shows a little bit of favor, no matter it is his concubine and his subjects, he can't hide the joy in his eyes. Only the person in front of him, dares to brush off his own kindness with such disdain? Hongxu's thoughts became more and more angry, and the anger writhing in his heart turned into a Yi-n bird of prey with deeper eyes.

"What am I doing? I feel disgusting! Do you find it funny to pretend to be a good person every day? Can playing me like a clown adjust your lonely and boring life?" Zili's X_io_ng was violently ups and downs, and he squeezed Clenched fists angrily yelled at the man in front of him who thought he was invincible.

"What are you crazy!"

The smile in Hongxu's eyes has been completely constricted, and Yi-n's recovery is bitterly cold, even Zi Li, who has an attitude of letting go, can't help being cowardly. However, the cowardice was quickly replaced by the anger and humiliation after the fact that there has been nowhere to evaporate since these days.

"I'm crazy? I've never been so sober. I've been playing around like a fool before. Do you find it interesting that everything is under your control? I wonder why the dignified prince ran away. No officers and soldiers came to chase, and the towns along the way did not hear of any major criminals wanted by the government. The journey went smoothly. I was stupid thinking that I was lucky. It turned out that all of this was your acquiescence or even intentional work! Knowing that I wanted to escape, I deliberately let me accompany me to Changkun Temple, and I deliberately arranged for me to live in the backyard without guards." Dense sweat oozes from his forehead, and his pale face is also faint. Qingqi, he took a few deep breaths and said, "You must be laughing coldly when I thought I was free. Just like watching a monkey juggling, its struggle and its efforts to escape are also in your eyes. It's just a grandstanding show!" Zili bit her lower lip as soon as she finished speaking, in case she couldn't help groaning because of the pain in her heart!

Thinking that her escape for more than a month was just a game for entertainment, Zi Li couldn't help trembling all over. He felt like a helpless animal trapped in a hunter's trap, no matter how desperately he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the full circle set by the hunter. The despair of facing poverty and the powerless feeling of being a weak made him abhorrent! Therefore, he resents this manipulator who controls the overall situation, and he is obviously deliberately pretending to be a passerby to rescue him. Is it possible that the evil taste of cats and mice can reflect his superiority and his power

He has been completely abandoned by his own world, and came to this unfamiliar time and space alone. Now he is nothing more than just wanting to stay away from their group of princes and generals who are full of ambitions and powers. That's the life of ordinary people! Isn't it possible that such a requirement is also not acceptable

"Done?" Hong Xu stared at Zili, who seemed to him to be a little overwhelmed, unmoved. The sharp and compelling aura mixed with indisputable absolute authority step by step walked to Zi Li, the tall figure shrouded him, he raised his slender and powerful fingers to pinch Zi Li's bottom.

Ba, with a sullen expression, his thin lips that seemed unsympathetic suddenly conjured a sarcastic smile.

"It seems that you are not stupid yet. I guessed that I deliberately let you escape based on the few words Hongqing said." The deep eyes that couldn't show a trace of emotion suddenly became dark, and the force in the hand increased. After a few minutes, Zi Li just bit her lip without humming.

"After saying so much, every sentence is blaming me, but I don’t mean to reflect on it! You want to leave this place, okay, isn’t I as you wished? You have all left Chu Jing and ran there. Chixiang! You blame me for letting you escape deliberately. Do you want me to catch me as soon as you leave the city gate?" Hongxu squinted dangerously, and suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him forward. Pressing X_io_ng in front of her, she looked down at Zili with a distorted face and said, "Ask yourself, if it wasn't for your concubine that broke your heart, you would still blame me for deliberately letting you escape. A chance? Ho, I'm afraid it's too late to thank you!"

"We are not in that kind of relationship!" Zili gritted her teeth, "Why don't we talk about it without starting? I am angry and sad because I hate myself for being too naive and incapable of seeing people."

Hong Xu snorted coldly, "You seem to be sorry that you didn't start! Huh? Are you still arguing?"

When he learned from the secret guard report that the two had an ambiguous attitude and close demeanor, he wanted to immediately order the person to be taken back and lock him firmly by his side and never let him leave for half a step. But no. To be a good hunter, you must be patient. Since the deer can’t escape his sight anyway, why not give him more time to let the deer know that once he gets out of the bounds, it will be a good one. What a dangerous thing! After the deer comes back, as long as you gently comfort him when he is fragile and injured, will he still be afraid that he will run away again? But the facts are always unsatisfactory. To blame, the deer is so agile, and he has noticed his intentions so quickly! Hongxu thought angrily.

Why is the time to get along with yourself so short! But I was able to spend a month with others, smiling at others, and whispering in their ears;

Thinking of this, Hongxu couldn't help getting mad. Looking down and seeing Zi Li's face enduring the pain, he was even more angry.

"Is that person really worthy of your frown all day? Just because he kicked you away, he cast his anger on me! Huh? What is good about him, is it because the bed skills are so good that you make you Y_u 仙Y_u Death? If this is the case, I am definitely better than him, and I promise to keep you out of bed for a few days!"

Zi Li was trembling with anger. He endured the vague heartache and roared: "Don't think everyone is as nasty as you; ah, what are you doing, let me go; well;"

Hong Xu didn't wait for Zi Li to finish, and suddenly pushed him down on the soft couch, pressing his wagging hands with one hand, and said with a cold face: "Dirty? Do you think I am nasty? Huh? Isn't it to you? That’s great, the more you become angry and forget your identity? Huh? If that’s the case, then I will teach you a good understanding of who you are today!"

After speaking, he immediately pulled Zili's robe severely;


Please support us on the first day of the repost!


Chapter Six

The tearing sound of the cloth finally evoked Zi Li's fear of being concealed by anger. He paled and shook his lips and shouted, "Don't be like this, Hongxu, you; um;"

Hongxu rubbed a bunch of rags and stuffed it into his mouth, the hostility Yi-n all over his body was shocking.

"Why? It's just one of our thousands of bed servants. I think I can treat you a little bit better to be pampered and arrogant, so I choose whether I want to split my legs and let me fuck?"

Zili shook her head and whimpered, tears streaming down the corner of her eyes.

Hongxu ignored his resistance and drew out his belt.