His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 41: Section 49


Alas, how could we both be so unlucky on such a disaster-prone lord! There is also a father in my family who is sick in bed. If I die, the silver pair selling medicine will be broken! "

Under the willow tree by the lotus pond, the two court ladies said with sad faces.

"It looks like someone is dying!"

"Well, it should be the person who lives in Xiahe Palace, who moved here a few days ago. Once I saw it from a distance!"

The two ghosts who were squatting right in front of the two palace ladies eavesdropped openly.

"Anyway, idle is also idle, why not, let's go and check it out!" Suddenly the beauty is very gossip.

He leaned at her contemptuously for a while, then stood up voluntarily, "Hurry up if you want to go, it's a long time!"

Walking along the pebble path to the main hall, I saw that the door of the hall was wide open.

The two ghosts craned their necks and looked in curiously, their eyes gleaming brightly green to dig for privacy.

"You can't see it, let's go straight in!" The beauty said that she had already walked up the white jade level with her skirt.

"Wait for me!" He didn't want to lag behind and quickly followed.

Although he had only crossed the wall once, he was still a little uneasy when he saw himself drill into the door, for fear that he would hit the bridge of his nose. But obviously he was worrying too much, but they had entered the dormitory in the blink of an eye.

The scene in front of him was not much different from what he had imagined. The patient was lying on the bed lifelessly. A corner of the openwork fence blocked most of the patient's head. From his angle, only a thin white jade-like chin was seen. There are several imperial doctors working profusely around the bed, acupuncture and moxibustion for a while, hot compress for a while, medicine for a while, and massage for a while. The battle is almost as good as the chef's assorted smorgasbord.

And in the middle of the room stood a man who was overwhelming and terrifying. He looked Yi-n and the birds of prey were staring at this group of dead horse doctors.

"Come here, drag me out all the waste that is only a vegetarian meal!" The man suddenly shouted coldly.

"Your Majesty, be merciful, your Majesty—" The poor doctors immediately knelt on the ground with a "poof", begging for mercy.

Suddenly, a palace attendant rushed in from outside the door and said: "Your Majesty, Doctor Li is back!"

Several underground doctors heard that the visiting doctor Li returned, and they were all excited by desperation.

Sure enough, in a short while, he saw an old man with a horoscope walking in, and his appearance was obviously rushing back non-stop.

He saluted the man without sweeping the colleague who was kneeling beside him. Then he went straight to the bed and looked at it. Everyone in the room remained silent, for fear of making some noise that the man would "drag it out and cut it." "The command.

After the diagnosis, the doctor Li turned his head, as if he had only discovered a colleague who was kneeling on the ground. He waved his hand impatiently and said, "What do you guys do here, the doctors don’t need you to mess around like this. Go out, and I will call you when I ask for your help!"

The man didn't speak, it was regarded as acquiescence to Doctor Li's disguised plea. Only then did several imperial physicians walk out in a panic.

The attendant closed the door, and only the man and Doctor Li were left in the house, and of course the two ghosts who eavesdropped on the wall. At this time, I saw that they had moved to the bedside.

"Tsk tusk, what a little beauty, is she going to die? It's a pity!" Beauty said with a sad expression on her face.

"Come on, you!" He disdainfully said, "Obviously it's a look for fear that the world will not be chaotic!"

"Why do you kid always reveal my bottom?"

Just trying to hurt her a few words, she was suddenly attracted by the roar of the man on the side.

"You mean, he has become a living dead?" The man growled in a low voice, his beautiful eyebrows looked Yi-n heavy because of his anger, full of those that seemed to crush a person's head in the next second. Violent.

The doctor Li explained to the angry man neither humble nor arrogant: "That's right, Your Majesty. It's a blessing to be able to maintain this situation now! As the official said before, Prince Beiling has a weak foundation and can't stand the excessive emotions. The spleen and viscera will naturally hemoptysis when he is depressed from the heart, and at this time his body is severely poisonous, and the poisonous gas attacks the heart, which is even more serious;"


Why is he poisoned? What kind of poison? "When the man heard this, his eyes were red and anxiously roared.

Doctor Li looked at the frequently furious monarch and sighed: "Actually, the reason why Prince Beiling was poisoned, your Majesty, half of you can't shirk the responsibility!"

"I? Were he poisoned?"

Doctor Li nodded slightly, and then said: "Your Majesty, although the subordinates don't dare to guess the purpose of your actions like this; but, you have put a confusing heart on the prince Beiling! Use your own blood to cultivate the poison The worm can have the consciousness of communicating with the host. When it is dropped into the host, no matter how far away the two are, as long as the host issues an order, the worm can communicate to the host, or secretly control the host’s physical and mental consciousness. In fact, This is not poisonous, it's just a manipulation that uses Gu as a medium! But the bad is bad. This kind of Gu worm will release a liquid. If it doesn't encounter Ambergris, it will be harmless. If it encounters Ambergris, it will be harmless. Grass, that can become the poison of drama Xi_ng. The initial period of the attack is heartache, the intermediate period is seven holes of blood flow, and the final period is a sudden death, and it is an extremely painful death! Ambergris is not suitable for our country Water, soil and climate, so we Chujing people rarely grow it, but it is a very common dish condiment in Chixiang;"

The man walked to the bed with a gray face and looked at the weak-breathed young man carefully. Then he took him up and held him tightly in his arms, with a very sad expression, "Doctor Li, save him! I order you to take him right away." The poison from him is detoxified."

Doctor Li bowed his hand in embarrassment: "Please forgive your subordinates for incompetence! Your majesty, at present, subordinates can only use drugs to prevent the spread of venom, as for detoxification; please give the subordinates more time, and the subordinates will try their best to develop solutions. medicine!"

"How long do you want to develop? One month? One year? Or ten years?" the man gritted his teeth.

"Your Majesty;" Madam Li bowed his head helplessly, and suddenly stepped forward and replied as if he was thinking of something. He is exquisite in medicine and good at detoxification. It’s just that this person lives in an unfixed place, likes to travel around, and Xi_ng is a weird personality. It is said that he is only willing to heal people who think he is related to him and those who can fulfill a request he made!"

"I don't care whether he lives in an unfixed place, whether Xi_ng is tricky, in short, I will dig him out by digging three feet!"

"Oh, I'm afraid it's difficult to find that medicine hand!" After listening, the beauty shook her head and sighed, "The little beauty is invisible, but it just tossed me;"

"Hey, you, what are you doing? Don't think that handsome guys can't see you, you can just assault them!" He pointed to the beauty who suddenly walked behind the man and hugged him.

The beauty turned her head back unconvinced and glared, "What's your name? My emperor's son, isn't it possible to hug your mother?"


Yesterday, many people left a message saying that they could not understand Chapter 7 or that they could not connect, so after reading this chapter, do you think Mo has a clue

In fact, I arranged this way mainly because Zi Li's prejudice against Hongxu was too deep. If it were to be written in a normal way, I don't know that it would take until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to fall in love with each other. Now from the perspective of a stranger, standing in the position of an outsider, using an objective attitude to re-recognize Hongxu’s goodness and affection for herself, in this way, Zili will be relieved of his previous suspicions, will have a good impression of Hongxu, and then will Fall in love with this overbearing emperor attack, and then there will be a future for development! One additional sentence: That "he" is actually Zi Li's soul! )

Having said so much, I wonder if you can accept it. If you have any questions, please leave a message~~∩_∩~

Thank you for your support, bow~~~~~~~~

: Today is the first day after the college entrance examination. The children's shoes in the third year of high school should be able to relax well~