His Majesty’s Hostage

Chapter 74: Section 88


Moving even a little leisurely facing the oncoming behemoth. Seeing that he was about to hit, he saw Linlong suddenly pull up, an arc that can pass over the forehead of the black horse, and turned a somersault in the air straight down in front of the black horse. The white mist sprayed, and then the jaw was dislocated. Suddenly he drew his head close and affectionately against the dark horse's neck.

How strange this scene looks, a huge beast is nestling next to a horse. The dark horse let it act like a baby with a calm expression on his face.

"Who can tell me which play is this?" Zi Li muttered that it was more than his own voice.

With a hiss, Linlong immediately stood up obediently. Qu Zai shook his mane, Zhao Zili raised his neck and barked his teeth. Linlong immediately spread his wings and flew into the cave, biting Zili's back collar and slowly landing.

Hongxu watched with bated breath, for fear that it would let go of an instability.

Zi Li finally touched the ground before she could breathe a long sigh of relief. Suddenly, he was hugged tightly by a sudden black shadow. The familiar breath made Ziligang Y_u's struggling hands and feet freeze for a while, and then he struggled firmly.

"Don't be afraid, baby, it's me!" Hong Xu said in a deep voice in Zi Li's ear.

"Let go, I want to go to the ground!"

Looking at Zili who immediately separated the two, Hong Xu was stunned, "What's wrong? Is it because I didn't come to save you and made you scared? Baby, I know it's wrong! Don't be angry, okay?"

"No! I just think it's better not to be so affectionate in front of others!" Zili lowered his eyes to avoid his sight.

"Ga—" Suddenly heard a faint long beep.

Linlong immediately raised his head, and the dark horse immediately raised his ears, which was a slightly childish cry.


Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a young dragon the size of a horse flew towards this side trembling slightly in the air. When I found alien creatures gathered at my door, he immediately stopped his castration and hesitantly hovered over his mother's head.

Linlong blasted off into the air, grabbed this son who had gone out privately for two days, and threw it in front of the dark horse. The young dragon shook his head with two beautiful red horns aggrievedly, and Zi Li discovered that a piece of white silk was wrapped around the roots of its wings. The poor little guy was actually hurt! But who helped it bandage

The young dragon looked at the black horse in front of him, blinking Shui Shui's eyes, and suddenly screamed affectionately and rushed over.

To Quzi, Zili is now very puzzled. A horse can suddenly bring the rumored dragon so close. Is Quzi really a horse

"Your Majesty, how to deal with this Linlong?" A subordinate walked to Hong Xu's side and asked in a low voice.

"... Linlong is not good!" Hongxu groaned for a moment, then cast a look.

The knowing people immediately took arrows and aimed at the unconscious Linlong in the field.

Zi Li was taken aback, "You, what are you going to do to kill it?"

"Don't go there!" Hongxu pulled Zili to his side.

"Wait, Hongxu, Linlong is not like your rumors. On the contrary, they are gentle and gentle, and they saved General Wan Qian and me, didn't they?" Zili clenched Hongxu's clothes and looked begging. !

The Linlong who noticed the abnormality here immediately turned around vigilantly, and when he saw the crowd with swords drawn, he immediately flapped his wings in anger. The violent wind raged, flying sand and rocks, and lost everyone's sight. When I looked again, the two Linlongs had already flown high in the sky and circled. The circle fell into the cloud.

Everyone had no choice but to curse a few words in angrily and went back to the house.

Volume Three, Fiery Love, Chapter 47 Parting

The autumn breeze is bleak and the weather is cold, and the vegetation is shaking and dew is frost. In Xiao Sha's late autumn season, even a scene in the palace could not avoid decadence.

After returning from hunting, Hongxu found that Zili was obviously in a state of lack of energy. Probably because X_io_ng took the palm of Wan Tuo Pengwei's mouth. Although he was relieved of his strength by the soft armor, he was afraid of leaving any hidden dangers. Therefore, Hongxu asked the holy medicine hand to come to see and ask for treatment every three to five. All I got was the ambiguous reply, "Whether he is sick depends on whether he wants to be sick or not, and if he is sick, he still needs medicine!" Although Hongxu was unhappy, he was helpless!

With a light sigh, Hongxu waved everyone away and stepped into the inner room, and saw Zili sitting at the window in a daze. Wrapped in a thick fox fur, exposed

His small face was white as jade, his empty eyes, pursed lips, and slightly frowned eyebrows seemed to entangle this infinite sadness. At this time, the boy was like ice frozen on the treetops, shattered at the touch of a touch, fragile. People feel distressed.

"What are you thinking about?" Hongxu walked over and wrapped his whole child in his arms, and asked in a low voice with his cool hair attached to his chin.

The person in his arms struggled slightly, Hong Xu stubbornly tightened, and the struggling movements quickly calmed down.

"What are you thinking?" asked again.

"... It's so cold in autumn here!" Knowing that if he doesn't answer, Hongxu is bound to keep asking questions.

Finally willing to speak! When the goal was achieved, Hongxu chuckled in satisfaction. Finding his hand hidden between his sleeves, it was really cold. He stroked Mo and clasped it on his cheek, "It's like this in autumn? What should I do in winter?" Chu Jing has always distinguished four seasons, but Bei Ling is All seasons are like spring! "

Withdrawing her hand, Zi Li lowered her eyes.

"The plum blossoms in the backyard will be blooming in a while, can we go to enjoy the plum blossoms together?" Hongxu stuck to him again. "My dear, why don't you go pick peaches in the imperial garden? The peaches there are about to fall out!"

Zi Li closed her eyes and didn't talk to each other.

"My dear, look at your two guards. They fiddled with the gunpowder all day and bombed the Xiahe Palace. Sooner or later, it will blow up the palace too!"

"Baby, do you want to sleep again?" Hongxu shook his body, "just as a reward for me to come back early this morning to accompany you, take a good look at me and talk to me?"

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Raised his hand to tentatively.

Zili turned her face away from him immediately, and Y_u stroked her forehead with her hand, "I'm fine!"

Hongxu's expression dimmed slightly, and the hand that was stopped in the air was lost and retracted, "Baby, can you tell me why you are unhappy? Is it a dark horse worrying about you? If that's not necessary, I've sent someone to find it! "

"... It is not a mortal thing, it must be better if it is away from me!" Zi Li said after a moment of silence.

"Then, I'm worried about Wantong Pengwei's misunderstanding of you? Don't worry, I will find out that the guy behind will not make you wronged!"

"Is the Yi-n conspiracy against me still small? No matter, even if the murderer is really caught, your courtiers will not change their views of me. … Such words have almost become synonymous with me!" Zili said lightly, looking at the lonely curled leaves outside the window.

Hearing the words, Hongxu pulled his body and looked straight into the black onyx-like eyes, "Just for this to be angry? But I know you are not, baby, why be familiar with them! Your emotions are too easy to be influenced by others. , This will only make you depressed in China and Japan!"

Zili pushed away his hands, "You are the emperor and you would naturally say so, because others dare not disagree with you, but I cannot bear the criticism from others. No matter how important I am in your heart, But in the eyes of others, I am an Israeli servant in exchange for the pros and cons of a prostitute who is like a small official prostitute. Although this body is a proton from another country who is imprisoned and has no power and is inferior to the general public, in the body Although it is a soul from another world who is helpless and hesitating to death! But I have dignity and I care very much. I am not a child who is scorned by others. No matter how precious or nervous you are to me, this kind of rhetoric will always be in my heart. A thorn that can't go away! So with you, I won't be happy!"

Hongxu's heart hurts, is he unhappy? Are they all superficial illusions in the past

"I thought... as long as we love each other is enough!"

"Yes, as long as you fall in love, you can ignore everything. Hongxu, it is your self-righteousness that makes your love a burden to me!" Zili's tone became rigid.

Hongxu frowned, feeling that the person in front of him was a bit unreasonable