His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad

Chapter 7: sleep


Before long, Chengyang heard the sound of the door being pushed. He lay on his side, turned on the recording mode on his phone, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of footsteps approaching.

As soon as the executive entered the room, he saw a person lying on the bed. The person was facing him sideways, but the little outline of his face that was exposed made the executive excited.

The executive even swallowed his saliva at the thought of possessing this beautiful boy immediately.

He came to the bedside, first lifted half of the quilt covering Chengyang, and then turned Chengyang's body over. The plump man was about to lean down when the originally closed eyes below suddenly opened. .

The sparkle in those eyes was bright, and there was no sign of coma at all.

The executives were stunned and couldn't understand how Chengyang could wake up after taking the drug.

"It's you!" Of course Chengyang remembered this person. The way this person looked at him yesterday was like a hyena looking at delicious meat, greedy and disgusting.

"You didn't take your medicine?" The executive felt that this was the only possibility, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with Chengyang.

"Eat." Chengyang sat up, the smile on his face looked cold and frightening, and the executive stepped back.

"Then how did you..."

Before the other party finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chengyang: "You didn't faint, did you? You ordered these two druggings, am I right?"

Chengyang got out of bed and continued recording on his phone.

"I gave you a reward of hundreds of thousands, just to make friends with you." The executive changed the subject.

Chengyang walked to the TV, unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank some water.

"What kind of friend, the kind of friend you can sleep with?" Chengyang curled his lips and smiled sarcastically.

"You play the game very well. As long as you are willing to follow me, I can let you enter the professional team immediately." The executive threw the bait to Chengyang.

Chengyang simply laughed out loud. He reached into his pocket and turned off the recording.

"Thank you for your kindness, but to be honest, you are too ugly. I feel like throwing up my lunch when I look at you more." Chengyang raised his eyebrows, his handsome face full of mockery.

"What did you say? Chengyang, don't be shameless!" The executive was directly angered by Chengyang, and the next moment he pounced on Chengyang fiercely.

Chengyang's body was pushed backwards and hit the edge of the cabinet. The pain in his back made Chengyang frown.

But then Chengyang's brows relaxed, and he calmly picked up the ashtray lying there beside him. With a slight smile on his lips, he smashed the ashtray onto the executive's forehead.

The ashtray was made of solid glass, and it smashed the man's head in an instant. The man let out a shrill scream and was drunk. The fat body that was about to be hollowed out suddenly collapsed.

Chengyang put the ashtray back and looked at the man with lowered eyes like he was looking at garbage.

He took out his cell phone, squatted next to the man, turned on the recording and played it for the man to listen to: "Let me remind you, I am not unprepared this time."

Just when Chengyang was about to stand up, he suddenly thought of something, so he smiled again and told the executives: "This time I and Li Ye have discussed it, and I deliberately lured you here. Of course I don't have the medicine." eat."

"In addition, thanks to your help last time, I also hooked up with a powerful person. That person is younger than you, more handsome than you, and richer than you. Any place is a hundred times better than that of a senior executive. ."

Chengyang looked down at the man on the ground struggling hard, his expression extremely painful, and he kept trying to get up and hit him, but he was too fat and couldn't get up no matter what.

"If you really want to hate someone, I suggest you hate Li Ye and the others." It would be best if the two parties can fight each other. Chengyang made up the above words temporarily.

There was blood rolling on the executive's forehead, and the floor was soaked in a short time, which looked a little scary.

Chengyang controlled some strength without using all his strength. He adjusted his expression, opened the door in panic and ran out.

There were no police officers on the cruise ship, only security personnel. Chengyang ran to find a security guard and said that he had accidentally injured someone.

Soon the medical staff came and carried the man lying on the ground with a pool of blood to the infirmary.

The man was still unconscious. We could only wait until he woke up to find out what the situation was. The cruise management would find someone to watch Chengyang.

The accident was reported to Sheyan not long after. Sheyan was really surprised when he heard that Chengyang had injured someone.

I put aside what I was doing and rushed to Chengyang's place. I saw a small room with Mileyang sitting alone against the wall with a calm expression.

Sheyan had a close friendship with the owner of the cruise ship, so he took Chengyang out of the small room and brought him to his room.

Soon Sheyan learned the full story from Chengyang, including the previous time when Chengyang's friend betrayed Chengyang for money. This time, the other party still refused to give up and still wanted to touch Chengyang.

Chengyang played the recording to Sheyan. Listening to the conversation inside, Sheyan's originally solemn face was now covered with cold frost and snow.

"When Li Ye and the others brought the medicine, I felt something was wrong and dropped the medicine. Now that the medicine is here with me, I think if I check, I should be able to find something." No matter which direction it comes from , all Chengyang Zhanli.

"That's it, don't get involved." Sheyan's eyebrows arched, and he was obviously really angry. He had classified Chengyang as one of his own, but there was still someone so short-sighted.

"Well, I think he won't dare to do anything else." Chengyang felt that the recording in his hand should be enough.

"Thank you." Chengyang expressed his gratitude to Sheyan for showing up immediately and taking him out.

Chengyang probably knew that Sheyan might have some power, but he didn't know exactly how powerful it was.

Chengyang's room was temporarily unavailable. It was the scene of the incident anyway. Sheyan meant to open another room for Chengyang. There were still free rooms on the cruise ship.

He had just smashed the head and made blood. Since it was the opponent who made the first move, Chengyang's counterattack was not wrong.

Looking at the man who cared about him in front of him, Chengyang suddenly said, "Can I stay with you?"

This cruise trip was only a few days away. Chengyang thought about it and realized that he liked Sheyan quite a lot. If he could live with Sheyan in the next few days, he felt that he should have a very happy life.

"You want to live here?" Sheyan wasn't sure if Chengyang had thought clearly. Living with him also meant that they would share the same bed.

"I want to live here." This is nothing less than a disguised show of goodwill. Chengyang has never taken the initiative like this, and there will probably never be such an opportunity in the future. It is rare to indulge in one's life.

"Okay, I'll have someone bring your luggage up for you." She Yan informed his assistant as he spoke.

Sheyan suddenly intervened, and the matter of the executives being beaten was immediately suppressed. This was someone else's territory on the cruise ship. Sheyan wanted to do something more, but he had some concerns, but he also talked to the cruise ship management. He said hello and asked them to take good care of the executive who was trying to gain Chengyang's ideas.

As for Chengyang's two friends, their freedom was temporarily restricted and they would be dealt with after getting off the ship.

Seeing something that alarmed many people, it fell silent for a short time. Others were curious and wanted to know more, but only a few people involved knew the real situation.

The ship moved forward slowly at night. As soon as it happened in the afternoon, Chengyang's live broadcast was postponed to the evening. First, he sincerely apologized to everyone and said that something had happened. Some new fans complained a few times, and more I still said it doesn't matter. Sometimes if something really happens, it doesn't matter if I stop broadcasting for a while.

After broadcasting live in the Internet cafe for more than two hours, Chengyang subconsciously walked to his room when he returned. Halfway through, he realized that the room had been changed.

Chengyang took the elevator up to Sheyan's floor and was given a room card. When he entered the room, Sheyan was sitting in front of his laptop busy.

Chengyang saw that Sheyan was concentrating on his work and didn't bother him. He took his pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a bath, he settled into the soft and comfortable big bed.

"...Don't work too late, go to bed early." As soon as the words came out, Chengyang wanted to cover his face with the quilt. How could these words sound like inviting someone to bed.

Chengyang blushed slightly and shrank down a little.

But Sheyan really listened to Chengyang, closed his notebook, stood up and went to the bathroom.

The side of the bed sank because another person sat down. Chengyang bit his lower lip. Suddenly a hand came over and pulled his lower lip out from under his teeth.

"Don't bite me." Sheyan leaned over Chengyang, and his heavy figure made Chengyang feel nervous.

At that moment, the atmosphere seemed to have reached its peak of ambiguity.

"Go to sleep."

But the next moment, Sheyan saw some timidity in Chengyang's eyes, caressed the soft lips of Chengyang, let go of his hand and lay back.

The lights in the room went out after a click. Chengyang breathed a sigh of relief, but also seemed to feel a little disappointed.

The previous sexual intercourse probably opened a certain mechanism in Chengyang's body. The man was lying on the same bed with him, and his breath seemed to be filled with the hormones of the other person. Chengyang suddenly lost his sleep, and his body felt empty, wanting to be... People hugged tightly.